Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
So it's a new year, and it's been a while since I did a big PD for all my students. I'm excited about plotssss. Feel free to give me any ideas, even if they're not what I have written down. I'm going to collect all of the plot ideas into a seperate document and try to spread them over the year a bit, though I'm very excited to kick off the new year with a few fun threads.

Seventh Years

Jasper Night
Prankster - Jock - Class Clown

Lars van Houten
Artist - Quiet - Rebelling

Tyler Lee
Calculating - Manipulative - Content
Jasper is a fun-loving guy who doesn't take a lot of things seriously. He's in his final year now, and wants to be an auror. So he has to do a lot more for school than he actually wants to. He'd like to create a bit more mischief in his final year and pull a big prank to be remembered. Jasper is also a chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team.

What he needs:
No romance, he's already confused enough.
Friends, general interactions, maybe someone who also wants to pull a prank to work together with. Maybe he can even be a prank 'mentor' to a younger student.
Lars is a Ravenclaw prefect and also co-captain of the Ravenclaw team. He is still mildly baffled about both positions. He's a bit of a loner, often retreating to paint on his own. Recently he's been more in the public eye after the kiss with Blake during Quidditch. He's becoming more comfortable being himself and starting this year has a lip ring (to show he's totally cool now).

What he needs:
Romance is set for him right now. I could use friends, people who have similar interests in art and painting, or anyone he can help as a prefect. He hasn't done a lot of prefect-y things yet over the years.
Tyler is a fairly calculating person, always looking for ways to look better and be more popular. Though he does hate Quidditch, which makes that a bit difficult. He's in a pretty good place right now, with a few friends and a steady girlfriend. Though the recent antics of his former best friend Blake Irons have left him a bit confused and annoyed. He's also co-leader of SDA along with Sydney Townsend.

What he needs:
He doesn't need romance for now, but could always use more friends (at least, friends he thinks he can benefit from socially). I'm also open for him to make enemies, which is fairly easy for Tyler to do. Any SDA or duelling related plots would be cool too. Any conflict is welcome, he's a bit too happy for my liking.

Sixth Years

Eric Holland
Angry - Sarcastic - Bad reputation

Aisa Hunter
Music - Loner - Snarky
Eric... is a bit of a mess. He's probably my student with the largest (and worst) reputation. He's known for being angry, getting into fights, and breaking rules. Deep down, Eric is not as bad as he seems, but he has a hard time expressing himself in a healthy way. He also tends to lean into his reputation a bit, as it is easier than challenging it. Though he also isn't very happy with his situation and is resentful of the way most people see him. Unfortunately, he does very little to prove people wrong. After (dramatically) leaving SDA last year, Eric is no longer in any clubs.

What he needs:
Eric is about to realize he likes someone and it will be a plot for a while, so no romance. But he could always use more conflict, as I enjoy that a lot. Maybe a few friends too, though Eric is pretty difficult to get along with. He might try a little harder this year, but he's very easily frustrated. Any interactions are welcome.
Aisa is a pretty quiet kid, usually staying by herself. Only over the last few years has she been opening up a bit more, slowly expanding her very small friend circle (which was basically just Sully). She's hoping to make a few more connections at Hogwarts, as her brother's graduation made her realize how little time she has left at school. Aisa can be pretty sarcastic and doesn't like very loud people, though she does enjoy playing guitar and could bond with people over music. She also is part of Accio and works on the yearbook each year, which has given her a slight interest in photography as well.

What she needs:
Aisa is currently dating Adorah Zumwalt and doesn't need romantic plans. Besides that, she's been a bit quiet so I would like a few more interactions with her fellow sixth years or fellow Gryffindors. I could also see her making more enemies, as Aisa can be a bit judgmental as well. Especially of people who are loud or (in her eyes) annoying.

Fifth Years

Emma van Houten
Loud - Excited - Impulsive

Iris van Houten
Mystical - Responsible - Caring
Emma is the younger sister of Lars and older sister of Iris. She is a very happy and very enthusiastic person, always ready to party. She loves being the center of attention and is definitely up for some trouble. Emma is very loyal to her friends, and with the conflict in fourth year at the moment she has picked a side very firmly. Emma is on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team as beater and is very excited for the new season.

