Y42 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

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Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
Matt stood at the end of the hall and watched as graduates, guests, staff members, and prefects entered and settled into their seats. The long house tables had been removed from the hall, leaving enough room for many rows of chairs for everyone in attendance. The decorations for the four houses were gone as well, replaced by simple banners with the Hogwarts symbol on it. The graduates were no longer a part of their house, they stood together as the graduating class of 2058.

After waiting for everyone to sit down, Matt made his way across the stage to take his position at the podium. It was the first time he had to do this, and he hoped his nerves weren't showing. There was something different about addressing parents and other guests along with the usual students. He hoped this would all go smoothly. "Welcome everyone to the graduation ceremony of twenty-fifty-eight. I would like to thank you all for joining us in this celebration of all the bright young witches and wizards that will be receiving their diplomas today. Seventh years, you should all be proud of what you have achieved." He said with a smile. "Your lives are just beginning, you are the future of wizardkind. I think I speak for all of the staff when I say that our future is a bright one. "He said, pausing for a moment. "With that, I'd like to call upon our head students Ares Kuya-Tine and Emmaline Hopkins-Vance to take the podium." With that, Matt finished, stepping to the side to allow the two head students to take the stage.
This was it. This was the last moment. It had finally come just as quickly as Emmaline had assumed. One blink and here she was seven years later. Of course, many things had led to this point. Many hours spent in the library. Many sleepovers with her friends. Many classes that she attended, in every subject. She had done it. But the question was she ready to be finished with it all? Was she really ready to leave all of this behind?

Emmaline listened as the Headmaster began the speech. She could feel her nerves getting to her. The butterflies in her stomach swirling about as if they were fighting off an attacker. She had never believed that she would be here with all eyes on her. Thankfully she had Ares next to her, but that did not help much. She scanned the crowd of people. Her mother was not there. That wasn't a surprise. She had mentioned to Emmaline that she would have to work, but part of the now graduating girl had thought that maybe just maybe her mother would surprise her. After all, wasn't this the plan from day one at Hogwarts? Graduating. Head Girl. Perfect Marks. And yet, it still was not enough. It never was.

At least, Emmaline saw some friendly faces in the crowd. Her sister was there, spotting a rather loud head of red hair. Maybe in honor of Emmaline. She hoped. That made her smile slightly. Even after everything, her sister was there for her. Emmaline took a deep breath. She could do this. She had to do this. The Headmaster said her name. Her blue eyes darted to him quickly then to Ares. Emmaline guessed she was up first then. She wanted to get this over with, but at the same time, then it truly would be her last moments at this place she called home.

Emmaline stood up to the podium. She glanced around the room of guests, of students, of professors. And of course at her own graduating class. She smiled at Harper, almost for some reassurance. Emmaline finally began, "Again, I would like to welcome you. Thank you all for sharing in this amazing experience. Our friends. Our Classmates. Our Professors." she paused. "And our families" She continued. She had rehearsed this so many times. She could do this. Emmaline began again, "These seven years have gone by faster than anyone could have imagined. It was full of hard work, friendships, new adventures, and maybe a boring class or two." She continued, hoping she wasn't being as awkward as she felt.

"I don't have much to say to all of you. I just want to thank you all. Everyone that worked hard to get this wonderful class to where it is today. But don't forget to thank yourselves as well. You, graduating class, are the ones that made it. You put in the work. You continued going forward even during the hardest time. I am proud of each and every one of you. I know we will make this world even better."

Emmaline finished. She had missed a few parts. She had forgotten a few lines, but she did want she did best and kept moving forward with the speech. She hoped it was okay. She would worry about that later. She stepped down from the podium to allow Ares to speak now. Hopefully his speech was better, less serious. Less rehearsed.
Ares was glad he was finally finishing up with his schooling, but of course it would be sad to leave his friends and his boyfriend behind. He had many memories at the school, despite only being there for a few years, and he couldn't believe he was finally graduating with the Head Boy badge pinned to his chest.

