Dear [Whomever]

Dear the guy who's name i stole for this account.
It was nice to see you tonight. however it was a shame that you didn't seem to notice me, you may not know but i had a bit of a crush on you in high school. it would have been nice of you to say hello to me, or even just look at me.
at least i have moved on to better things since school.
from me
p.s. your brother was good on the drums.
Dear friend's formerly soon to be ex-wife,

Really? You got skinny(ish) and decided he was no longer good enough for you and now you want him back? Really? For how long this time? Are you going to be with him long enough to completely bankrupt him this time or just until you find another guy who you think is what you are looking for? He deserves so much better than you! Really! You are nothing more than a money pit for him! And I just love how you seem to be able to afford designer purses all the time but yet are begging him to pay your rent and your bills. The only reason he is so wiling to pay it is so your daughters have a roof over their heads when they are with you! Pull your head out of that orifice that you have it so far stuck into and grow up! You are almost 40 flipping years old! Stop acting like you are a child! REALLY!!! AND the fact that he is able to be friends with females does not mean we are all wanting to be with him that way. Yes, he is a very physically attractive man. However, those of us with a brain realize right now he has way to much baggage to deal with - mainly YOU!

Your (ex)husband's friend

Dear Ant,

She is not worth it! She is just using you and none of us like the person you become when you are with her. Wake up and realize that you were better off without her. Yes, she is the mother of your children. I understand that. Completely. You are the better parent. You always put those girls before yourself. I have never once seen her do anything for them that didn't benefit herself in the end. She is the one who is spending your money on name brand clothes for them. She is the one teaching your youngest to be a bully to others. She is the one showing them both that its okay to take what you want from others. Be a man and realize that the only reason you are losing that amazing house is because she is sucking all the money away for foolishness! You should be able to have friends that are female and not get yelled at for talking to them at school when we are picking up the girls or at Scouts. And you should be able to be at our other friend's wedding without her being jealous over your friends. To give up that fun night out because of her is just plain stupid. If you are going to be with her, help her to get to know us! She would really understand that we are not a threat. We love you like a brother and want what is best for you. If you insist on being blind and letting her back in, we will still be here and be your friend....and hers too if she will let us.

Your frustrated friend
Dear Mum,

My financial future is in your hands. Sign my god damn forms.


Your very poor son.
Dear Tom Riddle,
please learm how to pronounce Avada Kedavra properly. That slow motion crap annoys me.
Dear Rain/Storm,

Thank you so much for cooling it off to the 70s, please keep it like that.
And keep the sun away too.

The pale girl that hates the sun
Dear Homework

I'm sorry, but I don't love you any more. Tell a lie. I never loved you. You infuriated me and you took up all my time and the few happy times we had together were so long ago I can barely even remember them. Besides, I have someone else. His name is Stud (y).

Sincerely, Girl Who Has No Life.
Dear Pokemon,
you crack me up greatly.

Dear husband,
I can't wait untill I see you again, the butterflies you give me get worse everytime.
Love, me.

Dear HNZ,
You're awesome.

Dear me,

If you forget your notebook at home today, I will not be happy :mad: .


Person who is putting her notebook in her bag right now
Dear you, that's right, you. :r
You're awesome.
Sincerely, me myself and I. :cool:

Dear HNZ emoticons,
You so funny.
Love, me.
Dear Exams,
Please be good to me, do your best to be easy.

Dear You,
It's past my bedtime according to me,
I need to sleep now. Got classes tomorrow.
Hope you read this.

Dear Weather,
Please let sun shine tomorrow. Please.


Dear Dream/s,
Let me dream of him. Not him but him.
Please. Please.
Dear HNZ
Stop being so addicting and distracting. as i really have to get some work done today.
the girl who really needs to work on her assignments in order to pass uni.

Dear friends
Why do you all have to be busy this weekend. as i could really do with a bit of company or i will turn into a recluse and start talking to myself (not that i already did that :r )
form you friend
Dear Semester,
Please be easy on me. This is my last year before I go into the nursing program and I'd really like to enjoy this year and not be stressing out with homework, assignments, and the cost.

