Y31 Sorting & Transfers

Sorting Hat

Well-Known Member
We still have to finish up Y30, so sorting is still a little ways away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun sorting chat here! :D We love to hear your thoughts and reactions as we work through the process of sorting and transfers. :party:

Are you having a character sorted/transferred this year? Maybe more than one? Ten? (You know who you are. :p )
Are you going to try for an exchange student? :o

Where do you think they'll end up? Do you think they'll be happy about it? How is it going to color their first year?

If you've already been sorted: Did you get what you expected? Did the sorting hat say something funny to you? What'd you think of that?

Happy Sorting! ^_^
I would really love to have Arinna Desai be sorted into Gryffindor. However, I am having second thoughts as I seem to sort my characters to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. If there is anybody who could give me some tips to achieve a cub this year, I would be glad to take them. :lol:
I'm sorting Avaria and I'm really curious to see where she'll end up. I never really have a specific house in mind. It's fun to let the characters surprise you. I'm also transferring Onyx. While I hope he makes Slytherin, it could also be fun to have him placed elsewhere to make things more interesting.
I'm sorting Alice Holland and Abian Hunter, I'm very excited for them! I don't know where they'll end up, but I have a feeling both will be in either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. I could be wrong though!
I'm sorting two boys this year, Elio Zephyr and Ilija Olaf! Honestly not too sure where either of them will end up, but I also don't want to predict it because I am often surprised anyway xD
I have two girls (limiting myself :r ). Artemis Pourroulis and Kaimana Jones, Kaimana being my newest character who is not related to any one of my others whatsoever so I’m really excited to rp her. I honestly have no idea where either will end up, I’m hoping to have a Ravenclaw, to even up the number of students I have in other houses. It would be interesting if they’re hatstalls xD or both in the same house. I wouldn’t mind it if they’re in other houses though, so we’ll just have to see what the sorting hat says!
I'm so excited for the new sorting! My plan is to sort only one this time. I hope I can behave myself with that. I'm sorting Isabelle Walden (yes the cousin of!!) I don't think she will be a Gryffindor just like most of the rest. I'm guessing Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. But I let the sorting hat suprise me.
I'm sorting two this year, William Kaimarama and Emily Madison, and for the first time I barely have any idea where they'll wind up :lol: My first instinct for William is that he'll probably be a Slytherin, but I can see him in Gryffindor very easily, which would be fun because Maddy will probably be in Gryffindor when she gets to school. Emily I have even less idea what to think. Gryffindor seems most likely for her, which would be nice because she'll be with Charlie, but I can see her going Hufflepuff easily, which would be fun too.
I'm just sorting the one this year... unless inspiration randomly strikes me again half way through sorting xD

Phineas will be a fun one because I genuinely don't know where he'll end up, though I'm not feeling Puff. Puff is the only one that would surprise me!!
I'm just sorting Uno, I always thought she'd be a Gryffindor, but the more that I find out about her, the more I think she'd be suited to Slytherin as well :p I can't wait for sorting!
Omg Phineas's sig is GREAT I love him already
Ahhh hehe thank you Rowan!! He's gonna be miffed when he finds out his electronics don't work at Hogwarts :r
I'm only planning to sort Rosemaryn this year. Part of me wonders if she'll end up in Slytherin like Alyssa did, but she could easily fit into a few houses so I honestly can't say for sure where I think she'll end up. :tut:
As usual, I am only sorting one this year, and I don't have an idea of where he will be placed. I would prefer if he wasn't in Ravenclaw, because that's the house where I have had the most characters over the years and I want that to even out a little :r

But if he does end up there, its not the end of the world, and I'm just happy for the sorting hat to place him wherever is best for his personality/development :D
I'm sorting two this year and no more! xD

Both girls - One could be Gryff or Slyth and I think my other one could be my first ever Ravenclaw so that's exciting! :woot:
Ssssssssssssssssso I've discovered that I like writing William even more than I already thought and his sorting post wound up RIDICULOUSLY long :lol: whoops

Doing Emily's form made me realise she's a LOT closer to Gryffindor than I realised... I was envisioning her a bit more Hufflepuff, but as soon as I started answering questions that bold side shone through, so I feel like I've got a pretty solid idea where she'll wind up now :p

Did anyone else's opinion of their character change while you were filling out the form?
William Kaimarama said:
Did anyone else's opinion of their character change while you were filling out the form?
I have yet to sort mine, buuuut I am expecting it to, yes xD
I am sorting Meadow this year and this is the first time I really feel puff :') Which is the first time I had this feeling, it also could be Gryff since she is pretty active outside.
William Kaimarama said:
Doing Emily's form made me realise she's a LOT closer to Gryffindor than I realised... I was envisioning her a bit more Hufflepuff, but as soon as I started answering questions that bold side shone through, so I feel like I've got a pretty solid idea where she'll wind up now :p
Haha that happened to me writing Phineas! A lot of his Slytherin traits came out while I was writing the form :lol: but we'll see, I think he'd still fit well into several houses :D
Amber Chou Wilson said:
I'm sorting Alice Holland and Abian Hunter, I'm very excited for them! I don't know where they'll end up, but I have a feeling both will be in either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor. I could be wrong though!
I was sort of right, but I was thinking he leaned towards Gryffindor more as I wrote his sorting form :o

Yellow looks very good on him though :wub:
I'm so happy Elio got Gryffindor :wub:

I feel like it suits him best for sure, and I'm also glad because I only have one other official HNZ sorted Gryffindor (out of 13 other students >>) and he's only my second HNZ male Gryffindor ever (After Robert Kain 8 years ago :r )

Yay Pheeb!! :party:

I love getting a house I wasn't expecting but I'm also stoked Phineas got Slytherin :party: really interested to see how he's going to develop around other Slytherins... :p
I'm actually really curious what made the hat decide Gryffindor was definitely not Abian's house :o because it was mentioned in his text and everything.

I'm definitely not disagreeing, but I really am interested in the reasoning behind it xD
I'm not sorting anyone this year, which I'm kinda sad about, but I'm loving watching.

I'm extremely keen for Maddy next year though, especially now her big bro William is almost certainly in a different house. (I'm thinking probably Gryffindor for her, but whatever she gets I'm sure it won't be Slytherin).

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