Y36 Hufflepuff Quidditch Try-Outs

Analei Westwick

Mother of Two | Bobcat | Auror
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Married (Heterosexual (Edmund))
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Edmund)
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Analei was excited for their last year of Quidditch. She knew that this was the year that they were going to win; they already had a full team of experienced players, they were definitely going to be the most experienced team, and there wasn't going to be any reason for them to fail. It was her's and Arvel's last year, they had to win it. Analei went down to the pitch with Arvel, excitedly talking about the try outs and quidditch and how she was ready to crush Gryffindor all the teams.
As they arrived at the pitch, Analei made sure that all the equipment was there, and everything was set up and ready to go. It took awhile for everyone to start milling around, and excited nerves started to bubble up in her stomach as they got started. "Hi everyone. My name is Analei Louw and this is my co-captain, Arvel Ayers. Today is pretty straight forward, we're mainly looking for alternates, but don't be disheartened, because that's how I started." She said, sending the group a smile. "Returning players, please fly around and offer support, otherwise new people, please come to us and tell us your name, and what position you are trying out for. Have fun, and show us what you've got!" Analei finished, hoping it was okay.

SeekerElliot Briar
KeeperIlija Olaf
BeaterAnalei Louw
BeaterLauren Davenport
ChaserArvel Ayers
ChaserAonghas Fergusson
ChaserAbian Hunter

OOCOut of Character:

Returning starters are guaranteed their spots as long as they post attendance in this thread before tryouts are over. Returning alternates must try out again.

First years must PM me if they want to try out. No first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students.

Good luck!
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It made Abian sad to know that this was the final year with both Analei and Arvel as captains. He had always really liked them, and had grown close to them over the past few years. He would miss them next year, though it was even more alarming to know that next year was his own last year too. He decided not to think about that too much, instead focusing on today's tryouts. He was excited to see if they would get any new people on the team, though they still had a full team from last year. Once Analei had finished talking, Abian flew into the air to help the people trying out. He was happy to pass along to people trying out for chasers, or attempt to score for people trying out for keeper.
Lucas had loved seeing the Quidditch matches last year, even though they had intimidated him a bit too. But it had been awesome to Hufflepuff from the stands, as well as marvel at the skills of everyone on the teams. Lucas had always been sporty, and he thought joining the team sounded like a lot of fun. He imagined others might have an advantage over him because he had only started flying in his first year during the classes, but at least he'd proven to be pretty good at flying. And he'd practiced! He had even practiced with Elliot, the current Hufflepuff seeker. He really hoped he could get himself an alternate spot.

Lucas anxiously waited his turn, then smiled nervously at the much older captains before speaking. "I'm Lucas Fletcher, I'm trying out for seeker." He said, seeking out Elliot and giving him a small wave. Then he got on his broom and flew into the air. He had missed flying, and grinned as he felt the familiar feeling again. He started scanning for the snitch immediately, flying around and dodging different players and bludgers as he flew around the pitch. He had a lot of fun just flying around, though he tried his best to focus on the snitch too. A few times he thought he saw it, but then it turned out not to be there as he flew closer. Eventually, Lucas spotted the golden gleam. He surged forward to grab it and beamed when he managed to grab it. He cheered and held it in the air before letting it go. His heart was racing. He couldn't believe he had managed this. He didn't spot the snitch again as he flew around a bit more, but still felt accomplished as he returned to the ground.
Connor gripped his broom and bat so tightly his knuckles shone white, nerves written clearly all over his face. He missed rugby immensely, missed having an outlet for all of his energy, and most importantly being part of a team, but he had always been too scared to try out for Quidditch. Not this year. He'd been practicing all winter, and now was time to put that practice to the test. He listened to the captains intently, hanging on every word. Connor had always been on rugby teams with bigger kids, but the oldest members of these quidditch teams were... actual full grown adults. It was almost scary enough to make him reconsider, but Connor missed rugby too much to back out now.

