I agree with Kris about the two votes for Ruben standing out.
The more I look at this, the more I'm convinced Anna is a wolf trying to put us on the wrong foot by pointing at Kris. In her story, she was active enough all 3 days to look at someone as seer, but even though she apparently thought she was possibly the real seer, she left no crumbs for us to follow after her death. No votes, and no strong opinions in the thread. I feel like the seer would play the game more that way, and not keep information to themselves until they were threatened. Though I could be wrong.
I'm not saying she should have come out and said she had information, but I often went back in previous games to see how the seer had voted/who they found suspicious, which could often include valuable clues.
Of course its possible Anna has just been busy, I can certainly relate to that. Or her schedule worked out better for being active during the nights rather than the days. But I do find it strange that you'd ask for information each night but make no attempt to communicate it to the village
I think it's safe to highlight Soho as a special role, no?
I tend to only do that when its 100% confirmed

but I could do that
I know it's been pretty much confirmed but I already felt like counting Adorah among the villagers was sort of risky. These charts get reposted (mostly by me

) and the more its shown the more those things are just taken for fact without remembering they aren't 100% confirmed (by a role reveal after death) and I'm just worried about making a mistake and that being taken for fact.