What she needs:
Romance! I think Emma really wants to start dating someone this year, mostly because she probably feels like she should. She's a fifth year already after all. I am completely open for it to go wrong or be very awkward, definitely not looking for a final or anything just yet. I enjoy messy teen relationships too much for that. I think Emma at the moment is only interested in boys, so a boy around her age would be ideal. Besides that, she can always use more friends or could make a few enemies.
Iris is the youngest van Houten sibling, though she often doesn't act like it. She's very responsible and a bit motherly to her siblings sometimes, to Emma's irritation. Iris has an interest in Divination and can often be found practicing her Tarot readings or attempting to see something in a crystal ball. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to have a natural talent for it, something that frustrates her immensely. In the big fight between Nicole and Connor, Iris tried to be a neutral party, but only ended up being distanced from both of them as they were annoyed with her for not picking a side. She's feeling a little adrift because of that.

What she needs:
Iris hasn't really been all that interested in romance so far, but I think she's realizing she likes girls slowly. I could see her having a crush this year or going on a date, just to try it out. Besides that I'm happy to do any plots related to divination, as Iris is still trying her best to tell the future in whatever way she can. I also think she could use a few other friends, now that she feels a bit alienated in her usual friend group.

Fourth Years

Lucas Fletcher
Imaginative- Curious - Sweet

Augustus Westwick
Quiet - Weird - Follower
Lucas is a muggleborn who has always dreamed of magic. So going to Hogwarts was very exciting for him. Now that he's a fourth year, he has settled down into the magical world a bit more and is no longer amazed at everything, but he still really likes magic and learning new spells. He's a sweet boy who gets along with most people, though he can be a bit stubborn and competitive as well. Lucas is an alternate on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, something he's pretty proud of. He's been enjoying his time at Hogwarts and is always happy to go on an adventure. He tends to follow the rules, but can be persuaded to break them occasionally.

What he needs:
Romance would be open for him. He's had a pretty serious crush on Lumio Skey, and is a bit bitter now that he knows the other boy is also gay, just interested in another boy. Lucas is definitely open for exploring crushes and some awkward dates. I'm also happy to have him get in some conflict, as he hasn't really encountered that yet. Anyone who thinks less of muggleborns would be very welcome, as that would be an interesting experience for him.
Augustus is the weird kid in the room who usually just stares at everyone. Up until this year, he's always been one of the shortest kids in his year, but during the summer Augustus had a grow spurt, he's now pretty tall and very lanky. This does not help make him any less awkward. It is a bit inconvenient to him, as Augustus likes to blend into the shadows and hates being the center of attention. He doesn't talk to a lot of people, and is really pretty shy. He tends to follow around other people and do whatever they want, he's not very good at giving his own opinions. He knows a lot about dark magic and dark creatures, thanks to his older cousins. He is not always aware that uncanny knowledge can creep others out.

What he needs:
I want to make Augustus' circle a bit bigger, right now he really only talks to a few of his roommates and Addison Beckett. I would like him to know a few more people, maybe other strange Ravenclaws? I also wouldn't be opposed to a bullying plot, as Augustus would be easy to push around. Romance would have to be discussed as I have some plans later on, but is definitely possible.

Third Years

Ivy Ashworth
Perfectionist - Opinionated - Part Veela
Ivy is very studious and competitive. She has a very narrow view of the world and only sees value in magical things and proving she's the best witch. This has to do with hangups her father has about her part-veela heritage. He feels like her mother tricked him with her veela magic and wants his daughter to be 100% witch. But her mother is also trying to influence her to embrace the part-veela part of her heritage more and more. She's starting to do that a bit this year, though she's still mostly focusing on making her father happy and being the best. It has been a bit dificult for Ivy to socialize with classmates, as she managed to make most of them dislike her so far. She doesn't really get along with many of her roommates, and has a few friends in her year.

What she needs:
Ivy is going to keep trying to compete to be the best, so an academic rival or two would be very interesting. She also is likely to keep making enemies with the way she has been going, so a few more friends would be good for her as well. Maybe someone who can encourage her a bit to focus less on school and being the best, though that's not an easy task. Ivy is also going to develop more complicated feelings about her part-veela heritage, I think it would be interesting if a few people start to notice it now that they're all getting a bit older. A few people with crushes on her would be very interesting, if anyone is interested. I am open to discussing something more mutual too, though Ivy isn't all that busy worrying about romance yet. But I think Ivy starting to realize she can have a certain influence through her looks would be very interesting for her development.

