Students Seeking Storylines

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Hi hi hello, I've got three characters in three different houses, ranging in age 13-15, so throw all your students (and adults if you want!) at me. No matter who they are, I'm sure we can figure out something. I've listed some ideas below, but I'm very open to other ideas if you've got them!

Harper Alston
Fifth Year Gryffindor


Biography | Aesthetic

Harper is somehow?? a fifth year???? She has a solid group of friends and is pretty settled into Hogwarts life, so I'd love any plots to shake that up. She'll likely be spending much of this year slightly overwhelmed as she tries to balance all her OWL classes with her animagus training. She's also got future plans to think about though she's not too worried about that yet. Otherwise, she'll mostly be her normal, laid-back and cheerful self. She's still always down for an adventure or a pick-up game of soccer (or any muggle sport).
  • Friends - I'm forever looking for new friends for Harper and new threads with existing friends. She's pretty easy to get along with and always happy to meet new people.
  • Pureblood/muggleborn plots - Looking for prejudice plots, anything about getting caught between the magical and non-magical worlds, and characters who want to discuss the ethics of things like healing muggles and obliviating them.
  • Mentors and mentees - She's started to think about post-grad plans and could use a mentor or two to help guide her. Also happy for her to be a mentor to younger students! She can show them secret passageways, tutor them in transfiguration, and just generally offer advice.
  • Romance - She has a pretty unfortunate crush right now, but who says a girl can't crush on multiple people at once? Looking for someone to distract her. Other plots also welcome. Boys only.
I'm also looking for threads with other Gryffindors and/or fifth years; animagus- or animal-related threads; a herbology tutor; sports-related threads; and chaotic adventures of any kind.

Weston Stirling
Fourth Year Ravenclaw


Biography | Aesthetic

Weston's had an interesting year. In some ways, he's still the extremely friendly and obnoxiously enthusiastic boy that he was as a first year. But he's also started to realize that the world isn't quite as rosy as he's always believed it to be. He's calmed down a bit (not much) and is starting to (very) slowly gain some self-awareness, though he can still be pretty naïve and self-centered. I'd love some plots that continue to chip away at the rose-colored glasses he's been wearing or force him to address some of his character flaws.
  • Friends - If you have had at least one (1) conversation with him, he probably considers you a friend. He's a good option if your character needs friends but is too shy/apathetic/hostile to make them.
  • Enemies - This will likely be one-sided since he has an almost pathological need to be liked. He can be pretty annoying and isn't always great with social cues, so I wouldn't be surprised if some find his energy off-putting.
  • Eel plots - He saw the eel once and is now obsessed. He's working with Indira Khatri to research the creature, and they're looking for other eel witnesses. Also open to other creature-related plots!
  • Romance - Will he be a nervous mess? Or will his innate enthusiasm allow him to remain oblivious to any awkwardness? I don't know! Let's find out together. Any gender.
I'm also looking for more threads with Ravenclaws (he loves the house but has never really felt like he belongs); music-related threads (he's in a band with Jordan Harris); people to take advantage of his gullibility; and (indoor) adventures of any kind.

Celia Vuong
Third Year Slytherin


Biography | Aesthetic

Perpetually in a bad mood, Celia doesn't have the greatest home life, and it's poisoned her view of Hogwarts. She has a lot of contempt for the school and the people there. Regardless, she is determined to succeed. She's finally gotten her grades in order and started to make a name for herself on the Quidditch pitch. This year, she wants to refine her reputation and climb the social ladder into popularity. She's not the nicest and is very judgmental, but she's willing to rein that in for people she respects or people she thinks she can use.
  • Friends - I'm always happy for her to make more frenemies, on-again/off-again friends, toxic friends, rivals, etc. But I also want her to make at least one genuine friend if that's even possible
  • An arch-nemesis - Sure, she has a lot of people she dislikes, but I'd like to get her an arch-nemesis who she can hate — someone who pisses her off on sight.
  • Mentors - If you think your prefect/club leader/head person/professor can tolerate a self-important 13 year old trying to pry school secrets/advice/gossip out of them, let me know.
  • Romance - I think it'd be fun to do an on-again/off-again relationship filled with lots of bad decisions for the next couple years. Also open to other plots. Any gender.
I'm also looking for Quidditch plots; threads that push her to explore her views on magical politics; plots involving sabotage/backstabbing; fashion-related threads; and drama of any kind.
Hi Ana :wub:

Harper & Estella
Estella actually really likes Harper, so I'm happy for them to get closer this year and become good friends!

