Open Y43 Start of Year Feast

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
The sorting ceremony had come to a close, and Matt smiled at the sight of the fresh new faces at all the new tables. He had always been fond of the sorting ceremony, he was glad to be a part of it now. Matt stood up, waited a few moments for everyone to settle down, then spoke.

"Good evening students and staff of Hogwarts. I know how eager we all are to start our wonderful yearly feast, but I have a few quick announcements to make." He smiled as he paused. " For those of you who are freshly sorted or simply didn't know, my name is Professor Matt Alcott-Ward and I'm the headmaster here at Hogwarts."

He took a sip of water before continuing. "Alongside me are your Heads of Houses, these professors are here to guide you and lead you in your respective houses. The head of house for Hufflepuff is Professor Landon Carter, for Slytherin, Professor Angel Castillo, for Ravenclaw, Professor Kahurangi Josephs and for Gryffindor, Professor Cyndi Kingsley." Matt gestured to each of the professors in turn so the new students would know who was who. Then he went on.

"I already spoke about the forest before the sorting ceremony started, I hope it's not necessary to repeat myself now. I don't believe I have any other new announcements to make, so I'll finish up with this: I wish everyone here a wonderful, productive and fun new school year. In a moment now the food will appear, and I hope everyone also enjoys this wonderful feast." He said, smiling as the platters of food appeared the moment he finished speaking. Matt sat back down at the staff table and mentally went over his speech, hoping he hadn't forgotten anything important. He watched as students started to chat and eat, feeling excited about the upcoming year.
In all honesty, Valencia couldn't believe that she had made it to seventh year in Hogwarts. She was glad that she was inching her way closer to leaving this place and hopefully the magical world behind. Valencia didn't see herself being in the magical world in the future and staying within the muggle world. While she didn't make many friends during her time at Hogwarts, she was glad to try and spend as much time with the few she was friends with.

Valencia listened closely to the headmaster give his usual speech. She clapped when appropriate and was trying her best to pay attention to the sorting ceremony as well as what the headmaster was saying, especially since this was her last start-of-year feast. It wasn't long before the food appeared on the table and she was finally able to dig in.
Isaiah was more than ready for his last year at Hogwarts. He knew there were probably plenty of things he'd miss once he graduated, if he even managed to graduate, but he was also more than ready to get out school. Do the things he wanted to without having to be bothered with classes and studying and everything that came with that. But first, he was planning on having a killer final year. He had big plans but most of those were set for a little later in the year. For now he figured most of his focus would be on quidditch. Seeing if there was any new potential. Trying to figure out who to make captain. Zay zoned out a little as the Headmaster spoke, glad he wasn't going to repeat all of the rules about the forest and whatnot. Once the food appeared he happily got to filling up his plate.
Molly had a mix of emotions when coming to Hogwarts this year. While the Hufflepuff girl was excited for the new year, she was also a little bummed out that she hadn't made it as a prefect this year. While it looked like most of her friends had seemed to get the badges this year. She knew she'd get over it soon, but it still bummed her out. Molly zoned out a few times during the ceremony but cheered and clapped loudly during the ceremony. However, she only heard half of what the professor had said as she had heard something similar a million times before. When the food arrived, Molly quickly got her share of her food before everyone around her took everything.
Joshua was ultimately excited to be back at school. He was now getting used to the magical world, though there were a few things he was still getting used to. Josh definitely missed his school friends during the break and couldn't wait to catch up with them and see them. The Gryffindor cheered loudly for the new sortees of Gryffindor. Though Josh paid zero attention to what the headmaster had to say. Whatever he said was just really boring. He looked really bored throughout it the entire time. "This is sooo boring" Josh muttered but wasn't sure if anyone else around him had heard. When the food arrived, Josh abruptly got his food before anyone else, as he didn't want to be left with the unwanted leftovers.
Chase didn't care much for being back at school. His break had been good, nothing special. His mom had to work a lot so it had been him on his own for most of the time. Which was something he was used to anyways so it didn't really matter. Still, being back at school wasn't something he had been looking forward to. He still didn't get why people liked being here so much. It was just a school. Nothing more, nothing less. Chase tried to listen as the Headmaster as he started off the year with another speech, staring at the food once it appeared and waiting for the chaos of everyone wanting to fill up their plates to be over.
Nolan was absolutely grateful to be back at school. While he had spent his break with his friend, he was relieved that he didn't have to spend time with or see his mother during the break. He had noticed his family dynamic falling apart, and it wasn't looking good at all. Nolan was happy to see his friends and roommates again though. He was hoping he could get back into his music this year. Nolan tried his best to listen carefully to what the headmaster was saying but ended up zoning out and thinking about something else. When the food arrived, Nolan waited for everyone else to grab their share of the food before he dug into his own.
Abby was back for her fourth year of Hogwarts and she was always a little nervous. While she managed to make a few friends last year, she wanted to try and keep those friendships going this year, as she sometimes had trouble with making friends. She knew she was going to continue with art this year as she had dreams of going to art school when she was older. Abby listened carefully to what the headmaster had to say, as she didn't want to miss anything important. When the food arrived, Abby carefully grabbed her food and started to slowly eat her food.
Conan was absolutely excited to be back at school. He couldn't wait to see all his friends and show off the new shells that were added to his shell collection. The Ravenclaw boy sat at the Ravenclaw table, paying absolutely zero attention to what the headmaster was saying, as he was so intrigued with his shell collection instead. He had spent most of the time inspecting his shells, as he thought what the headmaster had to say wasn't important nor that interesting. When the food had arrived, he made sure to put his shoebox of shells on his lap as he went to go grab his food.
Eliza had so much energy from sorting. She didn't really have an opinion on where she was sorted, but the energy she felt with the people around her was something she absolutely enjoyed. Eliza made sure to pay attention to what the headmaster had said as she didn't want to miss anything important. It wasn't long before the food finally appeared on the table (Which surprised Eliza how the food appeared out of thin air). She then grabbed her food, not minding what was there. She turned to the nearest person. "Hello! I'm Eliza and I'm a first year! How about you?"
Senna's break had been great. She had spend half of it surfing with her dad and the other half checking out her mom's work. It had been fun, exciting. She didn't even think she had spend much time inside other than to sleep. Being back at school was nothing if not excited too. Sen didn't have any particular plans for this year but she was certain it was going to be great. She took a seat next to Josh and nudged him when he muttered about the speech being boring. "Don't act like it's not always boring." She whisperd with a chuckle, trying to keep quiet as to not draw too much attention to them. @Joshua Lynch
Ravenclaw. Rion couldn't believe it. After all she'd gone on about Hufflepuff and Gryffindor being the better houses. Worse still, the closest free space at the table was next to Ralph, the boy from the book shop. He was going to have a right laugh at her, she just knew it. She'd managed to avoid looking at him for the remainder of the ceremony and the headmaster's speech by angling her torso towards the front of the hall, but when the feast began, she had no choice but to acknowledge him. A quick smile should do it. There. Done. Now, where were the roasted parsnips?

