Edmund Westwick

Edmund Westwick

department of mysteries head 🕷️ spider twin 🕷️
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Analei ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Acromantula Web Core
10/2032 (31)

Name: Edmund Clinton Westwick
Meaning: Edmund - Protector of Riches, Clinton - Hilltop Town
Birthdate: October 31, 2032
Zodiac: Scorpio

Strengths: Loyal - Passionate - Resourceful - Observant - Dynamic
Weaknesses: Jealous - Obsessive - Suspicious - Manipulative - Unyielding

Being a Scorpio born on October 31st, your calm, ambitious and passionate personality defines you. You strive for success, which explains why you are dissatisfied with anything other than being the best. Passion runs deep within you and pushes you to conquer challenges and meet your goals. Although you are highly ambitious and driven, you maintain an outer calm, much to the surprise of your friends, coworkers, peers and family.
Hometown: Oamaru, New Zealand
Birthplace: Oamaru, New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed
Wand: Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Walnut Wand with Acromantula Web Core

Length: A fairly average length for a wand, not at all uncommon or very special.

Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: A wand for the brilliant, often used by innovators and creative types - a Walnut wand in the right hands will do its owners bidding unquestioningly.
Core: The web of an acromantula is especially strong, so as a core it helps to add a punch to spells. It has been known to be useful for spells of a darker nature. Wands with this core would have no effect against a Basilisk or against a wand that had a core with a part of a Basilisk.

Flexibility: Flexible: Not easily broken, this wand performs under strenuous circumstances with little effort - though how well it performs is ultimately up to its wielder.
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw

Hair: Black and cut short and neat.
Eyes: Dark brown and very wide, often with heavy bags.
Build: Scrawny and relatively unfit.
Complexion: Very, very pale.
Style: Black and old fashioned.
Distinguishing Features: Edmund is never seen without his twin brother, and their joint stares can be quite unsettling.
Playby: Craig Roberts


Personality: Edmund is, at heart, one half of a whole. He is rarely, if ever seen without Theodore, the two having been attached at the hip since birth. Although Edmund is the more social of the two, seeing other people as a great experiment for him to play with, he shies away from large crowds and loud noises, and prefers time alone with his brother. He has a deep interest in the macabre and historical, as well as his arachnid and entymological studies, which he won't hesitate to draw from to dissuade nosy or noisy advances. He enjoys solitude with Theodore above all, diving into books or stories of their own creation.
-Edmund has a great propensity for absorbing and retaining information that interests him, and loves to learn and discover new things.
-Edmund likes to think outside the box, and often has creative solutions to challenges.
-Of the twins, Edmund is bolder around other people, and usually takes charge in social situations with other people.
-Edmund, frankly, wouldn't know how to make a friend if one hit him in the head with a pack of heart shaped biscuits and a note that said "Let's be friends!"
-Edmund's curiosity can manifest as cruelty and manipulative behaviour when faced with others.
-Edmund does not adapt well at all to new or unfamiliar circumstances, and prefers to hide in the familiar than facing and/or learning from them.
Reading and Writing - Edmund and Theodore have spent their youth reading and writing, weaving stories to entertain themselves.
Piano - Edmund began learning piano from his father at an early age, and is reasonably skilled at playing.

Insect Collecting - Edmund has a large collection of insects he has identified over the years.
Personality Type: INTJ (The Architect)
It's lonely at the top, and being one of the rarest and most strategically capable personality types, Architects know this all too well. Architects form just two percent of the population, and women of this personality type are especially rare, forming just 0.8% of the population - it is often a challenge for them to find like-minded individuals who are able to keep up with their relentless intellectualism and chess-like maneuvering. People with the Architect personality type are imaginative yet decisive, ambitious yet private, amazingly curious, but they do not squander their energy.