Harper & Genevieve
Estella's sister Evie could do with an older mentor. They are both in Gryffindor, and Evie loves Transfiguration and I feel like it would be the only subject that she would study for, so perhaps Harper could tutor her in that? Estella wouldn't be too happy with them being close though, so maybe that could instigate some drama? :r

Weston & Louis
These two could be good friends! They seem a little bit different, but perhaps they could balance each other out in a good way? Louis could teach him how to be a little bit more self-aware but also a little less selfish. They could also go on some adventures together, however Louis is a little more cautious than the average explorer.

Weston & Lucie
Lucie has also seen the eel back in her first year. She hadn't thought too much about it, but she would definitely be willing to join in on the research if you need another person to join :)
Hey Ana!

I don't have much to offer, but I'd love to try and do some stuff between Weston and Valencia! I know we tried to do a thread between them, but that ended very quickly bc it didn't reply- But again, I am happy to do something between them! I don't have any particular ideas for the two of them in mind.

For your third year, I have three third years to offer you =)) You can decide what ones you'd like, but you don't have to! I have Nolan, who is pretty outgoing and is into music! I have Charlie whose always up to mischief and pranks! And I have Xiuying who is quite academically driven and care a lot about sports!

Let me know what you think hehe!

I have some other half thoughts, so message me for details, and just to talk in general, lol.
Anaaaa!! Keeping this short bc I'm recovering from wrist surgery, but here's a couple ideas!

Harper & Hester: They're roomies and I think they'd get along really well! I think we started a thing a while ago that got forgotten, but I'd be keen to pick them up again and see where it goes?

Weston & Jenna: Revenge Of The Bad Yule Ball Date??? Jenna would absolutely not hesitate to give him a hard time, if you're keen for some conflict!

Celia & Jenna: Mean Girls Unite 👏 Jenna would welcome Celia into her clique, and absolutely love to fill her in on all the gossip >:3
Ana! I have come to bring you some plots...

Harper x Nikko: I really enjoy their friendship and would love to do more with them!

Harper x Felix: He is Very Interested in animagus stuff and if he found out there was a student training for it he would love to talk to them and ask them a million questions.

Weston x Indira: [chanting] Eel! Eel! Eel! I love their quest very much and would like it to continue. But would be interested in exploring their friendship outside of Eel Watch 2k55.

Celia x Caleb: I get the feeling she can’t stand him while he actually kind of likes her which is quite funny to me. If you would like him to continually pester her into friendship I would happily oblige.

Sorry if these are a little vague lol. And if you have any other ideas let me know!
Hi Ana :wub:

Harper & Estella
Estella actually really likes Harper, so I'm happy for them to get closer this year and become good friends!

Harper & Genevieve
Estella's sister Evie could do with an older mentor. They are both in Gryffindor, and Evie loves Transfiguration and I feel like it would be the only subject that she would study for, so perhaps Harper could tutor her in that? Estella wouldn't be too happy with them being close though, so maybe that could instigate some drama? :r

Weston & Louis
These two could be good friends! They seem a little bit different, but perhaps they could balance each other out in a good way? Louis could teach him how to be a little bit more self-aware but also a little less selfish. They could also go on some adventures together, however Louis is a little more cautious than the average explorer.

Weston & Lucie
Lucie has also seen the eel back in her first year. She hadn't thought too much about it, but she would definitely be willing to join in on the research if you need another person to join :)

Hi Kaye!

Estella and Harper - Harper came out of their last thread with an overall positive perception of Estella, and I'd love to do more with them. Based off their last conversation, do you still want them to meet up so that Harper can show her how to use a laptop? Also happy to do something else.

Genevieve and Harper - Harper would be very willing to tutor her in Transfiguration! Also drama is always welcome. Harper will probably be very uncomfortable lol, but she will try to smooth things over (she's fairly used to mediating conflict between her own siblings)

Louis and Weston - Yes to all of this! Weston could definitely use someone calling him out when he's being inconsiderate and dumb. I think he also would've noticed Louis repeatedly running out of class, so he could insensitively ask about that if you want. Or we could just send them on some adventures (his idea of adventure is pretty tame; he just wants to wander the castle and look for secret passageways and talk to cool ghosts)

Lucie and Weston - Weston will never say no to someone who wants to help him find the eel. At the very least, he wants to interrogate Lucie about her eel sighting. Just say the word, and he's there :p

Hey Ana!

