old school week

  1. Kace Corelli

    Old School Week Pancakes!

    Kace enter the great hall hungry for something sweet for breakfast. Kace scan the long table surveying the breakfast buffet, nothing call for his attention until he saw a whole stack of fluffy, warm looking pancakes. "Oh yeah! Pancakes," Kace jump to nearest spot on the bench and started loading...
  2. Bisera Orlova

    Old School Week Boo!

    Bisera was bored, as she tended to be in this place. The girl had been wondering about after breakfast, and though she could’ve sought out any number of places, where they would more people, but she was tired and couldn’t entirely be bothered. So the girl had decided to hide around a corner...
  3. Cyzarine Haden

    Old School Week Lumos! Lumos! Lumos!

    Cyzarine loved the spells she knew she’d be learning, but she was sat randomly on the steps outside the owlery in a lightly more dark area of the school, and with her brand new wand out in front of her, was saying, Lumos and nox. Watching the wand light up and then turn off. It was a simple...
  4. Geovanna Adler-Cade

    Old School Week Just another day

    Geo ran into the forest. She fainted.
  5. Stefan Archer

    Old School Week Little Library Quirks

    Stefan liked working in the library, surprisingly it was the only peace he got in a house filled with three young children. The library was a nice peaceful place for him to be. Stefan loved his home, his children and his wife, but he loved the peace and quiet the library gave him. He knew that...
  6. Theodore Westwick

    Old School Week Hiding in Dusty Corners

    Theodore Westwick was once again alone. Sad as it was, he was starting to get used to it. He decided to kill some time reading interesting books, but didn't want to be annoyed or disturbed while doing so. So he gathered up a few books and then found a space on the floor between two rows of...
  7. Rory Fergusson

    Old School Week Lunch Breaks

    Rory was still not sleeping well, he thought all of his troubles would wash away once he was at least back in the school, but the questions which faced him lingered. He was just glad that the only thing he had to worry about school wise so far was quidditch. He was practicing whenever he could...
  8. Jerara Tapsell

    Old School Week Cozy Reading

    Jerara had ditched a couple of his classes for this upcoming semester, but this didn’t mean he could relax, no, it just meant that occasionally he would have time to just sit and read by himself. Like he was doing currently, just sitting reading a book about the history of dark magic in the...
  9. Norton Gillespie

    Old School Week Daffodils Blooming Soon

    Norton loved the gardens, but he was curious to see what kind of things he could grow, so without telling anyone he’d brought a pack of daffodil bulbs. He knew it maybe wasn’t the best thing to just be bringing to school, but Norton loved the way daffodils bloomed and shone in the spring. He...
  10. Professor Misha Haden

    Old School Week Sleeping in Marmalade Toast

    Misha was tired, he had certainly never been a morning person, but even after years of teaching and early mornings he still wasn’t sold on the idea. He couldn’t always manage to get up in time and honestly, coffee only did so much. But the professor had been awoken too early in the morning, and...
  11. Alice Holland

    Old School Week Moving Up

    Alice missed her friend Daisy a little, but she intended to write her soon. Because of that, the girl decided to try something her older friend had taught her last year, climbing a tree! That way she could tell Daisy about it in a letter, which would be great! She found the same tree she had...
  12. Derek Tahana

    Old School Week Practice Runs

    Derek hadn’t been involved in the last duelling event, he’d thought about it and figured that with his slightly poorer grades he wouldn’t be allowed to take part, though now he knew differently. Anyone could take part, so he knew that he had to get better at it. He had his wand out and was just...
  13. Mazikeen Roe

    Old School Week Paddling Pool

    Mazikeen found herself at the lake front. Feet in the water paddling about on the slippy shore front. Oh boy the water was cold. It was so cold and she was careful to not go in much further or she’d end up getting very cold. For now she was just looking around at the water below her and hoping...
  14. Aonghas Fergusson

    Old School Week Checking Out Books

    Aonghas had decided on a dull and dreary morning that he would spend the time in the library. He hadn’t check it out as of yet and he was keen to see what it held. He had heard a lot about the library at the other hogwarts, and he was keen to make his own comparisons to this one. Aonghas began...
  15. Vader Hume

    Old School Week Unsure on a Broom

    Vader had been loving the skateboarding that he’d been learning to do in the last few months, and the gryffindor was thinking that maybe quidditch wouldn’t be a bad idea. He hadn’t ever really flown before aside from in the classes and he wasn’t particularly good at it either. However, Vader was...
  16. Emilia Manning

    Old School Week Sunlit Pages

    Emilia had found herself a nice spot in one of the windowsills in the first floor corridor, as the light of the sun shining inside was perfect for her purpose today. At the start of the semester there wasn't much homework yet, so Emilia decided to read for a bit. The girl was very invested in...
  17. Rose Holland

    Old School Week Happy Morning

    Rose was in a cheerful mood today. She was glad to be back at school, surrounded by other kids her age and back with her friends. In truth, she had missed the school a lot during the break. This morning, she decided to show her happy feeling in her breakfast, and made a happy face of syrup on...
  18. Leda Layton

    Old School Week On edge

    Up here wasn't right. But Leda needed to go up. She couldn't stay in the Dungeon now. She needed her friend. Speed walking down the corridor, she hoped he was in. The one person she knew she could rely on. The Gryffndor. Leda rounded the corner. Her brain had little time to react, except for one...
  19. Leda Layton

    Old School Week Too much change

    It was here. Right here. She could have sworn it. Heggie was long gone. Maybe there would be another. Or not. Anything to help would have been welcoming. Something the same. Why did it all have to change? Leda walked through the forest, as the sun began to set. No she would to find it. Or...
  20. Professor Grace Holland

    Old School Week A Moment of Nostalgia

    Grace was happy to be back at Hogwarts, and found herself looking forward to her lessons with the first years. She enjoyed her job, but she had to admit she did miss playing Quidditch sometimes. So when she was tidying up the storage shed near the Quidditch pitch, she decided she would allow...