Y36 Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts!

Jacob Kingsley

HNZ Alum | Gryffindor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Rigid Larch Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
Jacob Kingsley was feeling a mix of emotions as he took to the pitch to prep dor tryouts. He was excited as he always was at the start of a season, eager to see his teammates and play his favorite game. He was hopeful that he'd put together a good enough team to win a championship. They'd come so close last year. He was also a bit sad, knowing that this would be his last time holding tryouts. The year would have a lot of lasts, and this was one of the tougher ones for him. He loved being a captain.

Ensuring the pitch had some school brooms for students without their own and practice balls, Jacob also made sure he had his own supplies- parchment, quill. Check and check. Jacob was ready. He grinned and made small talk with returning teammates as he waited for everyone to arrive and warm up.

Finally, it seemed that most people had arrived so he began with a smile. "Hello, I'm Jacob Kingsley, the captain of the team. We're here for tryouts today, so if you're here for anything else you're in the wrong place." He chuckled and then began to move around, his tone and entire demeanor more assured than it had been during the previous tryouts. "In a moment, we'll get tryouts started. Returning members, feel free to fly around, practice with some of the people trying out, test them a little bit. New people, please come forward one by one and let me know your name and what position you're trying out for. And then get out there and show us what you've got. Don't hold back because this is your one shot to show off your skills. Leave it all out there. Ok, let's get to it" he finished and then waited for students to start stepping forward.
PositionPosition filled by:
Beater/CaptainJacob Kingsley
BeaterLysander Summers
ChaserNoel Waldgrave
ChaserElizabeth Fletcher
ChaserNo one, hopefully you!
KeeperChristian Cade
SeekerWillow Cullen
AlternatesNo one, hopefully you!

OOCOut of Character: please read
Returning starters are guaranteed their spots as long as they post attendance in this thread before tryouts are over. Returning alternates must try out again.

First years must PM me if they want to try out. No first years will be allowed to try out unless there are not enough older students.

Good luck!
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Emma knew there wasn't a lot of room on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but she wanted to be a part of it so badly. Especially now that Fleur was gone, she really felt like she had to make her sister proud. Lars had gotten the title of captain in his own team, so Emma felt like it was part of their family legacy now to be a part of the Quidditch team. She had practiced for beater at the extra practice Professor Holland and Sapphire Michaels had hosted, but had also spotted three other girls trying for beater, like her. She really hoped she could outshine them. When it was her turn, Emma stepped forward with her borrowed beater's bat. "I'm Emma van Houten, and I'm going to try out for beater." She said confidently. She took off then, flying into the air and chasing after the nearest bludger. It was harder to hit a bludger than a tennis ball, but she smacked it with her bat after a moment. It soared off, not hitting anyone, but she had still managed to hit the ball! Emma whooped, then flew after it to hit it again. She missed, but kept going, determined to get it.

This time, she hit the next bludger at someone, wincing as it made contact with someone else also trying out. She felt a little bad, but at least she had shown she could hit people. Then she followed a seeker for a bit, knowing that seekers were often protected by the beater. She missed another passing bludger, at first, but then managed to hit the next one away from a seeker. It was a weak hit, and didn't alter the course of the bludger that much, but it had been enough to send it away. She thought that the seeker could probably have dodged it herself, but she had still managed to hit it and she was proud of that.

She spotted Lysander flying around as well, and grinned as he hit the bludger she had just hit back in her direction a bit. She attempted to hit it again, but only managed barely. She watched it zoom off, away from her. Emma had been on her way back to the ground, but didn't want to end practice with such a weak hit. Gritting her teeth, she flew as fast as she could in the direction the bludger had gone off in. This time, she put all her effort in hitting it, and she was glad that she managed to have her bat connect with it. She completely changed the bludger's course with her hit, and she watched with satisfaction as it flew back to Lysander. they hit back and forth a couple of times, before the bludger zoomed off again in another direction. Satisfied that she had shown off what she could, Emma returned to the ground finally. This had been amazing, and she really hoped she would get to do it again for real during a practice.

Godmod approved by Jesse
Stanislaw wasn't a hundred percent sure whether he should tryout for the team or not today, he still wasn't the best flier out there, but it had been really fun to be on a broomstick and fly around in th air. The extra practice organised by the flying professor and the older Slytherin girl confirmed that. He joined the other Gryffindors and listened to the captain, nodding at his words. Hopefully he would be able to show the older boy that his football skills would be useful for Quidditch too. "I am Stan Kurek and I am trying out for the position of Keeper," he told the captain, stepping forward when it was his turn. After giving the boy a smile, he picked up his broom from the ground and walked away from the line to mount the broom is a safe spot.

