Knox Clement Ivers

Knox Ivers

Inner Eye owner | Trying to grow up
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation

do you know the enemy? do you know your enemy? well, gotta know the enemy
violence is an energy against the enemy, violence is an energy, bringing on the fury

From a Scots surname that was derived from various places named Knock, from Gaelic cnoc "round hill" (from behindthename). Knox likes his first name, and likes that he can make puns with it, but otherwise doesn't really think much of the name itself and the meaning behind it.

English form of the Late Latin name Clemens (or sometimes of its derivative Clementius), which meant "merciful, gentle". This was the name of 14 popes, including Saint Clement I, the third pope, one of the Apostolic Fathers. Another saint by this name was Clement of Alexandria, a 3rd-century theologian and church father who attempted to reconcile Christian and Platonic philosophies. It has been in general as a given name in Christian Europe (in various spellings) since early times. In England it became rare after the Protestant Reformation, though it was revived in the 19th century (from behindthename). Knox is a bit embarrassed about his middle name and doesn't like when people know his middle name. His mother chose this name for him after his grandfather, and as Knox doesn't particularly like his grandfather which adds to the fact he dislikes his middle name.

Patronymic derived from the given name Ivor, meaning From the Old Norse name Ívarr, which was derived from the elements yr "yew, bow" and arr "warrior". During the Middle Ages it was brought to Britain by Scandinavian settlers and invaders, and it was adopted in Ireland (Irish Íomhar), Scotland (Scottish Gaelic Iomhar) and Wales (Welsh Ifor) (from surnames at behindthename). Knox doesn't particularly like his surname as it associates him with his family, but he also does not see himself changing it in the foreseeable future.

Knox was born on April 30 2037 in Taumarunui, New Zealand. He was the first born child to his parents Susan Ivers and Henric Ivers, and for most of his life Knox remained an only child. His star sign is Gemini.

Knox currently lives in a two bedroom flat, with his half-brother Archie Renner. Knox has lived in this flat ever since turning 17, and he is happy to be able to live with his half brother and be independent. The flat isn't particularly nice or fancy, and Knox's furniture is cheap or second hand, but it feels like home to him and Knox has tried his best to make the place cozy with lots of blankets and house plants.

Knox's parents are Susan and Henric Ivers. He has never been particularly close with his parents, and was closer to his father than his mother despite his father spending lots of time away for work. Knox grew up under his parent's traditional and conservative beliefs, and because they were and still are unable to see past these beliefs and unable to provide Knox with any autonomy he currently does not have a relationship with either of them, and wants to remain distanced from them now that he is an adult and independent.

Knox has one half brother, named Archie Renner. Knox did not know Archie existed until he was 13 and Archie arrived to his house to meet their mother, and he wasn't close with Archie for 2 years following their first meeting, but throughout Knox's time at school he did get in contact with Archie and become close with him. Knox currently lives with Archie and he is happy he is able to be best friends with his brother.

Knox spent his schooling in between being home schooled, and attending Hogwarts New Zealand, although he did graduate from Hogwarts New Zealand at the end of his seventh year. While at Hogwarts Knox was sorted into Gryffindor and even awarded the title of prefect, and regardless of the fact he spent parts of his schooling at home, Knox thinks of his time at Hogwarts as some of the happiest parts of his life.

Knox currently works as a shop assistant at Honeydukes in Brightstone village. Knox started his job being part time while he was in school, but began to take on more shifts during the holidays after he moved away from his parent's house and needed to help with the bills at his flat with Archie. Knox has always loved sweets and loves his job working at Honeydukes, but he does feel stuck where he is currently and is unsure of what career he wants for the rest of his life.

Knox is of mixed blood, and doesn't feel any particular way about his blood status. Knox understands that blood status can be considered relevant in 'traditional' wizarding beliefs so he actively chooses not to care about it in opposition to this.

the choir infantry, revolt against the honor to obey, overthrow the effigy, the vast
majority, while burning down the foreman of control, and silence is an enemy against your urgency

Knox is slightly taller than average and is of an average to lanky build. Knox has always been a bit taller than average and this is a trait he directly inherited from both sides of his family. Knox has always been of an average body type verging on lanky, and not particularly toned but he doesn't feel one way or the other about this.

