Christmas Werewolf

Agreed. I vote to lynch off professor wren louise.
I vote to lynch Professor Kalif Styx. :teehee:
You are soooo getting coal for Christmas. You and Kelsey both.
You're so kind! Coal is exactly what I needed to put eyes on my snowman. How did you know? :wub:
I vote to lynch Professor Kalif Styx.

"Bye, Felicia."
The end of the day came upon them quickly as Professor Kalif Styx, Tree Topper was killed. The three remaining villagers looked around and soon, Dreama Petulango a townie realised she had made a great error. The wolves soon turned on her until they were the only ones left. They set off on their own to celebrate Christmas their way, just as it should have been from the start.

Congratulations wolves, you have won.

Professor Katherine AlicastellWolf
Professor Kida FrostScrooge
James CadeCupid
Professor Wren LouiseWolf
Dreama PetulengroTownnie
Professor Cyndi Kingsley Townie
Professor Monty Pendleton Ghost of Christmas Past
Amber Chou WilsonTownie
Geovanna Volt Jack Frost
Professor Kalif StyxTree Topper
Kiera PotterElf
Professor Patricia StyxTownie
Ainsley LynchKris Kringle
November AlbertsonTownie
Willow CullenTownie
I'm so mad right now.

Jesse, remind me to never trust you again :p

I'm not mad, just disappointed in the village, we really slept on this game xD part of it was the RNG element (which I wasn't a big fan of) as it killed us off more quickly, but I think if we had talked more we would have had more of a chance. Now Jesse was the one taking charge (and I was guitly of following his lead too :r ) and nobody was really there to contest it. We needed Kathy

Wolves, good game :)
This would've been my reply day 2 had I not been killed:

I'm super busy today so actually wrote this up during free time presuming that I'd be alive for day to post. Good to know that no votes means it goes to RNG.

A few people jumped out at me yesterday. Dan being the first with what he said "Great news to come home to." That can be taken two very different ways, and I think it was more that he was bummed buuuuut he totally could've been laughing at us in that post. It'll be hilarious if he's a wolf and did that. xD

The others are Daphne and Jesse. Lemme see if I can explain why. They both seemed to assume and sort of guide us towards the idea that the ghost was absolutely using their power (mayhaps already planning for the next day when we'd be down another 2 people - which would've been a big deal. 4 people in 2 days!!) which wasn't the case. Thanks Claire for not using it! and seemed to build off of each other's arguments which this early in the game is odd to me.
Now I don't think both of them are wolves. I think one was using the other as a cover. I just don't which one, but my hunch is on one of them being a wolf.

Am I reading way too much into things? Probably. I haven't slept more than 3 or 4 hours a night all week. =))

I died. =))

RNG is how ties/no votes were decided originally and were stopped by someone at some point. I'm in favor of them (games without them drag to me and lose the intensity of forcing us to make a decision) but wasn't a fan of all the rule changes mid-game; I like rules laid out ahead of time. I definitely would have voted had I seen that rule change the day before I died/known it was that from the start. I still probably would have died that fast. xD

Good game wolves. ^_^
There was a lot of early luck on our side in this game, everything just kind of fell into our laps, like the night one double kill of two special roles, and another double kill later on, and with it so quiet/a few of the more vocal people dead early and no one knowing what to do, it was kind of us just cruising through and hoping the RNG would off the villagers and not one of us. xD
I was really concerned the day we had the three way vote, with two of the wolves on the line I thought that might have been it for us, since it would have been significantly harder to kill everyone off with just one wolf, especially trying to lynch off the Angel. Rowan being the seer surprised me because until then I was starting to suspect Ana had the role, so claiming it for one of us would have been easy to do. We just got very lucky that it all occurred later in the day phase so there was little time for the votes to change against us :p
Well played, wolves! :lol:

I mean, I died before I could post, so I don't have much to say, but the person I considered killing was Mia (I had nothing to go on but a hunch), so I would have been useless even if I'd used my role =))
I was really scared you'd choose me, so I was all "oh no we might lose another innocent if the ghost kills" xD

I'm always so scared of getting seer because I'm SO BAD AT IT and this was an awful game to be seer in from day 1 x_x Sorry I wasted so much time trying to figure out my role ugh I wish I had gone with my gut.

