The Stands

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Reeve Buchanan

Well-Known Member
Here are the stands for Y42 games.

OOC chatting can be found here.

Follow game one here.
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Branson was rather eager for the first game. He was perhaps thankful it wasn't his first game. He wanted more opportunities to improve. Though of course it did mean his first game of the season would be again his sister, and that was always a little weird. He didn't want her to be disappointed about losing, but also himself didn't want to end up disappointed about losing. He sat down in the Hufflepuff stands, intending to cheer on Jordie and do so as loudly as he possibly could. Branson was sure that provided this game went on longer than two seconds, it would be a fun game.
There was no way Sawyer was going to miss Felix's first match as starting seeker, even if he'd had to scribble down a slap-dash sign to indicate he was not in fact cheering for Slytherin, green hair or no this year. He'd saved a spot for Thistle, though he was glad to spot a familiar face sitting nearby too. "Hey, checking out the competition?" He asked Branson, pausing for a moment to whistle at his brother as the Hufflepuff team took the pitch even though he was reasonably confident he couldn't hear him. He didn't envy Felix playing in this weather and he hoped it cleared up in time for their own match against Gryffindor. @Branson Archer
Marnie had gone all out getting ready for the game today, yellow hair, face paint, and ribbons all over, and she really hoped it wouldn't all just melt off in the wet weather. She'd ended up pulling a jumper over her head to keep off some of the misting rain that was already falling, somewhat ruining the effect of her currently bright yellow hair (and belated she realized, probably her jumper too), but it was more than worth to get to see Penelope playing in her first game. "Woo! Go Penny! Catch the snitch and stuff! If you get to play I mean! That's not a good chant... Go Hufflepuff!"
Angel took a deep breath as he settled in the stands, trying to convince himself that the weather was refreshing and not miserable as he waited for the match to begin. He was confident that his house would be able to keep up their win streak again this year, fairly confident some of the team members would stop short at murder to ensure as such, but he was still hopeful for a good match today. He grumbled under his breath though as the weather seemed intent on puncturing the good spirit in the crowd, taking a moment to summon a shield from the rain over his head and several adjoining seats around him in case any other students wanted a little extra shelter before the match.
Salem wasn't going to let a little thing like wet weather dampen her enthusiasm for today's game. She'd always enjoyed the atmosphere during Quidditch games but the experience had heightened this year after she'd started working at Quality Quidditch Supplies over the holidays. It meant she couldn't travel around as freely, sure, but it was fun to be surrounded by people excited about the sport and the different equipment. "Get 'em Indi! Go Jordie!" Salem called from the stands, trying not to slip on the wet floor as she tried to find a good seat where she could hopefully watch both hoops in case either of her friends got to score today.
Eugene was very excited for the Hufflepuff versus slytherin game. There were a number of reasons why, but largely it was really easy to fall into that house pride and want to cheer on the team. He also knew that Slytherin were a difficult team, and he just wanted to see how Hufflepuff tried to beat them. He arrived at the quidditch stands and was in amongst other Hufflepuffs. Eugene sat down and glanced towards the team, spotting Renata and Rene in amongst the team. This was going to be so exciting. He hoped that they would win.
With yellow and black face paint covering one cheek and green and silver face paint covering the other, Max settled himself next to the Slytherin Head of House who had summoned a shield over his head to protect himself from the rain. The game was yet to start and the boy didn't want his face paint to get wet, so seeking solace underneath the Professor's shield seemed like a good solution. While he was still a bit disappointed that he hadn't been allowed to participate in the Gryffindor tryouts, the boy consoled himself with the thought that he'd be up there with all the other houses soon enough. He was an excellent keeper (on the ground, anyway) and couldn't wait to show it to Thompson. He cheered when the players walked onto the pitch, though wasn't cheering for anyone in particular. He didn't know any of these people but reckoned that he would at least remember a few of them once the snitch was caught.
Emmanuel was not a player of quidditch, but he did very much enjoy being able to go to the games. He liked watching quidditch, and it was enjoyable. He liked when games lasted long enough, but he wasn't sure if this game would. It was Hufflepuff against Slytherin. Slytherins tended to be the ones who had the fastest games. Emmanuel had opted to come to the Hufflepuff stands and wondered if he'd spot Aine in amongst them, but just took a seat and waited excitedly for the game to begin.
Gregory had never seen a game of quidditch. He had watched the try-outs and mostly (not really) understood what was going on. But the game had rolled around, and it was his house playing. It was against Slytherin, but Gregory was steadfastly ignoring that aspect and focusing in on the fact it was Hufflepuff. The boy made his way to the stands, feeling the excitement of the crowd as he did so. It was nice, he had been to an occasional rugby game growing up and this had the same electric energy of those. He couldn't help as he looked around, almost confirming that a certain someone was not in sight. But Gregory sat down, looking towards the pitch eagerly.
Leah could hardly contain her excitement. It was the first quidditch game of the season and she wanted the best seat she could find. She hardly even noticed the weather and let the misty rain turn her hair into a mess that would give her mother a heart attack. She had gone to plenty of professional quidditch games growing up and she was rather impressed with the school's set up. The stands looked over the pitch and there wasn't really any bad seats. She scanned the crowd looking for any of her friends and she smiled as she spotted one. "I suppose I can guess who you're cheering for?" she asked with a smile and sat down next to Gregory. "I wonder if the beaters are going to manage to knock anyone out." she said thinking out loud as she waited eagerly for the game to start. @Gregory Friend
Savannah was not usually one for team sports. She definitely didn't intend to join the team, but she had also never seen a game in her life. Games tended to be quite expensive and that tended to be prohibitive for her to see them. But this was a school game, it was free, and really she'd be silly to pass it up. Savannah had her arms crossed across her chest as she walked to the stands, she was in amongst some Slytherin's finding their demeanour a little easier than the Hufflepuff, and she sat in the stands with them. She had heard, too, that they were the best team, so she hoped she'd see that in this game.
Valeria wanted to support slytherin today. Though she knew that they would be one of the more difficult teams to beat if they faced off against them, but Ares was on the team, and she wanted to support her friend. She hadn't really had the time to see him or speak to him, and she knew he probably wouldn't notice her in the stands, but she wanted to support him anyway. Valeria sat down amongst the slytherin's cheering for them loudly.
Branson glanced at Sawyer and gave a little laugh. He noted the other boy whistling and cheering for someone. "That and to figure out how quick we'll have to be if we face off slytherin," he replied with a little smile. "Is that your brother down there? With the equally green hair?" Branson asked. He had never really gotten to know Sawyer all that well, but was interested in him as a person. He seemed nice, was a good captain.
@Sawyer Carnahan
Gregory smiled as he was joined with Leah. Leah was nice. ”Definitely Hufflepuff!” he replied with a warmth and excitement in his tone. He frowned at her words. ”You can do that?!” he asked, since it seemed wildly dangerous to him that that could be possible. People could admittedly die in any sport, of course, but it seemed like such an increased risk if players were going to be knocked out. ”The beaters are the ones with the bats, right?”
@Leah Thorne
Max settled himself amongst the crowd of Gryffindor supporters, his face covered with scarlet and gold face paint. He was very excited to see the Gryffindor Quidditch team play but hoped that this match would last a bit longer than the previous one had done. If not, well then he'd know for sure that someone had put a curse on the snitch at some point. He cheered loudly as the players made their way onto the pitch, waving his house-coloured scarf like a madman in support of his team.
Harper didn't go to all the Quidditch matches, but she was trying to attend more of them this year. At the very least, she planned on going to all of Gryffindor's games. She knew it was unlikely, but she hoped that Gryffindor would win both the Quidditch Cup and the House Cup. It would be a nice way to cap off her time at Hogwarts.

