Bi-Weekly Update

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
It's my turn for another BWU. I'm a little short on time, so I hope you don't mind if I just get right to it! :)
Lesson Info
Can you believe it? It's true though. We ask all professors to make sure they are grading ongoing and getting those lessons up on time. That and more is mentioned in the professor's meeting, so if you have a professor and haven't had the chance to check out the meeting, please do so soon. It's mandatory!

Finally, thanks to Nick, the gradebook is back up and running. Quick grading within lessons is still not functional, but you can use the link space in the gradebook and the buttons to indicate both that you've posted a lesson and that you've graded one. We ask all professors to begin using both immediately. We will no longer be updating the notification table in the entrance hall.

School Events
There are a number of other school events going on besides lessons. The kids have to have fun amirite? So here's a list and breakdown:
  • Brightstone Weekend is up and running. First and second years don't have permission to have fun in Makutu Mall just yet, but third years and above can ferry over there too!
  • Wheelbarrow Race has now ended with Professor Summers and Professor Ateara showing up all the kids and taking first place! If you haven't joined the festivities yet, there is still time to join the spectators but not too long as the forum will close up this week.
  • Valentine's Dance opened and closed. The students seemed to have a ball at the event. Roleplays can be found in the Great Hall for your reading pleasure.
  • Rose Deliveries are now happening! Don't forget to check out the Rose directory for a listing of all the topics that have started and will be going up soon! A big thank you to Daphne and Rowan for hosting the event this year.
  • ...yes, yes,yes, this one is sorta about lessons but it's an important event: The Electives Fair is happening for all of the second years. Come learn about the electives you'll have to choose from next year.
  • The Dueling tournament is moving along! Follow the match ups here!
Yup, it's a school event but deserves its own category. Two games happened last week! First Gryffindor took on Hufflepuff and won 160-30. Then, in one of the most grueling games I've seen happen on site, Slytherin beat a victory out of Ravenclaw and took the house cup with a victory of 160-10. Congratulations to all of the teams, and a big thank you to all of the captains for all of their coordination this IC year.

Thanks for joining the party!
HNZ's birthday celebrations officially came to a close at the end of May. We hope you all enjoyed the festivities, games, and travels down memory lane throughout the month. For anyone who missed it, the topics are still alive and kicking in their new homes - forum games and other fun, on topic, and off topic boards. You just have to do a little more digging to find them. :p
Along with that White Elephant prize PMs have been sent out! So if you played, you have a PM waiting for you. Your prizes will expire when the next birthday begins so don't hang onto them for too long! :r

OOC superlatives announced!
As part of the birthday celebrations, we ran OOC superlatives again...and the prizes have been awarded! Come check out who won and don't forget to claim and display your prize if you won one!

June 1st marked Global Moderator Appreciation Day! The mods were officially on Team Awesome for the day, though the title lasts in our hearts for them every day as they truly are a bunch of awesome ladies. Join us if you can!

Accio pages closing...closing...closed
Post now to submit your Valentine's Day pics. All other pages are now closed.

Application Reminders
Just two general reminders here:
1. Remember that admin have real life issues too so be mindful of that when you submit an app and as you wait for a response. I say this so you can manage your own expectations of how quickly we'll respond. Sometimes our free time does match and we can bang out applications but when our free time doesn't, which is typically the case, we aren't processing anything. Apps require us to have time to attend to them as we want to both think about them and give you meaningful responses regardless of which direction we go. We take apps seriously, which I think you want us to do, and that means having the time to process them. So, if you have an app you're wanting to submit, please don't put it in last minute and please don't rush us to respond.
2. Don't forget that event apps can be submitted by anyone and should be submitted well in advance. When the new school year opens up, you can submit (school) event apps for any point in that school year. Although preference is often given to events that have successfully taken place in the past, we are always open to see innovative, fresh takes on events from all RPers. Don't be afraid to apply to lead an event.

  • Finding out who will win the professor's potion duel!
  • Dueling champions!
  • Grad PMs! 🎓

Gotta go!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)-
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Thank you for the update Cyndi! The birthday party was lots of fun.
Thanks for the update! I'm still recovering from that last Quidditch match x_x
Thanks for posting Cyndicat! So much going on :wub:

I feel like I blinked and May and all the birthday celebrations were over. Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update!! Hezekiah will DEFINITELY be winning the potions duel.
In his dreams!!!!
Also thank you for reminding me to highlight their other topic :teehee: Monty.exe has stopped working

Thank you so much for the update Cyndi! :hug: So many exciting things happening as always!
Thanks for the update!
Yay Slytherin ;D
Thanks for the updateee!!

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