@Ralph Easterling
With a happy look, the boy looked at his new house mates, also looking for a peer, and sighed. His new family. It was not already said that - boom! - and will be friends with everyone, but right now Ralph felt right in Ravenclaw.
As the headmaster began to speak, he saw the girl from the book shop next to him. The girl called Rion who sounded like she didn't want to be in Ravenclaw House. Ralph noticed that the girl smiled and he smiled a big smile too and he didn't think to laugh at all, just to note the fact that the girl was at her grandfather's house. Well, she'll have to get used to it! Like Ralph's twin brother who miraculously made it to the Slytherin House. That was a little bit odd.
He took the potatoes and put them on the plate and drank the pumpkin juice from the cup. ”Hello Rion. Are you happy with your house? Not so bad, right?”

@Rion Pendleton
Rion braced herself for a mocking. When it didn't come, she paused loading vegetables onto her plate and looked at Ralph properly for the first time. "I... guess," she stammered. Years ago, before the bullying started, she'd been crossing her fingers and toes that she had enough brains in her head to make Ravenclaw. Now she wasn't so sure she belonged. "It feels good. Except my best friend is in Gryffindor." She'd been avoiding looking at Ruby too, though as they were separated by two rows of students, this was thankfully easy. Putting down the parsnip tongs, she glanced at Ralph's plate of potatoes. "Do you want me to pass something down?" she asked. "I can reach... chicken, beans, sprouts, gravy, and some kind of red sauce - I think it might be chilli - but someone just licked the spoon and put it back in. Yeah, it's definitely chilli."

@Ralph Easterling
Ewan was unphased by his house choice. It had made no difference to him where he was placed and now as he took a seat at the Gryffindor table, he knew that these people would be the closest he physically had to work with for a little while. He was more than ready to start making some real friends around here, bonds that would hopefully stay strong for their time at the school.

Prior to the sorting ceremony, Ewan had popped a small piece of gum in his mouth so that he felt fresh when he met his new classmates. Now as food appeared on the table in front of them, he almost swallowed it in surprise. The first year sat there chewing for a moment, trying to take it all in. He was certainly hungry and ready to eat some real meals. He took the gum out his mouth, placing it carefully on the side of the table between a jar of pickles and something that resembled a garlic baguette with tomato, careful not to get it squashed or caught on anything. He could resume that later.

