Please don't forget that
quidditch is an IC game meant to be fun for all of us OOC. We understand that it can get competitive, but we want to remind you that
netiquette applies throughout the site, including quidditch. Everyone is being asked to leave your personal stuff off the pitch (so to speak), play as your characters would, and leave it at that.
The system does allow for some godmodding, but we do hope people are mindful to limit this where they can (for instance, though you can say you successfully hit a ball
towards someone, you should allow them to decide where and with what severity they've been hit. Remember our system says they're out after 3 hits so let them have fun deciding where they're taking the shots!
) . We also hope that people are mindful to remember that it is their character who is playing, not you the RPer, so you should be targeting your own players on the opposite team if the situation calls for it and otherwise playing your hardest for all of the players on all of the teams you're playing on. Surely, your characters would want to be playing their best.
This is the only reminder you're all going to get: If what happened during this last game - the shouty discussion that escalated well beyond where it should have considering it shouldn't have been there at all- happens again, this quidditch season may come to an abrupt end.
(on behalf of the admin)