Apparition Exam

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene Finch had specifically asked for the tables to be left in place for the exam. If the sixth years were going to be licensed, then they would need to possess the ability to work with their surroundings. Apparating across an empty room was convenient for beginners to practice, but the chances of apparating to a truly empty space were going to be slim to none in the real world. There'd be tree filled forests, garbage strewn alleys, and perhaps, when they were lucky, the occasional field or valley. This would be an especially important test for those students who were interested in careers in the Ministry as apparating was a requirement for many of the positions. It was an important skill, allowing independence of movement.

Irene arrived at the castle just in time to greet the students who were waiting just outside the Great Hall. The students were seated on the benches that had been provided to await their turn. "Good afternoon" she greeted, her icy blue eyes taking them in one by one. "In a moment, I'll begin calling you in alphabetically by your last name. Once I do, I'll ask you to apparate to a spot in the room. You will only get one shot. I will not pass you if even a hair, button, or shoelace remains where you once stood." Irene's gaze drifted by several students. Irene let them sit with that for a moment, wanting it to be clear because she hated the annoying begging for another chance that came when a student failed. She looked at their faces, wondering which ones she would be seeing in the courses that were provided by the Ministry throughout the year. Many people failed the exam on their first try, but the woman did nothing to reassure the students of this fact. It had been an interesting semester of lessons with this group, so she wasn't sure how successful they would be.

Stepping back into the room, where her clipboard was already charmed to take notes, Irene looked to be sure all was in order and then glanced at the list and called the first student forward. Once the student was inside, Irene shut the door tightly and began the exam.

OOCOut of Character:

Roleplay your character's attempt to apparate to a point in the room. Don't forget that the Great Hall would look as it would on a regular day minus the students. :p

You will get an exam grade of A or T depending on whether you roleplay your character succeeding or failing. Extra credit will be given for the level of detail in your roleplay regardless of passing or failing. Feel free to godmod Irene if it is necessary to your roleplay. If you have any questions, PM me. No replies will be accepted beyond Wednesday, the end of exam period!
Connor had been nervous all week about his apparition exam. He made sure he was ready as he entered the room when called, listening carefully to the instructions the examiner gave for the exam. When the time came he focused intently on his target, following the feeling as he apparated to the spot. Once the exam was done he left the room, relieved he had managed it.

((sry short post one hand typing... . . ))
Ajaccio was nervous, there was a lot riding on him passing this exam. It was something that would make his life so much easier and give him so much more freedom. He wanted it badly, but he needed to pass. The teen had managed to apparate in the practices but this was the real thing. He was amongst the other sixth years taking the exam and knew that they were likely as nervous as he was, probably for different reasons, but this was a very important element of their magical education. The teen watched as the woman who’d been teaching them began telling them about how this was going to work, and he was quick to nod along, was listening closely. It would take a while to go since his name was lower in the alphabet, but he didn’t mind this necessarily.

Eventually though, as lots of people had gone before him he was called forward. Ajax took a deep breath, trying his best to relax his body and he stepped into the room. He immediately noticed how busy the room was an resisted the urge to mention it. He did appreciate seeing the hall, it was calming to him. It was a place he knew very well. Ajaccio glance at the teacher and nodded as she told him where in the room he was to go. He glanced at the spot, thinking about, taking a moment to think about the times he’d perhaps stood there. He then cleared his mind and went through the steps they’d been taught. He leaned into the tug, and though it seemed to take forever he was eventually pulled to the spot with a crack. He was still and then felt like he was fine, so he glanced around him before realising he’d managed it.
Chloë had to admit she was a little bit nervous for their apparition exam, especially when she entered the hall and noticed everything was where it normally was. It seemed logical that they would need to be able to get to places that weren't completely empty like the hall had been during practice, but having all of the tables around did add to the difficulty. She listened as the official who had been teaching them spoke about what they would have to do for the exam, already looking around to see what obstacles there were.