Once in the air, Stanislaw flew towards the assigned side of the field and hovered in front of the centre hoop. His hands were a bit clammy now that he was all the way up here but he was still somewhat confident in himself. Too bad he forgot to bring his gloves, though, it would definitely help with the grip. He nodded his head to the people who joined him up in the air to take shots at him. Taking a deep breath in and out, the boy focused all his attention on the Quaffle, hovering between the hoops whilst waiting in anticipation. He caught the first ball but let the second one go through because he had to dodge out of the way for a bludger that was coming his way. After shaking the shock of almost having been hit off, he gave the others the thumbs up to let them know he was ok. At the end of the practice he flew back towards the ground, having caught two others but letting the fifth and last one go through the left hoop. He thanked the captain befote leaving the Quidditch pitch, hoping that he has shown him enough to get that open position.
Willow made her way to the quidditch pitch. It was quidditch tryouts and she was looking forward to see who else they would be getting on the team this year. She wondered who would be taking over fleurs spot as a chaser. She entered the pitch her broom over her choulder and saw that there were already a couple of students there. one of fleurs sisters who had been so eager to know who her rose was from at valentines day and a boy who she thought must be the same age as her brother. She listened as Jacob introduced the tryouts for the last time only part paying attention. she had been to enough to know what the go was by now. and just by showing up she could sit on the benches and still be guaranteed her spot on the team. not that she would she enjoyed flying, actually trying out and helping out the new recruits though their pases, especially the seekers though this year she would not by trying any feints. "Hey Jabob, I'm Willow Cullen. and this year hmm, i think i will try out for seeker" she said pretending to think hard about which position to go for.
once they tryouts started she took to the sky doing a few laps half looking for the snitch but mainly watching the others. it would be their last year and she really wanted to beat the Slytherins this tear and get the cup. it was a shame last year she had been sick for their match against Slytherin. as she had wanted to play against leda for a few years they just hadn't made it, even though they had made up by the time the game had happened she had specified in her letter that they were still opponents on the quidditch pitch. she spotted a glint of gold and flew towards it hoping that one of the other hopeful seekers saw it and went after it a bit of a chase would hopefully give them the chance to show what they could do. it was then that she heard a knock not to far away from her the telltale sign of wood hitting bludger. she looked around to see the redhead having hit the bludger away from her. "Good shot fleur" she said as she continued after the gold following it until it vanished before doubling back to the girl. "I mean Emma. Good shot Emma" she corrected. maybe if this girl made the team they wouldn't have lost fleurs influence entirely.
Edward walked out to the pitch with his broomstick, he wasn't quite sure if he was ready for the tryouts but figured 'no risk no reward'. He had practiced quite a bit since his own failed Quidditch practice the year prior so he at least he wasn't going to be terrible. "Good luck @Stanislaw Kurek and @Allison Beckett" Edward whispered to his friends before it was finally his turn to step up to the plate. "Edward Elric, trying out for alternate Seeker" Edward said as he gave @Willow Cullen a quick thumbs up for her help practicing.

Edward mounted his broomstick and kicked off the ground and shot up into the air as he waited for the snitch to be released he quickly felt the wind direction and checked the sun for where it was shining and moving to give himself the best chance at flying and catching the snitch as soon as possible. Being a seeker was difficult but at the same time his job was to keep an eye out which also made it easier to dodge incoming bludgers as he swerved away from one that came close to him almost immediately. He knew they probably weren't trying as hard to knock him off the broom like in a real match against a particularly aggressive force but was glad he could show off that much while looking for the snitch.

He flew around the pitch looking for several minutes knowing that until it showed up, he was basically just flying around and that made him feel a bit nervous but at least he was flying and not crashing. Several Chasers flew towards him with the Quaffle as he only caught glimpses of what his friends were doing in between keeping his eyes moving around consistently. Finally after ten minutes he saw near the bottom left area of the pitch a glint of gold and began flying towards it as fast as he could. By the time he got near it was already trying to fly away so he knew he had to keep on it.

A Bludger came close to hitting him and he quickly had to swerve to avoid it, not letting it hit him had cost him as the snitch was suddenly gone again. "Fiddlesticks" he said to himself as he began desperately trying to scan where it had gone.

