Hogwarts Legacy

Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
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Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather
I couldn't find an existing thread, so here I go!
Inside all the PS5 excitement was an extra piece of exciting news for fans of the "wizarding world" universe - a new open-world RPG coming in 2021.

Information here and here

Are you excited for this new game? Anybody else ready to hop on the hype train, or do you think it'll be in the bargain bin in 6 months after its release?

Personally, I want to be excited. Set long enough ago (but not so long ago) that there isn't too much we already know about the era and limited possibility for retconning and the like. I'm also totally up for an open world game that doesn't take too much time or effort for me to get the universe. (I'm still like nowhere in Red Dead Redemption 2 because I just can't be bothered to try to understand it.) But, the HNZ admin inside of me is so afraid of what new pseudo canon shenanigans might be afoot. D: (P.S.: How JKR says you become an animagus is still not how you become an animagus.)
I am SO excited, I've been talking about this for a couple of days and im in the discord server for it as well as connected to all the socials. I want this to go well, I really want it to go well, but I'm trying to be cautious because you just never know with HP how it's going to turn out. I'm curious about the idea of this late admission and the ancient magic. I assume the late admission is an excuse for your character to be more age appropriate to take on the trials of magical adventure, but it's never heard of before. Or perhaps you were homeschooled before deciding to attend? Who knows.
I am, and have been excited for this game since the initial leaks. Despite how divisive it’s been, I’m going to be getting it. It’s exactly the kind of game I’ve wanted for a long, long long time. I am also hoping it doesn’t come out with some bogus new canon. I am a bit concerned about the timeline, and how it might connect to Fantastic Beasts (I think the game is late 1800s but doesn’t specify when), I.e McGonagall having been a professor in the movies despite being chronologically like eight years old when Newt was a student.

(I do like to imagine that some of the steps to becoming an animagus that JKR made up is just misinformation and gossip on HNZ, and that there’s students trying to keep mandrake leaves under their tongues in the hopes they’ll just magically become animagi :r )
I assume the late admission is an excuse for your character to be more age appropriate to take on the trials of magical adventure, but it's never heard of before.
I think it's likely more that they didn't want to develop 7 years of Hogwarts content before letting you into the open world. (And that this would perhaps be frustrating for players - it's almost two entirely separate games at that point.) I just hope the time in Hogwarts doesn't feel like only an extended tutorial or something. :erm:

I am, and have been excited for this game since the initial leaks.
Warner Bros. sure did a good job keeping mum about it even after the leaks!
I am a bit concerned about the timeline, and how it might connect to Fantastic Beasts (I think the game is late 1800s but doesn’t specify when)
I'm hoping that timeline gives us just enough buffer before the events of the Fantastic Beasts junk to not really touch on it. But agreed, they should have gone a few decades earlier to really set our minds at ease.
I do wish it was a post HP era, and I so wish it was on PC because that's the only gaming system I have :lol:

BUT, I'm incredibly excited about it and you bet yo' ass I'm getting a PS for it!!

I don't know too much about it - like I didn't know about the late admission which I think is annoying, I just want an open world Hogwarts is that too much to ask :lol:
To be honest, I'm not a big video game person. I like games where I can't die and Sims so this isn't something I usually attempt. However, it does look interested, but I'm with Donna. I wish it was for PC, as well. I probably won't play it otherwise because I don't have a need for a PS (unless it can work on PS2... which I still have...). The graphics look really nice, though.

But I also like the idea of exploring yet another time period of magic rather than it all being set in the 1990s. Now we just need something Mauraders based.
Ahhh yess its gonna be on the xbox one (which i have) so hopefully i can get it haha! it seems very exciting!
They're opening it to as many consoles as possible, that can run the engine. The design is more organic so they're hoping it won't take as long to transfer from one to another. It's mostly optimised for PS5 so its not certain if all the achievements will transfer to the other consoles, but it's going to be exciting either way!
It is going to be on PC, but we're not sure about MAC yet! Also Xbox One series and PS4 I believe
This is still a problem because I have a Mac :cry: But good to know!
the problem with games on mac is that they need to be recoded for apple specs. i’m not a developer so i don’t know much about it but i’ve been told it’s a lot. if they can do it they will, but it’s all up in the air at the moment and certainly not likely to be released at the same time as everything else
the problem with games on mac is that they need to be recoded for apple specs. i’m not a developer so i don’t know much about it but i’ve been told it’s a lot. if they can do it they will, but it’s all up in the air at the moment and certainly not likely to be released at the same time as everything else

I definitely understand that, and Macs really suck for gaming anyway (my laptop sounds like it will flying off into space everytime I try to play Sims for too long). It makes sense to focus on other platforms first.
Macs really suck for gaming anyway (my laptop sounds like it will flying off into space everytime I try to play Sims for too long)
Even the best windows gaming laptop will sound that way. Laptops are compact, compact isn't great for dissipating heat, fans help with that. Some premium solutions aim for very quiet fans, but the faster they have to spin the louder they always get. (Though some macs relying entirely on passive cooling would make them especially bad candidates...)
There's no real hardware reason why macs would "suck for gaming" - just a economical reason - it's not worth the money to make it compatible for the relatively small user base.
Hahhahaa yes okay that's so true!! I think if it followed canon more, then that would be great?? A proper post era haha. I just think it'd be cool to have something more today-esq. I think Hogwarts Mystery put me off going backwards?
does any of this make sense my brain isn't working
Hogwarts Mystery has a lot of awful and conflicting information, and I don’t enjoy the younger versions of characters as much (like Tonks, Charlie, et cetera) compared to the original characters. I think that’s what I’d prefer for a post-HP game, as close to the canon in setting, but without any major ties to the actual canon characters
think Hogwarts Mystery put me off going backwards?
I haven't played Hogwarts Mystery - that's the mobile games with long wait times for actions, ya? What makes its backward thing extra awful?
I think that’s what I’d prefer for a post-HP game, as close to the canon in setting, but without any major ties to the actual canon characters
This is actually why I prefer the idea of a game set back in time! Other than the marauders and founders, the canon doesn't have too much of the past filled in. (Now we're getting Newt and Grindelwald, I guess...) So it feels like having a little a little piece of history with no or little ties to existing characters is easily done. Anything post-canon it's all children of people we knew, or people we knew as key figures in society, for like 100+ years after the events of the novels! D:
Yeah i like the idea of it being pre-hogwarts and this seems far enough removed to not really impact anything. It’ll be good to see what happens from here on in.
This looks so fun! I can't wait. I also wish they'd gone just a little further back, but am excited anyway. I think I'm most excited to see the magical creatures at work!
So do I plan to play it on a current gen console, or do I plan to go next gen in order to play this game? 🤔

Also, my friend is pretty sure this game will be bargain bin in a year. :(
awe no - why do they think that?

I'm gonna go next gen bc hopefully I'll be in the UK by then and I won't have any of my consoles with me - no point buying the same console again
i hope so - i’d be very upset for it to lose out straight off
Bumping this because not sure if anyone else saw but there was a State of Play this morning with lots of info on Hogwarts Legacy - new trailer included!

Here's the trailer link!

I didn't actually see it at the time because I was at work but I'm watching it now. Apparently you start as a 5th year, which is pretty neat - saving you from years of tutorials I guess.

the potions prof is kinda cute tbh

There's obviously a lot of controversy about the whole thing but it does look pretty neat and I'm hopeful for it!

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