I don't have much to offer, but I'd love to try and do some stuff between Weston and Valencia! I know we tried to do a thread between them, but that ended very quickly bc it didn't reply- But again, I am happy to do something between them! I don't have any particular ideas for the two of them in mind.

For your third year, I have three third years to offer you =)) You can decide what ones you'd like, but you don't have to! I have Nolan, who is pretty outgoing and is into music! I have Charlie whose always up to mischief and pranks! And I have Xiuying who is quite academically driven and care a lot about sports!

Let me know what you think hehe!


Valencia and Weston - I'd love to do more with them. I saw in your PD that you're looking for someone to try and convince her to like magic, and Weston would be very happy to do that. I don't know how compelling his arguments will be (lbr they'll mostly boil down to "magic is fun") but he's willing to try!

Third years and Celia - I'm happy to thread her with any of them. It depends on what kind of Celia you want :p If you want angry/annoyed Celia, we should do something with her and Charlie since I'm pretty sure he would get on her nerves (especially if he pranked her). I think she'd act fairly cordial towards Nolan, especially if she finds out he also likes art. She's not very artistic herself, but she has a healthy appreciation for the arts. It's a toss-up whether she gets along with Xiuying since they do have some similarities (academically driven, likes Quidditch), but Xiuying's goofiness might irritate her. Celia might also end up seeing her as a threat/rival.

Anaaaa!! Keeping this short bc I'm recovering from wrist surgery, but here's a couple ideas!

Harper & Hester: They're roomies and I think they'd get along really well! I think we started a thing a while ago that got forgotten, but I'd be keen to pick them up again and see where it goes?

Weston & Jenna: Revenge Of The Bad Yule Ball Date??? Jenna would absolutely not hesitate to give him a hard time, if you're keen for some conflict!

Celia & Jenna: Mean Girls Unite 👏 Jenna would welcome Celia into her clique, and absolutely love to fill her in on all the gossip >:3
Hi Rowan! I hope your wrist heals quickly :hug:

Hester and Harper - Yes, we should definitely throw them together again! They have pretty similar backgrounds (muggleborns from big families), so if you ever want convos/bonding over that, let me know. Also happy to just send them on some fun adventures!

Jenna and Weston - I always want conflict for Weston. Please have Jenna be mean to him. He knows he screwed up at the ball (though he's less sure how), but I think he's still laboring under the delusion that he can somehow befriend her.

Jenna and Celia - I think we also had a thread with the two of them that died because of me (sorry). Anyway, she definitely wants to join Jenna's clique and get all the gossip. Celia needs some friends she can judge other people with.

Ana! I have come to bring you some plots...

Harper x Nikko: I really enjoy their friendship and would love to do more with them!

Harper x Felix: He is Very Interested in animagus stuff and if he found out there was a student training for it he would love to talk to them and ask them a million questions.

Weston x Indira: [chanting] Eel! Eel! Eel! I love their quest very much and would like it to continue. But would be interested in exploring their friendship outside of Eel Watch 2k55.

Celia x Caleb: I get the feeling she can’t stand him while he actually kind of likes her which is quite funny to me. If you would like him to continually pester her into friendship I would happily oblige.

Sorry if these are a little vague lol. And if you have any other ideas let me know!

Hey Kadi!

Nikko and Harper - Definitely want to do more with them, I'll PM you in a bit with thoughts!

Felix and Harper - Harper would love to tell him all about it and maybe try to convince him to give it a go himself. If you're willing to wait a bit, I have some fun thread ideas once she gets a sense of what her animal form will be (probably won't be until second semester at the earliest). Or we could do something sooner. Maybe she sees him reading about animagi or he comes across her studying/practicing?

Indira and Weston - Eel! Eel! Eel! Always down for more eel threads (my goal is to add a new, even more ridiculous layer to Weston's conspiracy theories every year). As for non-eel stuff, he could probably use a new tutor since his last one was Eoin. Also happy to just have them hang out around the castle. And a potential holiday thread idea: Both of them have parents who are academics, so it could be fun to have them run into each other in a random part of the world while their professor parents attend some kind of conference.

Caleb and Celia - Oh, she finds him incredibly annoying and wishes he'd just leave her alone. So of course, I would love it if he continued to pester her. Can't promise she'll ever consider him a friend (at this rate, he might drive her to her breaking point soon), but it should still be fun!