When his turn came Connor stepped forward, trying to speak clearly as he introduced himself. "Connor Holland, trying out for beater." Try as he might to keep himself together, Connor's voice wavered slightly, and he cleared his throat quickly, mounting his broom and kicking off. It was only once he was in the air that his nerves began to relax somewhat. Everything was easier once he was actually out on the field. Lowering himself closer to his broom he sped up and shot towards the first bludger he saw, hitting it with a loud smack and sending it sailing through the air. He missed all of the other players, but the rush of finally getting back into sports was all the same, and he felt himself relaxing into the rhythm as the adrenaline chased off his usual nerves. He hit bludger after bludger, getting in a few hits he thought were quite good as the practice wore on. Still hyped up with all the energy he had been holding onto from so many years without sports, Connor couldn't hold back a loud celebration as he approached the ground, "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He yelled, skidding his heels along the grass as he landed and leaving two long streaks of mud torn through the grass behind him. He turned back to grin at the captains, face flushed, pleased to have done his best and finally gotten out there.
Tizi had been waiting for this moment forever, he was determined that he was going to be a Quidditch player so he couldn't wait to get on the team and be the best player and also to become Captain because that would be amazing. He looked to his right for his cousin @Corey Edogawa because they had agreed to try out for the team together. Alternates weren't ideal, but Tizi was still young so maybe there would be open spaces soon and that would be really exciting! He loved Quidditch so much and it really did run in his family. His mum wasn't a famous player like with Corey, but she had played and Aunt Taylor always told him he had a lot of talent and she was really serious about that sort of thing so he knew there was no way she was lying. She knew he would be upset if she lied to him about that sort of thing of course. So with that thought in mind, Tizi waited patiently to be called to try out. He couldn't wait. He'd wanted to be a proper chaser for so long that this was really his best way to do it. He was built for chaser too, of course he was, this was so exciting!​
The tryouts soon started and so Tizi walked happily out onto the pitch. He spotted his dorm mate Lucas and was suprised to see him, though he supposed he didn't know anything about him, so why would he know if he liked Quidditch at all. Maybe they could be on the team together? Wouldn't that be exciting? He grinned to himself as he looked at the Captain. He really admired Analei, she was one of his Prefects too, and she was so pretty, he didn't know how she managed to be a Prefect and be into Quidditch but wow. He looked over at Arvel next and waved tentatively. He was a bit awestruck simply because he admired all the Captains. It was amazing! "Hi! I'm Tiziano Edogawa! You can call me Tizi if I make the team!" After all, if he made the team then these people would be his friends, but if he didn't, he didn't want people nicknaming him unnecessarily. It would be rude if they weren't friends. "I want to try out for Chaser, please!" He told the Captains, mounting the stupid school broom and kicking off into the air. He didn't like the school brooms but he supposed this was what they had to work with. Tizi was incredibly comfortable in the air, so he didn't foresee there being any issues at all. He quickly adapted to the feel of the old wood and the fact many other butts had used this broom, which was annoying because it meant he couldn't still quite right on the warped and uncomfortable wood. Soon, a quaffle was passed to him, and he caught it before heading down to the hoops. His first shot was saved, and before he could make a second, he turned to see one of the beaters heading his way, but he didn't waste too much time. His third shot sailed straight into the left hoop, as did his fourth. Deciding he was better off quitting whilst he was ahead, Tizi came down to land and handed his broom back in. "Thanks," he said, figuring that was enough excitement for one day. He couldn't wait to see how Corey would go!​
Amy was looking forward to Quidditch tryouts. She was getting comfortable with catching the Quaffle more and more, especially with her practicing over the holidays. There were a lot of people trying out, which made the nerves come all at once. She knew, having been an alternate the entire time she was on the team, that her spot was never safe. This, however, stressed her out. She hoped she could get back on the team, even with the competition."Amy Jewel, trying out for Chaser!" she said, confidently.

She climbed onto her broom and flew off. Amy had played with the other Chasers before, which made her feel a little more comfortable in the air. She caught the Quaffle and passed it onto someone else, before flying off behind them. It wasn't long before she caught it and threw it through the hoops. She grinned and flew off, hoping she could do it again. After a few successful shots and a couple of shots being caught, she landed back on the ground. She was pleased with how she had performed, and just hoped that it had been enough.
Corey was absolutely relieved to be standing on the Quidditch Pitch right now since he and Tizi actually got the tryouts day right this year. It would have been devastating for him really if he hadn't managed to get into tryouts for the third year. And well, now here he was and he was really looking forward to it. He knew there weren't any open starter positions in the team right now, but he was fine with being an alternate, at least that meant that there was still a chance that he could be in the games. Grinning beside his cousin, Corey waited for tryouts to begin.

There wasn't much fanfare when it did begin. The captains were introduced and they were allowed to show off while the returning players kept watch. "Corey Edogawa, trying out for seeker!" the young teen beamed. As soon as the quick intro was done, Corey grabbed a school broom, since he hadn't been sure if he was allowed to use his own, quickly mounted and flew off without a second thought. With the seeker position, there really wasn't much action going on when the game had just started. Usually. But Corey didn't want to be taken off guard so he kept his eye on the snitch as much as he could when it was released, it had disappeared from his sight after less than ten seconds. And so Corey spent his time looking, circling the Pitch and even feinting every now and then. Every now and then, there would be a glint of gold and he would be flying after it only to have it disappear as quickly as it appeared. He didn't know how long it had been or how many times he had attempted to catch the snitch, but as soon as he saw that golden ball once more, Corey sped off towards it. He had to maneuver around the chasers, yelling Excuse me! as he passed but his eyes and focus never leaving the snitch in front of him. Stretching his arm, Corey bit his lip and as soon as the ball was close enough, he swiped and clenched his fist tight. It seemed like forever before it registered that there was a ball in his fist and he grinned victoriously. Tryouts continued and Corey had his fun until it was time for it to end. Landing beside his cousin, Corey grinned. "That was fun," he told Tizi and really it was the most fun he'd had since Flying lessons, he just hoped he did well enough.
Things were incredibly strange after the holidays, and returning to a school that both didn't have Ilija's sisters nor Elsie, Katy nor his friendship with Rowan in it, Ilija was more alone than ever. He knew he had to focus on what he did have though, which included his position on the Quidditch team. They hadn't done too badly last year, although perhaps this time things would be even more successful. The sixth year smiled to his captains before taking to the skies, sitting on his broom in front of the hoops and trying to block the shots both from the Chasers, and any chaser hopefuls. The Hufflepuff did hope that he wasn't about to get hit by a bludger too, he didn't need to go to the hospital wing before the semester had even begun.
Elliot had missed Quidditch a lot. It was a chance to focus on other things than whatever he was worrying about for once. The fear of losing or getting hit by a bludger was a lot, but at least they were tangible fears and he could do something about it. The hardest part of the break was always not being able to fly or use magic freely and it always made the months drag. At least this time Elliot had been able to keep (very) busy working, but it only made the return to the pitch that much more exciting.