Since moving away from his parent's house and living alone and being an adult, Knox is in the process of developing his personal style. Up until the time he moved out he wore clothes his mother chose for him, which were usually t-shirts and jeans and some kind of flannel along with sneakers, simple clothing that was not particularly interesting. Knox would also wear the occasional polo shirt or sweater he hated because his mother wanted him to wear it. Since moving away from home, Knox still dresses rather bland as this is the only wardrobe he has, but over time and through seeing Archie's fashion sense and learning about thrift shopping through Orwell, Knox is slowly buying more interesting kinds of clothing. He likes wearing bright colours and finding clothes from the 1970's and 1980's and making them modern, and Knox is happy he able to achieve this without having much money.

Knox's eyes are dark blue, and he inherited this from his mother. Knox doesn't feel any particular way about his eye colour.

Knox's hair is dark blonde, and this is a trait he also inherited from his mother's side of the family. His mother, his aunt and most of that side of the family all have some variant of blonde hair and Knox fits that description. Knox grew his hair out and wore it longer for part of his seventh year, but since graduating Knox has realised he likes to keep his hair length short because it's easier and he often wears his hair messy as he cannot be bothered to style it any specific way. When dressing up Knox will style his hair neater and comb it back but on an everyday basis it is messy.

Knox has a small piercing in his left earlobe that he got with Archie shortly after moving away from his parent's house. Knox saw getting a piercing as a small piece of rebellion and wanted something to celebrate and show for being independent. The piercing is simple and the earring Knox wears on an everyday basis is a simple ring, but Knox might become more comfortable wearing interesting earrings as he grows older.

so rally up the demons of your soul, do you know the enemy? do you know your enemy?
well, gotta know the enemy, the insurgency will rise, when the blood's been sacrificed

Knox identifies as Pansexual and Panromantic. Knox knew he was both attracted to boys and girls, and for a while was confused as he felt as if he had to choose one or the other and fit into the 'norm' that his parents had taught him was expected. However over time Knox has learned more about himself and about the LGBT community, and he believes he is Pansexual and Panromantic and is comfortable identifying as such.

Knox is currently single, but is open to the idea of having a relationship. He still has lingering feelings for Simon Thorne, and is unsure if he wants to move on or pursue Simon more now that they are both out of school, but he is otherwise single and has been for a while.

Knox has previously been in a relationship with Clifton Ward. The two had known each other by face for a little while through Clifton's role on the school yearbook, but didn't officially meet until they ran into each other after Knox drank a vile of Felix Felicis during a potions lesson. Clifton had almost dropped his camera and Knox luckily caught it, and this lead him and Clifton to begin talking. Knox quickly asked Clifton to the yule ball and the two began dating, and dated for a little over a year. Knox was the one to end the relationship and break up with Clifton, after he realised he still had feelings for Simon Thorne. Knox thought that Clifton deserved better and it would be unfair to both of them if Knox had feelings for someone else, and Knox to the present day continues to guilty about what happened between them.

Knox's biggest fear is being trapped and losing himself and who he is, and being unable to make his own decisions, so if faced with a boggart it would appear as a cage, slowly becoming smaller and suffocating him. This fear is brought on from years of being trapped with his family, and since Knox is now an adult and independent and free from them he does not want to feel trapped or stuck ever again. When casting Riddikulus, the cage would then turn into various pieces of silly string, and Knox would find it funny to pull all the pieces of silly string from his clothing.

Knox is unable to cast a full bodied patronus due to his average grades in school, and his inability to pay attention and focus on casting a patronus. However if Knox could cast a full patronus, it would appear in the form of a Husky. Huskies are dogs bred to pull sleds and are known for being vocal and energetic, and needing lots of attention and activity. Knox is inherently the same in being loud and having lots of energy, and because Knox loves dogs and always wanted to have a dog when he was a kid, he would find the image of a flamboyant Husky comforting and it would allow him to feel happy.

If Knox glanced into the mirror of Erised, he would see himself and his half brother Archie being happy and spending time together. He also knows that Archie wants to have a family one day so Knox would also see himself as a fun uncle, and everyone would be together on a family holiday or birthday opening lots of presents.

won't be blinded by the lies in your eyes, say! well, violence is an energy, from here
to eternity, well, violence is an energy, silence is the enemy, so gimme, gimme revolution!

