Y27 Club Fair

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Knowing that her friend had a lot of other things on her plate, Professor Kingsley had offered to organize the club fair. Clubs were an important part of HNZ. It was where students made lifelong friends with shared interests.

Making her way into the Great Hall, Cyndi waved her wand and sent the four huge tables towards the walls where they stood straight up, towering there. Next, she conjured smaller tables and plenty of chairs, a place for flyers. Then, she summoned the snacks that the house elves had delivered earlier. Cake, pies, cookies, and drinks galore.

Now all the room needed was students. The club leaders would hopefully be arriving soon, followed by the rest of the school.
Archie was determined to make his seventh and final year in this school both fun and memorable. One of the ways he intended to do this was through the brotherhood. Avie's passing the previous year put a negative spin on the club's activities as Avie was one of the longtime members and had always been a friendly face. While Avie will always be remembered and missed, Archie intended to do move on with the club and plan events that were more positive and fun that year. He had an idea of what he wanted to organize with Isaiah's help but before he could do any of that, he needed to attend the club fair and hopefully gather some new members. He arrived to the great hall with a wide smile on his face, prefect badge shining proudly on his uniform as he made his way to one of the tables and set up the small flyers he put together. Isaiah would be arriving soon and Archie was sure the pair of them could find some new members or at least rouse interest in the younger students as the brotherhood really was a worthwhile club to join. At least in Archie's biased opinion.
Orwell, currently with bright blue hair, had his arms filled the Wild Patch items, the flower crowns, the leaflets, the pictures of the events they'd held, Orwell already had a plan for the beginning of the semester, the beginnings of an idea in his head, he wasn't yet sure how to tie it into his usual wider message, and he was very excited for this final year, he wanted the school to remember his influence on this club, and though he was aware that some of the members wouldn't be too keen to break any rules, but Orwell was trying to make sure that it wasn't, but he didn't care. The boy found his usual section in the club fair, and began setting up, covering it in flowers and the little sign. Behind him he put up the rainbow flag he had used during the pride celebrations, and he put pictures and leaflets of all they had done. The boy was wearing a flower crown on his head and he used the magical writing ability of his wand to have the names of the events that they'd had, the forbidden forest protest, the lantern festival, flower crowns, fresh vegetables to the kitchens, the pride celebrations. He was just eager to get the new students, wild patch was far more than just about managing the gardens which Orwell prided himself on, and he hoped who ever took over from him once he graduated would put as much care into it as he had done. But as he stood ready for people to arrive he glanced happily over to Archie he waved happily, "WILD PATCH!" he called out, "Come join the best club!"
Kaia couldn't remember going to a Club Fair event the year before and wanted to find out what is was about exactly. She figured maybe joining a club could not be that bad after all, she would make plenty of friends and Kaia normally liked company. If the people with whom she hung out weren't too noisy or loud, she supposed it was okay to see other parts of the school. Kaia was a second year now and she had gotten to know the school quite well during the past year. She entered the Great Hall, her eyes scanning the room before her eyes settled on two specific tables where much older students were handing out flyers. She neared the first one and immediately shook her head, holding back a laugh. Nope. The brotherhood club definitely wasn't her style. She moved on to the next one and she smiled. This was more like it. To catch the attention of the person advertising the 'Wild Patch' club...or whatever, Kaia stepped in front of him and said confidently, "I have no idea what the hell it is about but I'll join." The brunette was pretty content with joining and finding out what it was about later during meetings, she felt encouraged to join because of this dude's attitude and passion towards his own club. Kaia loved people who knew what they were doing. Might as well sound determined.
Ailsa as it turned out arrived before Prudence at the club fair, which wasn't too bad a thing, Ailsa had been juggling things pretty badly since she'd gotten back to school, if she hadn't been early she would've been very late. However it did mean that she only had some of the affairs that the heta omega needed for this. She tried her best to decorate the little area like she should before standing in front of it, with a smile, hoping to encourage others to come join her and the other girls, sisters, in Heta Omega. She knew that it was a pretty popular club, far more popular than the brotherhood which nicely fed her need to be better than Archie, but she was also pretty eager to just have more people, more young students join them, keeping the club and the ideals of sisterhood that they had alive and strong. She knew it wasn't really a club for everyone, and she wouldn't if perhaps they came off as too girly meaning that some girls who were perhaps less girly felt less welcome to join which Ailsa knew of course was not the fact. Anyone could join their little amazing club. She smiled as students passed her hoping to entice any into joining.
Evelyn heard some of her friends talking about some clubs and Evelyn saw it as a change to meet more new people. And it would be good to be part of something. Ofcourse Evelyn ment the Heta Omega club for girls, because she would not join the club of Wild Patch because she hated plants!! and dirt. She only loved roses but wouldn't want to make her hands dirty. The blonde entered the great hall because she heard here would be the Club Fair. She didn't hesitate about joining she would just all see what was expected from her. She was looking at the different area and saw the one for Heta Omega were a girl was decorating. Evelyn didn't knew her but because she was standing before that area she guessed she was from Heta Omega. She put on her most lovely smile and looked at the girl. '' Hi there! I'm Evelyn Manning. I want to join Heta Omega.'' she was wondering who else would be in that club, but knew that Zara Lizzie and Amber were also members already. She was curious what the club did further.
Amber enjoyed being in Heta Omega, but she wasn't entirely sure if that was the only club she wanted to join. She walked around the Great Hall, keeping an eye out for interesting clubs. Wild Patch wasn't really her thing. She had enjoyed Herbology a bit last year but she didn't want to dig around in dirt if she wasn't going to get a grade for it. The only other club she saw for now was the brotherhood, which she couldn't join for obvious reasons.

