Flower Delivery & Sign Up

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Rose Holland

🍬Honeydukes Asst. | Impulsive | 2049 Graduate 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Straight)
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Laurel Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
7/2031 (30)
The Hogwarts gardens have had a bit of a late bloom this year, but there are finally baskets full of roses ready to spread love throughout the halls! It's time for rose deliveries!

((We'd like to apologise for the late deliveries this year, time got away from us a bit, but rose time is here at last. Thanks to the admin, we're still allowed to do the event just a little bit later than normal. Since it's a bit late, signups won't be open for as long as usual. So sign up and get your roses in while you can!))

First organised by Alexis many IC years ago and then run by Steven for many years, the Flower Delivery Service is an In Character event organised this year by Rose Holland and Kauri Tipene with help from those at the Wild Patch. You can choose from three different coloured flowers, and you can send as many as you like. Your rose can be delivered with or without a note attached to it, the choice is yours. On Valentine's day, these roses will be delivered to their recipients. While this event is all about spreading some love around the school, it's also about character interaction, meaning that characters that might never meet because of house and/or year difference will get the chance to interact with one another. It's pretty simple and loads of fun!

Do not sign up if you will make this process unnecessarily difficult (i.e., refusing to post a lot of topics or refusing to deliver flowers to specific characters/role players.). This is meant to be fun, let's keep it that way!

Do not sign up with multiple characters if you do not have the time to hand out roses with more than one character, so think carefully about how many characters you want to sign up with.

Please try to be conscious of the number of roses you're sending! We want everyone to have fun sending and receiving messages, and part of everyone having fun is making sure the deliverers don't wind up too overworked, and have enough time and energy to dedicate to each delivery. There's no limit on how many you can send, but please keep the deliverers in mind when you're writing them!

As I mentioned before, you are able to choose three different coloured flowers, each one of them has its own meaning to it. Red is love, yellow is friendship and pink is admiration aka crushes.

To have one or multiple roses delivered, please PM me on Rose Holland ASAP in the format below

Dear Recipient Name,

*Message here.*

Name or leave blank.

Please don't forget to state which coloured rose you would like sent as well. You can also do multiple roses but please put them separately in spoilers with who they are sent to and which colour rose they are being sent.

Like last time, I will make a directory of all the roses that will be delivered.

You have until June 7, 23:59 CET to send a PM to Rose Holland with the flower(s) your character(s) would want to have delivered.

In Character Valentine's day is coming up soon so people who would like to have their character(s) volunteer and deliver the flowers, please put your name down and wait for further instructions.

For your character(s) to deliver the flowers, you have until June 7 ,23:59 CET to sign up!

Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. -
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -

Flower Delivery sign up:
[*]Rose Holland
[*]Kauri Tipene
[*]Alice Holland
[*]Emily Madison
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Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. Madeline Kaimarama
  6. -
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
Code said:
Flower Delivery sign up:
[*]Rose Holland
[*]Kauri Tipene
[*]Alice Holland
[*]Emily Madison
[*]Madeline Kaimarama
Thanks for putting this together again, guys :wub:

Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. Madeline Kaimarama
  6. Elliot Briar
  7. Solomon Tofilau
  8. -
  9. -
  10. -
  11. -
Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. Madeline Kaimarama
  6. Elliot Blair
  7. Solomon Tofilau
  8. Mark Ross
  9. -
  10. -

Flower Delivery sign up:
[*]Rose Holland
[*]Kauri Tipene
[*]Alice Holland
[*]Emily Madison
[*]Madeline Kaimarama
[*]Elliot Blair
[*]Solomon Tofilau
[*]Mark Ross
Please can someone sign up Leda Layton and Tres Bear II - on my phone today! Thank you :)
Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. Madeline Kaimarama
  6. Elliot Briar
  7. Solomon Tofilau
  8. Mark Ross
  9. Leda Layton
  10. Tres Bear II

Flower Delivery sign up:
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)][I]Rose Holland[/I][/COLOR]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Kauri Tipene[/COLOR][/I]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Alice Holland[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Emily Madison[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Madeline Kaimarama[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Elliot Briar[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Solomon Tofilau[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Mark Ross[/COLOR]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Leda Layton[/COLOR][/I]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Tres Bear II[/COLOR]
Please sign up Alexis Kramer. I'm in the middle of a class right now. Thanks!
Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. Madeline Kaimarama
  6. Elliot Briar
  7. Solomon Tofilau
  8. Mark Ross
  9. Leda Layton
  10. Tres Bear II
  11. Alexis Kramer
  12. Zennon Baros
  13. Cyrus Baros
Flower Delivery sign up:
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)][I]Rose Holland[/I][/COLOR]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Kauri Tipene[/COLOR][/I]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Alice Holland[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Emily Madison[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Madeline Kaimarama[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Elliot Briar[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Solomon Tofilau[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Mark Ross[/COLOR]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Leda Layton[/COLOR][/I]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Tres Bear II[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 205)]Alexis Kramer[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Zennon Baros[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Cyrus Baros[/COLOR]
Flower Delivery sign up:
  1. Rose Holland
  2. Kauri Tipene
  3. Alice Holland
  4. Emily Madison
  5. Madeline Kaimarama
  6. Elliot Briar
  7. Solomon Tofilau
  8. Mark Ross
  9. Leda Layton
  10. Tres Bear II
  11. Alexis Kramer
  12. Zennon Baros
  13. Cyrus Baros
  14. Signy Forstrom
  15. Vader Hume
  16. Cyzarine Haden

Flower Delivery sign up:
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)][I]Rose Holland[/I][/COLOR]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Kauri Tipene[/COLOR][/I]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Alice Holland[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Emily Madison[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Madeline Kaimarama[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Elliot Briar[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Solomon Tofilau[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Mark Ross[/COLOR]
[*][I][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Leda Layton[/COLOR][/I]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Tres Bear II[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 205)]Alexis Kramer[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(0, 100, 0)]Zennon Baros[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Cyrus Baros[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(184, 134, 11)]Signy Forstrom[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Vader Hume[/COLOR]
[*][COLOR=rgb(178, 34, 34)]Cyzarine Haden[/COLOR]
A reminder that you have only a bit more than a day to sign up and send in your flowers! I've received many already, and I'm happy so many people signed up so quickly too. Thank you guys!
A few more hours!

EDIT: It's now closed, thanks for signing up! Expect your roses in two days :D
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Rose have been sent out! Thank you to all the volunteers.

It's said in the PM but just to repeat it here, we are aiming to have all roses up by June 30. If you are unable to do so, please let us know so we can look for alternatives.
The Y33 Rose Directory is up and ready to blossom in all the lovely colours of your deliveries! Once your threads are started please remember to PM me the links so I can fill out the directory and make it look pretty! It's also helpful if you tag posts with 'rose deliveries' and 'rose deliveries y33' to make it nice and easy to look back on all the year's fun together :) Thank you all again for all the time you've volunteered to write messages and make deliveries, the response this year has been fantastic and I can't wait to read all your awesome threads and watch the drama unfold! <3
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