Since they were called forward one by one in alphabetical order Chloë had to wait a little while and tried her best not to think to hard about the possibility of failing. When she was called forward she gave a little nod when the woman told her where to apparate to. It was a spot near the doors, which made her feel a little bit more comfortable. She had been going in and out of the hall for years so surely she should be able to pull her focus and get to the right spot. Chloë closed her eyes, recalling the 3D's in her mind before focussing on the exact spot she wanted to go to. After a few seconds she felt a, by now, somewhat familiar tugging feeling before she reappeared with a pop. She carefully opened her eyes and looked down, grinning when she noticed she was in the exact spot she was supposed to be in. She patted down her clothes for a second but it didn't feel like anything was missing and since she wasn't in pain either nothing major could've been left behind either. Feeling confident she had done quite well she exited the hall to make room for the next student.
Emma was feeling pretty anxious about this exam. She had enjoyed the apparition lessons and had been pretty good at it, but she still feared she might mess up here and ruin it for herself. She needed her license, it seemed like so much fun to just go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She had chewed off her nails by the time she arrived at the great hall and glanced around anxiously, feeling slightly reassured by Iris' smile. The ministry lady spoke to them and told them she would call them in one by one alphabetically by their last name. The exam sounded fairly simple, but she knew it would be graded very strictly. Going by the last name meant Emma would go not long after Nicole. She waited with her friend until it was her turn, then waited with Iris until her own name was called. Emma took a deep breath before heading into the Great Hall. She gave the lady a nervous smile, then nodded as she listened to where she had to apparate to. Emma had to apparate from the entrance to the other end of the room, near a suit of armor. It reminded her of the lesson where they had to hit the red X. Emma focused on the three Ds, surprised she actually remembered them. Then, she apparated. To her delight, she appeared right in the spot she had aimed for. She grinned, glancing down to make sure her shoelaces were still in her shoes. She left the great hall with a skip in her step, sure she had managed to pass.
Iris knew that this was probably the most important exam she had this year, as the apparition exam was something she had to pass if she wanted to be fully independent. Iris liked the idea of going wherever she wanted after Hogwarts, exploring wherever she wanted. It would be nice to pass now so she didn't have to take the exam later, though she doubted it would be very easy. Iris waited with Rose until the exam started, though she shot Emma a reassuring smile as she saw her sister was pretty anxious. Miss Finch told them they would go in by last name and explained what the exam would be like. It was pretty much what Iris had expected it to be. She waited for her turn, staying with Rose until she was called. She gave Rose a quick smile before heading into the Great Hall, trying not to seem too nervous. The spot she was given to apparate to was near the Ravenclaw table and Iris hoped that the familiar location might make it a bit easier. She took a deep breath, focused on the three Ds, and then apparated. She took a few seconds before opening her eyes, exhaling in relief when she saw she was in the correct spot. Iris smiled at Miss Finch and quietly thanked her for taking the time for the exam, then she quickly left the Great Hall, feeling like she had passed.
Poppy had slowly grown more confident in her ability, since she had managed to succeed in each lesson. But when she entered the hall and the tables were not pushed aside like they had been before, she stopped short nearly causing the person behind her to trip. She tried her best to recover and took her seat with the rest of her classmates to wait her turn. Everyone looked like they felt just like she did and she wanted to find it comforting that they were all in this together but it had the opposite effect. She tried to take a deep breath only moments before Ms. Finch started to give them instructions. She had always sounded stern and today was no exception. Poppy nodded to show she heard and understood. Alphabetically her name fell solidly in the middle so her wait wasn't too bad. She tried not to play too much attention to others success or failures. She needed to focus only on herself. She could do this and would be like very other witch or wizard, who passed the exam of course.

When her name was called she nearly jumped out of her seat and scurried to the starting position. She was destination wasn't too far away but it was sharply off to the left, right next to the Ravenclaw table. She let out a breath, at least it was a place she was familar with. She went through the three D's in her head and might have actually been mouthing them too. Before she could psych herself out, she made the jump and apparated. The sensation still didn't sit well with her and had shut her eyes tight in case of disaster. But when she opened her eyes she was exactly where she had intended. She turned quickly and smiled at Ms. Finch before taking a seat again, relieved to be done with the exam.
With how much work they'd been given over the course of the year, Lysander wasn't sure he'd given enough attention to apparating. His brain was struggling to remember potion recipes and how to identify whether a hippocampus was a tadfoal or an adult. He'd succeeded in the last lesson, so a part of him felt confident he could manage, though it was a confidence that fell slightly when he remembered who was judging their performances. Finch's expectations were high. What did he care if he left behind a button? He folded his arms and listened to the woman speak, irked that his surname had to be so far down the list. The longer he waited, the more he thought he'd forget which of the three D's to remember in which order. He watched as classmate after classmate had their turn. At some point he made the decision to take off his jumper and stow it beneath the bench they were seated on. One less thing to leave behind. He ducked beneath, using his wand to try and apply a sticking charm to the laces of his shoes, in case pinning them down would help any. He frowned, trying to think of what else he could do, but was startled by his name being called before he could get any other ideas.

