Well dang. RIP Ash & Cyndi.
This complicates the theories I was working on over the night cycle somewhat. My instinct is to be suspicious of the people who seemed most keen to lynch, since early lynches are easy for wolves to manipulate and thin the herd. Cyndi (from the word go) and Jesse (only after the random lynch was announced, initially was against lynching) were the most vocally in favour of lynching, and with Cyndi out that would in theory make Jesse the most obvious target. Unless a wolf is playing reverse psych and trying to make Jesse stand out as suspicious in that way, while keeping attention off themselves. Unless it's Jesse playing reverse reverse psychology & trying to group himself with Cyndi, who we now know to be innocent. (I'm like an onion but my layers are massively overthinking absolutely everything. I doubt it's actually this deep, but I'm brainstorming into this post box right now.) Either way, I'm not sure if this holds up as reason enough for me to feel like I could justify voting based on it right now.
I'm still not sure what to think. Given how little we have to go on unless someone other than me has noticed something deeply suspicious our options for today seem for the most part to be either pick a target at random early in the day cycle just for the sake of getting the ball rolling, now that everyone has a full day cycle to respond and defend/accuse. Or... sit out another night and do nothing? I don't think there's anything to be gained from a second random lynching with no debate. But having said all that guff in the first paragraph about being suspicious of those keen on early lynchings, I'm now realising that by my own standards, this is an extremely wolfy post. (I'm not a wolf, but I am a hypocrite!) So, in the interest of not coming across as a wolf trying to choose villager targets for lynchings, I'm gonna leave this post here and go to sleep and see if anyone else gets picked, either at random or based on some evidence I didn't piece together. If there's a target or two by then I'll follow the will of the group in the morning.
I love to take two enormous paragraphs to say and do absolutely nothing of any use

catch you in the AM (I say as if it's not one am already)
OK WAIT I finished this entire post and then went back and reread the thread and realised that if I
was going to take posting in favour of lynching into account a tactic the wolves might try if they're doing a one active wolf/one wolf laying low strategy would be for the passive wolf to post just once so they had technically been present in the thread, and then have the active wolf suggest lynching anyone who hadn't posted yet, pointing the villagers towards a list of other villagers without actually being the one to choose a name, and allowing the passive wolf to fly under the radar. Rereading the thread the people who only posted once were Dan, Kaitlyn, Pat, Steph, and Mia. (I think.) Obviously this is tenuous. It's day one, there's very little to go on and very little to talk about, not to mention people have lives outside the site and site responsibilities outside the game. I don't necessarily think this is a likely wolf tactic or nearly enough evidence to make any decisions based on but it did occur to me and felt worth saying before I forgot it. If 1 AM while desperately procrastinating sleep isn't the time for tenuous theories what is? (Again. To clarify. I don't think this is enough to vote based on, it relies on a lot of assumptions and guesswork, it's just a possible tactic that occurred to me. If nothing else it's a recommendation for future wolf teams in future games

I'm basically talking to myself at this point and should probably go to bed now so goodnight and I'm very sorry for this bad and long post