The ceremony had begun and the Headmaster began speaking. Ares kept his hands behind his back, and when the Headmaster called both him and Emmaline up to the podium to say their speeches, Ares gestured for Emmaline to go first. He could feel how tense she was and how much she wanted to go up and say her speech, and he wasn't going to delay her any longer. Besides, he wanted to go last, as the audience would remember the last speech the most.

Emmaline's speech was a little ordinary, but he clapped respectfully with everyone else when she was done. She was a good Head Girl, and someone that admittedly Ares liked to share the spotlight with. She made him feel like he knew what he was doing.

With the applause over, Ares took Emmaline's place on the podium, smiling around at his classmates, his professors, and then the guests, before turning back to his classmates. “Who would’ve thought I’d be up here giving you guys a speech? I’ve been Head Boy for a whole year and it’s still something that’s a little difficult to get my head around. I’ve only been at this school for three years, but in that time I can honestly say I have learnt so much. Everywhere you go there will be people who don’t like you and people who think you’re not good enough, however at the same time there will always be those who love you and cherish you, and will be there for you through those tough times." Ares glanced to a few friendly faces in the crowd. Jordie. Branson. Estella. They were just a couple of people that made his time at Hogwarts bearable.

"As I stand here before you today, I just want you all to know that you don’t have to be the top of your class or the best quidditch player on the pitch to be the best person. Life is about just being the best version of yourself that you can, regardless of what anyone thinks." Ares paused for a moment, before turning to his classmates again. "To all of the graduates alongside me, please don’t forget how amazing you all are. Stay proud and stay humble.” With that, Ares took a step off the platform, proud with what he had put together last minute.
Matt stepped aside and listened to the speech the Head Girl gave, smiling slightly. He would have been a nervous wreck at that age, giving a speech in front of so many people. It was probably part of the reason Matt had never been head boy. After Emmaline was finished, Ares spoke. The tone was entirely different, and Matt was glad their personalities managed to shine through. Once they were done, he applauded along with everyone else. He then stepped forward again, his part in the proceedings not yet done. “Thank you to our head students for those heartfelt words.” He said, nodding at them in respect. “To the class of Twenty-fifth-eight, I wish you all the luck in the future. I know you will all be amazing. Once I call your name, come up to the stage to receive your diploma.” He took the group of graduates in for a moment, then smiled and read the first name on his list.

OOCOut of Character:
It's time Graduates. You can now RP your character coming on stage, getting their diploma and then sitting back down until the end of the ceremony.
Liusaidh had never really expected herself to graduate from Hogwarts. She had always expected that eventually she would get kicked out or Professor Styx would grow frustrated enough with her to toss her off the cliff. But the opposite was true, she had managed to get through all of it, she had stuck it out, even as semesters dragged by with no purpose, and she'd beaten Styx. She was the one still at school and he hadn't lasted, seeing her through her schooling. Liusaidh would absolutely take credit and say that she had been the reason that after so many years , Styx had opted to retire. Had opted to retire when she had been at the school. It didn't matter to her if the two were not actually related, and it was just a coincidence, she'd claim it regardless.

But here the end finally was. She was to be a Hogwarts Graduate, managing better than most of her family. Her half brother had dropped out, her sister had died a fourth year, her half sister had barely managed to graduate, her brother had dropped out and just gotten married, her traitor brother had graduated, but he hadn't been a prefect. She was going to be a graduate with quidditch victories and a prefect position. She'd had the Pride of Portree write to her already for a spot on their team, another Fergusson legacy for their roster. Liusaidh was even considering it, as a part-time thing. Liusaidh wanted to do little and just make money from the family business. But it didn't matter yet. She had to first physically actually leave the school and then when she felt like it she could decide. The teen was sat amongst other students as proceedings got underway. She glanced towards the headmaster, booing lightly as he walked on the stage. The speeches from the head boy and girl were boring and she booed for those, particularly loudly for Ares whom she didn't think deserved the position at all. And there was no way in hell she would ever be or stay humble. Such madness from a third rate quidditch player.