Valencia and Weston - I'd love to do more with them. I saw in your PD that you're looking for someone to try and convince her to like magic, and Weston would be very happy to do that. I don't know how compelling his arguments will be (lbr they'll mostly boil down to "magic is fun") but he's willing to try!

Third years and Celia - I'm happy to thread her with any of them. It depends on what kind of Celia you want :p If you want angry/annoyed Celia, we should do something with her and Charlie since I'm pretty sure he would get on her nerves (especially if he pranked her). I think she'd act fairly cordial towards Nolan, especially if she finds out he also likes art. She's not very artistic herself, but she has a healthy appreciation for the arts. It's a toss-up whether she gets along with Xiuying since they do have some similarities (academically driven, likes Quidditch), but Xiuying's goofiness might irritate her. Celia might also end up seeing her as a threat/rival.
Weston + Valencia - Yay! Anything to try and convince her to like magic is fine ahaha! She'll still be a wee bit stubborn about it, but I'm happy for Weston to try and give it a shot anyway hehe!

Celia + Third Years - Yess! Maybe we could give Celia and Xiuying a shot? I'd love to see what happens between these two! the rival does sound interesting too! I'm also gonna have Xiuying try out for the Quidditch team again since she was only an alternate last year, so we could do a quidditch thread between these two sometime in the future as well if you are keen on that? But for now, we can put them into a thread together and see what happens?

And then maybe do the other two later on in the year, like second semester or something? That way it's spread out and also have something later? Let me know what you think about that hehe! You could always pm me too if there's anything else you want to further discuss as well! :D
Hi Kaye!

Estella and Harper - Harper came out of their last thread with an overall positive perception of Estella, and I'd love to do more with them. Based off their last conversation, do you still want them to meet up so that Harper can show her how to use a laptop? Also happy to do something else.

Genevieve and Harper - Harper would be very willing to tutor her in Transfiguration! Also drama is always welcome. Harper will probably be very uncomfortable lol, but she will try to smooth things over (she's fairly used to mediating conflict between her own siblings)

Louis and Weston - Yes to all of this! Weston could definitely use someone calling him out when he's being inconsiderate and dumb. I think he also would've noticed Louis repeatedly running out of class, so he could insensitively ask about that if you want. Or we could just send them on some adventures (his idea of adventure is pretty tame; he just wants to wander the castle and look for secret passageways and talk to cool ghosts)

Lucie and Weston - Weston will never say no to someone who wants to help him find the eel. At the very least, he wants to interrogate Lucie about her eel sighting. Just say the word, and he's there :p

Estella & Harper
Oh yes, I forgot about that! I'm not sure how much longer the holiday threads are open for, but if we start it right away we could finish it in time. I'm happy to start it!

Evie & Harper
Okay! Maybe Harper can be studying for Transfiguration and Evie will happily start conversation with her about it. Would you mind starting it?

Louis & Weston
Louis will be totally embarrassed if Weston confronts him about that xD I'm so up for it :r Also, that kind of adventure is definitely what Louis would want too, so that's good! I can start this one.

Lucie & Weston
Yay, I'm happy with that! Did you want to start this one too? If not, then I can :D
Hi! You replied to my PD but here I am anyway :r

I can offer you Augustus for Weston, he's a sixth year but he's also pretty obsessed with the Eel. He's a bit of a weirdo, but maybe Weston can look past that :r

I already PMed you about a plot between Celia and Louis, maybe depending on how that goes we can see if they can have a bit of a terrible relationship? Louis is going to be doing that with someone else too, though. He's going to be a mess in the romance department xD
Hi Rowan! I hope your wrist heals quickly :hug:

Hester and Harper - Yes, we should definitely throw them together again! They have pretty similar backgrounds (muggleborns from big families), so if you ever want convos/bonding over that, let me know. Also happy to just send them on some fun adventures!

Jenna and Weston - I always want conflict for Weston. Please have Jenna be mean to him. He knows he screwed up at the ball (though he's less sure how), but I think he's still laboring under the delusion that he can somehow befriend her.

Jenna and Celia - I think we also had a thread with the two of them that died because of me (sorry). Anyway, she definitely wants to join Jenna's clique and get all the gossip. Celia needs some friends she can judge other people with.

