I'm sure Kris told you by now, but I'm down for the Eric/Michael/Kas stuff!

sooooooo much drama!
Iris & Juniper - I'm open to either option

Would you want to do a dorm room thread for them and then go from there? Maybe Juniper asks if she knows any update on the Eric/Nicole drama and it leads them to talk about dating? And we could also do a separate thread for Emma if you want!
I feel bad for Augustus because first Juniper and now this.

She's not living in a tent this year, but I still plan on having her spend time outside of the dorm. Maybe she's outside and Augustus stares at her?
I like weird friendship, too. We could do a dorm thread with those two as if the other girls are out and they're alone?
I think Elara's family is well-known in the performance community but maybe just a familiar name if your family took you to a circus as a child? Like she
might recognize Chatelain, but it's also okay if not. Do you think Natalia would be more keen on being friends with Elara if she knew the name?
And yay! Maybe we could start with Iris & Juniper and then Ivy and Seraphina?