It only took him a few minutes more to spot it above the right Quidditch Goal Hoop and he made his way towards it once more dodging a few beaters and chasers in the process. He hoped he wasn't getting in their way but didn't have too much time to worry as he the snitch began to flying off again though this time he wasn't going to let anything distract his concentration from it. Flying downwards Edward tried to guess where it was going to go next so that he could possibly cut it off, it was making a bee line pattern towards the ground but stopped six feet and quickly shot back upwards towards him.

He reached out his hand to grab it but before he made contact the snitch made a 90° turn right forcing Edward to use his other hand to try and copy it's direction. Another bludger appeared and hit the back of his leg causing him to spiral in the air as he desperately tried to regain control. He felt his leg hurting but luckily had managed to keep his eye on the snitch as started to fly towards the other end of the pitch. Ignoring the pain in his leg, he zoomed forwards putting as much speed into his flight as he could. It flew downwards again but then quickly flew back up as Edward decided to stay on course until he got closer to it.

It paid off as the Snitch started flying towards him again before quickly moving upwards even farther into the sky. Edward raised moved his broomstick so that he was flying upwards towards it, higher and higher until the rest of the players looked like little dots. He felt the cold from the higher altitude as he wondered if the snitch was going to try and shoot downwards again. He wanted to be prepared since he figured it would try to do so just as he was getting close to it. Sure enough as he was two feet away it did just as he had thought but this time he was prepared.

With nothing else between him and the snitch the two began barreling towards the ground, Edward with his hand out stretched as he gained on it with every passing foot. He didn't even notice the players getting larger as they got closer and instead only focused on the snitch as it was only inches away from his hand. It tried to move left but before it could Edward put on a final burst of speed and was able to make a wild swipe at it. He clenched his fist tightly around the ball as his head instinctively noticed how close the ground was getting to him now. While still holding onto the snitch he used his other hand to keep from crashing directly into the ground and slow his speed but he knew he was too close to avoid the oncoming crash.

He ended up skidding along the pitch rolling off his broom in the process. He felt dizzy and now more than his leg was aching but he managed to keep the snitch in his hand as he held it up for the others to see. He didn't want to let it go as he stumbled slightly and picked up his broomstick. He hoped he'd made at least a decent impression as he walked over towards where the others were watching desperate to sit down and rest. Despite the practice he'd put in, he hadn't quite expected the tryout to be this exhausting.
The previous year had been disappointing and Christian was hoping for a better one and that would start with the tryouts where they would hopefully fill their gaps with some talented players. Christian changed into his practice robes and made his way out onto the pitch to wait for the tryouts to go ahead.
This year's try-outs were the most exciting since perhaps his first year. After helping Emma practice with Ajaccio, Sander was looking forward to seeing her try and make the team again this time, so he'd have at least one of his best friends doing practices with him. With her sister gone, it made sense to him that she should replace her, even if it wasn't the same position. "Kingsley!" The boy waved cheerfully at the team captain while he bounded his way down to the pitch. It was sad to think this would be his last year having him as his beater partner, and equally kind of scary to not have him to help if he needed it. Or Willow, for that matter. He didn't know if the team would be the same without them, and he wanted to make the most out of this year because of it. They'd come so close to winning last time, ad there was no more Leda to beat them anymore.