Second Years

Natalia Novak
Prejudiced - Cold - Lonely
Natalia is very serious, prim and proper. She has been taught certain things at home about manners and how the world works and expected Hogwarts to work the same way. It was a bit of a shock to see it wasn't like that at all. Natalia has been tasked by making pureblood connections at school, something she has been struggling with. She ended up fairly lonely, because she hasn't given most of her classmates the time of day. Natalia comes across as very cold and kind of arrogant, hiding the insecure and lonely girl beneath. She's not easy to get along with and can be extremely blunt, especially when it comes to muggleborn students. Natalia is very loyal to her family and very dutiful. When her parents tell her to do something, she will always do her very best to obey them. She wants them to praise her, and is upset that she hasnt'done as well in her studies as she felt like she had to. In order to make more meaningful connections at school, Natalia has been thinking of joining the Quidditch team and a club or two. But she isn't quite sure about that yet.

What she needs:
It has proven difficult for Natalia to make many pureblood friends, and she has decided to be a bit more open and try to make friends with people from mother respectable magical families, even if they're not pureblood. So I'm looking for anyone with a family like that, that is fairly well-established in New Zealand and fairly magical, without too many muggleborn witches and wizards in the recent family tree. Though I also think Natalia should start meeting people from various backgrounds to slowly realize they're not all bad and not all the same, but it is a slow progress. it would be nice if she made a few friends down the line that her parents wouldn't approve of, for fun drama. The same can be said for future romance, though right now she is a bit young for that. Conflict is very fun too and I can definitely see a lot of that in Natalia's future.

First Years

Louis Alcott
Cocky - Fun - Troublemaker
Louis is my new first year, and the only one I'm sorting. He's the nephew of Kyle Alcott-Ward and Professor Matt Alcott-Ward, and moved to New Zealand recently form France. He can speak English very well, but has a noticeable French accent. Louis is very happy to go to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons, because he has heard stories from his cousins October and April growing up. Like them, he hopes to make the Quidditch team and eventually become captain. Louis grew up with just his dad, who let him do whatever he wanted a lot. Louis is fairly independent, but also a bit spoiled and arrogant. He tends to get what he wants, and is frustrated when he doesn't. He also likes to be well-liked, and would try his best to be popular and make a lot of friends. He doesn't have a lot of time for studying and deems people who study a lot to be nerds, like his half sister who is not yet at Hogwarts.

I will update this with his house when he is sorted.

What he needs:
Pretty much anything! Friends, enemies, rivals. I could see him getting along with a lot of people (mainly boys, at this stage) but also butt heads with classmates. I think Louis very much sees himself as a leader, and wouldn't easily answer to other people. He is not a strict rule follower, and would probably convince others to get up to no good with him (like go explore the Forbidden Forest). While he's generally nice, he also would tease his friends if they didn't dare to do something. I imagine he could easily make friendships, but that they could easily fall apart as well.

Phew, that was a lot. I'm also open for non-student plots, but I would like this PD to focus on students mainly. For other plots, please PM me. I might also put up a PD for adults/other students a bit later in the semester.
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I miss so much Jarica and Jasper again. They can be again met the train? :claire::) that was realy fun.
I miss so much Jarica and Jasper again. They can be again met the train? :claire::) that was realy fun.
Hey Maiya,
We could do Jasper and Jarica on the train, I think that's a good idea. Do you want to start it or should I?
I can start for you and send you a link :)
I know we've discussed a lot already but I had an idea. Delilah and Natalia might be a fun pair to throw together. Delilah's family might not be as respectable as it once was but there is still a branch of her family tree that is pure blood.
I know we've discussed a lot already but I had an idea. Delilah and Natalia might be a fun pair to throw together. Delilah's family might not be as respectable as it once was but there is still a branch of her family tree that is pure blood.
Ohh yes I like that a lot! I'm very much in need for more people for Natalia to talk to xD

I'm very eager to do this. (Also I'll reply to your PD soon I promise! :r )
Hi Daph!

So first off I was wondering if it might be interesting to throw Aisa and Chloë together? Mainly because I'm just super curious as to how they'd get along lol.