Lysander made his way into the hall, his attention directed to a space beside the headmistress' seat. The table in the way wasn't doing him any favours when it came to visualizing where he needed to end up. He inhaled sharply, and glanced at Irene, giving her a slightly nervous chuckle. He scrambled to remember the three D's, but all his brain was feeding him were useless potion ingredients. Three jobberknoll feathers, two minced lovage, a crushed scarab beetle. What were those even for? Veritaserum? The hiccuping solution? Either way, it didn't matter here and now.He raised a hand and rapped it lightly against the side of his head. Destination, determination...deliberation. There it was. He just had to go for it. Adults didn't spend time thinking about where they needed to be, they just went, and he was practically an adult now. He looked at the spot, squinted, and turned quickly. The air around him grew heavy, threatening to flatten him into a pancake, and then it let up. His knee banged the arm of the headmistress' chair and he winced, grabbing hold of the table for support. He patted himself down, quickly checking his shoes. The laces were still firmly stuck down, and nothing appeared to be missing, so he let out a whoop and gave Irene a thumbs up, with more enthusiasm in the gesture than he'd seen her have in the entirety of the time she'd been teaching them.​
Thomas was never so worried when he went to the apparition exam because he didn't know how he would meet at all and nothing would happen because of the anxiety. Therefore, he had to stop stressing, when he went to the Great Hall, he tried to breathe calmly, so that he would be calm before the exam and would do everything as it should. Of course Thomas had repeated almost all night what had been taught as he walked through the common room. After reaching the Great Hall, he listened to what the Ministry said and they would be called one by one in alphabetical order. Then meet Thomas will go immediately after the twin sisters. Moving in front of the line moved pretty fast at least it seemed or Thomas seemed so because he was worried. He took a few deep breaths and it helped the excitement recede a little.

It was soon his turn. He entered the Great Hall, greeted the Ministry, and all that was left now was to do everything right. Thomas looked at the place where he had to go, but here again a little anxiety broke over, taking over his whole body. Again he took a deep breath, then focused on the three D's with them in mind and focused on where he wanted to go. After a moment, he felt the familiar feeling of pulling, closed his eyes and continued to concentrate. He opened his eyes before watching whether he had come to the right place, took a deep breath. Looking down, he was in the right place. Thomas smiled at Mrs. Finch and hoped that everything went pretty well, he walked out of the Great Hall so he could go inside next.
Kiara was nervous about apparition, so focused on all the other subjects, she didn't get to prepare as well as she would like to. She quietly came to the outside of the hall immediately looking at her classmates and searching for the closest friends to understand how they felt about this all. Because Kiara was really stressed out, she hardly breathed and just watched the ceiling as she was waiting for her turn. She could do this, right? Why wouldn't she? She wasn't THAT bad to fail this exam, to fail any exam!

Once she heard her name called, her eyes went wide Open as she wasn't sure what to do and only a few moments later got up and entered the hall. Kiara had always loved the hall and Currently, she hated it as she wasn't sure that she could make it. She tried her best to focus on the big three D's, tried to calm down and just hopes that she will stay in One piece. In The worst case, two pieces but not right through her waist, she loved her waist not cut in two parts. After all, she preferred staying in one piece. She let the already known feeling overtake her and she apparited to the point where she needed to get to. Well, she was scared to look down but her inner feeling said that she was alive and pretty much not parted. She loudly wheezed as she understood that she had made it and almost went in to make grabby hands with professor and then understood that it probably wasn't good idea, so she still happily apologized and cheerfully left. With everything, even hair and shoelaces on her.
Nicole had been having nightmares about apparating without her pants in the lead up to her apparition exam and she had to fiercely try to dispel the mental image as she arrived outside the Great Hall. At least they were doing their exams one on one, so if anyone saw her knickers it'd just be the instructor and the school nurse. It didn't make her feel much better, honestly.