TBH I suspected Jesse really early on, he was going to be my night 2 check if I hadn't been allowed to check dead people to test my role. I only didn't pursue it further because I always find Jesse, Kathy, and Daphne extremely suspicious entirely because of how much they enjoy the game, and I didn't want that to prejudice me :lol: damn it.

I'm not a fan of the RNG deaths tbh. I feel like it's too easy to lose half the players without gaining any information. I'd rather a game that gets dragged out for much longer than how things went this game, where we were all dying super fast and flailing in the dark with nothing at all to go off. I also feel like because there was going to be a death no matter what people took it as a chance to play things much too safe and rely on the RNG rather than be suspicious and be the one to name someone. Without the randomness to rely on choosing targets is the village's only option which I think at least gets discussion going.
I have to say changes the rules mid game really isn't fair xD I should have lasted until at least the next night as how the rules were laid out at the start of the game xD But either ways it was nice that it moves quickly with the random roles but it does make things more stressful and seemed one sided until ya know I guess we find out the Seer who died was not the real Seer xD But good game wolves xD
Ugh. I hate you, Jesse. You are the one that got me killed. I tried to protect you and you were the first one. I didn’t use the power the first two nights because I had no idea who to pick. Wish I hadn’t used it when I did. :r
=)) I'm sorry Kait :wub:
Apart from the luck, the other 50% of the win was on Jesse, for sure. He was giving me all these tactics and double-bluffing and all this crazy s*** I never would've thought of. Claiming the Fool, waiting till the last minute to post and other strategies, all his idea.

Don't play him in Werewolf, guys, holy f***.
Can't believe I missed Werewolf guys, clearly this was my punishment for being away xD
Although I do have a couple of notes from the chat I had going with Rowan once I learnt about it:
[13/12/2017 10:0:cry:13 PM] Kathy: i'm really hoping there's only one active wolf
[13/12/2017 10:04:51 PM] Kathy: and that its not jesse
[13/12/2017 10:04:58 PM] Kathy: cause jesse could definitely kill you all

[14/12/2017 8:0:cry:27 AM] Kathy: SPEAK NOWWWW
[14/12/2017 8:49:14 AM] Kathy: You might not be able to change the vote now but EXPOSE HER

[14/12/2017 9:19:17 AM] Rowan: Sloane Stark · One minute agoReport Post Forward
[14/12/2017 9:19:18 AM] Rowan: DAMN IT
[14/12/2017 9:22:51 AM] Kathy: That's it
[14/12/2017 9:22:56 AM] Kathy: Never trusting him again
Jesse this is why I have trust issues about you every single game =))
But I'm not always bad :r
I think I would have been more on board for the random killings if I had known about it from the start xD though this game also seemed to go super fast because of it, and I think its part of the reason it was such a quiet game (because the talkative people were killed fast and early on)
Aurora Night said:
Can't believe I missed Werewolf guys, clearly this was my punishment for being away xD
Although I do have a couple of notes from the chat I had going with Rowan once I learnt about it:
[13/12/2017 10:0:cry:13 PM] Kathy: i'm really hoping there's only one active wolf
[13/12/2017 10:04:51 PM] Kathy: and that its not jesse
[13/12/2017 10:04:58 PM] Kathy: cause jesse could definitely kill you all

[14/12/2017 8:0:cry:27 AM] Kathy: SPEAK NOWWWW
[14/12/2017 8:49:14 AM] Kathy: You might not be able to change the vote now but EXPOSE HER

[14/12/2017 9:19:17 AM] Rowan: Sloane Stark · One minute agoReport Post Forward
[14/12/2017 9:19:18 AM] Rowan: DAMN IT
[14/12/2017 9:22:51 AM] Kathy: That's it
[14/12/2017 9:22:56 AM] Kathy: Never trusting him again
Jesse this is why I have trust issues about you every single game =))
Kathy I love you xD

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