Open Three-Legged Race

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (54)
Matt felt excited for his first event as Headmaster, as long as one didn't count the sorting ceremony or the start of year feast. He watched all the excited students milling around, as well as a few excited teachers. Once everyone gathered together, and the teams got together with their legs bound, he spoke. "Hello everyone and welcome to the three-legged race." He said, magic making his voice boom louder than normal. "In a moment, we'll start. I want to remind the teams that their bindings are magical, so it is not possible to get away from each other until the end of the race. Along the way you might encounter a few obstacles, though I'm not going to reveal those yet." He smiled, letting the anticipation build for a moment. He then held his wand into the air. "Everyone ready? Three... two.. one.." He paused. "Go!" With a bang, a bunch of gold sparks shot from his wand to indicate everyone should get started. Matt stepped out of the way and grinned as he watched the race begin.

OOC: Please read over the rules again before posting!
Emmanuel Okoye was always happy to participate in the school events, and he'd done a many three-legged races with his cousins. It was just a way to have fun sometimes, and so he'd been eager for it. Emmanuel hadn't signed up with anyone, but was thankfully paired with one of his closest friends. ”We're so going to win,” he said to Josh as they stood at the starting line. He felt confident in their ability to do this, and provided the professors weren't too fast, everyone was equal competition. The countdown start and Emmanuel immediately began moving. There was little time to waste.
@Joshua Lynch
Gregory didn't know how'd ended paired up with Cassius, of all people. But he was. He'd floated the idea of it, and thought he'd be paired up with someone random, but he had been paired with the worst person. He was attached to him by the ankle. Gregory had removed his glasses for this, knowing he was likely to fall over and didn't want to break them. He glanced nervously at Cassius, before just focusing ahead. The count-down started, and they were, but immediately Gregory was having issue, concentrating, but his feet stumbled, and he was already falling. This was why he didn't want to be paired with Cassius, this wasn't going to be fun.
@Cassius Styx
Renata had never done anything like this before, but she was very excited for it. She was glad Sky had been willing to try it out, as she felt comfortable with her friend and didn't mind being joined at the leg. It was a weird kind of event but it seemed fun at any rate. She had an arm draped over Sky's shoulder for balance and beamed at her partner when they lined up. "We have this," she whispered, excitedly, as the race began and she started to move, taking the first steps carefully to make sure they were moving in a steady rhythm.

@Niamh Eriksen
Aine was trying to be more involved, more social. Some sort of demon had possessed her to sign up for the three legged race, thinking at the time that it was a good idea. At least it was vaguely close to a muggle sports day. Which she'd always hated, actually, but now she felt somewhat nostalgic. For something not very far back in time, realistically. The type of artificial nostalgia for something that never existed. Like those shows that made it seem like the 2020s was a wonderful innocent time compared to the 2050s when she knew realistically from everything she'd read that the 2020s were actually extremely awful. Apparently nobody else from her year had signed up, either, and she raised an eyebrow at the first year she was paired with. At least they were in the same house? "Alright," she mumbled. "We're here to kick a** and take names, remember. Let's destroy 'em all." Apparently the demon had possessed her to poorly attempt motivation, as well.