Strengths: Quick, Imaginative and Strategic Mind, High Self-Confidence, Independent and Decisive, Hard-Working and Determined, Open-Minded, Jack-Of-All-Trades
Weaknesses: Arrogant, Judgemental, Overly Analytical, Loathe Highly Structured Environments, Clueless In Romance

History: Georgina Westwick inherited a large and very old house from her grandfather, aged just nineteen, while still working on her degree. Upon finishing her studies, she and Douglas chose to move into the tumbledown victorian mansion and begin fixing it up to raise their family. Theodore and Edmund were born shortly after renovations began, and grew up in the mostly-crumbling victorian house, developing a love for exploring its rotting passages and discovering secrets long-forgotten in the many crumbling rooms and corridors of the oldest parts of the house. They often went against their parent's wishes by exploring parts that they deemed too dangerous, creating secret hideaways. The two didn't have much contact with other children growing up, as they almost always spent their time together and away from strangers. The twins also loved to explore the woods around their house, making many secret hideouts there as well. where they developed a fondness for the spiders lurking in every corner, and began to collect insects themselves out of curiosity. When the twins weren't exploring either inside or outside the house, they entertained themselves by reading old books that were left behind in the house by occupants decades ago or playing chess together. At peace with their odd interests and one another's company, they grew up happily, spending their days exploring imaginary worlds together and researching the macabre.

Health: Edmund is of average health, though he is slightly nearsighted, for which he wears contact lenses.

Goals: Gaining information around the world around him and passing through it with Theodore unassailed.
Fears: Losing Theodore.
Secrets: Edmund sometimes wishes his brother was more open to the idea of the two of them making other friends.
Regrets: Not having his own identity.


Colour: Black
Food: Black pudding
Smell: Mildew, old air, petrichor
Music Genre: Classical

Animal: Spiders
Name: Douglas Westwick
Date of Birth: 2011
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Piano Teacher
Name: Georgina Westwick
Date of Birth: 2010
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Biologist
Name: Theodore Westwick
Date of Birth: 31/10/2032
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Entomologist
Name: Augustus Westwick
Date of Birth: 9/2039
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Flourish & Blotts asst.
Name: Analei Westwick (neé Louw)
Date of Birth: 14/9/2034
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Auror
Name: Scylla Westwick
Date of Birth: 5/2059
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Baby
Name: Charybdis Westwick
Date of Birth: 5/2059
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Occupation: Baby
Zodiac information from here and here. MBTI information from here.
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From the beginning, to Edmund the idea of Hogwarts was just as intimidating as it was exciting. For a boy used to being half of a whole, the prospect that he and his twin could be separated into different houses was unthinkable. To their relief, the hat kept Edmund and Theodore together and placed them in Ravenclaw, a house both boys found quite agreeable, though the same couldn't be said of their classmates. As the twins went about familiarising themselves with their new home, they met new enemies around every corner, repeatedly upsetting and offputting their new classmates by nature of their standoffish demeanours. The castle held plenty of delights to keep the twins occupied though, there was always a new passage to search for or bugs to hunt, and Edmund found himself actually sorry to be returning home when their first year ended.

If the prospect of a sorting that could potentially separate him from Theodore for seven whole years wasn't panic-inducing enough, doing so in a crowd of what felt like hundreds of other frightened children made it absolute torture. Holding on to Theodore's hand for dear life, Edmund tried to keep his eyes forward and avoid looking around at the throng. Everyone was so noisy, so much, it was impossible to really focus. Only Theodore's hand was keeping him grounded.

The view upon entering the Great Hall was almost enough to snap Edmund out of his panic. The ceiling was beautiful, this castle was gorgeous, what sort of secrets were waiting to be uncovered in a building so grand? The adventure ahead to be had was... something, even with the threat that they may have to have it separately. He squeezed Theodore's hand in fear as the sorting began, realising that their names would fall torturously late in the alphabet. And Edmund would have to go first, to brave the hat alone, and hope Theodore followed him. The pack around them blessedly dwindled, leaving the twins standing only with a mere handful remaining by the time the names reached the W-s.

"Westwick, Edmund!"

Edmund looked over at Theodore for the first time since entering the hall, knowing that at least he wasn't alone in this distress, before reluctantly releasing his hand and making his way over to the hat. The separation anxiety had distracted him until now, but at last Edmund realised just how visible it was up here, how many hundreds of people were all staring at him, waiting to find out what kind of person he was. Horrified at the prospect, Edmund closed his eyes and folded his hands nervously in his lap, awaiting the dreaded verdict.
ApprehensionWith Theodore Westwick, Athena Rey-Martinez, Jasmine Wolfe, Xavier Mackintosh, and Grayson Wolfe
Two at OnceWith Theodore Westwick and Emmett Lancaster
Journey's BeginningWith Theodore Westwick, Aras Urbonavicius, Lucinda Sylvester, Bradley Ahn, and Athena Rey-Martinez
Creeping ShadowsWith Theodore Westwick
The HuntWith Theodore Westwick
I Spy with My Little EyeWith Theodore Westwick, Alexis Sage Kramer, and Professor Katherine Alicastell
Dusty Walls to Hide BehindWith Theodore Westwick and Stella Wright
Halloween (Left)
With Theodore Westwick as Eyeballs
Best Overall


