Dear [Whomever]

Dear Day,

Why do you only have 24 hours? I kind of need you to have a couple of more hours so that I can get everything done that I need to do. Do you think you can speak to someone about that? Thanks a bunch!

~Overworked person
Dear IRT Deadliest Roads truck drivers,

I don't know how you do it. That is all.

~The person who wouldn't be caught doing what you do
Dear Mother;
No, I won't lend my brother my laptop so he can learn my song on the guitar. If he really wanted it, he'd Google it himself, and besides. Learning that song is something I wanted to do, to have to myself, so that I could for once say he isn't going to do better. But if he learns it; oh, he's the wonderful younger child who can do every fxcking little thing better than his sister, isn't he. He's the smart one and the lovable one and nothing's ever his fault, it's mine no matter what. I'm tired of all this. You don't notice my lack of motivation, my mood being so incredibly low every day. You think I'm being lazy and you tell me I'm dumb and good for nothing. You make me stay at school an extra three hours to study when by that time, I've already suffered through six of them plus I've been dragged out of bed without actually waking up, after not near enough sleep. Mum, I'm tired. I'm sick of having to go behind your back to get the help I need for my depression. I'm sick of being yelled at every five minutes to go do another job or to study more (9 hours a day not enough work for you Mother dearest? I'm sorry but I don't know how to study in my sleep..) and I'm completely over pretending to be your perfect daughter in front of your friends. They're all right, y'know. You only care about how it makes YOU look because if you really did care about us, you'd notice that your son has scars that look suspiciously like he did them himself, or that your daughter is so stressed most of the time that she snaps at people she doesn't want to be mad at and can hardly eat?

Mum, you've always prided yourself on being a good parent. There's all this stuff you've never noticed though, but because of the way I know you and Dad react to things, there is no way I can tell you it myself. All I ask, is that you back of a bit. Okay?

Hey, stepdad:

I wish you'd just pretend to understand for once how difficult life is! Yelling at me to get up and sort things out really doesn't help, you know. I can't just get up in the morning and get on with things, my mind doesn't let me. Do you understand how horrible it feels to spend every day absolutely loathing yourself? To end up in situations you don't have the stamina to try and control? To be scared and want to hide (only you won't let me, because you keep yelling about what a screw up I am or whatever).

Can't you please just try to understand for a change?
Dear Student Loans Company,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For fiinnnaaalllllllyyyyy accepting my loan request, now roll on Thursday and it better be in my account then. You have nooo idea how this makes things so much easier for me now.

- The girl who can finally afford her own flat ♥
Patricia Styx said:
her own flat ♥
You're in Florida. I have a strong feeling they don't have "flats".
Nicolas King said:
Patricia Styx said:
her own flat ♥
You're in Florida. I have a strong feeling they don't have "flats".
You really going to start that again? xD
Patricia Styx said:
Nicolas King said:
Patricia Styx said:
her own flat ♥
You're in Florida. I have a strong feeling they don't have "flats".
You really going to start that again? xD
You really haven't learned the lesson yet?
Dear Cable Guy,

Thank you for showing up on time and giving me cable. You are my new hero. I have missed being able to watch my shows the day they come out so badly. I hope you enjoy the cookies I made. Wait I know you did cause you ate three while you where setting up the box. Oh well enjoy the rest.

Someone who is never living without Cable again.
Dear People,

I've received your message, and to be honest it's a load of tripe. I haven't said anything about you, I didn't want to make our friends uncomfortable, because that would be immature, kind of like not being able to say your feelings to someone's face. I have gotten over it, I think you're bad people, but that doesn't matter, because it won't impact your lives, because I have nothing to do with you anymore, you shouldn't care anymore. I haven't tried to make people stop liking you-they did that of their own accord. By telling people what you were doing, you were the ones who let people know what kind of people you are.

I don't want to make things hard for you, I don't want to spread rumours, because I don't want any kind of "war" or anything-I mean what's the point? I haven't spread rumours about you, admittedly at first I was upset, and people saw that, but I didn't tell any lies, or tell anyone what I really thought of you, because that would be mean-that would be sinking to your level. I am not prepared to do that-ever. In fact, I didn't tell anyone anything.

I know we have mutual friends, so they try not to mention you around me, and I do them the same courtesy of not saying anything negative about you I prefer to ignore your presence. Things you said hurt me feelings, yes, but I've realised, that I don't care what you think, because I have better things to think about. The Junior Cert., My future. So please, please just let it go. Yes, there have been consequences, for all of us, somehow you have to learn to live with them, As much as you may say about me you can never say I wasn't truthful, and I just want you to know that I haven't betrayed that promise of "confidentiality" that you have so conveniently forgotten.