Proceedings moved on and the names were called alphabetically and not by importance - or she'd have been first. Eventually Liusaidh crossed the stage, she walked slowly drawing it out, doing a full curtsey to the people in the great hall, just living in the fanfare of this final moment at the school. She took the diploma without shaking the man's hand and continued on. She was done with this, and the rest of her life could start, even if she knew that she wasn't going to do much with it.
Seraphina hadn't really cared all too much about graduation, but her mother was making sure that she was in attendance. After being put through probably an entire spa this morning against her will, Seraphina had been trying to wipe the lipstick off her face on the inside of her robe before being ushered in the Great Hall. She didn't want anything to do with this: Hogwarts, graduation, the pomp and circumstance of putting on a show for people. All she really cared about was Tilly and what this meant for the two of them. Proximity made things easier, but even as their seventh year had progessed on, she noticed some separation. Hopefully, it was all in her head.

As she walked behind the other students, sandwiched in the middle of the line, she looked around, seeing Hera waving to her like crazy from the audience. Giving her sister a small smile and wave back, she quickly redirected her attention to her seat, slumping down as she prepared herself for the miserable ceremony ahead. Seraphina wasn't a fan of anyone's speeches and could hear Liusaidh just a bit down the way giving small boos, which made the Gryffindor snicker. The whole idea of celebrating some goody two shoes was ridiculous. Seraphina just wanted her diploma and to get the heck out of there. Finally, some names started to be called, and she ignored most of them except for Tilly's. When they started on the Ms, Seraphina was a tad more attentive before standing up at her name. She clumped across the stage, not really looking at anybody until Hera caught her eye again. She gave her little sister a silly face before seeing her mother seething at the gesture. Whatever. Seraphina took to seat again and fumbled with the diploma as she waited for the ceremony to finish.
Flynn was still feeling quiet disbelief that he had ever even made it to graduation in the first place. When he had first arrived at Hogwarts he had quite expected to be thrown out of school or expelled. And yet, there he was seven years later and had even somehow even managed to keep the prefect badge pinned to his robes. Not that he had ever taken any pride in being a prefect and still thought it was an absolute joke, but that was beside the point. The main thing was that he had managed to keep a hold of it and hadn't lost it because Professor Kingsley finally came to her senses.

He didn't envy the Head People at all. Especially not right now when they had to stand there and make some stupid speech to everyone in attendance. Ares could keep the Head Boy badge, thank you very much. Instead, Flynn just slouched in his seat, half falling asleep and absolutely not paying any ounce of attention to what either he or Emmaline was even saying. Probably some stupid crap about their futures or something like that. Though he did happen to hear the booing that was no doubt coming from Liusaidh, a smirk splitting his lips as he decided to quietly join in, not quite wanting to be outdone by her. After all, what were the Professors going to do about it? Expel him now?

He was still quite zoned out when names started to be called out, only coming to attention for long enough to watch Ivy be one of the first, giving her a loud cheer and clap to be heard above everyone else. And then he slouched back down and went back to not paying attention. Before finally it was his turn, pushing himself out of his seat and sauntering up to the stage. He wasted no time in striding across that stage and taking his diploma. Though he did pause for a second at the edge of the stage for just a moment, turning his head to the crowd. "Later, losers," he announced, rather loudly to everyone in attendance before hopping down the stairs and heading back to his seat.
It honestly wasn't supposed to be this way, Nik didn't want for his graduation to go this way, his dad had to be there with twins, not Jason and Kiara. But at least they were here and didn't leave him behind so it already meant the world for Niklaus. They were here, for him, as they always were not matter what happened, not matter what a jerk he was to them or how he had always shut them out. And they were still here. But maybe they were there for Elisabeth or Annabeth, in the end, he wasn't the only one here out of his family graduating.