@Seraphiel Fletcher
Cassius Styx could hardly believe it when he was forcibly teamed up with the person that he hated most. This is what he gets for trusting Terror. He thought that they'd be a duo. Nope. It was just bad luck and bad trusting. Family was supposed to mean more than this, but since house points was on the line, and so was his dignity, he had to follow through with it. Cass barely got a start in when Gregory already fell. "Oh come on, focus!" Seriously, would he have to carry the boy? He bent down to put his arm under the other boy's shoulder. "Hang on to me, dummy. And let me lead."
@Gregory Friend
Evie thought the idea of a three legged race sounded silly, but also fun, and Evie was very eager to sign up, even if none of her friends were interested. It would be a good experience and maybe even the only opportunity she would have in her entire lifetime, and there was no way she was missing out on it. The girl's leg was tied with the younger Gyffindor's that she was paired with, and when the Headmaster announced the start of the race, she was quick to start moving, pulling her teammate along with her.
@Raawhiti Te Rangi
Salem was amped for the race today, trying to avoid bouncing in place too much so she didn't jostle Elara's leg. She'd always been fairly athletic even if she'd never had the patience to really dedicate the ability to any sport or skill and she was keen to test out how well she and Elara could do against the mysterious obstacles the headmaster and heads of house had been hinting at before the race. "Which foot do we start with?" She had enough time to ask before Professor Ward started the race with a bang and a shower of sparks, causing Salem to start lurching forward on instinct, stifling a laugh as she immediately got disoriented and nearly forgot her legs was still tied to Elara, trying to work out a smooth way to run with their legs joint as they hurried forward. @Elara Chatelain
Thistle had been looking forward to the three legged race ever since it had been announced, and with her ankle strapped to her brother's she was looking forward to taking home the championship. She gripped Felix's waist tightly for balance as the headmaster spoke, and took off like a shot as soon as the sparks flew. "LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Thistle screeched as she charged forward, pulling Felix alongside her.
@Felix Carnahan
Rāwhiti had jumped at the chance as soon as he heard about the three-legged race, signing up immediately. He had been paired with an older girl he didn't know, but he was eager to get going. "We're gonna crush it!" He whispered to her as the headmaster spoke, buzzing with excitement. As soon as the race started he took off, running full speed alongside his partner.
@Genevieve Fuentes
Marnie had wrapped an arm around Penelope the second their legs had been magically tied together, half for balance, half for what she assured her friend was morale support. She was sure her friend probably had some misgivings about this whole thing but Marnie was glad she'd decided to partner up with her anyway. "I wonder what sort of obstacles there are will it be like in muggle sports with like hurdles and stuff I don't think I can jump very high even when I'm not tied to someone unless there's a spider or something I hate spiders yuck you don't think they'd use spiders for this right? Probably not they'd just get loose everywhere oh yuck oh sorry the professor's saying something-" Marnie kept up a running commentary right until she realized the race had started, stumbling into action and nearly pulling Pen down and over as she yanked them forward and off to the left as she over-balanced. "Oops, sorry, sorry sort of forgot we were tied together like not literally but I didn't think that would happen you okay? Right, forward we're running forward ahah sorry okay left foot? Right foot! Left foot! Right foot!" Marnie called, trying not to strangle Penny too much as she righted herself and tried to find a rhythm that worked. @Penelope Marshall
Felix had been thrilled when Thistle agreed to be his race partner. He had felt a little left out when she got sorted in with Sawyer but he was happy to finally get to spend some time with her at a school event. He laughed when she wrapped an arm around his waist and he tried to get a solid grip on her shoulder. He wasn't sure if he had gotten taller or if she had gotten shorter but this wasn't going to be as easy as he thought. Felix let out a loud whooping cheer as the race started and did his best to keep up with his sister and keep them from toppling over. @Thistle Carnahan
Caleb had laughed off the idea of signing up for the three-legged race with Louis but now he was here and magically connected to his friend and he couldn't stop laughing. It was such an absurd competition and he knew he had to look ridiculous. He could barely keep his balance as he waited for the race to start and had to cling to Louis to keep himself upright. "If we lose, I'm blaming you." he teased but before he could say anything else the shot went off and the race started. "Come on!" he shouted and tried to move their connected leg first. It was a bit easier to balance as they moved in between his own fits of laughter. @Louis Alcott
Gregory was quick to push himself back up, which was aided by Cassius grabbing him. He wasn't sure this was good, he was sure that no matter win or lose, that he'd end up worse off. He was sure if they lost, harsh words about how dirty he was would be flown. But he did as he was told, hanging on to Cassius and trying to stay focused on putting one foot in front of the other. He wasn't very coordinated, and the Hufflepuff was being forced to coordinate himself with someone who was bigger than him. But Gregory just had to focus, and maybe they wouldn't be in last and that would help. It was just hard.
@Cassius Styx
Josh had liked sporting events or anything that was related to sports, so he wasted no time in signing up. He had done it a bunch of times at his muggle school too. The boy had signed up originally without anyone but he was glad that he had been paired with one of his close friends. He smiled and nodded enthusiastically in agreement. "We're totally going to win dude!" Josh says with a chuckle and nods. As soon as the countdown started and were told to go, Josh began to move along with Emmanuel, going as fast as he could.

@Emmanuel Okoye
It had been ages since she had done a three legged race. It was the kind of thing she had done at sports day in baneskole but they had stopped having them when they had been old enough to have proper sports. Though to be fair she had sort of missed the fun races. When she had heard that they would be having a three legged race she and renata had signed up. That is what had led her to be here. Standing in the starting line with her leg tied to renatas her friends arm around her shoulder and her arm around her friends waist she could feel her breathing. Not quite sure what else she was meant to be feeling but she was sure everyone else was feeling this warm despite the early spring weather. She glanced across at renata and saw the huge smile on her face. She tried to smile back vi har dette she repeated. before turning her attention back to the track. Soon professor Alcott-ward started the count down and she readied herself three two … one. They were off starting slowly but building up the pace as they got into the rhythm of it.