Tucking into his food, he immediately starting looking around the table to see who would be his next and newest most important best friend. It needed to be someone worthy of the title.
Natalia felt a little strange, sitting at the Slytherin table as one of the oldest students there. It was jarring, not hearing Liusaidh’s obnoxious laugh or seeing Brooke’s disapproving frown. She was honestly a little glad she hadn’t gotten the head girl badge, though she was curious who had. She listened to the headmaster but didn’t pay close attention what he said, it was pretty much the same every time. She tried not to look at the Gryffindor table as the food appeared. She wondered how Isadora was doing at Durmstrang and was surprised to find she missed her.
After the sorting June went sitting with the table where she only wanted to sit, at the Slytherin table. She smiled to some of the students older or same age. And found an place where she could see it all. And listened as the headmister spoke. She had to remember him and impress him. So she watched closely. Also it was good to see who was her head of house. Misha had already said something about it and now she could see the face to it. The speech it self was short and just not really much to add. So as the food appeared the blonde just took an cup of pumpkin juice. And felt this was an good opportunity to observe the room. Laying her eyes on Misha for an moment to see what he was doing. And what he would think of her sorting. If it was an suprise or not.
Despite the fact that Slytherin always seemed to win everything, Louis was confident that this was finally Gryffindor’s year. They were going to win both the house cup and the Quidditch cup, he was sure of it. Louis barely listened to his uncle as he spoke, it wasn’t like he would say anything new. He looked around, then started loading his plate full of food once it appeared.
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Ralph thought for a moment and decided to help her out. ”You can still see your best friend from Gryffindor. Sit at the same breakfast table or meet in class. My best friend and twin brother Christopher is in Slytherin. Do you have a sister or a brother?”

Meanwhile, eating was in full swing. Will there always be such a rich feast? He read that the food at Hogwarts is made by elves. Which he thought was funny, since it is illegal to use labor without pay these days. Then Rion offered to serve the food. He will probably give up chilli. "Thank you! Beans and gravy, please. I can pass you potatoes and other vegetables. And a drink that is pumpkin juice.”

He stuffed his mouth full of potatoes and wondered what else he could ask his housemate. ”Where do you live? That is, where is your first home?”

@Rion Pendleton
Branson was very happy to be back at school, this was his final year, and he was going to make the most of it. He wasn't that bothered about not being head boy, he'd been a little disappointed until he'd found out who had got it, and then he was very happy. If anyone deserved it, it was Jordie. The teen hoped that Jordie wouldn't overstretch himself in this year, but he knew all he could do was be there for him if he did. Bran had enjoyed the sorting ceremony, it was always fun to see the little kids who were joining the houses, especially now as he was going towards his graduation. Branson listened to the headmaster speak and then as food appear he glanced about the table, grabbing some food and looking for someone to speak to.
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Valeria had had a good end to her holiday, it had been nice to go see her dad in Portugal. Things were not exactly right in their relationship after she had sided with her mum and stayed in New Zealand, but it had been good to see him. Good too to be able to soak up some actual rays of sunshine. She had arrived back at school energized and ready for more. She applauded for all the newly sorted kids and listened along to the headmaster's words, though she could've predicted what he might've said. Valeria took some food and put it on to her plate, decided not looking towards the Hufflepuff table in case she accidentally looked at Charlie. She just focused on getting food and the other Ravenclaws around her.
Eugene was hoping this year would be way less stressful than the last. he had worked hard for his OWLs, and it had paid off, but he still knew that this year he wanted to spend time with friends, hang out with his bandmates, spend more time practicing and playing. he wanted to do more than he had before. Eugene cheered loudly for all the first years joining their house, every so often glancing towards Renata and giving her a little smile. Eventually the professor spoke, giving them the usual information, and then the food appeared. "Hey man, how was your break?" he asked Nolan.
@Nolan Burke
Brevity could not believe that she was physically at a school, wearing an awful uniform in amongst people who were apparently just like her. She doubted that most of these kids had half her brain. But she was still amongst them. Brevity hadn't known she was going to school until that very day. She had only had about a rucksack full of stuff, and she had to just make do until her parents sent more. God, they were just the stupidest people. She was sat near the end of the Slytherin table, having been sorted just before this whole long, silly ceremony. She was sure half these kids shouldn't be away from home, with how pathetic they'd looked sitting on that stool. The newly sorted Slytherin did pay a little attention as the headmaster spoke, learning from him exactly how lame this school was going to be, and then food just appeared. Brevity wondered how many of these kids even knew how it was made. But Brevity wouldn't go hungry, just because so much of this was garbage. Instead, she just pulled her food towards her and began eating.
Leonardo was nervous about being back at school. Leonard had had a good break, living with James and Jordie was a lot easier than living with his granddad, and he was for once actually relaxed when he finally got to school. School was not the escape from home that he had always craved, it was just school. The teen was unsurprised when Jordie's head boy's badge came, and he didn't get a prefect one. He knew how much trouble he had caused his head of house, the school, everyone with all that had happened in the year before. He didn't deserve to be a school lead, and really he didn't think he could. It had taken a few conversations with Jordie to know that this changed nothing between. His therapist had said that authority figures made him nervous. The teen just focused, listened closely to everything going on and sitting perfectly still until the food appeared in front of him.
Aurora was eagerly back at school. She had done well in the previous year and was another step closer to being a healer. She still had more years to go than she'd done, but all steps forward were steps forward. The Gryffindor sat at the Gryffindor table with Rosie in beside her. She cheered for the sorted students and listened to the headmaster as he spoke. There was nothing new or novel in what he said, and Aurora was glad when food appeared. She heard one of the young, new, Gryffindors speak next to her and smiled. ”Hi, I'm Aurora, I'm a fourth year. Are you excited for Hogwarts?” she asked the young girl.
@Eliza Reynolds

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