Also I'd be up for some more fun between Emma and Chloë, like just in general being better friends. If Emma starts dating she definitely wouldn't be against poking her about it either, probably wanting to know all about it.

I think Ana Sofia would be a very likely candidate to develop some sort of crush on Ivy, even if she doesn't really know her (or possibly because of that). Ana has a deep appreciation for pretty things so she'd certainly notice something about her, probably unable to place what it is.

(sidenote: if you ever need someone to annoy Natalia I feel like Isaiah would be up for the job)
Hello Daph!

So, I have a couple of characters I can offer you! I could offer Samantha to either of your sixth years, whether it be for a bit of drama or maybe a possible friendship, who knows! haha

For Emma, I can offer you Issac? Maybe develop their friendship and maybe slowly try a romantic approach a little later if you wanted?

For your first year, I could offer you my firsties, either Charlie Jacobs or Xiuying Huang. Both are up to no good and are always up for some trouble. Though, Charlie is always up for pranks but absolutely despises sports. Xiuying however, loves sports, especially quidditch!

Let me know what you think!

Hi Daph!

So first off I was wondering if it might be interesting to throw Aisa and Chloë together? Mainly because I'm just super curious as to how they'd get along lol.

Also I'd be up for some more fun between Emma and Chloë, like just in general being better friends. If Emma starts dating she definitely wouldn't be against poking her about it either, probably wanting to know all about it.

I think Ana Sofia would be a very likely candidate to develop some sort of crush on Ivy, even if she doesn't really know her (or possibly because of that). Ana has a deep appreciation for pretty things so she'd certainly notice something about her, probably unable to place what it is.

(sidenote: if you ever need someone to annoy Natalia I feel like Isaiah would be up for the job)
Hi Marijke!
Aisa and Chloë sound interesting, any particular idea for them? Could also just be a common room thread. I could see Aisa being curious about Sully's girlfriend.

Am definitely down for Emma and Chloë! They're very cute. Maybe for them we can do it a bit later in the semester?

Ana Sofia and Ivy could be very interesting. It might be good she doesn't know her very well, as Ivy is fairly frustrating to be around xD We could have them interact?

And Natalia and Isaiah were funny, I definitely think he could annoy her :r

Should we pick one or two things to start?

Hello Daph!

So, I have a couple of characters I can offer you! I could offer Samantha to either of your sixth years, whether it be for a bit of drama or maybe a possible friendship, who knows! haha

For Emma, I can offer you Issac? Maybe develop their friendship and maybe slowly try a romantic approach a little later if you wanted?

For your first year, I could offer you my firsties, either Charlie Jacobs or Xiuying Huang. Both are up to no good and are always up for some trouble. Though, Charlie is always up for pranks but absolutely despises sports. Xiuying however, loves sports, especially quidditch!

Let me know what you think!

Hi Maria!

Samantha and either of my sixth years would be fun. I could see her and Aisa? I think Samantha is a good friend of Adorah's, right? So Aisa would want to give a good impression?

Could also have Eric get in some sort of trouble again and have her as a prefect catch him :tut:

Emma actually had a bit of a crush on Issac, so that would work perfectly. She wanted to ask him out last year to the Valentine's Dance (I believe) but he was already going with Leia. She was kind of annoyed at that :p So I could see that going fairly quickly, if you're down.

I think with the firsties we could see what happens when they're sorted? But Louis and Xiuying got a bit of a head start already as they already met, and I think they'd get along. I do think it would be interesting for Louis to have a female friend he can do 'boyish' (in his mind) things with like play sports.
Hi Marijke!
Aisa and Chloë sound interesting, any particular idea for them? Could also just be a common room thread. I could see Aisa being curious about Sully's girlfriend.

Am definitely down for Emma and Chloë! They're very cute. Maybe for them we can do it a bit later in the semester?

Ana Sofia and Ivy could be very interesting. It might be good she doesn't know her very well, as Ivy is fairly frustrating to be around xD We could have them interact?

And Natalia and Isaiah were funny, I definitely think he could annoy her :r

Should we pick one or two things to start?

Yessss, exciting! I didn't have anything really specific in mind, I just kind of had the same idea that Chloë obviously knows Aisa is one of Sully's best friends and would want to get to know her a little bit better so she might seek her out on purpose.