Hester & Harper: Yesss, I think it would be great for them to be able to bond over their similar backgrounds & missing family at Hogwarts!! Happy to do this now or save it for later in the year, whichever you like :D (If we save it I'll throw it on my to-do list and drop you a line a few weeks into the semester)

Jenna & Weston: Awwww yes, I love the idea that he still thinks they could be friends. Poor guy I'm so sorry... Happy to do this now or put it on the later list too!

Jenna & Celia: Oooh yes, I forgot but I think you're right!! Jenna would welcome Celia into the clique, totally happy to do a thread with them whenever!! (Maybe hanging out judging other students fashions?)
Hey Kadi!

Nikko and Harper - Definitely want to do more with them, I'll PM you in a bit with thoughts!

Felix and Harper - Harper would love to tell him all about it and maybe try to convince him to give it a go himself. If you're willing to wait a bit, I have some fun thread ideas once she gets a sense of what her animal form will be (probably won't be until second semester at the earliest). Or we could do something sooner. Maybe she sees him reading about animagi or he comes across her studying/practicing?

Indira and Weston - Eel! Eel! Eel! Always down for more eel threads (my goal is to add a new, even more ridiculous layer to Weston's conspiracy theories every year). As for non-eel stuff, he could probably use a new tutor since his last one was Eoin. Also happy to just have them hang out around the castle. And a potential holiday thread idea: Both of them have parents who are academics, so it could be fun to have them run into each other in a random part of the world while their professor parents attend some kind of conference.

Caleb and Celia - Oh, she finds him incredibly annoying and wishes he'd just leave her alone. So of course, I would love it if he continued to pester her. Can't promise she'll ever consider him a friend (at this rate, he might drive her to her breaking point soon), but it should still be fun!
Nikko + Harper: Sounds good 👀

Felix + Harper: Later is totally cool! He's currently trying his best to get the good grades in transfiguration and kind of struggling so maybe we could do something with that?

Indi + Weston: I love all of that! She's become very committed to their cause but his ever growing conspiracy might test her patience lol. She would happy to be his tutor but if she's actually helpful is a totally different question. And I also love the holiday thread idea 👍

Caleb + Celia: Perfect. I think getting her to crack might be the goal he doesn't even realize he's working towards.
Weston + Valencia - Yay! Anything to try and convince her to like magic is fine ahaha! She'll still be a wee bit stubborn about it, but I'm happy for Weston to try and give it a shot anyway hehe!

Celia + Third Years - Yess! Maybe we could give Celia and Xiuying a shot? I'd love to see what happens between these two! the rival does sound interesting too! I'm also gonna have Xiuying try out for the Quidditch team again since she was only an alternate last year, so we could do a quidditch thread between these two sometime in the future as well if you are keen on that? But for now, we can put them into a thread together and see what happens?

And then maybe do the other two later on in the year, like second semester or something? That way it's spread out and also have something later? Let me know what you think about that hehe! You could always pm me too if there's anything else you want to further discuss as well! :D

Starting with Valencia/Weston and Xiuying/Celia sounds good! I can start one if you'd like to start the other? Up to you which one you want to start ^_^

Estella & Harper
Oh yes, I forgot about that! I'm not sure how much longer the holiday threads are open for, but if we start it right away we could finish it in time. I'm happy to start it!

Evie & Harper
Okay! Maybe Harper can be studying for Transfiguration and Evie will happily start conversation with her about it. Would you mind starting it?

Louis & Weston
Louis will be totally embarrassed if Weston confronts him about that xD I'm so up for it :r Also, that kind of adventure is definitely what Louis would want too, so that's good! I can start this one.

Lucie & Weston
Yay, I'm happy with that! Did you want to start this one too? If not, then I can :D

Estella and Harper - If you could start it, that'd be great! I'll make sure to prioritize this so we can finish it before the holidays close.

Evie and Harper - Yup, I can start! Will let you know when it's up

Louis and Weston - Weston, being the idiot he is, might not even notice Louis is embarrassed lol. Definitely looking forward to this, and thanks for offering to start!

Lucie and Weston - I can start this, but can we wait a couple weeks? I'm trying not to overload myself with threads :)

Hi! You replied to my PD but here I am anyway :r

I can offer you Augustus for Weston, he's a sixth year but he's also pretty obsessed with the Eel. He's a bit of a weirdo, but maybe Weston can look past that :r

I already PMed you about a plot between Celia and Louis, maybe depending on how that goes we can see if they can have a bit of a terrible relationship? Louis is going to be doing that with someone else too, though. He's going to be a mess in the romance department xD

You're always welcome to throw plot ideas at me :D

Augustus and Weston - Weston is willing to look past anything if it means he gets more info about the eel. Plus, he's also a bit of a weirdo himself haha. Maybe they meet by the lake?

