Nicolas King

"I am the hero who eats the lesser man..."
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curly Oak/Wenge 16" Essence of Feng-huang Tail Feather

Hey witches + wizards, here's the BWU you've been waiting for!

Week 5!
This is week 5 of classes, which probably means you've got 5 lessons for each course for every student to catch up on. But maybe you didn't even realize because your professor didn't send out the link to the class! Oh no! Students, it's a good time to catch up and profs, it's a great time to double check you're sending class notifications out! (If you have any problems with that, let us know!)

Quidditch! 🧹
The last Quidditch game of the year is underway - our HNZ house cup champions Slytherin against the illustrious Ilvermorny! Read all the action here!

Want to talk quidditch? Have at it!

Duellers are Casting Off!
This year's duelling tournament has just begun (list of match-ups available here) and you're invited to follow along.
I couldn't find an on topic board topic for reactions - so if you want to have some OOC chatter about what goes on there, why not make a topic?

IC superlatives
And that is it for IC superlatives! Thank you to everyone who voted and stay tuned for the Yearbook where winners will be announced.
On that note, Accio pages are going to be closing soon. So now is the time to get your photos posted. Go go go!

Shopkeepers: Keep your shops
With sorting just around the corner, shopkeepers are encouraged to tidy their shops, stock the shelves, and hire any seasonal help they may need for an influx of posts!

Seventh Years - Graduation Preparation
Seventh years should keep their eyes on their PM inboxes for a message from their head of house!

Keep the party going!
HNZ's birthday always deserves more than just a cake and a couple of hours of celebration - it needs to be a month long affair!
If you haven't yet, or haven't lately, be sure to check in on the party as it unfolds!

OOC Superlatives: Voting
Thanks for all your nominating - now it's time to vote!
Read all the instructions right over here.

  • Ocean's 1
    A young girl startles two wizards when she 'breaks' into their house.
  • Y38 Duelling Match #14
    HNZ has never seen a duel like this - complete with muggle magic tricks and vanishing pants!
  • The Last Straw
    What's a Valentine's Day Dance without your own personal boy band and a break-up?
  • Decisions
    Avaria has discovered something life changing after a one night stand she doesn't remember. Scared, she turns to her best friend as they try to figure out what to do.
  • Brother?
    After an emotional turbulent reunion with Noelle Maxwell, an upset Sapphire goes looking for her brother at his fiancé's flat. When Onyx isn't there, Sapphire sits down to wait for him. Will she continue to freeze Jamie out or will the Frenchman finally break through her tough outer shell?
    (See also: What Could Have Been)
  • Second Thoughts
    Lily and Clifton have gone to the dance together- though both are insisting that it's just as friends. Are they lying to each other? Will they be able to continue to stay 'just friends'?
    (See also: Wait by the Yellow Water, Another Yellow Rose, and Breaking and Broken.)

Have a plot that you think everybody should read? Submit it for the next BWU!

  • Slytherin catching that snitch!
  • Another Gryffindor house cup!
  • Finding out what you're just superlative at!
  • Sorrtttinnnggg is cominnggg
  • Plenty more!

That's all for now!

Questions/concerns/excitement, let us know below!

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Thanks for the update!! So hype for the superlatives :party:
Thanks for the update!! :D
Thanks for posting, Nick! So many plot highlights. Love it!

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