Knox has many interests and hobbies, with two of his main interests and hobbies being playing guitar and music, and playing sports and being active when he has the opportunity. Knox has been playing guitar since he was a child, and throughout his time at school he began to grow more confident in his abilities, and has even tried to write his own songs and begin to sing and develop his voice to play covers. Knox does not consider himself to be particularly good at music or singing, and he is a bit apprehensive of performing and playing music in front of others still, outside of jamming with his friends, but it is something he enjoys and a hobby he loves to explore in his spare time. Knox is also athletic and loves to play sport, he was an alternate for the Gryffindor quidditch team while he was in school and has played backyard soccer in the past with his family. Knox always has energy to burn and he loves being active but he has not played a team sport in a while, at the moment he mostly jogs and works out a couple of times a week to keep fit. While in school Knox also greatly enjoyed the subject of divination, and this is an interest that has remained with him since graduating. Another interest in some way of Knox's is that he loves sweets, and he has had an insatiable sweet tooth his entire life. Knox currently works at Honeydukes and loves trying new sweets and learning how to make sweets in his spare time.

Knox is generally kind and friendly, and he is also very creative. He stands by his close friends and family with an unrelenting loyalty and will do anything to help the people he cares about and will step up and help if they ever need it. Knox has a level of emotional intelligence that allows him to understand and empathize with others and if someone he cares about is feeling down he will go out of his way to try and comfort them. Knox lives in the moment and generally has an easygoing attitude and follows the path where life takes him, he tries not to dwell on his past when he can avoid it and he always tries to focus on what makes him happy and having fun in the here and now. Knox loves experiencing all that life can provide and he loves exploring new subjects and ideas, and trying new things and doing his best to live and make the most of the time he has on earth. He will try most things once and wants to make memories with the people he cares about while he is able to.

Knox is loyal to the people he cares about to a fault and when he cares about someone he can be known to deceive others despite the guilt it will cause him. Knox also in living in the moment and not thinking about his past or the future for that matter, is known to repeat mistakes he has made rather learning from them, and also generally make choices in the present and not consider any future consequences. This also means Knox can remain stuck in a bad place metaphorically and literally for longer than what is best for him and not realise there is a way out. While also generally being kind and friendly, Knox is not always polite and he has a rebellious streak, often realizing what the 'polite' thing is and what is the 'right' thing to do is, at least from a traditional sense, but from not learning from past mistakes or simply not being bothered to consider any consequences, he chooses the opposite of what is right because he thinks it is best in the moment. Knox after being raised in a very 'traditional' household with very 'traditional' and conservative beliefs also actively detests anything traditional and will often chose the opposite of it for the sake of not ending up like his parents, regardless of what that decision might be. Knox has always found it difficult to focus and pay attention, especially when he was in school and this is also a prominent weakness of his.

The Entertainer: ESFP-A
If anyone is to be found spontaneously breaking into song and dance, it is the Entertainer personality type. Entertainers get caught up in the excitement of the moment, and want everyone else to feel that way, too. No other personality type is as generous with their time and energy as Entertainers when it comes to encouraging others, and no other personality type does it with such irresistible style.

Entertainers love the spotlight, and all the world’s a stage. Many famous people with the Entertainer personality type are indeed actors, but they love putting on a show for their friends too, chatting with a unique and earthy wit, soaking up attention and making every outing feel a bit like a party. Utterly social, Entertainers enjoy the simplest things, and there’s no greater joy for them than just having fun with a good group of friends. Though it may not always seem like it, Entertainers know that it’s not all about them – they are observant, and very sensitive to others’ emotions. People with this personality type are often the first to help someone talk out a challenging problem, happily providing emotional support and practical advice. However, if the problem is about them, Entertainers are more likely to avoid a conflict altogether than to address it head-on. Entertainers usually love a little drama and passion, but not so much when they are the focus of the criticisms it can bring. (from

Peter Pan: Peter Pan (1953)
Peter Pan is the titular protagonist of Disney's 1953 animated feature film of the same name. Peter travels from the enchanted isle of Never Land all the way to London just to hear Wendy Darling spin tales about him and his adventures. While his ego may seem inflated at times, even his arch-nemesis Captain Hook knows that Peter's no ordinary boy. He can fly without wings and match Hook's cutlass with nothing more than a dagger. Peter Pan is incredibly adventurous and daring. His favorite activities include battling pirates, engaging in friendly wars with the Indians, and listening to Wendy's stories of his adventures. Being a young boy, Peter can be rather impractical and conceited at times, but when it comes to rescue his friends, he is far more mature than any adult can be. Despite being heroic and charming, Pan can be quite cocky, and being an immortal child somewhat, he can also be quite immature, and as such, he enjoys goofing off, listening to stories, playing "pretend", and parties with his friends (from