Having spent most of their first year discovering the secrets of Hogwarts castle itself, Edmund's interest shifted. He still found the castle fascinating, but with less new places to explore, he began finding more fascination in the minds of his classmates, in particular trying to get to know Lucinda Sylvester better. He had a few other notable encounters with younger students, but didn't make anything that could be considered a friend, and as ever, Theodore remained his closest companion. Towards the end of the year the two were caught on a forbidden forest excursion by a prefect, who to their surprise didn't turn them in, but all three were discovered moments later by a patrolling professor, and to Edmund's disappointment, he and Theodore received a detention.
People WatchingWith Theodore Westwick and Diana Holland
In The Dark UnderneathWith Lucinda Sylvester and Dominique Malone
It's our Town, Everybody ScreamWith Theodore Westwick
Tangled BranchesWith Theodore Westwick
SmileWith Theodore Westwick and Kira Wolf
Still WeirdWith Theodore Westwick, Xavier Jeffreys, and Professor Sarah Harrington
Caught More than Just BugsWith Theodore Westwick, Professor Sarah Harrington, and Professor Jonathon Phillips
For One and Not The OtherWith Theodore Westwick and Geovanna Volt
KeysWith Analei Louw
Halloween (Left)
Theodore Westwick as
Spirits of Comedy (Edmund) and Tragedy (Theodore)
Best Group


Upon returning to school for their third year, Theodore fell ill quickly. Although usually Edmund would have stayed with him, and surreptitiously done his best to get the same illness so the twins could match, Edmund just didn't feel like it. Upon taking the time to explore the school instead, he found himself wrapped up in a pleasantly horrible bit of bullying with Diana Holland, a girl he had met the year previous. Finding her much more pleasant than in the past, Edmund spent more and more time apart from Theodore, hanging out with Diana, and before long the companionship turned romantic. While he wanted to tell Theodore everything it was difficult, and Edmund's reluctance resulted in a blow up, the first truly terrible fight the Westwicks had ever had. Though they spoke occasionally afterwards things were stilted and distant, and though his relationship was far more pleasant than Edmund had ever thought a relationship could be, Edmund found himself for the first time cut off from his other half.
A Paper Forest to ExploreWith Theodore Westwick and Nymphea Wells
JudgementWith Diana Holland and Abian Hunter
Seen a Tarantula?With Theodore Westwick and Professor Monty Pendleton
Cutting Through the CracksWith Diana Holland
Imperfect ReflectionsWith Theodore Westwick
In Your Black HeartWith Diana Holland
Ensnared in Your WebWith Diana Holland
Cold Hearts WarmingWith Diana Holland
Cracks in the GlassWith Theodore Westwick
Shine BrightWith Diana Holland
Yule Ball
With Diana Holland
Valentines Dance
With Diana Holland
Halloween (Left)
With Theodore Westwick as Tarantulas


Edmund's fourth year could not have possibly begun upon a worse note. Theodore committed what Edmund considered to be the ultimate betrayal - imitating Edmund and breaking up with Diana disguised as him. The brothers fought furiously, and though Edmund tried, he was unable to patch things up with Diana. He grew deeply resentful of his brother, branching out alone and even going as far as switching beds to be further away from Theodore in their dorm. The only light in this dark time was the piano lessons he was giving Analei Louw, whose company soothed Edmund's troubles. He didn't realise the Hufflepuff was developing feelings for him until Valentines, when a rose from her revealed the change in their dynamic. What should have been an easy moment was made difficult, when Diana showed up in the middle of Analei's confession at the Valentines dance. Edmund chose wrong, and hurt Analei's feelings. Quickly realising Diana didn't truly care for him anymore, Edmund did his best to make amends with his now only friend.
Raindrops Hitting the WebWith Phoebe Holland
(Related: A Venomous Spider, Frozen Hearts Break Easily)
Broken ReflectionWith Theodore Westwick
Changed IrrevocablyWith Diana Holland
Lonely BirthdayWith Amaya Michaels
ChordsWith Analei Louw
MelodyWith Analei Louw
Last rose.Receiving Valentines Rose with Selene Le Fey
Battered RoseWith Analei Louw and Diana Holland
Spin the Bottle!With various third and fourth years
HarmonyWith Analei Louw
Yule Ball & Valentines Dance


