An Addition to Leadership

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

Over the past half year there have been a number of changes with the admin team, and we're here today to announce another! :o Life isn't getting any less busy for me or Nick, and as we want to continue to focus on both maintaining current areas and expanding others, we thought it would be handy to bring another person on board. Being an admin on HNZ is not an easy role to fill. The learning curve is steep and the history of the site is long, and the work doesn't ever stop. Becoming a global moderator is a huge commitment; becoming an admin is even more so.

After careful consideration, Nick and I felt that Emzies would be the best fit to the administration side of the board. With 4 years under her belt as a global moderator and even more years than that on the site (Anyone remember her first character? :cyndi: ), Nick and I know that she is going to be a great addition. She knows the site and is eager to see it continue to grow, and it doesn't help that she's great at graphics as well and can continue to work on that aspect of the site at this level. :p

Emzies will be jumping right into training during our busiest time - end of the year and sorting, so I ask you to please be patient with her and us as she learns the ropes and we go through all of the site docs to reflect the necessary changes. :)

Nick and I look forward to working more closely with Emzies, and we hope you'll take a moment to join us in offering your congratulations and/or good luck to Emzies on her promotion.

Welcome, Emzies! :party: ^_^

~ Cyndi & Nick
Omg I'm so happy :party: Congrats Emzies!! :hug: Love you!!
Wow!! :woot: :woot: Congrats Emzies!!! :party: :party: :hug: Hope admin life is not too hard to adjust to! :hug:
This made me smile! :D Congratulations Emzies, I know you'll do a great job :hug:
Congratulations Emzies! I know you're gonna smash it!
:emzies: This is so exciting! :emzies:
Congrats Emzies, remember us small people down here :p kidding, but good luck with your promotion and training!
Yas Emzies congrats! :woot: :hug:
WOAH out of left field! Was not expecting that, but I'm absolutely thrilled.


Don't be a stranger, now, Miss Admin ;D
Emzies! :wub:
Well done and congratulations. :woot:
Admin is not easy but you will definitely make a seriously fab addition to the admin team.

Congratulations Emzies! :party:
Emzies congrats! You'll do great, I'm 100% sure!
Congratulations Emzies!! You sure will do amazing! :claire:

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Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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