Y29 Quidditch

Reeve Buchanan

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What do you all think will happen this year? Which team will win it all? Which team gets the quickest snitch catch? Post your predictions here!
As always I have a horse in each race. But as captain of only one team I have to say something that makes me cringe.

Ideallllly I want Ravenclaw to win :D

Or at least do better than they did last year, which wouldn't take much =))
I have players on both Slytherin and Hufflepuff so I don't know who to root for in the second game. I don't know who I want to win in the end, I like the way Hufflepuff won last year though by 1 goal.
Well I know Gryffindor has a bad team given it's James Cade and not James Adams as seeker, but I still have to root for that side. :r
I'm for Gryffindor the most since Gabriel is an alternate chaser, but I also cheer for Slytherin. One of them can win for me, but hope it will be Gryffindor!!

P U F F!!


If not, Ravenclaw.
Guys, stop being so cute. We all know Slytherin is going to own the other houses, just admit it. :teehee:
Nah Gryffindor is gonna make the best comeback this year!
I'm hoping Gryffindor wins the cup, and I predict whatshisface will have the quickest snitch catch. :r
Damn whatshisface <_< :r

I love seeing Marisol's stats improve ^_^ :lol: Though her year off really set her back lol
Where do you find these stats?
Marisol Woods said:
I love seeing Marisol's stats improve ^_^ :lol: Though her year off really set her back lol
How do you check stats :O I've wondered what Lizzie's are like for ages.

LIZZIE FINALLY ACTUALLY HIT A BLUDGER!! So, I'm pretty much satisfied :lol: It's. pretty weird to me that it's taken her over two years on the team to actually get a single success. Either beaters are a bit underpowered or I've been getting the worst rolls on the planet.

This is the first time I've had people on two different teams and it's weird, not knowing who to root for :lol: (Ultimately I think it should be Ravenclaw's time to shine this year though, so GO CLAWS!!)
Normally I wanted hufflepuff to win coz I was hoh and I didn't have any players, but these days I don't care who wins :r
Quidditch stats are found in the QCP for those who were wondering.

Go Slytherin :party: :r
Just an amazing post.
Quidditch is great because it's like Old School Week every day. ^_^

I wonder how many players take failed actions as meaning no progress, when they could say they failed but something cool happened. (Hit bludger, missed target, busted through some stands. Spotted snitch, epic chase, distracted by an oddly shaped cloud. Shot quaffle, missed hoops... can't think of something exciting here. Chasers suck. :r )
I used to try and say interesting stuff happened, because I thought failed meant you had to RP trying and failing every time, but it just got so disheartening writing Lizzie failing over and over and over again. Sent her into a real spiral, since she was supposed to be good at Quidditch from playing with her family.
In my defence. Its 4am and my interesting brain cells have shut down.
Lizzie Taylor said:
I used to try and say interesting stuff happened, because I thought failed meant you had to RP trying and failing every time, but it just got so disheartening writing Lizzie failing over and over and over again. Sent her into a real spiral, since she was supposed to be good at Quidditch from playing with her family.
Ya, fair enough. A healthy mix of both options is probably best. Sometimes it could even be a fail through no fault of your character's (another unnamed player intercepted bludger or something).
James Cade said:
In my defence. Its 4am and my interesting brain cells have shut down.
No defence needed, we all loved it. ;)
It's on the HNZ social medias now. :p
Nicolas King said:
I wonder how many players take failed actions as meaning no progress, when they could say they failed but something cool happened. (Hit bludger, missed target, busted through some stands...
If only a beater would hit a bludger and it ended up sailing through the Huffpuff girls. Could only add to the drama in the stands :r
Half expecting James to just chat with some of the spectators at this point :p
Just pulls up to the Gryffindor fans to say hello.

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