Knox's personality is generally easy going and playful, and his childish nature and need to seek adventure and get himself into trouble, especially when he was younger, is what makes Knox's fan cast of Peter Pan accurate. While only able to fly on a broomstick, Knox also shares a love of flying with Peter Pan and if he was ever given the chance, Knox would choose to never grow up like Peter. Knox also is able to be incredibly mature at times despite his usual immaturity and he would always step up to help the people he cares about if they needed him to.

do you know the enemy? do you know your enemy? well, gotta know the enemy
do you know the enemy? do you know your enemy? well, gotta know the enemy

Knox was born on April 30, 2037 in, Taumarunui, New Zealand and spent all of his childhood in his upper middle class home, in an upper middle class suburb. From a very young age Knox loved adventures and make believe, and he often loved to play in and explore the patch of forest behind his home when he was younger and pretending he was on expeditions to faraway lands. Knox was an only child and gladly soaked up all of the attention from his parents for the first few years of his life, although as he continued to grew older this began to change. Knox began to feel a bit lonely and realised he wanted someone his own age to talk to and play make believe with. He was thankful when he soon found a friend by the name of Geraldine, otherwise known as Bucket, the girl who lived next door. Knox was happy when he could spend time with Bucket, and enjoyed that he could explore the forest and play make believe with her, and feel as if he wasn't always alone.

As Knox grew older his mother began to home school him, teaching him to read and write. Knox had a habit not paying attention however, and he would regularly run away and get into all sorts of trouble because he was bored. Knox always had lots of energy to burn, and outside of learning to read and write, this lead Knox's mother to support him in learning to pay guitar and learning music theory to keep his mind occupied, and he had a class with a music teacher once a week. Knox enjoyed music but still felt restless being at home and when he was about to turn 11, he couldn't wait for his first year at Hogwarts.

Knox was nothing other than excited when he arrived to Hogwarts for his first year, starting the year off on a high note when the sorting hat placed him in Gryffindor. Knox was aware his mother expected him to be a good student, both in achieving good grades and staying out of trouble, but Knox also had other ideas and was far more interested in exploring the Hogwarts castle and the school grounds and watching the older students use magic, than focusing on his classes. He didn't complete much if not any of his homework assignments, and he spent his time in class often not paying attention and simply waiting for the class to be over. This lead Knox's mother to transfer him out of Hogwarts halfway through the year to teach him at home. Knox had never been academic, and being in a class with other children provided too many distractions, learning at home and being one on one with a teacher was the most effective way for Knox to learn and his mother knew this. Knox was sad about leaving Hogwarts, and after the excitement and intrigue of going to school to learn magic, only to return to his boring suburban home after one semester, he felt trapped and began to get into trouble more often because he had nothing better to do.

Knox spent his second year fully home schooled, feeling bored out of his mind as well as sad and slightly resentful to his mother for keeping him at home when he wanted to be at Hogwarts. He got into the habit of breaking the rules his mother had set for him, sneaking away when he could and traveling to the magical part of New Zealand because he found it far more interesting than his home. It was on one of these trips sneaking away from home and when he was buying sweets at Honeydukes, that Knox ran into a girl named Poppy Perkins. The two became fast friends and with Poppy at Hogwarts, Knox was all too happy to send her letters as often as possible and vicariously live through her experience as a Hogwarts student because he couldn't experience it himself. Knox found a small reverie in his letters to Poppy and this got him through his second year, allowing him to cope with the boredom of being home schooled and feel as if being at home wasn't all that bad, even if the want to return to Hogwarts was never far from Knox's mind.

The first half of Knox's third year was much the same as his second, however took a completely different turn during the summer. Knox began to notice his parents argue when they thought he couldn't hear them, and he eavesdropped enough to gather that some long lost relative was going to be visiting. His mother seemed on edge and would get angry at him for the smallest things, and this pattern lasted for a couple of weeks before Knox's mother told him that someone was visiting that day and asked him to spend the afternoon upstairs. Eager to not be pushed aside and to meet this mysterious relative, Knox instead rushed to the door before his mother could when someone knocked on it, opening it to see too grown ups that were much younger than he imagined. Knox had gathered he would be meeting maybe a weird uncle, but that day he instead met Archie Renner, his half brother.