Maybe we could do Aisa & Chloë and a little interaction between Ivy & Ana first? Since doing Emma & Chloë later when there might be some more things going on sounds good and Natalia & Isaiah can be done at any moment really. :r
Yessss, exciting! I didn't have anything really specific in mind, I just kind of had the same idea that Chloë obviously knows Aisa is one of Sully's best friends and would want to get to know her a little bit better so she might seek her out on purpose.

Maybe we could do Aisa & Chloë and a little interaction between Ivy & Ana first? Since doing Emma & Chloë later when there might be some more things going on sounds good and Natalia & Isaiah can be done at any moment really. :r
Yess sounds good!

Do you want to start one and me the other? I'm happy to do either.

I'll add the other ideas to my doc so I don't forget.
I could start the one for Ana and Ivy if you wanna do the one for Aisa & Chloë?
Samantha and either of my sixth years would be fun. I could see her and Aisa? I think Samantha is a good friend of Adorah's, right? So Aisa would want to give a good impression?

Could also have Eric get in some sort of trouble again and have her as a prefect catch him :tut:

Emma actually had a bit of a crush on Issac, so that would work perfectly. She wanted to ask him out last year to the Valentine's Dance (I believe) but he was already going with Leia. She was kind of annoyed at that :p So I could see that going fairly quickly, if you're down.

I think with the firsties we could see what happens when they're sorted? But Louis and Xiuying got a bit of a head start already as they already met, and I think they'd get along. I do think it would be interesting for Louis to have a female friend he can do 'boyish' (in his mind) things with like play sports.

I think a Aisa and Samantha thread would be great! Sam would be interested in knowing who her friend is dating and would like to get to know them a bit better, so i reckon that should be fun!

Samantha would be too nice to Eric and would just give him a warning or something, Samantha just doesn’t have the heart to do anything mean to someone :lol:

Ah, that’s right! I totally down for something between them!

Yep! Defiantly! I’ve been a bit lazy sorting my characters at the moment, but i’ll definitely sort them soon and then we can start something a bit later on :)
I have a few ideas!

Eric & Michael Newton - If Eric has already lumped him with the other boys, I'm definitely for more conflict between them.

Iris & Juniper - I think Iris and Juniper should (and also Juniper and Emma!) should hang out more! Also, Juniper might be gay or at least exploring that possibility in her dates so that might be an option for Iris?

Augustus & Seraphina - If you're looking for a bully situation, your resident horrible Gryffindor is available :r

Ivy & Seraphina - I'm open to them interacting again this year, and I feel like it could go either way for Seraphina. Not sure how Ivy feels.

Natalia & Elara Chatelain - Elara isn't a pureblood, but she comes from a long line of wizards on the Chatelain/circus side. Elara sounds like a contrast to Natalia, but I'm open to trying it out and seeing how it goes.
Hey Daph.
Well there is the obvious Lars with Selene and Linden with Lucas plots. but I think selene or even elvera with Iris would be great fun. I have sort of always seen Selene keeping an eye out for Iris as a biota a mentor or big sister (not that she needs older siblings). and the few threads that they have had seem to have gone well.
another interesting idea would be selene and Jasper. I think they sped before ages ago when the were in first/second year and didn't get on, like at all. but it would be interesting to see how they go now. especially if thoughts feelings and relationships about Nell is thrown into the equation. just saying.
Daph! Hi!

Well, I have some possible interactions for our characters.
Kiara+Eric. They are literally the biggest opposites that can ever exist, but Kia loves to give people second chances. They can be friends or something weird like that! Kiara can try to prove him that she is trustworthy and won't turn her back on him, so their if not friendship but something like that could be pretty interesting!

Then Emma+Kiara. They share really similar vibes, their friendship would be like an explosion of energy! Or in opposite, they can don't get along because of too similar energies, but their interactions surely would be really loud.

Kiara+Iris. They already know each other, we can try to develop that friendship. And Kiara is only romantically attracted to both genders, but she just can't admit it even to herself so they can have pretty weird relationship because of that! Or Kiara can admit to Iris that she was attracted to Jenna and then feel embarassed because of that!

Augustus+Kiara. They are in the same house, they can interact in common room for literally any reason! They can be pals, friends, study buddies or something like that!

