It was a shame that Hufflepuff was out of the running for the Quidditch cup, but as Elliot shuffled his way to a spot in the stands, he still hoped they would win at least one game this year. Keeping an eye out for Kace, or or maybe one of his housemates, Elliot was a little surprised to spot Adorah, who he'd run into over the holidays, sitting nearby. Sitting next to her, he hoped it wouldn't be too awkward, but even someone he knew vaguely was better than being totally alone, and he'd enjoyed talking to her last time as well.
"Hey again, mind if I join you?" He said, giving his Hufflepuff banner a weak wave. It had seemed a bit much to bring the banner for a third place game, but it didn't feel right to leave it behind, so along it came. It was still a bit unwieldy for one person, but Elliot did his best not to crumple it or take up too much room. "Who're you cheering for?" He asked Adorah, nodding at her Ravenclaw robes.
Elliot paused the conversation briefly as the game began, giving a cheer as Hufflepuff immediately gained possession of the quaffle. He kept a close eye on the Gryffindor seeker though, fearing a repeat of last time. "If I had to pick a winner for cup, I'd have to go with Ravenclaw, especially after the last game we had with Slytherin." He said gamely.