She headed to the Heta Omega booth where an older girl she vaguely recognized was decorating. "Hi, I'm in the club. Can I do anything to help?" She didn't see Prudence yet, which was a shame.

Then she noticed Evelyn, was she joining the club too? "Evelyn!" She said happily. "You're joining?"
The first herbology class had already left quite an impression on the Mexican, leaving him enthusiastic and hungry for more. After asking the professor about something more in depth, he had recommended Luciano to join or at least apply for the Wild Patch club -- and here he was, on his way to the Club Fair to hopefully get there and join the thing that interested him the most up until now.

It did take him quite a while to even find his way back from his common room to the Great Hall. It was not the easiest route to take, the stairs that moved and every corridor that he thought looked like the previous one. Nevertheless, the small latino finally reached those great, intimidating but inviting doors. Entering the hall, he let his warm brown orbs move around and scan the hall. Walking up to some of the stalls that were set up and shyly requesting for a membership. "Professor Carter told me that there was the so called Wild Patch club, for those that want a little more of Herbology in their lives. And I thought it would be a lot of fun -- I'm interested, that's why." Lips curling up into a bright smile.
Alex really wanted something new to do, so when he heard about a club fair, he made up his mind on getting there. After losing his way to charms, he made sure he's prepared to find his way around the castle from then on.

Eventually, he did end up in the Great Hall. Inside he saw plenty of students, both older and his age. He wasn't quite sure where to begin, so he went from table to table, eavesdropping on the conversations. He had no clue which club he'd like to join, but he was willing to see his options.
Orwell was rather glad when the first student appeared and Orwell greeted them with a warm smile. He was always happy when new people wanted to take in his club, he did far more than other clubs did in his mind they deserved the extra attention, "Awesome!" he told the girl before handing her the sign up sheet, "I'm Orwell, I'm the king of the flowers, would you like a flower crown?" he asked the girl as she signed up to the club holding one out for her if she so wanted it. They would do far more than just gardening, but it was still a large part of it, and the flower crowns had always appeared very useful. He was surprised when another student came up to him, and he smiled at him, surprised because the herbology teacher had sent this kid to the Wild Patch, "Well we do far more than just herbology, but in my time I've expanded the gardens of the wild patch and we now also grow vegetables and herbs that then go to the elves in the kitchens, we also take care of a lot of flowers," he told the younger boy before motioning for him to sign up if he wanted to, "We also host the annual LGBT+ Pride celebrations, and in the past we've held protests and lantern shows, last year we also provided a good amount of roses to valentines day event," Orwell continued, making sure the boy knew what he was getting into before also holding out a flower crown for him to take.
Ailsa smiled at the girl who approached them, she'd seen her about Gryffindor but that was all she knew about her, and so she turned the sign up sheet towards her and motioned for her to sign up, she was sure that if anything was wrong with what they were doing that Prudence would fix it, and it wouldn't be that hard to find anyone in this relatively small boarding school where most could not leave as they pleased, "Welcome to Heta Omega Evelyn, I'm Ailsa, vice-president of the Heta Omega," she introduced to the girl, she was sure that they would do at least one thing during the semester like Prudence had organised last year. her attention was taken away from the girl to one of the younger members and Ailsa grinned at her, glad at least one other girl had come to help get more members, "Just get people to sign up really," she told the girl who seemed to know the one that was signing up, and with that Ailsa just focused her attention back on the room itself, glancing around at the various people within it. It was always exciting to try to get new members and prompting the great club they were in.
Jerara knew that he needed to get involved in the school but he hadn't yet decided what, there weren't too many clubs within the hall, and the boy wasn't sure what to join, the heta omega was of course out of the question and brotherhood did seem like a lot of fun, but the Wild Patch was certainly more his speed. In the end Jerara decided signing up to both would be better, he went first to the Wild Patch and after quickly signing his name, took a flower crown and placed it on his head, he felt a little nervous about wearing such a thing, he didn't really want to, but he'd been given it and so he placed it on his head. The young Ravenclaw nervously walked over to the boy at the brotherhood stall and gave a small smile, "I'd like to join," he said, the nervousness clear in his voice, "Do I just sign my name?" he asked not sure if this would be like the wild patch where he just had to sign or if because this was technically more exclusive if he would have to sign up differently.
Kaia grinned, taking the sign up sheet from the older boy, Orwell. "Thanks, I'm Kaia by the way." She quickly scribbled her name down on the sign up sheet and handed it back to him. She listened as he explained to another student what they'd be doing in the club and she was fascinated by it all - especially the LGBT+ support thing. It was a good cause and she believed in it, not that she would ever tell her parents as they would probably not allow her to come back next year, so she shut up about it. Her older cousins were supporters of the group as well. At least she wasn't alone in it. "Yes please, I'd love one." She took a flower crown from Orwell and put it on. She was officially part of the Wild Patch now. She knew she'd have an awesome time. Kaia wished one of her cousins would join but at the same time she wanted to try out something new for herself without their presence. The Wild Patch was everything her parents wouldn't agree with. It was more of a reason to join. "See you around, and thanks again." With that and a last smile at Orwell, the Ravenclaw left the great hall.
Tristan was nervous as he entered the Great Hall. He wanted to join a club, it seemed like the fastest way to get used to things at school and maybe make some friends, but he had no clue what he was looking for. The Wild Patch club seemed somewhat interesting, but his gaze was caught more by the brotherhood stall. Being in a club with older boys that could help him out sounded like a smart move, and he made his way over to the stall.