Louis+Parker. They are same age and Parker has trust issues and is pretty sarcastic, but he is kinda sweet. At least he surely isn't mean, he can be, but he needs reason. So they can be friends or dislikes, or frenemies.

Let me know what you think!!!
Hey so, I don't have a whole lot to offer, but if you wanted we could revisit Augustus and Leia? They've had a bit of time apart and Leia hasn't really mellowed but she no longer has Luxen on her shoulder, so she might be nicer....maybe...depends. We could see how they interact again?
I think a Aisa and Samantha thread would be great! Sam would be interested in knowing who her friend is dating and would like to get to know them a bit better, so i reckon that should be fun!

Samantha would be too nice to Eric and would just give him a warning or something, Samantha just doesn’t have the heart to do anything mean to someone :lol:

Ah, that’s right! I totally down for something between them!

Yep! Defiantly! I’ve been a bit lazy sorting my characters at the moment, but i’ll definitely sort them soon and then we can start something a bit later on :)
I think that would be good! For Aisa and Samantha. We should do them earlyish and maybe throw Eric at her a bit later? I think he's going trough some things this year that would make that interaction more interesting later.

Issac and Emma could be fun, I could see her trying to tease him to get his attention.

I saw Charlie got into Gryffindor as well, and I was thinking of doing a dorm thread if you want to join it? I also really like the idea of Louis and Xiuying being weird buds though.

In the interest of keeping things relatively low, should we go for maybe Aisa + Samantha, Emma + issac and the dorm thread for now? And shelve the other ideas for later?

I have a few ideas!

Eric & Michael Newton - If Eric has already lumped him with the other boys, I'm definitely for more conflict between them.

Iris & Juniper - I think Iris and Juniper should (and also Juniper and Emma!) should hang out more! Also, Juniper might be gay or at least exploring that possibility in her dates so that might be an option for Iris?

Augustus & Seraphina - If you're looking for a bully situation, your resident horrible Gryffindor is available :r

Ivy & Seraphina - I'm open to them interacting again this year, and I feel like it could go either way for Seraphina. Not sure how Ivy feels.

Natalia & Elara Chatelain - Elara isn't a pureblood, but she comes from a long line of wizards on the Chatelain/circus side. Elara sounds like a contrast to Natalia, but I'm open to trying it out and seeing how it goes.
Hi Kiersten!
Eric and Michael sound like interesting conflict, Kris had some interesting ideas so maybe their conflict could include @Kasim Safir ?

Iris and Juniper sounds good, I like their interactions so far. I'm intrigued by the idea of them romantically, I think that could be cute or go very wrong. I also wonder about Juniper and Emma, somehow I feel like they might not get on as much.

I'm very keen for Augustus to be bullied (i'm sorry my child) so him and Seraphina could definitely be interesting. Am down for that.

Ivy is unsure about Seraphina, I think we should do a thread that pushes them into either direction (I'm personally leaning towards weird friendship)

I'm curious to see how Natalia and Elara would interact, is her family well known you think? That could be an interesting plot.

As you can see, I like everything xD Maybe we should pick a few sto start with? I'd be down for Augustus and Seraphina, maybe something else too? What do you think?

Daph! Hi!

Well, I have some possible interactions for our characters.
Kiara+Eric. They are literally the biggest opposites that can ever exist, but Kia loves to give people second chances. They can be friends or something weird like that! Kiara can try to prove him that she is trustworthy and won't turn her back on him, so their if not friendship but something like that could be pretty interesting!

Then Emma+Kiara. They share really similar vibes, their friendship would be like an explosion of energy! Or in opposite, they can don't get along because of too similar energies, but their interactions surely would be really loud.

Kiara+Iris. They already know each other, we can try to develop that friendship. And Kiara is only romantically attracted to both genders, but she just can't admit it even to herself so they can have pretty weird relationship because of that! Or Kiara can admit to Iris that she was attracted to Jenna and then feel embarassed because of that!

Augustus+Kiara. They are in the same house, they can interact in common room for literally any reason! They can be pals, friends, study buddies or something like that!

Louis+Parker. They are same age and Parker has trust issues and is pretty sarcastic, but he is kinda sweet. At least he surely isn't mean, he can be, but he needs reason. So they can be friends or dislikes, or frenemies.