Louis and Celia - I'm down! We should probably get through their current plot and a dueling tournament first, so I can figure out if Celia would be down as well. She's, uh, not the biggest fan of him right now :r

Hester & Harper: Yesss, I think it would be great for them to be able to bond over their similar backgrounds & missing family at Hogwarts!! Happy to do this now or save it for later in the year, whichever you like :D (If we save it I'll throw it on my to-do list and drop you a line a few weeks into the semester)

Jenna & Weston: Awwww yes, I love the idea that he still thinks they could be friends. Poor guy I'm so sorry... Happy to do this now or put it on the later list too!

Jenna & Celia: Oooh yes, I forgot but I think you're right!! Jenna would welcome Celia into the clique, totally happy to do a thread with them whenever!! (Maybe hanging out judging other students fashions?)

That all sounds good to me! (Celia is always down to judge other people's outfits). Maybe we start with one or two and save the rest for later? Which one do you have the most muse for?

Nikko + Harper: Sounds good 👀

Felix + Harper: Later is totally cool! He's currently trying his best to get the good grades in transfiguration and kind of struggling so maybe we could do something with that?

Indi + Weston: I love all of that! She's become very committed to their cause but his ever growing conspiracy might test her patience lol. She would happy to be his tutor but if she's actually helpful is a totally different question. And I also love the holiday thread idea 👍

Caleb + Celia: Perfect. I think getting her to crack might be the goal he doesn't even realize he's working towards.

Felix and Harper - She would definitely be willing to help him with Transfiguration! It looks like he doesn't have Transfig until next semester, so that works out well

Indi and Weston - Well she seemed to embrace the "eel family" theory pretty quickly :p And it's ok, he's always been kind of hopeless at school. Maybe we do a thread now where they're hanging out and he's trying to get ready for classes and asks for help? And let's save the holiday one for the summer break so we have more time for it.

Caleb and Celia - Amazing. I know they have their current thread, and I'm happy to either continue it or drop it/wrap it up and start a new one. It's up to you!
Starting with Valencia/Weston and Xiuying/Celia sounds good! I can start one if you'd like to start the other? Up to you which one you want to start ^_^
Awesome! And sure I can start one and you start the other! I can start Xiuying + Celia and you can start Valencia + Weston?
That's totally fine, I understand :hug:

Here's the link for Harper and Essie! I will make the one for Weston and Louis soon.

That all sounds good to me! (Celia is always down to judge other people's outfits). Maybe we start with one or two and save the rest for later? Which one do you have the most muse for?
Yessss nice! I have most muse for Jenna & Celia right now, I reckon. Shall we do that one now and I'll put the others on my later list and message you in a few weeks? I'm happy to start for Jenna & Celia if you like :)
Awesome! And sure I can start one and you start the other! I can start Xiuying + Celia and you can start Valencia + Weston?
Yup, I can start Valencia/Weston! Will let you know when it's up :D

Yessss nice! I have most muse for Jenna & Celia right now, I reckon. Shall we do that one now and I'll put the others on my later list and message you in a few weeks? I'm happy to start for Jenna & Celia if you like :)
That sounds perfect. And if you could start, that would be great! ^_^
Felix and Harper - She would definitely be willing to help him with Transfiguration! It looks like he doesn't have Transfig until next semester, so that works out well

Indi and Weston - Well she seemed to embrace the "eel family" theory pretty quickly :p And it's ok, he's always been kind of hopeless at school. Maybe we do a thread now where they're hanging out and he's trying to get ready for classes and asks for help? And let's save the holiday one for the summer break so we have more time for it.

Caleb and Celia - Amazing. I know they have their current thread, and I'm happy to either continue it or drop it/wrap it up and start a new one. It's up to you!

That all sounds good! I think we can wrap Caleb and Celia after maybe a couple more replies, but I can start something for Indi and Weston soon if you'd like?
That all sounds good! I think we can wrap Caleb and Celia after maybe a couple more replies, but I can start something for Indi and Weston soon if you'd like?
Yup, if you could start something for Indi/Weston, that'd be great! :D
Hello hello.