I won't sign as "your friend" or "Love." That would be lying,

By the wya, I don't like you very much either,

Dear Econ Homework,

I can't be bothered to do you anymore. I hate graphs, I hate numbers, and more importantly, I hate this class. Why can't you be more easy?

Dear you,

I wish you would come back from university. I miss having you around. And you're the only one I can talk to about this. I trust you. I've never really known why that is. Maybe it's because we have more in common than we realise. Only the other day I was having a conversation with James, and he said that something I said sounded just like something you would say. I wish you knew what you mean to me. You are my muse.

- Me.
Dear Nick.

You haz a reply.

Love Donna.
Dear Kevin,

Just when I think I can't love you or even miss you even more something comes up and it hurts more than I day I found out you where taken away from me and everyone else who loved you. Today while I was doing check outs one of the guys you deployed with walked into my line. Thankfully we where empty because I spent fifteen minutes talking to him. He knew who I was from a mile away. Not five minutes into the conversation. I met his wife and son. Finally after six years I learned why you didn't get out of the tank in time. You gave your life for his. I'm sure you know this but a week after that his wife gave birth to there first child that little boy. They named him after you. I still miss you and I love you with my heart and soul. I wish you could have come home and we could have gotten married but to know that you saved a life and he is here able to provide for his wife and son just goes to show to kind of person you where. As that little boys grows older I pray that he will be just like you. Well once again I have tears in my eyes, but you have always been able to do that me. I'm going to and close for now. Tell mom, dad, grandma and everyone else up there I say hi and I miss them so much.

With more love than a heart can hold.
Dear Friday,

I ♥ you!

Dear tooth,

Why are your causing me so much pain?! I swear you make labor seem fun! I hate
you for making me cry and scream out an agony. I can't wait till they rip you way from your home and take you away from your family.

I hate you'

Dear G-Ma
I don't think I can, sorry <3

Love your horrible granddaughter
Dear Charlie,

I don't necessarily believe in love at first sight, but if I did I would say that I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. It's a bit of a silly concept, so instead I'll just say that I had a marvelous time yesterday and that maybe, one day, you could be the one for me. Please do say that you might like me. I know I'm quite a bit younger than you, but I don't feel like it when you're around and I'm sure you don't, either. We make sense. Take me out again, and I promise you I'll never change.

Love, Kelsey.
Dear me,

You're a completely horrible person.

Also you should stop holding on to all your guilt because it wasn't really your fault and yeah some of it was but people just took advantage of you and you shouldn't angst over that too much.

You're lonely but it's your own fault, really. I thought we'd clarified that you would never find someone and you'd have to result to being a crazy cat lady and I thought we were okay with this. Everyone else has happiness, and that's fine. You don't want to be left behind, left alone while everyone else moves on, well too bad, you're stuck with that.

Face it, you're no good and your standards are way too high. You're an awful person and you need to stop forgetting your pills because this darkness that grabs your heart nearly every night is emotionally painful.

Despisingly, me.
Dear Dr Chem lecturer
Please, please, Please don't make the exam tomorrow too hard. at half past eight I wont be awake. please only ask the questions that i know the answer to and none of the ones i don't.
Thank you for your consideration
a student in your pharm chem class.
Dear Dr Chem lecturer
thank you for reading my letter yesterday and complying with it. i finished the exam 45 minutes early and spent the remaining time sitting there and doing nothing as i didn't want to leave as the girl sitting next to me seemed very stressed out and i know how stressing it can be when people leave the exam hall and you haven't finished.
Me again.
Dear You,
I wish I could tell you just how much it bothers me, how terrified I am. But I can't. I can only hope that the outcome of it all is not fatal. I don't want to do this, but I don't want to disappoint or upset you. I just wish we could talk more openly with each other. You're a good friend to me.
Dear me,
Yes, they're engaged right now, and you have never liked her, but please try to ignore everything, because it has nothing to do with your relationship with him. You are soul-mates and will be together, just not now. Your time will come, and will never go because you're meant to be with him. Try not to let this get to you, Amelia has told you this before and you need to believe it before you do something stupid again. Doing what you did last time might ruin your life, literally. So please do this, if not for you, for the people who love you, including him. If you aren't here, then how can you be together for eternity? You will be all you want to be when you leave school, that includes being pretty. Just work on it as hard as you can until then.
~ me.

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