Today, Harper had dressed entirely in scarlet and gold and had tied her hair up with a red ribbon. Though she still planned to cheer Sawyer on, it was pretty clear which team she supported. After picking out the best seat, Harper unfurled the Gryffindor banner she'd stuffed in her pocket and magically enlarged it. "How long do you think this game's going to last?" she asked the person beside her. The last Gryffindor match had been over in a matter of seconds, and from what she'd heard, that had been a pattern with recent matches.
Aine wasn't typically one to watch Quidditch - she thought she'd done her penance watching her brother's VFL games when she was home. Plus, it was hard to see and the games were short enough that by the time you'd gotten a seat, it was over. She felt like they needed a time limit or something so as not to waste everyone's time. But that was exactly why she was here today. The last several games played at the school barely made for thirty minutes of sport. Combined. And as a member of the school paper, she felt like this warranted investigating. She needed to start making an effort to be more serious with it, after all. Even though she wasn't going to be the one writing about it, she wanted to know what was going on.
While it had sucked that Hufflepuff had lost their first game after Marnie had put in all the effort to dress up, she wasn't put off at all about doing it all over again. She still had all her yellow and black ribbons and the can of yellow hair spray so she wasn't about to miss a chance to use them all. She'd also tried to embroider a badger onto her shirt for the game but had started too big and run out of time. Still, she was quite proud of the half-finished stitched badger and wore the shirt anyway as she crowded into the stands.