So i've got a few things to offer, one is for a mentor for Celia, if you don't mind one that won't be very good, there's always leia, she's a 6th year, prefect, she's a very sharp person, isn't very calm and isn't very patient, but she'd try to be one and probably wouldn't always share gossip - so chill if that doesn't suit

I also have a possible friend for Celia or Weston, I have a new third year in Ravenclaw, Valeria, she's a new student, has never been to a school before now. She's a smart person but isn't always aware of what she does to people and how it affects them. She loves boys and can be friendly enough. She might be able to be a toxic friend for Celia, or someone who takes advantage of Weston.

Let me know if any of this interests you - chill if none of it does.
You're always welcome to throw plot ideas at me :D

Augustus and Weston - Weston is willing to look past anything if it means he gets more info about the eel. Plus, he's also a bit of a weirdo himself haha. Maybe they meet by the lake?

Louis and Celia - I'm down! We should probably get through their current plot and a dueling tournament first, so I can figure out if Celia would be down as well. She's, uh, not the biggest fan of him right now :r
Sounds great, do you want to start it or should I? Or do you want it to be a bit later? I'm fine either way ^_^
@Genevieve Fuentes - For Evie and Harper! Let me know if I should change anything

@Valencia Addington - For Valencia and Weston! Let me know if I should change anything

Hello hello.

So i've got a few things to offer, one is for a mentor for Celia, if you don't mind one that won't be very good, there's always leia, she's a 6th year, prefect, she's a very sharp person, isn't very calm and isn't very patient, but she'd try to be one and probably wouldn't always share gossip - so chill if that doesn't suit

I also have a possible friend for Celia or Weston, I have a new third year in Ravenclaw, Valeria, she's a new student, has never been to a school before now. She's a smart person but isn't always aware of what she does to people and how it affects them. She loves boys and can be friendly enough. She might be able to be a toxic friend for Celia, or someone who takes advantage of Weston.

Let me know if any of this interests you - chill if none of it does.

Hi Emzies!

Leia and Celia - I would love for her to be a mentor for Celia. I think Celia would be pretty keen to get to know Leia since she's a prefect and has a long string of Dueling Tournament victories. Celia would probably also be more willing to overlook any sharpness/impatience given Leia's status. But if they end up clashing, that could be fun too. Maybe we do something dueling related?

Valeria and Celia - Ooh, yes to toxic friends. I think Celia would like her though she might later start seeing Valeria as a rival (in classes, on the pitch, in terms of popularity, etc). They share a lot of the same interests (fashion, art, Quidditch), so maybe we could do something with that? Or Celia could approach her; she'd be pretty curious about anyone transferring into her year.

Valeria and Weston - I'm always down for people to take advantage of Weston. He's very trusting, and as long as she isn't trying to convince him to break the rules, she can probably get him to do whatever she wants. Did you have any initial ideas?

Sounds great, do you want to start it or should I? Or do you want it to be a bit later? I'm fine either way ^_^
Could we do it a bit later? I'm trying to pace myself with threads :)

Also, here's the thread for Natalia and Harper! I made it open after, but I can close it if you'd like or make any other changes
For Weston and Louis!

Hi Emzies!

Leia and Celia - I would love for her to be a mentor for Celia. I think Celia would be pretty keen to get to know Leia since she's a prefect and has a long string of Dueling Tournament victories. Celia would probably also be more willing to overlook any sharpness/impatience given Leia's status. But if they end up clashing, that could be fun too. Maybe we do something dueling related?

Valeria and Celia - Ooh, yes to toxic friends. I think Celia would like her though she might later start seeing Valeria as a rival (in classes, on the pitch, in terms of popularity, etc). They share a lot of the same interests (fashion, art, Quidditch), so maybe we could do something with that? Or Celia could approach her; she'd be pretty curious about anyone transferring into her year.

Valeria and Weston - I'm always down for people to take advantage of Weston. He's very trusting, and as long as she isn't trying to convince him to break the rules, she can probably get him to do whatever she wants. Did you have any initial ideas?

Hello! Yess to these, I never mind when Leia doesn't get along with someone xD
If you want to start one Celia thread, I can start the other?

as for valeria and weston - I don't have a firm idea yet, we could have them meet first and then plot a little or just use it if it naturally occurs? I imagine Valeria would be more the type of person to lie to him to make him believe things, and get her like a drink or a book, or go to the library for her. get her something from brightstone..etc..

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