But the graduation went on, and Nik couldn't help but laugh as Liusaidh boo'ed the head people, they were quite boring, so Nik cheered loudly for the girl's boos as it was quite in the place and funny. He totally let his brother's see that the school could be quite fun as well. Then he went on to take his diploma as he was one of the first to take it. And as he took it, he mouthed his brother's "now it's your turn," and winked at them. He was graduating and his brothers were just about to start the school. Probably the sweetest that they could see him. And then he went on to join his family as he was able to.
Aubrey sat with her classmates, finding this entire thing... surreal, in a way. Had it really come time to graduate so soon? It felt like only yesterday Nikko had graduated. Her eyes scanned the crowd for him, hardly listening to the head people speaking. Aubrey didn't know either of them well, really, and she just hoped that Nikko had kept his promise to come. She could already feel her heart fluttering, nervous at seeing him again. Perhaps he had changed his mind?

She was fretting silently, the only sign of her worry being how tightly her hands were clasped in her lap. She looked up when she heard her name, and she stood quickly, walking as gracefully as she could to accept her diploma. She smiled softly, taking it with a quiet, polite thank you before moving back to her seat. That was it then... once she took off her red and gold dress, she would no longer be a Gryffindor. She would just be plain Aubrey, trying to find her way in a world she wasn't sure she was ready to face.
Welp, this was it. Tara was beyond ready to blow this popsicle stand, and the ceremony just seemed to drag on and on and on. She found Stan and Maisie out in the crowd while she sat down, and mostly ignored the speeches, just making faces at them whenever she caught them looking at her. Eventually though, her name was called. She hopped up, sauntering over to grab her diploma. She gave the Headmaster a dramatic bow before returning to her seat, falling back down into it and just waiting for the festivities to be over so she could go jump on her boyfriends back and make him pay attention to her. @Stan Beckett
Ana Sofia could not believe graduation day was actually here. Or that she had even managed to graduate at all. She was barely passing by in her classes, but somehow she had done well enough in her exams to actually graduate. While classes had been difficult she had enjoyed her time at the school. Especially during her last few years. She was still unsure why professor Carter had decided on making her prefect, but it had been an interesting challenge. The same was true for becoming Heta president. She had never dreamt of having these types of responsibility at school, yet now it felt like those challenges had helped shape her even more.

Taking her seat next to her classmates Ana looked around for her friends, smiling at them before she focussed her attention on the Headmaster as he started addressing them. She wondered if he was as nervous as she was. Sure, he wasn't graduating but it was his first time hosting a graduation and being the one to officially send his students off. Ana listened to Emmaline and Ares, clapping politely when they finished their speeches yet feeling her stomach starting to flutter at the same time. Having a surname starting with 'B' she knew she would be one of the first students up on that stage. As she expected, it didn't take long for her name to be called. When it was, Ana calmly stood up and her made her way over to the stage. She thanked the Headmaster as he handed her her diploma and took a quick glance at her friends' and family's faces in the crowd before quickly heading back to her seat again.
Delilah felt like she might float away at any minute. She didn't feel like she was entirely herself as she filed into the Great Hall with the rest of her classmates. She was about to start counting the candles floating above them to ground herself but she took a few deep breaths and started to feel a bit steadier as she sat down. She glanced towards the guests to see if she could find her family and it wasn't too hard to fine Caleb's messy hair and next to him was Simon and their mother. She knew they would come but seeing them made something in her chest pull tight and she had to look away. Maybe there was a part of her that doubted. She remembered Simon's graduation and how her parent's hadn't shown up for him. She had to wonder if her father was still around would he have come for her? Would he have but work aside for just a day to be there for her? She would never know for sure and that was probably for the best. Because she wasn't confident the answer would have been yes.