It was nice this year to have a confirmed spot on the team, and after they just managed to squeeze out second place last year, Elliot hoped Hufflepuff could swing a real victory this year. He listened as Analei got them started, smiling at Amy and Lucas when he saw they were both trying out this year too. Kicking into the air, Elliot focused mostly on keeping his eyes open, watching for bludgers and other players more than the snitch today, which he was happy to leave to the other players trying out even if he swore he spotted it zipping around once or twice.
Having this opportunity was exactly what had made Aras agree with the proposition to attend a boarding school. The twelve years old with the scar overlapping his left eye, had only Quidditch and flying in his mind. Of course exploring fully the grounds and the castle was also in his immediate plans but that could wait when he had the chance to prove he could be an asset for his new house's team.

It was easy for him to find his way to the pitch, the imposing structure in the grounds. He arrived a bit awestruck, admiring the vastness of the pitch but he quickly joined the rest of the lot. What the captain told them about alternate players were encouraging, so he lined up with the rest ambitious students to state his name and the desired position.
"Hi! Aras Ragauskas. I would like to try out as a chaser." He claimed confidently. Aras knew exactly his pros and cons. Most people would stare at his scar and his blind eyes, either frightened or feeling sorry. What they didn't know was that being able to see only from one eyes was his saving grace. His aim was exceptionally precise when it came to spell casting and hurling the quaffle through the golden hoops. There was a reason why he had chosen the position of the chaser.

Soon he was flying laps around the pitch on a school broom. He knew already what he was going to request as a gift from Minoas for his upcoming birthday. He tried to push the brooms speed limit by performing a faster lap around the pitch in the end. He joined then the chasers at passing the quaffle around, being agile and always in the move. He loved imitating the way a dragonfly was hovering and he was doing that a lot, especially when he was just hovering. He eventually found out that he was good at sneaking behind the chaser in possession of the quaffle and snatch it at the right time when they were ready to either score or pass it to a teammate. He didn't have many opportunities to score so far but his performance was to score one of his two attempts. The keeper looked really experienced. There was no better feeling than tossing the quaffle and watching it flying through the hoop with the keeper missing it with an inch of his hand.
If Arvel had had it his way, Analei would be holding try-outs by herself. He stood there looking somewhere between sullen and aloof while she welcomed the team and addressed the hopeful young Hufflepuffs. One year left. One year left, and he'd be out of this school, away from these people, off into the big wide world. Who cared that Zennon had been made Head Boy over him? Certainly not Arvel. No, he had bigger things to be bitter about, like the every-day injustices of life he'd endured for the last seventeen years. Zennon was one drop in a large ocean. He didn't care.

He was so distracted that he barely noticed everybody had taken off. He hooked his leg over his broom and pushed off, a sense of freedom rushing over him as it always did in the sky. He didn't play his best, but he didn't feel he had to; better to save his energy for a real match.
Lauren was glad to have something she liked and went to the Hufflepuff Try outs to see which people would join this year. She liked playing and it was something she looked forward too. She hoped she could play next year and her father would not let her homeschooled. The blonde entered the pitch and looked at the other members. She was a bit nervous of seeing Aonghas again, but she had a bit of faith he would just keep her secret and let her do stuff on her own time. She didn't saw Aonghas anymore so she was wondering why that was she knew him only. Lauren didn't had a lot with the others. So she was gonna ask Aonghas for sure what this was. The blonde listened to the captain but didn't paid too much attention to what she was saying. She put her beaters bat and jumped on her broom to fly into the air quickly. She was gonna practice a bit and hoped that they would do better this year.
Final call for try outs! They will close tomorrow ^_^
Thank you everyone who tried out!

Hufflepuff Quidditch Team
SeekerElliot Briar
KeeperIlija Olaf
BeaterAnalei Louw
BeaterLauren Davenport
ChaserArvel Ayers
ChaserAbian Hunter
ChaserAmy Jewel
Alternate BeaterConnor Holland
Alternate ChaserTiziano Edogawa
Alternate SeekerCorey Edogawa

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