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I want to change my answer to this question,
all questions (i dont think i missed any)
poison ivy
my two favourite heroes are panacea and tattletale

as for Halloween costume. i don't usually do Halloween (though i often ear something themed in case i get trick or treaters) one costume I remember was as a spider witch where i cot some lacy fabric with cobwebs on and sewed it over a dress and made a cloak. another costume i remember was a witch when I was quite young. i can't remember much about it but i had a cloak made from one of my mum's sparkly green shawls and a broomstick and my face was painted.
I'll make this next question Halloween themed:
What is the best/your favorite Halloween costume that you've worn?

I have to think about this one!
I dressed up as I used to back in high school days. Full on trench coat, chains, black lipstick and eyeshadow.
Here's another Halloween one: Candy corn - yes or no?
I've never had it! I don't think it exists here xD
We also don't really celebrate Halloween, though it's slowly becoming more of a thing.
We don't have candy corn either!! :p
That's still answering the question. So, no, you don't have it. :p

I'm also a no, but it's a no I don't like it. :)
Oh, how sad that there are places that don't enjoy Halloween. The decorations best the decorations for any other holiday.
I dressed up as I used to back in high school days. Full on trench coat, chains, black lipstick and eyeshadow.
Remind me to run the other way if I ever see you in a dark street.

As for candy corn. I thi k I may have had it once or twice possibly. But there are far better lollies. So no.
I've never had candy corn either, i don't imagine i'd like it.

I'm somewhat concerned about halloween this year, i live fairly rurally, and i live in a flat/house set up where my front door is right on the street in a cul-de-sac, and like does this mean i should buy sweet and halloween stuff incase kids come to the door. i've never had trick or treaters come to my door, i've always lived in flats where they don't do that....
I'm somewhat concerned about halloween this year, i live fairly rurally, and i live in a flat/house set up where my front door is right on the street in a cul-de-sac, and like does this mean i should buy sweet and halloween stuff incase kids come to the door. i've never had trick or treaters come to my door, i've always lived in flats where they don't do that....
Easy solution: buy sweets just in case. If they don't come, you eat them yourself :p
I've never had candy corn either, i don't imagine i'd like it.

I'm somewhat concerned about halloween this year, i live fairly rurally, and i live in a flat/house set up where my front door is right on the street in a cul-de-sac, and like does this mean i should buy sweet and halloween stuff incase kids come to the door. i've never had trick or treaters come to my door, i've always lived in flats where they don't do that....
I'll send you some so you can know for sure. :p
I've never had candy corn either, it's not a thing here. There's an import food store in town that might sell it occasionally but I've never actually seen it.
I think I've had Candy Corn before, but I don't remember it tasting that great :p
I love Halloween but I think that's also because it's right next to my birthday ;)
All you guys are missing out on candy corn....and what about apple dipped in caramel with nuts on it???
Remind me to run the other way if I ever see you in a dark street.
I don't actually look at all that scary. If you heard me speak, it diminishes all sorts of fear.
High pitched voice with a southern accent.

Also, I loathe candy corn.
Apple's dipped in caramel yass! No nuts though :p
New question! Still halloween themed (ish).
Are you superstitious about anything? If so, what?
I'm not usually, although I do get nervous if I only see one magpie by itself!
The first time I had even heard about superstitions was when I was about 13, and I walked under a ladder. The guy freeeeaked out and I was like what.
Also opened an umbrella inside and people were like DO NOT!

So I'm not that superstitious haha but I did used to believe that carrots would help me see in the dark.

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