Thankfully the ceremony began and could distract her from anymore thoughts of her father. Delilah did her best to pay attention to Emmaline and Ares' speeches but they blurred together. She hadn't spent much time reflecting on her time at school, knowing it would be too awkward and painful to dwell on for long. She wasn't sure if she made good use of her time at Hogwarts or if she had worked her hardest or accomplished much at all. But as her classmates started to get called up one by one, the only thing she could say for certain was that she had survived it. She had come so far from the timid girl she once was and had grown so much, but she also knew that she wasn't close to being done. She cheered for her friends as they were called but quickly started to feel restless as she waited for her name. Finally it was her turn and she blinked a few times before snapping to her senses and getting up. She walked quickly to the stage to accept her diploma and shake the headmaster's hand. She started to feel like she was dreaming again but she glanced out into the audience and almost immediately found her mother again. It looked like she was crying and Delilah felt her own chest get tight again before getting back to her seat.

The future had always been scary and the one Delilah had envisioned for herself had changed so much since her father had died. It was hard not to feel grateful for the freedom she felt without him around and it made things like today feel so bittersweet. As scared as she was to leave the safely net that was Hogwarts, Delilah knew the excitement she felt now wouldn't have been possible if she was stuck trying to make someone else happy. With her diploma in her hand as as the last few students were called the finality started to settle in. She was done. She was free to be herself and do anything she wanted, and she was looking forward to figuring out what that was.
Blair couldn't believe that she was here, graduating... Already... And even more, she felt as odd as she could as she had always thought about graduating from Koldovstoretz, her mind had never completely settled down on the fact that she was in Hogwarts and was graduating from there, not from her first magical school. But it felt surreal, just a few hours and she wouldn't return to these walls anymore, maybe for Valerius' graduation but she wasn't exactly sure if he would invite her. But she did. Her three most important people were there. Branson was here as a prefect and Blair had used her two invitations for her brother and her father. Still felt weird that her mom wasn't there, that she had left her behind as she did with Stefan. It seemed like a tradition for Natasha to leave Bianchi's in the past without asking for their opinion and under foolish conditions and reasonings. But at the very least, it gave Blair a normal family, a present father, a little distant but still a brother that she loved and appreciated dearly, instead of a mother that was never there because she was travelling all the time. And even if Blair had never said that, she was grateful for the chances that she had with her new family who seemed to be the absolutely right people for her.

As her name was called, Blair went on the stage to accept her diploma. As she accepted her diploma, she confidently smiled towards her dad, brother and her boyfriend. She had graduated and now she was officially not a student of Hogwarts anymore but a Vaganova Ballet Academy. Now those were only counted days until she was about to return to Russia for almost a year. But it was about now... She waited until the very end of the graduation to join her family, she had to admit that she missed Stefan and was gonna miss Valerius. But those graduation emotions were unbelievable and so special. She so wanted to capture this moment and never forget it. She couldn't even imagine how overwhelmed was Ana and their other classmates.
Seven years. Seven years had flown by. Now, it was their turn. Hayzel was beyond excited with a tinge of sadness as she sat with the rest of her classmates in the great hall. Come to think of it, it would be her last time to see the hall in its grandness and the last to walk the corridors of the castle. She looked around, trying to see if she could spot @Finn Lockley. The Puff was seated with his fellow housemates and for a moment, Hayzel's heart skipped a beat. She and the boy spent seven years of building an amazing friendship, although her inner voice said otherwise. She did not try out for the team anymore and decided to spend her time savoring the last year. After all, the real fun began when they stepped out of the school gates.