Once he was close he noticed Jerara, the boy he'd met in the library. He smiled at him. "Hey Jerara, you're joining too?" He looked at the older boy running the stand. "I'd like to join as well, if you could tell me how."
After exploring his options for some amount of time, he finally considered his options. He wasn't really into plants to join the wild patch club, however he did find it pretty interesting. So hey, that's an option.

He's not a girl to join the Heta Omega, why'd he even consider?

And then he saw the booth with the Brotherhood of MAGIC. He had little to no idea what the club was doing, and what it's for, but him unknowing sparked curiosity in Alex. He quickly tip toed to the stand, to face Archie about the brotherhood.

"Good day mate. What's the brotherhood about? I'm really interested."
Everly enjoyed walking around the school. She did it in every minute of her spare time. After all, she definitely didn't plan on being one of those clueless first years that always get lost. Today, while she was on one of her daily walks, she heard noises in the Great Hall. When she went in, she saw lots on students walking around stands. "It must be the club fair", she thought. Up until that moment, she didn't think about joining a club. But, after seeing all those stands, there must be a place where she could belong. The one stand that cought her eye immediately was Heta Omega. Maybe it was a good idea to join a sisterhood. Everly didn't have any siblings, so maybe she needed that experience. She walked over to the stand.

"Hi, I'm Everly."
, she said "Could you tell me something about Heta Omega? I might be interested to join."
When the girl introduced herself Evelyn smiled. '' Nice to meet you Ailsa.'' She seemed nice and told her that she was the Vice President. Not very much longer after that she heard her name from a familliar voice. The blonde saw her friend Amber and she was asking if she was joining. Well ofcourse she was. '' Yes! That is right, I thought why not?'' Evelyn looked at the sign sheet that she got from Ailsa and smiled. She writed down her name, so now it was official, she hoped. Perhaps they had a weird try out or test, but Evelyn knew that she was right for this. '' So all done.'' she turned the sheet towards Ailsa again and smiled happily towards Amber.
Approaching the stall, Luciano let his lips curve into a bright smile. Eyes full blown and showing nothing but flickers of curiosity and excitement in them. Nodding their head a couple of times as the other explained that it would be more than simple Herbology, which caused the latino to turn only more excited about the whole thing. The club seemed interested and they were pretty sure it was going to identify with Luca, even reminding him of the things Luca did back home. "Sounds very appealing -- I've always been an enthusiast for the outdoors." Nodding, he took the flower crown from the other and put it on top of his head. "These are very nice. Back home I made them for my mum as well, but these- are way better." The Mexican nodded at the guy and watched him deal with the last couple of things after Luciano finished the sign-up sheet, hoping everything would be settled for a membership. If so, Luciano nodded and said their goodbyes before leaving the great hall.
Last year, Ainsley had been struggling to get her bearings at a new school, but this year Hogwarts felt safe and familiar, and the thought of joining a club wasn't quite so overwhelming. She hadn't realised that there was a club for gardening until much too late in the year to join, but now that the new year had come, she was determined not to miss her chance. And the Wild Patch stall was hard to miss, the flowers and festivity catching Ainsley's eye as soon as she entered the hall.