Sander took to the air to help out with the other students trying out, not wanting to miss an easy opportunity to fly around and hit some bludgers. He hit one toward Emma after spotting her hitting it away, laughing when Willow called her by the wrong name. He gave his best friend a thumbs up and continued to hit bludgers back and forth until the try-outs were over.​
Chrissy was glad that she finally could try out. She had been doubting of what she would like the most but at the extra practice of her flying professor and a Slytherin girl she knew it wasn't made for her. So she figured being an chaser or either an keeper would be fun. But chaser seemed more excited so the brown haired girl would want to go for that. She smiled as she entered the pitch and saw a group of people. It seemed hard to get on the team, but she was gonna try. When it was her turn she smiled to the captain and others. '' Hey I'm Christina Holmgaard. But you can call me Chrissy. And I'm trying out for chaser.'' The brown haired girl than said. And jumped on her broom to get flying. She tried to find the quaffle and when someone else had thrown it back into the game she managed to catch it. And flew to the other side of the pitch. She tried to go harder, but that was something to practice for sure. But Chrissy smiled it felt good flying and playing this game. When she got closer she looked at the three hoops and decided to go for the left one. She threw it hard and managed to get it through! Chrissy smiled and looked a bit suprised, that it actually had happend. It didn't went that fast but she did. She tried a few more times again to see if she could go quicker. She missed a few times, but also scored. It seemed like a good try out, she hoped. And returned back to the ground and left the pitch when she was done.
Noel was glad to be a part of the team. But he remembered this was the last year with their captain Jacob. Noel actually hoped they would win this year. Slytherin had been dominant last year and year before, but their seeker and Liam was now gone so they made a chance. They always did. Noel walked towards the pitch and smiled at Jacob waving over to him and to the other teammembers as he spotted them. He listened to what his captain had to say and looked at the people who wanted to try out. Noel grinned and wished some luck, and hoped they would get an good chaser back. Fleur had always been a good one and nice to play with, but he was sure there would be someone else too. He jumped on his broom and flew into the air trying to score some and train a bit.
Nikko made his way to the pitch and tried to get himself focused and ready to try out. He had fallen in love with flying and had become increasingly fascinated by the game last year and had to learn a lot about it when he covered it for the newspaper last year. He had wanted to practice this summer but it wasn't exactly practical to fly around their backyard even if his dad would let him. He scanned the crowd of students ready to try out and hoped he'd do well enough to make the team even as an alternate. "Hello my name is Nikko Blackwood and I'm trying out for keeper." he said, trying to sound as confident as he could. There were a lot of people trying out and he had never really played a real game of quidditch before but after watching the intense games last year he knew he need to at least try. With a last nod to the captain he kicked off and took up his position in front of the hoops. All the activity made it hard for him to follow a long with where the quaffle was and he missed the first couple of shots by a mile as they easily flew through the hoops. Nikko was growing frustrated and took a moment to focus again, and tried to zone out a bit and found it was easier to only focus on what was coming toward him and he was able to block the next few shots. He sighed in relief as he was able to keep it up and he was already getting better and was surprised he was even able to block some of the more experience team members. He smiled to himself as he threw the quaffle back into the game, feeling more confident. By the end of tryouts he was covered in sweat but felt good that he had done his best.
Sully was psyched to make his way down to the pitch and see it a bustle of activity for try outs. He knew it meant it might be harder for him to secure a spot on the team, but a little healthy competition never hurt. Plus, Sully had the bonus of at least being familiar with the current players too. "Sully Tofilau trying out for chaser. Let's do this thing," He said excitedly to Jacob as he got tryouts started, kicking off on his broom to zero in on the quaffle. He spent some time passing back and forth with Noel, shaking some of the dust off from not getting to practice over the holidays while also trying to find a good gap in Christian's defenses. Sully was definitely rusty, but warming back up with Noel helped a lot. Sully managed to get in a few goals, though he was still struggling with keeping calm, often over shooting or flying too fast to get in a good shot and had a fair share blocked as well. But it felt great to be back in the air, and Sully ducked a rogue bludger as he flew over to Noel to give him an appreciative fist bump once practice was over.
Sierra had actually managed to play in a real game the previous year, and though she hadn't won it for their team by catching the snitch, she had had so much fun. She had made her brothers and parents practice with her over the holidays so that she would be better at finding things and being fast on her broom. Sierra had also completely changed her hairstyle over the break, and so she figured that having shorter hair would help as well! It wouldn't get in the way! Skipping down to the track with her broom, Sierra went over to group, giving Jacob a grin as he got the try outs started. After saying hi to her friends, Sierra went to Jacob, and said, "Hi, I'm Sierra and I'm trying out for seeker again!" Before taking off to the sky. She zoomed around the pitch, showing off how much faster she had gotten, before starting to look for the sneaky snitch. Sierra managed to dodge a few bludgers, and after awhile, she finally saw the gold ball. She wondered if it had been modified so that it was easier to find in try outs, because sometimes it took forever to find. The blonde zoomed towards the snitch, hoping to beat anyone else going after it. She knew that others had tried out for seeker as well, but she was happy when she finally managed to close her hand around the little ball. Sierra showed Jacob that she had caught it, before letting it go, so anyone else after her trying out could find it as well.
After getting to know his half brother a little better during the winter break, and learning he had been Gryffindor quidditch captain back in the day, Knox very much wanted to follow in his footsteps and try out for the team in the new school year. Thus he headed to the quidditch pitch and the Gryffindor try outs with his newly purchased broom in tow and an enthusiastic smile covering his face. Knox stood with the rest of the people trying out as the captain explained how the try outs worked, for a moment looking around to the other Gryffindors to see who was there, and giving a quick thumbs up when he noticed Sully was trying out too.​
When the try outs officially began, Knox approached the captain, squaring his shoulders confidently as he spoke. “I’m Knox Ivers, and I’m trying out for chaser!” He exclaimed, before moving to mount his broom and fly into the air, immediately soaring after the first person he saw holding a quaffle. Knox spent most of the try out chasing and attempting to intercept the quaffle as it was passed around, eventually managing to successfully get his hands on it. When he had the quaffle he cheered for himself, tucking it under his arm and soaring for the nearest goal hoops, trying his best to dodge the other players and any bludgers that were nearby. He felt a bit clumsy in his actions, being out of practice with flying, but he managed to get to the hoops, and attempted to make a goal. It was unfortunately saved the first time, but Knox kept at it, determined to make a good impression on the captain, and eventually managed to get possession of the quaffle again and successfully throw it through one of the hoops. He continued trying his best, remembering he also needed to practice passing to teammates, because quidditch was a team sport after all, so when he got the quaffle a few times he passed it on to give other players the chance to score. By the time the try outs ended and Knox touched back to the ground he was proud of himself for his work, he was a little out of breath but still smiled as he stood and waited to see the captains decision.​
Chloë had been thinking about trying out for the Quidditch team for two years now and over the break had decided that this year she would actually go for it. Quidditch was certainly something that was populair in her family and she couldn't imagine how proud her parents and brother would be if she actually made the team. It would also be great to be on a team with multiple of her friends. Chloë knew she was a solid flyer and as long as she was confident in herself she didn't think she could do very badly. However, that didn't take away that there might be kids who were better than her. She'd just have to go out and see. She excitedly entered the pitch, immediately spotting a couple of her friends and giving them a little wave. Some of them she knew had been on the team last year and others hadn't. "Hi, I'm Chloë Thompson." She greeted the captain. "I'll be trying out for chaser." She confidently smiled. She had been thinking of what position she wanted to fill if she was going to play, but being a chaser had always stood out to her. She didn't think she'd be strong enough to keep hitting bludgers around and the euphoria of actually managing to score a goal seemed too good to pass on.