@Renata Stepanova
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Marnie had convinced Penelope to join this race, but she was regretting it now they were tied together. She tried to keep a brave face, but had the feeling Marnie could tell. She let her friend ramble on, though she honestly tuned most of it out. Then they started and Marnie immediately almost made her fall. She grimaced, finding her balance after a moment. She finally snapped as Marnie kept on going. "Marnie, less talking!" She yelled at her as they started to find a rhythm. "We got this!" She added with a surprised laugh as they actually started to move ahead at a decent pace.

@Marnie Frogg
Louis had to be honest, he quite liked the excuse to be close to Caleb. Still, it was a little strange to be tied together like this. "Oh c'mon." He muttered as Caleb said he'd blame a loss on him. "I'm the athlete here." But before he could say anything else, the race started. He laughed as they started to step, it was weird. He tried to link arms with Caleb too, wondering if that would help them move more in sync.

@Caleb Thorne
Anisha was determined to win this race, especially as most of the other students seemed to be older. That would make it all the better to win as first years. Surely, no one else was as in sync as she and Raafe were. They were practically twins. She got into a good starting position, nodding to Raafe right before the headmaster started counting. She took her first step right after the shot went off, using her non-tied leg, the way they had practiced. "One." She said, then stepped with the other leg. "Two." She said, starting a rhythm. They had practiced just like this, using a Gryffindor tie instead. It felt nice to start at a good pace now because of it. She grinned, preparation was definitely key. Anisha kept on chanting. "One, two, one two," as they kept walking at a steady pace.

@Raafe Khatri
When it came down to it, Raafe was pretty much game to do anything Anisha wanted to do. Even if it involved hobbling around the castle for a whole day with their legs tied together so they could win a three-legged race. There wasn't a lot of things he wouldn't do to help Anisha wiin, really. He had to admit the practice had definitely been worth it for the ease of movement now, even if they had nearly fallen down the stairs more times than Raafe might have preferred, and he focused on their rhythm as the smoothly started the race, following her count easily as they matched strides. @Anisha Khatri
Sky seemed somewhat distracted, thought Renata, a little confused. Maybe she was just nervous? They started to build the pace a little more, not falling too far behind the younger students but not at the front of the pack. Just making sure they were keeping up. Thankfully, Renata was in good shape from all the quidditch practice, and they were both generally pretty fit from walking around the castle anyway. Renata may have been somewhat tone deaf, but at least she knew how to keep in rhythm and that helped the two of them move pretty steadily, all things considered. "I hope...the obstacles aren't too hard..."

@Niamh Eriksen
Elara had never been one to participate in picnic games, but the idea of racing with her coworker, roommate, and good friend was just too tempting. This would be so easy for them, right? It had to be! As the were tied together, Elara could feel the excitement steaming off Salem and fed into it as well. They were among the oldest there and likely had the most coordination. She had been thinking strategy when Salem started to question, as well. Before she could answer, the sparks shot up, and Elara felt her body lunge forward before stopping herself from face planting. “Let’s do our tied together legs,” she said quickly, holding on tightly to Salem’s shoulders for support. “Together, step, together, step, together,” as they kept moving down the pitch, a little more in sync, for the moment at least. @Salem Lee
"Ooh, you said a swear word," Sera said, impressed. He'd been a bit worried at first, being partnered up with a girl - not because he thought girls couldn't run, but because he knew if Aine fell over he'd want to stop and help her up instead of dragging her through the mud by her ankles as he would a boy, and this might waste precious time. But now he was starting to think Aine might drag him through the mud by his ankles, which was quite effective in inspiring his winning spirit. "Don't slow down for anything," he said. And they were off!

@Aine Thompson
Cass knew that this was just so wrong. So very wrong. Gregory was just small compared to him, and there was no winning this if the Hufflepuff remain uncoordinated. Cass just hated this and everything about it. He would need a shower after this since Gregory was touching him. So gross! But he worked with trying to lead him, which he didn't think was working well because Gregory was just smaller. But if others could do it then why not him? Or rather, them? "Come on, Hufflepuff. Your house is known for being bloody hard working, so work harder!"
@Gregory Friend
Aine wasn't sure whether to roll her eyes or laugh at her partner's response. In the end, she did both. "Don't tell Professor Carter," she whispered, before nodding at his enthusiasm. This would be fun, actually. She could be surprisingly competitive if the mood called for it, but while this was supposed to be a fun silly event, there was pride and house points on the line, and both Aine and Seraphiel were determined to win. Privately thanking the castle's size for forcing her to stay in shape, Aine quickly followed into step with her partner, awkwardly skipping a little at first but quickly finding a rhythm.

@Seraphiel Fletcher

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