The ceremony started with the new headmaster saying her words, followed by their head people. The Gryffindor clapped along at the end of their messages. When it was time, she was all smiles as she looked at her classmates, friends, and eventually, her siblings, Rye and @Cassiah West went up and claimed their diplomas. She clapped for each of them, a little harder for the two-thirds of the West trio and a little more for the Hufflepuff boy. Then it was her turn. She almost skipped to the front before calming herself down. She climbed up and took her diploma, saying her thanks before looking to the crowd and giving a playful pump of her fist. She chuckled as she went down to return to her seat.
Ivy had already cried twice today, which was mildly embarrassing. At least no one had seen her. She now hoped she could control herself during the ceremony, but she felt kind of overwhelmed. She sat with her classmates, glancing at Flynn who seemed entirely unbothered by it all. She wished she could be more like that sometimes, but she couldn´t. All Ivy could think about was how much she was going to miss Hogwarts. She kept having random sad thoughts, like how she would probably never see some of her classmates again, or how she would never see the stars sparkle on the Great Hall ceiling again. It was silly to get sad about stuff like that, but Ivy's brain seemed to conspire against her in trying to make her cry again. She focused her attention on the headmaster and the head boy and girl once the speeches started, though if she was honest a lot of it was lost on her. She noticed Liusaidh booed the headmaster, as well as the head boy and girl. She probably figured they weren't going to kick her out at this point, though Ivy still didn't understand how that girl never seemed to get in trouble. Ivy rolled her eyes as Flynn joined her, nudging him lightly. But before she knew it, she was being called up on the stage, her name being one of the first. She got up and walked over to the stage, shaking the headmaster's hand before exiting the stage. She took her seat again and cheered and clapped for Flynn, a surprised laugh escaping her at his announcement. He always surprised her.
Sawyer wiped his hands on his robes, glancing up at the stage as Professor Alcott-Ward and the head people began the ceremony, fervently glad he'd had no chance of being one of the people up there. In fact, even despite manage to snag his captain's badge (something he was fairly certain had either been an elaborate joke or a personal favour from Juniper), Sawyer couldn't help but feel he'd managed to screw up everything at school. Maybe it'd finally be a relief to be done with it all. He wasn't overly keen about leaving Thistle and Felix to their own devices, twisting in his seat to spot them seated with Theia and Dad a few rows back and making a face at them, but at least out of school he'd be back with Theia and could maybe finally get a grip on himself.

He felt like he'd been coasting through school for years, squeaking by in class and Quidditch, sticking his foot in his mouth around his friends and Ivy and Estella. He'd never been overly ambitious but sure Sawyer figured he was due some kind of improvement at some point in his life. He just had no idea what. The idea was scary, leaving school with no plan, but it was also freeing knowing he couldn't exactly screw up doing nothing.

Mulling over the idea, Sawyer nearly missed the end of Ares' speech, clapping politely and sinking low in his seat as names started to be called. His recently found zen quickly evaporating as his name was called pretty early. He managed to make it up the stage without making a fool of himself, only to ruin it by instinctively taking an overly performative bow as he heard his family cheer as he took his diploma. At least some things never changed he thought with a wry grin, taking his seat and letting the rest of the ceremony wash over him as he gripped his diploma in his hands.
So, this was really how her seven years at Hogwarts were going to end, Brooke thought bitterly, crossing her arms in her chair as the head people took to the stage, not even bothering to roll her eyes with Liusaidh booed the headmaster. Apparently that was the sort of person Professor Styx and Castillo wanted as prefects, not her. No prefect badge, no clubs, barely managing to pass her OWLs and NEWTs. Brooke felt like everyone had an idea about the sort of person she was supposed to be and everyone, including herself, had been wrong about it. Without school and her parents and her grades, Brooke didn't know who she was supposed to be.

At least she had a job at the ministry to aim for and hopefully good enough grades and references to get it, so really all she needed to do was sit through this ceremony just a little bit longer and she'd be done with this mediocre chapter of her life, with her lackluster social life and friends who barely liked her. Really, Brooke couldn't wait to be done and the realization levied her mood as the speeches ended and she had to sit politely clapping until her name was finally called. Diploma in hand there wasn't much else holding her here and perhaps outside of the school Brooke could finally work out exactly what she was supposed to be doing with her life.
Graduation... this was it. It was real. Hester had spent the later half of the year feeling stranger and more conflicted with each day - part of her was desperately looking forward to a return to her real life, but the other part was both terrified and sad to be giving up her Hogwarts life. She had always planned to go back to the muggle world once she was finished with school, to catch up with her family and study something non-magical before making any decisions about her future. Now, though... the thought that she would really never come back here, to this place that felt like something out of a fantasy novel... her heart ached, and she was filled with a yearning to encase herself in the walls so nobody could make her leave.