This news turned everything Knox thought about his life and his family on its head, but in learning he had a brother and in meeting Archie, Knox had to admit he was more curious than ever before. He was delighted when he found out Archie also went to Hogwarts New Zealand, and was also sorted into Gryffindor. Knox's mother didn't react as positively to the meeting as Knox did, reacting with fear and dismissal rather than excitement and curiosity, and at the end of the day after Archie had left, she told Knox she never wanted him to contact Archie. Knox felt differently, and truly did want to get to know his half brother, but he ultimately reassured her he wouldn't get in contact with him, and this allowed Knox to strike a deal with his mother to let him go back to Hogwarts if he was able to keep up with his grades. Fortunately his mother agreed and Knox returned to Hogwarts for the latter part of his third year. Knox chose a few electives that interested him, and he even made friends with a boy in his dorm named Solomon Tofilau and of course reunited with his friend Poppy. Knox tried his best in his classes and was happy with the grades he achieved by the end of the year, feeling as if at being at Hogwarts was where he was supposed to be, and that his life had gotten so much better since the meeting with his half brother.

Knox began his fourth year intending to keep up with his classes, even feeling confident enough in himself to get into extracurricular activities and try out for the quidditch team and by joining the brotherhood. Knox was happy when he was accepted to the Gryffindor team as an alternate chaser, and since knowing his half brother once captained the team, he was all the more proud of himself. He wanted to Archie a letter and tell him all about it, but knowing it would hurt his parents, Knox couldn't find the courage to do so. It was also in Knox's fourth year that he also formed a friendship with Lumio Skey, a boy he often played guitar and jammed music with. Knox's fourth year started out well and he was happier than he ever could have imagined despite not being in contact with his half brother, but wishing he was. As the first semester progressed however, Knox soon shared his first kiss with Connor Holland during spin the bottle, and this was followed by an encounter and kiss with Simon Thorne on the night of the yule ball. Both experiences brought up unexpected feelings and questions about himself, and Knox realised he was confused about what it all meant. He began to realise he wasn't as happy as he thought he was, and instead considerably lonely as he realised he had no one to talk to about what he was feeling. He wouldn't dare to discuss his feelings with either of his parents, and as his friends and classmates all seemed to have their lives together and knew what they wanted, he felt isolated from speaking to anyone at school as well.

Knox knew that in that moment more than ever, he wanted to contact Archie. He remembered that when he first met Archie, Archie was holding hands with a boy, and this might mean Archie was the exact person he should talk to about it, and someone who might have answers. Looking for guidance, Knox apprehensively approached Professor Elvera Le Fey's office after one of his classes, hoping his divination professor might be willing to complete a tarot reading for him and help him decide whether contacting Archie despite his mother's wishes was a good idea. The tarot reading was incredibly accurate, almost too accurate in some ways, but in the end it told Knox that regardless of the conflict it would cause, contacting Archie would give him the answers he was looking for. By the time the winter break began Knox finally had enough courage to send Archie a letter and ask if he wanted to meet up.

The holidays before Knox's fifth year were eventful to say the least. Knox firstly ran into Simon Thorne at Honeydukes, the encounter ending in another kiss that made him feel unsurprisingly just as confused as before. Secondly, Knox finally met up with Archie for the first time in two years, and fully opened up about how confused he was, and also how sorry he was for how his mother acted the first time they met. Thirdly, and entirely unexpectedly, Knox also received a prefect badge in the mail. Knox returned to Hogwarts for his fifth year feeling a bit conflicted over all that had happened. He finally had some idea of who he was after spending more time with Archie and learning that boys having feelings for boys and girls was indeed normal, and Knox had simply grown up in an environment where he was sheltered from that idea. However he was also confused to what it meant when he kissed Simon, because he had kissed Simon more than once. He also felt guilty about going against his mother's wishes, and on top of that felt weighed down with the unexpected responsibilities of being a prefect, feeling as if the badge might have been a mistake and was undeserved.

Knox, despite his conflicting feelings, tried to focus on his classes during his fifth year, though unsurprisingly his friendships and quidditch practices became more of a priority. Knox also was thrown a curve ball early on in the year when he mustered the courage to ask Simon Thorne to be his date at the ball, wanting to have what they shared to be public and official only to be rejected. Knox was hurt by Simon's rejection, but tried his best to accept it and respect Simon's wishes. This lead into Knox distancing himself from Simon, and furthermore lead Knox to run into a boy named Clifton ward after drinking some Felix Felicis in a potions lesson. Knox quickly asked Clifton to the ball instead because he felt as if it was the right thing to do, and Clifton accepted. Knox had an amazing night with Clifton at the ball and the two of them ended up dating. Prior to the night of the yule ball, Knox couldn't have imagined anyone liking him back, but Clifton did indeed like him back, and was happy and he loved spending time with Clifton and learning all about him. Knox spent the remainder of his year trying to stay out of trouble, all while attending his classes, sending letters to Archie when he could, and spending time with Clifton. Knox felt as if the confusion he felt the previous year had faded away and he knew a lot more about himself and who he wanted to be.