Nicole wasn't sitting for long before her turn was called and she nervously wiped her palms on her skirt before entering the hall. She'd purposely foregone her robes in hopes that it'd make things easier for her and she took a deep breath as the ministry instructor pointed out her target, a spot nearish to where she was fairly sure the Gryffindor table usually was. Nicole took another breath, trying not to psych herself out too badly. She'd done out during lessons, she could do this. She closed her eyes, envisioning the spot in her mind. She'd seen this spot plenty of times sitting with Emma for meals, and there wasn't even a table there now to bump into. The image burned into her mind now, Nicole forced herself mentally to move, determined to arrive exactly on target. She felt the pulling sensation she'd began to associate with appariation and tried not to stumble as the floor shifted under her and she arrived with a pop. Peaking and eye open, Nicole let out a sigh of relief as she saw she'd landed on target, and more importantly, that her skirt (and the rest of her) was all in one piece. Thanking the instructor, Nicole hurried from the room, eager to see how the rest of her friends fared.
Kas idly watched as Lysander seemed to be trying to glue his shoes to his feet or something as they waited for their names to be called, drumming his fingers on the bench and trying not to let his brain overthink the whole thing. Sure if he messed this up it meant he'd been stuck using floo to get to work for the foreseeable future until he could retake lessons after school, but it wasn't like he was dreading getting stuck at home all holidays, he thought dryly. He scrubbed a hand through his hair, trying to keep his face impassive as he watched their classmates filter in and out of the hall. At least his fate would sealed pretty quickly it seemed.

Kas' name was finally called, and he tried to let his irritation at the instructor using his full name distract him from his nerves as he entered the great hall. The instructor pointed out his target near the back wall, a spot Kas was pretty sure he'd seen a Christmas tree put in one or twice for the ball. He snorted at the mental of image of someone colliding with the tree for a moment before trying to sober up and focus. The laugh had helped ease his nerves some at least and Kas stared at the spot for a moment longer before shutting his eyes. He could envision himself there, could will himself there. No big deal. Kas felt a tickle, then a tug, and finally the swooping sensation of movement before he opened his eyes, blinking quickly at the sudden shift. Thankfully, he was on target, though he was disoriented by finding himself facing the wall, it was still exactly where he'd meant to be, so Kas didn't care, letting out a slow breath before heading out of the hall, giving Lysander a shrug on his way past. "Easy, aye?" He said before glancing thoughtfully at Lysander's shoes with a raised eyebrow.
Freya had been doing her best to ignore the upcoming exam and shove the anxiety she was feeling into an unused corner of her brain. It wasn't working exceptionally well, but she had managed to make it to the examination room instead of bolting and considered that to be a great success. She reasoned with herself that even if she completely messed up this exam, she still knew how to apparate and maybe she could just do it without a licence. Crime was always an option.

She listened to the instructor and her anxiety started leaking out of her brain, and Freya started bounding on her toes as inconspicuously as she could to try to stop freaking out before it was her turn. Feeling the sudden urge to remove any buttons from her clothing and shave her entire head just to lessen the chance of having anything to leave behind if she messed up her one attempt, Freya agonised as she waited for her turn. Her surname meant her turn was just after Kas and she was a little relieved after watching him succeed. It helped her focus when it was her turn, and Freya concentrated on where she wanted to go and apparated. She opened her eyes and stared blankly at the instructor as she mentally catalogued all her limbs being in the right places. Freya had survived the exam, and now she had to go somewhere quiet and process how she felt about it.
Arthur felt like he was ready for the final apparition exam. He walked into the Great Hall, unsurprised to see it was back to its usual design. He settled in, not worried in the slightest. He smiled at Kiara, sensing her nervousness from where he sat. He would have to catch up with her after and try to comfort her. He waited until it was his turn, smiling softly to himself and standing as his name was called.

Arthur took his place, gave the woman a smirk, and shut his eyes. He imagined where he wanted to be, allowing the twisting in his stomach to pull him forward. He was pleased to find he had successfully apparated across the room, exactly on target. He gave the woman from the Ministry a nod before leaving the room.
Rose was scared. Lily had hurt herself and sworn off apparating on her own. Ren had been to lazy to pass his exams. She didn't know if she would succeed or fail. She was glad that Iris stayed with her, using the other girls presence to center herself. Iris was called first, and Rose made sure to return her smile.

When it was her turn, she took a deep breath before moving to take her spot. She tried to focus, pushing her anxieties down and taking a moment to meditate the way the counsellor had shown her. Feeling more confident, Rose opened her eyes again to locate where she needed to be. She bit her lip for a brief second before stepping forward into the apparition. She was shocked, and pleased, when she re-appeared exactly where she needed to be. She gave the Ministry woman a shy smile before hurrying from the room.

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