Chloë quickly made her way up into the air after her introduction, ready to get herself in on some of the action that was already happening around her. She flew around the pitch for a second, following the quaffle moving from one person to another before someone decided to throw it her way. She definitely had to lean out of her original path of flight to catch it but luckily managed to do so. Chloë continued to fly around, varying her speed as she passed the quaffle to others a couple of times and thankfully got it passed back to her as well. Passing around seemed to come pretty easy to her, although she had to remember that there would be others more actively trying to intercept it in a game. The first time she tried her hand at scoring a goal the quaffle was easily blocked and she quickly shook off her failed attempt. She caught the quaffle the next time it was passed to her, securing it under her arm and holding it close to her as she turned her broom around and increased speed as she headed back towards the goals. When she approached the hoops she noticed another kid who seemed to be at a much better position to score and decided to throw the quaffle their way instead of going for the score herself. Even if these were tryouts, quidditch still was a team sport and she figured the team earning points should definitely be put before the glory of scoring a goal herself. She continued flying around, dodging bludgers and other players as she passed the quaffle around and tried her hand at scoring a few more times. It took her a couple of tries but eventually she managed to get the quaffle through one of the hoops. Chloë put her fist up in the air for a second, happy to have made a succesfull attempt at scoring, before she held back onto her broom and continued on. If she had been focussed before then she had now somehow managed to increase her level of focus. She confidently kept making her way around the pitch and managed to get another goal in a bit later on after two new failed attempts. She came way too close to being hit by a bludger at one point and had a little trouble regaining her balance after she swerved hard out of its way. At the time they were done Chloë had to admit she was tired, but she had thoroughly enjoyed her time up in the air and had loved seeing her friends shine as well.
OOCOut of Character:
Tryouts will close in about a day and a half so if you're interested in trying out, do it soon!
Land was so excited. He had been counting down the minutes until he could get to the pitch and get on his broom. He wasn't the greatest flyer who ever lived of course because he'd only been on a broom for a very short amount of time and was definitely looking forward to further developing his skills, but he couldn't wait! He absolutely adored Quidditch and couldn't wait to get out there and show everyone what he was made of, because this Zephyr absolutely belonged in the sky. He was so excited in fact, that he almost tripped twice as he headed down to the pitch mostly at a run with all the stamina a fifteen year old, fairly active but not too much boy could muster. After all, it wasn't every day that a first year got to try out for the Quidditch team and he was absolutely so excited about it. With all the people here, most of them older, he had a feeling he wouldn't make the team, but he didn't care, he just wanted to fly and since classes hadn't started yet, he was really looking forward to it. He would love the classes though and couldn't wait to attend them. It was all going to be so much fun!
"Land Zephyr reporting for duty! I mean tryouts!" He said, looking around at all the other older students. He wanted to badly to be like them. He didn't know any of them of course and he was definitely unfamiliar with any of their tactics or how they worked together or anything like that but he was absolutely going to learn more about them this year and how they worked because he was going to join the team, become the best player ever and then he was going to be Quidditch Captain and be the best Captain ever and then he would join a Professional Quidditch team and be the best player ever. He couldn't wait. "I want to try for chaser!" He continued, so that they knew what he was doing, because he couldn't just head into the air probably. He mounted his broom and kicked off from the ground, wobbling slightly. He wasn't used to these brooms and missed his broom at home, but he wasn't allowed to bring it to Hogwarts and wouldn't anyway. If he was going to play Quidditch he would buy another broom to keep at school because they had to be properly cared for and his broom at home as for his two brothers as well. He caught a glimpse of a girl with the quaffle and chased her for it, grinning when she passed it to him so he could fly around the hoop behind the keeper and chuck the quaffle through, which, miraculously, hit the side of the hood and landed firmly in the keeper hands. Land laughed. He'd been surprised his aim had been so good if he was honest, since he definitely hadn't thought that was gong to happen at all.
He followed some of the other players around, getting more of an idea of the weaving gameplay required during the actual matches and decided he was quite good at turning. Speed control seemed to be his biggest issue at the moment as he sometimes found himself accidentally zooming past the person he was trying to throw the quaffle to, or dropping back when he was about to catch. I knew that had a lot to do with him using one hand over two, as he was much steadier with two hands, but when he was holding the quaffle or about to catch it, he was hands free for the most part. "Heads up!" Land quickly dived out of the way of a bludger and looked up to see it zooming back down the pitch before he headed up with the quaffle again, flying back towards the hoops to send it sailing through. Finally it went in and Land tried to cheer, but nearly fell off of his broom. "Woah!" He decided in that moment not to do that again and quietly laughed to himself, slowly returning to the ground when tryouts were over. "Thanks for letting me try out, Cap'n!"
Flynn was incredibly excited to try out for Quidditch, as he couldn't think anything more fun. He wasn't sure what to do about the extra time he had, as he was really narrowing in on what classes he wanted to take, as well as what clubs he wanted to join - it was all a bit much to be sorting through, quite frankly. He didn't really care whether he actually got on the team, or what position he should go for, as he had always just messed about at home with his siblings and his parents. His dad said playing beater had been a lot of fun, and he could definitely see the appeal, but he wasn't sure if he had the right aim.