Entering his fifth year, Edmund felt as though his feud with his brother would never end. After years of not being on speaking terms, things finally reached a boiling point when the two duelled in a school hallway, after Theodore insulted Analei. Edmund spent the rest of the year getting closer to Analei, who to his delight agreed to be his girlfriend. Though Edmund had expected this year to end the same as the last; returning home to a house where he and his brother would never so much as look at one another, things took an unexpected turn when Edmund recieved a tragic note on his pillow. Theodore's pet tarantula had passed away, and the fight was out of both boys' minds. They finally, finally reunited at the funeral, agreeing to put their disputes behind them at last, and Edmund was overjoyed to finally have his brother back, even if it had come at a horrible cost.
Shoot it TrueWith Analei Louw and Theodore Westwick
No Place Like HomeWith Hudson Worth
SymphonyWith Analei Louw
IntermezzoWith Analei Louw
An Arachnid FuneralWith Theodore Westwick
Yule Ball & Valentines Dance
With Analei Louw


Edmund's sixth year was blessedly, almost confusingly quiet. Though he was still scared of making a mistake, somehow his relationship with Analei continued on excellent terms. Having made things up with his brother fixed things in Edmund's life that had been broken for a long time. He was able to celebrate his birthday properly for the first time in years. The only hiccup in his year was an uncomfortable encounter with his brother's girlfriend, who was determined that the brothers should remain on good terms, and threatened Edmund to make sure things would stay that way.

Ravenclaw House Meeting Y34/S1With various Ravenclaws
Creatures of the NightWith Theodore Westwick and Kira Wolf
Setting PrecedentWith Zoe Tsuji
Yes to a Red Rose!Receiving Valentines Rose with Ajaccio Skey
Ravenclaw Group Study Y34With various Ravenclaws
Theodore Westwick as Vampires
Best Group
Yule Ball & Valentines Dance
Analei Louw


Edmund's final year at Hogwarts was marked by a fear he had never felt before. Throughout the year his ongoing relationship with Analei only strengthened, and as the end of the year approached, Edmund had to come to terms with a horrifying reality. He was going to graduate, but Analei had another year at Hogwarts to go. They would be separated for an entire year. The prospect terrified Edmund, but he had no choice but to adjust to it. With his brother by his side he finished his time at school, ready to step into the unknown and begin his life as an adult.
Ravenclaw House Meeting Y35/S1With various Ravenclaws
A Cluster Of WestwicksWith Theodore Westwick, Augustus Westwick, Analei Louw, and Nicole Fisk
After Christmas DinnerWith Analei Louw and Arvel Ayers (Cont.)
Final GoodbyesWith Theodore Westwick and Zoe Tsuji
Y35 Graduation CeremonyWith various attendees
Looking AheadWith Analei Louw
Yule Ball & Valentines Dance
Analei Louw
Halloween (Left)
With Augustus Westwick and Theodore Westwick as Spiders
Most Scary
Graduation. It didn't feel real to Edmund. Seven years of his life, all over at once. He had always expected to be almost deliriously happy today, to finally be free of school and classmates and essays and sharing a dorm. And in all of those ways it was certainly a relief, but Edmund wasn't... happy. Not in the way he had expected to be. In leaving Hogwarts behind, he would be leaving something much more important. Analei. She still had a whole year of school to go, while he would be out in the world trying to make something of himself. They had never been apart before, not like this, and after years together the separation felt almost unthinkable. Fidgeting a little in his seat, Edmund glanced over to see her with the other Prefects, giving a nervous smile. They were going to be okay. They had to be, to get through this. As the speeches finished, Edmund returned his attention to the proceedings, glancing briefly at his brother when his name was finally called. Just like their sorting, Edmund had to be the first to step into the unknown. Though this time there wasn't the fear they would be separated by forces beyond their control, the pressure still terrified Edmund. Where was life going to take them? The future ahead now was much longer than the seven years they had feared at their sorting. But there was nothing to do but accept it, so Edmund took to the stage, accepting his diploma and shaking the Headmistress's hand. After all these years, he was really, truly, finally finished with Hogwarts.
"What is normal to the spider..."
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