She had snuck Big Douglas into graduation, tucked comfortably inside her robe, and now he sat on her lap for comfort as Hester watched the speeches begin. Professor Alcott-Ward spoke briefly, and Hester was glad to have a distraction as Emmaline took the stage. "WOOOO!" She cheered for her roommate - former roommate, before listening to the speech. It was short but touching, and Hester couldn't help a small sniffle as Emmaline finished. The Head Boy was next, and while she had never actually spoken to him in all seven years, she knew he was probably feeling just as conflicted as the rest of them about the end of school.

And then the speeches were over, and the part she had been dreading began. Hester's name was painfully far down the list, and she watched and applauded as her classmates took the stage one by one, accepting their diplomas and officially finishing school. She was so in her own head she almost didn't realised they had finished with the L-s, until she heard her name and realised this was it. Hester jumped to her feet, settling Big Douglas on her shoulder as she made her way up to the stage. She felt teary and nervous and strangely thrilled all at once, giving Professor Alcott-Ward a smile as she took her diploma and shook his hand, before turning to give Professor Kingsley a nod of thanks. That was it, then. For better or worse, school was over for good. Hester let out a shaky breath as she returned to her seat, diploma curled in her hands. Now, on to the next step.
Graduation was upon her and Rose wasn't ready. She could go without all of the subjects, but she would immediately sign for another seven years of Herbology. Rose would absolutely do everything if she could stay in the castle and act as some kind of Herbologist. She had come to love the Greenhouses alongside with the Wild Patch. Rose didn't want to leave the castle just yet. There were still a lot of things to explore and new passageways to find. Rose sat down with most of her friends and clutched Edgar tightly, the plant had never left her side. Edgar had witnessed every moment at the castle, the good and the bad ones.

Rose clapped and screamed when her friends were called up. It was an amazing feeling and Rose knew that as soon as her name was going to be called it meant the end of a chapter of her life. She was now considered an adult and she was allowed to go and stand wherever she pleased. There were plans made for a shop with Oscar and Rose had been also debating if she wanted to do a part time job somewhere. There was so much to do and she wanted to do it all at once.

When her name was called Rose shrugged and walked onto the stage to accept her diploma. With Edgar in her left hand and in her right a fine printed piece of parchment with her grades the Hogwarts story was ending. Time at the castle was dwindling down and Rose was feeling a lot of emotions at the moment. It meant the end had come.
After the time Estella had spent at Hogwarts making new friends and experiences, she was now sitting in the Great Hall amongst her peers, ready to leave everything she had known for the last seven years behind. The feeling was very surreal and she was a mixture of emotions. She liked Hogwarts and would miss it, however was looking forward to whatever was planned ahead for her, despite also feeling nervous as she had no idea where she would go from here. She had been prefect and editor of the Monthly, and without her friends beside her, she didn't think she could ever achieve either of those things. It would be those that she would miss the most.

As the Headmaster started the ceremony, Estella nervously looked behind her at her father in amongst the guests. He had been there for her through it all, and she was confident that he would continue to be as she ventured off to what she hoped would be bigger things.