The game seemed off to a good start with Hufflepuff scoring too goals, which Marnie happily lept to her feet to cheer for as they happened. Less good was seeing all the bludgers hitting their team, which Marnie ooh'd equally loudly for in sympathy.
As a team, Gryffindor hadn't been doing very well lately but Salem still loved coming to games, win or lose. The atmosphere up in the stands was always good, though she suspected everyone was braced for another short game like the last few had been.

They seemed off to a good start and Salem made sure to cheer and wave extra hard when Elara and Jordie walked on the pitch. Hufflepuff were doing well with the quaffle but Gryffindor was wrecking shop with bludgers and Salem whooped as Isaiah managed to take out the Hufflepuff seeker. Surely this boded well for them.
While Sawyer was quietly glad Ravenclaw hadn't gone up against Hufflepuff this year, he still had mixed feelings about his team being in the finals. Mostly feelings of horrible impending doom. But at least it meant he could cheer on Felix completely guilt free, finding a good spot in the stands and waving a small Hufflepuff pennant as they managed to get in three goals past the Gryffindor keeper.

What wasn't fun to watch was Felix taking a few bludgers, Sawyer grimacing each time, squinting to try and confirm if he was imagining his brother slowing down after the second hit. He didn't need to strain to see the impact after the third though and Sawyer lept to his feet, muttering a curse under his breath as he watched the ref pause the game so Felix could be escorted off the field. "Sh*t," he muttered again, already moving from the stands with some muttered apologies before he could even think about it, making his way back to the castle and the Hospital Wing.
There was no way Harper was going to miss Gryffindor's last game of the season, especially since it would be the last time she got to watch her house play. She'd decked herself out in red and gold and had even attempted to draw a lion on her cheek with face paint. (Unfortunately, it had come out looking like a yellow blob with eyes). The only non-Gryffindor thing she carried was a giant sign that read "GO TILLY" since Harper was determined to cheer on her friend during her last Hogwarts game.

The Gryffindor beaters got off to a strong start, and Harper winced every time Felix was hit. She frowned a little when he was sent off the field though she also knew that this would help Gryffindor's chances. "Maybe we'll actually win this," she said to Salem, who was next to her. Of course, right as she said that, Tilly managed to send a bludger towards Aurora. Harper grimaced in sympathy but waved her sign around, feeling a little guilty for cheering for a bludger hit, especially one against such a young Gryffindor.

@Salem Lee
Salem watched intently as Hufflepuff scored another goal, wondering if they kept this up without a snitch appearance if Hufflepuff could manage a win on goals alone. "I've missed the excitement, and Isaiah's and Aurora are playing great!" Salem confirmed to Harper over the crowd noise. "No snitch sightings yet though, wonder were it is," she added, squinting across the pitch as if she had a chance of spotting it when the seekers couldn't. "And Hufflepuff's new seeker looks so young," she added in sympathy. "I like your face blob by the way," Salem said, tapping her own cheek before motioning to Harper's. @Harper Alston
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