"Flynn Kaster, trying out for chaser," he decided on the fly, because who cared? he knew the rules, and he could fly his broom. There was a first year having a go - he wished Jem was that fearless - so that meant he didn't have to go blubbering about it all. He either got it, or he didn't. Mounting his broom, Flynn took to the air as quickly as possible and started weaving through, trying to show what he could do and learning how to interact with the other players, as team work would be vital. He passed the quaffle when a teammate was closer than he was to the hoops, and focused on helping others set up their shots before he tried to score a goal, himself, as the keeper looked really good. His first and second attempt were blocked, and he found himself loudly cheering the keeper as well, before eventually managing to slip one by and getting the quaffle through the third hoop. He threw his arms up excitedly before returning to the ground. It had been a great time, but try outs had to end eventually.
Jacob had seen a lot good work today. He called for the end of tryouts, waiting for everyone to touch down. "Thanks to everyone who came out for tryouts. You've given me a lot to think about. I'll be posting the lineup in the common room tonight and for those of you who make the team, first practice is tomorrow at this time. " Jacob needed to put the best team together for this year and years to come. "Lysander? Sierra? Can you stay back and help me clean up?" Jacob asked them.

OOCOut of Character:
Thanks for trying out! They are officially closed. Official lineup will go up in the common room in a bit.

@Lysander Summers @Sierra Woodlock

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