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It kinda depends on what you count as weird, but probably like black pudding and haggis, if you consider Black pudding is a type of blood sausage and haggis which is sheep's pluck cooked in a sheep's stomach......

Other than that probably snails.
In my first year of University I had to eat weetabix mixed with mustard and baby food as part of the society initiation.
New question!

What's the strangest thing you've eaten?

Bugs - I've had a meal worm and cricket before.

Pigs feet and oxtail. I don't eat any of that stuff anymore.

I'm thinking of going vegetarian.

Oops, misspelled.
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Black pudding is a type of blood sausage
Ya, definitely context based because where my family is from, blood sausage is pretty normal food item. We call it morcilla. I eat a lot of it this time of year.
weird things I have eaten.
witchetty grub (well part of one cut up and covered in a sauce)
crocodile (tastes like fish but with the texture of chicken)
kangaroo and emu (our coat of arms)
beetroot soup. (an interesting flavour that i will be in no rush to remake but a spectacular colour)
and the one form of lolly I can keep in the house and I know my family won't eat. extra salted liquorice with extra salt.
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I feel like sashimi is the weirdest thing that I have eaten and not liked. Raw fish is just not my favorite thing at all. But if you give it to me cooked I am all for it!
This will be the last question of 2018! It'll be a simple yes or no one (though stories of your first snow encounter are welcome)so join in! ^_^

Have you ever seen or touched snow in person? :o

Yes to both for me!
Yes! I live close enough to sea level that we only ever get a couple of cm settled at my house, but I used to live much higher up on a hill, and playing in the snow is a big part of my childhood memories :D
I've touched snow before! I went on a (5 hour) drive to get to the snow on the mountain, and it was hecking magical!
This will be the last question of 2018!
Gosh how is it almost 2019, it feels like 2018 just started even though it's almost christmas xD

I've for sure seen and touched snow in person!! Where I live does get snow, it doesn't settle enough for it to be fully snowy each winter but occasionally there's a few days of full snow which is lots of fun!!
yes and yes. I grew up in the UK so snow was something that happened every winter. thus i can't remember my first experience of it.
I can remember my two most recent experiences. my most recent experience was this year on my birthday I was in Argentina and we went up to the Andes mountains and went sledging.
the time before that was two years ago yesterday, I was in Germany and visiting Neuschwanstein castle the night before had been the first snow of the year so when I was there it was all perfect and sparkly white. leaving it to feel like somewhere between Narnia and a fairytale. it was, unfortunately, a little foggy to see the castles, but the snow was worth it.
I don’t like snow but I have touched it! There is this one memory of mine from when I was younger. I remember this beautiful snow and my mother was driving with me on the way to pick up pizza from Papa Murphy’s and I don’t know why but it was very enjoyable. It my favorite memory of snow.
I've definitely touched snow! It's not here every winter, but often enough especially the last few years. I always like it until I have to bike in it xD
Snow is relatively common here, depending on where you are, I saw some snow recently(ish) in like October as we were driving to this gorge and with the way the light was hitting, the snow and the sort of orange of the heather, some parts of the landscape looked gold.

But, otherwise, touched snow and seen it. not a huge fan tho
Yes to both. While I like to look at snow, I certainly hate driving in it. The south doesn't exactly know what to do when it snows, but we have ice much more than snow.
Happy New Year everyone! It's a new year, so here's a new question, sort of.

Tell us something new you learned this week.

I learned that the perfect grilled cheese (for me) has mozzarella and provolone cheese in it. It was a game changer. :p
Aaah man it's weirdly hard to think of anything lol but sticking with a food theme yesterday I learned a new boiled egg marinade recipe I'm dying to try out some time this week :p
I've waited 14 years too long to start watching Prison Break
I learned today that my grandfather (on my mother's side), my mother and myself all applied to do archeology in some form and all got rejected. I didn't know this at all, but it made me laugh cause clearly something doesn't want my family digging up the past.
I was doing my daily danish lesson, like you do, and one of the phrases that I had to translate was “who is the prime minister?” Due to the nature of politics here I looked it up and I learned that Australia has a new prime minister. That is if you count August as new. What can I say? I don’t usually pay attention to the news.
I learned how to cut corners at work.
I cut corners off of carpet tile for the last 2 days, so 20 hours combined. A co-worker and I made so many jokes on it.
This is going to sound extremely deep, but what I've learnt is that you can't really control your feelings and how you feel about things, but you can change how you react to them and handle them :D Just had a few issues this week, but issues are good because you get to learn from them once they are resolved ^_^
I've learned that people do care and are willing to help if you're willing to reach out to them first. Should have learned this a long time ago, but better late than never I guess :tut:

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