Then it was time for the Head people to come up and say their speeches. She clapped, beaming over at Ares who stood beside Emmaline. She was proud of him for becoming Head Boy, especially after he only recently joined the school a couple of years ago. Firstly Emmaline spoke and it was the general stereotypical Head Person speech, which was exactly what she expected, and luckily not too long either. Then it was Ares's turn. He spoke exactly the way that Essie imagined as well. Colloquial, yet formal. Essie liked both of their speeches as they really showed each other's personality well. When Ares had finished speaking, Essie clapped politely, then shot a nasty glance Liusaidh's way as she began booing. Flynn joined in as well, but then Essie noticed Ivy nudge him and smiled a little at that. Perhaps Ivy wasn't as bad as Essie thought she was.

When the Headmaster finally started calling everyone's names to go up and collect their diplomas, Essie could feel that she had the shakes. She was about to cry thinking of the amazing memories she had at the school that she would just have to leave behind, but she held herself together for now. When her name was called, it was all a blur. She quickly headed up onto the stage with a big smile on her face, holding it up for everyone to see with a bow as they clapped for her. She had done it now and who knew what lay ahead for her.
This was not Harper's first time attending a Hogwarts graduation ceremony, but it turned out that watching graduation and experiencing it were two completely different things. She'd been a little wistful bidding her graduating friends goodbye last year. But now a whole symphony of emotions played in her chest. She had always thought herself quite independent, but sitting here, among the people whom she'd grown up alongside for the past seven years, Harper was struck by how attached she'd become to this place.

And yet there was so much waiting for her outside these walls. Harper's gaze roamed the hall. There, to the side of the room, was the unmistakable red of Chloë's hair. And over there, several rows away, was Nikko waving to her. She waved back before continuing her search of the crowd. At last she found them, her parents, heads tipped back in wonder. Harper smiled to herself. They'd never spoken about it, but she knew they were the reason she'd stayed connected to the muggle world. For seven years, they had collected messages from her friends, nagged her siblings to write, and distributed her own letters. They had sent care packages and rescheduled family events to accommodate her schedule. They had listened patiently as she talked about things they could barely conceptualize and never made her feel guilty for leaving them for a place where they could not follow. After seven years of receiving her parents' unconditional support from afar, Harper was glad she could finally share a piece of her world with them.

The only people missing from the room were her siblings. Hogwarts hadn't given her enough invitations for all four of them, and while Harper knew that her parents (and Chloë) would gladly give up theirs, she was a little apprehensive about showing her siblings what they'd missed out on. Lila and Ryland had been devastated not to get Hogwarts letters, and an uncomfortable silence had grown between her and Fletcher after their paths split irrevocably. Things were better with Everett, but even he had started a new life she barely knew about. Thankfully, that was what the next year was for. She would be returning to the muggle world to salvage all the relationships that had frayed over the past seven years.

But first she had a graduation to get through. A hush fell over the crowd as Professor Alcott-Ward took to the stage, and the speeches began. Em was up first. Years of friendship meant Harper had a pretty good idea of how her roommate was feeling, and she grinned up at her. "You got this," she mouthed. It was an affecting speech, and Harper cheered loudly when Em was done, determined to drown out the booing. Ares' speech was also good, and she clapped for him, still not completely sure why there was any heckling to begin with.

And then her own name was called. Seven years ago, Harper had nervously made her way to the front of the Great Hall for her sorting. She had been completely alone, self-conscious of all the watching eyes. But now, as she strode across the stage, she felt remarkably steady. Harper accepted her diploma from Professor Alcott-Ward, thanking him as she shook his hand. Just before she left the stage, she allowed herself a brief moment to look back out at the crowd. Her heart swelled as she gazed out at her friends, mentors, and loved ones, people who had all played a part in shaping her life and in shaping her. In that moment, Harper felt anything but alone.

The ceremony was a long one — her year had always been one of the largest at Hogwarts — but Harper made sure to clap for every single person, cheering extra loudly for her friends. It was strange. Two years ago, when she'd been at her lowest, Harper had stewed over all the things she had given up to enter this foreign world. She had mourned lost opportunities and eroding connections. But all those regrets and worries and what-ifs now seemed light years away. Right now, Harper just felt lucky — so completely and utterly lucky.
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