So much of her previous year's shyness gone, Ainsley smiled delightedly as she padded barefoot towards the stall. "Hi! I'd like to join the gardening club, please." She said politely, eyes wandering through the garlands of flowers rather than locking on the person hosting the stall.
The brotherhood stand was suddenly occupied and Archie was surprised at this change when he turned from the stack of flyers he was organizing. The first boy to show up seemed quiet. All Archie did was stand confidently and say "Yeah, you just need to sign your name here." as he slid the sign up sheet forward, placing a self-inking quill atop the parchment. The flower crown on the boy's head didn't go unnoticed. Archie glanced over to the wild patch stand where Orwell seemed to be busy with students wanting to sign up left, right and center. He smiled at his best friend's success before turning back to the boy. "Your crown means you've signed up to the wild patch, yeah? My best friend runs that club." He commented, looking towards the other unfamiliar face that arrived. When they asked how to sign up, Archie slid the sign up sheet and self-inking quill towards them when the first boy finished writing. "You just sign your name here." He said, then looking between the pair of them. "You boys are friends, then?" His small talk soon changed subject when yet another boy approached the stand. Smiling once more, Archie answered his question "My understanding of the brotherhood of magic is that it's a group of boys who want to practice magic, and work together to organize events around the school.", keeping his explanation short to not bore the boy nor distract himself from any other students that might have wanted to join. With that thought in mind, Archie slid the sign up sheet towards the third boy when the second one finished writing their name. "Would you like to sign up?" He asked, hoping the boy would sign up as more members meant the brotherhood had more options for club events during the year.
As Alex listened to what Archie told him, he shrugged a bit, lowered his lower lip and nodded.
"Yeah! Sure, why not!"
He did want some other activities besides school, and this vague description was good enough for him. He quickly reached for the quill and signed his name down on the designated spot. He was glad he found a group to join.
Proudly, he put the quill down, looking back to his name.

He looked back up to Archie, speaking:
"That should do it, ye?"
Tristan smiled shyly and signed his name. "It sounds like fun, I look forward to it." He nodded as the older boy asked if he was Jerara's friend, though he hoped the other boy wouldn't disagree. "Yeah, we met in the library." He smiled. "What sorts of events do you do in this club? Anything special?"

The flower crown Jerara was wearing made him wonder if he should join the Wild Patch club too, but he didn't think he should. It wasn't quite his thing, and he didn't want to overwhelm himself in his first year here.
Rose had walked around the Great Hall a few times, and she had made her decision. She was going to join two clubs this year, because she couldn't choose. If it proved to be too much she could always leave one. Right?

The boy who called himself the King of flowers handed out flower crowns and Rose eagerly took one. "I'd like to join. It sounds awesome! " She wasn't a huge fan of flowers or taking care of plants, but digging around in the dirt was always fun. Besides, it would be an excuse to be outside more.

After signing up for that club she headed to the Heta Omaga stand. A few girls were clustered there and she watched them curiously. It seemed like a fun idea to join this club full of girls, but she did wonder if it wasn't a bit stuffy. Oh well, she'd find out. "Hi!" She said to the older girl running the booth. "I'd like to sign up for this thing."
It was her final year at the school, and the Hufflepuff found herself with slightly more responsibility than she thought she would have. It was no matter though - she had watched the Club Fairs before, and was well prepared by Ellington to take on the role as leader of the club. Some other members were advertising their own clubs, and Carlotta greeted them with a polite wave before setting up in her own space. She hoped they would get some new people in, as she herself enjoyed participating in the writing and wanted to share that. There was a good turn out already (as usual), and the Hufflepuff put on her brightest smile as she handed out flyers, and calling out over the hustle and bustle of the Great Hall. "Hogwarts Monthly!"
Amy remembered the last time she went to the Club Fair, she had wanted to join the Wild Patch, which was a while ago. Now though she had drifted apart from it and did not know whether she should join. The hufflepuff entered the Great Hall and saw many students before her wanting to join several clubs, and one in particular caught her eye. She walked up to the stand, where her house prefect stood by herself trying to catch the attention of a couple of people so they'd be interested. Secretly, Amy loved writing, but she had never shared it with anyone. Maybe she would be able to express it here though. "Hi," she smiled at the older girl. "I think I'd like to join Hogwarts Monthly. What do I have to do to sign up?" She felt encouraged and it was different from other clubs.

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