Leaving Hogwarts for the holidays after his Fifth year was difficult for Knox. He was happy at Hogwarts and happy with how his schooling was going, and when he returned home he felt nothing other than guilt, and a distance from his family because of his secret friendship with Archie. That winter break more than ever before Knox felt as if he was suffocated being at home and held back from who he truly was, and as time progressed this continued to become evident. Knox was able to go to brightstone and invited Clifton over a few times during the break, but those visits were only a short distraction from how bored Knox was at home. Knox eagerly left home to return for his sixth year, feeling relieved as soon as he arrived to Hogwarts.

Similarly to his fifth year, Knox tried to focus on his classes again in his sixth year as well as spending time with Clifton. He soon attended the yule ball again with Clifton, happy they were able to spend their one year anniversary together. The days leading up to the night were happy and Knox couldn't have been more thankful and appreciative of Clifton being in his life, although early on in the night itself things changed when Simon interrupted. Knox, feeling as if Simon was trying to antagonize him, soon lead Simon outside and to the courtyard so they could talk, and he tried to confront Simon about his actions. This resulted in Knox feeling sick with himself and guilty, and generally terrible when he realised he still had feelings for Simon, all while being in a relationship with Clifton. His feelings for Simon had been buried and locked away in a box for almost a year, but after that night Knox was unable to ignore them. He soon broke up with Clifton, and was heartbroken but knew it was for the best because Clifton deserved better, and Knox spent the remainder of his sixth year trying to distract himself from everything he was feeling. He was thankful he could send Archie letters and tell him all about what happened, as he felt he would have no one to talk to otherwise.

Knox returned home for the winter break that year feeling defeated, and sick of being trapped, both in his feelings for Simon and at home where his boredom and his parent's expectations of him were unbearable. Knox felt as if he would go insane with the boredom and pressure on his shoulders, and since turning 17 Knox realised there was no other way out than to move out, and live with Archie, and that was exactly what Knox did. Having at job at Honeydukes and being able to move out had Knox feeling independent for the first time, and though it wasn't easy and there were a lot of things Knox needed to learn about being away from his parent's house, he was trying to embrace this change in his life. He loved that he could also spend time with Archie and get to know his brother more than ever before. Knox took a few extra shifts at Honeydukes when he was able to, and it was as he was working that he managed to run into Simon Thorne again. It was an unexpected meeting but it ultimately lead to Knox and Simon agreeing to a fresh start, allowing Knox to return to Hogwarts for his seventh year feeling a little less overwhelmed and more optimistic about his future.

Unfortunately for Knox this feeling did not last for long, and as Knox's seventh year progressed he noticed everyone else in his year seemed to have their lives together and their entire futures planned out. A feeling of uneasiness began to set in because Knox had no idea of what he wanted to do with his life after school, since living year by year and focusing on the moment instead of anything else. He felt as if he was a step behind everyone else he knew, and this feeling lasted until graduation. Knox left Hogwarts with average grades at best, with no idea of what he wanted to do with his freedom as an adult.

Knox spent the first few months after graduating simply working at Honeydukes and spending time at home, not really keeping up with his friendships with school or socializing outside of speaking to Archie and Archie's best friend, Orwell. Knox worried that if he saw his friends from school he would be reminded of how much more put together and successful they were, while he was working the same job and wasn't going anywhere. Knox felt trapped and stuck in the same place, but not in the same way he did when he lived with his parents. It was different, and a box Knox had unintentionally created for himself as a result of the fact he had no idea of what he wanted to with his life, as well as his lack of decision making and fear of deciding something that would go wrong. After becoming sick of the rut he found himself in and wanting to at least try to find a way to move on with his life, Knox at a loss of how else to decide his future headed to the inner eye to buy some tea leaves, and it was as Knox purchased these tea leaves that he ran into Simon Thorne again.

The original template and coding is by Teigan, edits to the coding and template are by me, lyrics are from 'Know Your Enemy' by Green Day, name information is from behindthename, personality type information is from 16personalities and Peter Pan information is from the Disney Wiki.
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