The soon-to-be Student
Dear me,
Stop eating all the carrot cake! Okay, one more piece. Then no more.
your conscience.
Dear ABCD,
Thanks for having my resume, I really needed it today
and you guy send it to me with no problems ! I'm glad I have grown to know you all !
Love, Me
Dear character's history,
I want you to be detailed, very detailed. But why do you have to be so damn daunting? I am only up to when he's twelve Damnit! I Have five more years of history to write. I would stop, but it is just too damn cute. Why must I always be drawn in by cuteness?
Dear you know who you are,

How dare you hang out with me last Sunday and say all the things you said to me and than just cut me out of your life for no reason. I see you went back to your ex well that's fine but you didn't have to be such a fake person about it. I spent this whole past week worrying about you and wondering what had happened to you. I have been stressed out this whole week. I even sent a message to your mom saying I was worried about you. It's okay I have something for you. If you ever call me or show up at my door ever again I am going to make you wish you where never born.


The best thing you never had.
Dear ------

I'm sorry to say but you are the person that annoys me the most.There are many reasons and even though I feel
really mean saying this but it was because it was you being you and if we were supposed to be friends I shouldn't
of felt that way and this is why I did what I did last year.You may still say things about me and hate me for what I
did but I did it because I sometimes didn't want to go to school because I knew I would have to face you.I was being
short-tempered with you and you didn't seem to notice which annoyed me the most.Those small little things you did is
what made me do what I did and I can't say that I'm sorry for what I did because I'm not.You may find this harsh but
I can't help they way I feel.So I hope if you read this that you will understand why I did what I did and that you will stop
sulking and acting like a baby after it.You have torn so many friendships because of your behavior and you have said some
silly things that I have taken personally.So could you please just stop and move on like I've done.If you decide to hate me
so be it thats fine by me because after all you've done I'm not really fond of you either.

Please stop trying to take some of my friends away and move on?

dear person

it may hurt your feelings but u are the most annoying person on this planet i hate the way your never sure how u feel your either super depressed or super proud of the same the same thing i hate the way your always singing and poking people i hate the way u walk i hate the way u were always there but most of all i hate the way u don't get that.i also hate the way u think can make our friends side with u.and i hate the way everything's always about u i think u should build a bridge and get over it and stop acting like your 2 but tha'ts just my opinion

I DON'T LIKE U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the person who doesn't like u
Dear head,
Why on earth does it feel like I'm out of it right now? I am really sleepy, and obviously going to go to bed soon, but why does everything feel like a dream? I haven't done anything to make myself feel this way, is it the excitement from going to Los Angeles in a few weeks, is it the depression that's been slowly rendering its ugly head back into my mind again? Honestly, what the hell is going on with you at the moment? Why is this even happening? I think I better get a glass of water and go into the living room and chill for a minute or two. That could help, hopefully it will.
Dear Mom's Purse,

Please have a camera battery lurking in there.
So I can update some peeps on how my hair is before it gets too bad.

A girl who misses the camera
Dear now Dead Spider

Why were you so fast? Aren't fast now, are you, little brown recluse? :r
Smooshed. Serves you right for running from me.

The spider killer
Dear Heart,

Stop it, stop it right now. You know what you are doing and I forbid it. Haven't you learned your lesson yet!?!? You know how this is going to play out. Your going to continue to get all happy and get the rest of me all worked up and just when you couldn't be happier everything is going to come crashing down. It will all vanish in a puff of smoke. The sleepless nights and the tear stained pillows lets not forget the fake smiles. All of that will come back you will be a wrack for weeks maybe even months. Might I remind your still not fully recovered from the event that happened six years ago? So what do you think your doing? Just stop what your doing take a step back and realize that this is going to go as badly as every other time. I can assure that this time is not going to be different. Its going to end the same way it always does. I'm begging you to stop before you get hurt again.

The girl who knows the truth.
Dear Life,

Can we slow down just a bit? It feels like each day is coming and going within the blink of an eye. Work, school, trying to work my way into this nursing program, there is way too much of it to do in one day. I am wearing myself down so it'd be nice if we could both just take minute and relax.

Dear Rain,

Destroying my morning is unacceptable. Just saying.

Truly yours,

Dear eyeliner,


Alexis AKA 'The girl who continues to mess it up.'

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