Let me know what you think!!!
Hi hi!

Kiara and Eric sounds like it could be interesting, but Eric likely won't be very nice, he's not very good at making new friends.

I think her and Emma could be good, they do sound fun together. Her and Iris have been fun too, I think they could be good friends.

Augustus is very awkward and shy, so I don't know how well it would go, but Kiara can definitely talk to him and he'd be nice to her, just awkward too.

Louis and Parker sound interesting, I could see them clash or get along. They're also both friends with Elizabella, so that couldbe interesting too.

To make sure we're not too busy should we start with two? I think I would like to do Parker and Louis, who do you want Kiara to meet first out of the three you mentioned?
Hey Daph.
Well there is the obvious Lars with Selene and Linden with Lucas plots. but I think selene or even elvera with Iris would be great fun. I have sort of always seen Selene keeping an eye out for Iris as a biota a mentor or big sister (not that she needs older siblings). and the few threads that they have had seem to have gone well.
another interesting idea would be selene and Jasper. I think they sped before ages ago when the were in first/second year and didn't get on, like at all. but it would be interesting to see how they go now. especially if thoughts feelings and relationships about Nell is thrown into the equation. just saying.
Hey Mia,

Definitely down for Elvera or Selene with Iris, espcially now that she's feeling down about Divination. Maybe she could talk about her worries with her.
Very keen for Selene and Jasper, I don't think her breaking Nell's heart endeared her to him at all :r could be fun.

Hey so, I don't have a whole lot to offer, but if you wanted we could revisit Augustus and Leia? They've had a bit of time apart and Leia hasn't really mellowed but she no longer has Luxen on her shoulder, so she might be nicer....maybe...depends. We could see how they interact again?
Ohh I love that idea, honestly Augustus is still terrified of her.
Hi hi!

Kiara and Eric sounds like it could be interesting, but Eric likely won't be very nice, he's not very good at making new friends.

I think her and Emma could be good, they do sound fun together. Her and Iris have been fun too, I think they could be good friends.

Augustus is very awkward and shy, so I don't know how well it would go, but Kiara can definitely talk to him and he'd be nice to her, just awkward too.

Louis and Parker sound interesting, I could see them clash or get along. They're also both friends with Elizabella, so that couldbe interesting too.

To make sure we're not too busy should we start with two? I think I would like to do Parker and Louis, who do you want Kiara to meet first out of the three you mentioned?
Yes, I like that!!

Then I will go with Emma and Kiara at first! I will post in Obsidian Harbour, if that is okay with you!
Yes, I like that!!

Then I will go with Emma and Kiara at first! I will post in Obsidian Harbour, if that is okay with you!
That works!

Shall I set Louis and Parker at Hogwarts?

I imagine Zachariah would be a good friend for Louis. They share a similar interest in quidditch and I feel Louis could help Zachariah "break" the rules a bit. And Louis won't lose a friend as quickly as he makes it (sorry if that sounds mean) because Zachariah hardly takes insults seriously.

You can see his bio and decide
I think that would be good! For Aisa and Samantha. We should do them earlyish and maybe throw Eric at her a bit later? I think he's going trough some things this year that would make that interaction more interesting later.

Issac and Emma could be fun, I could see her trying to tease him to get his attention.

I saw Charlie got into Gryffindor as well, and I was thinking of doing a dorm thread if you want to join it? I also really like the idea of Louis and Xiuying being weird buds though.

In the interest of keeping things relatively low, should we go for maybe Aisa + Samantha, Emma + issac and the dorm thread for now? And shelve the other ideas for later?
That sounds good to me!

Ooo I think that would be fun! Issac would absolutely be clueless with what is happening at first, but will go along with it anyways and then it will eventually hit him lol

The dorm thread would be great! I’ll be happy to add Charlie there :) The weird buddies concept is intriguing me! I think that would be awesome!

That’s sounds good to me! Which ones would you like to start? I’ll start with whatever is left :)

I imagine Zachariah would be a good friend for Louis. They share a similar interest in quidditch and I feel Louis could help Zachariah "break" the rules a bit. And Louis won't lose a friend as quickly as he makes it (sorry if that sounds mean) because Zachariah hardly takes insults seriously.

You can see his bio and decide
I think that could work! Doesn't sound mean at all, we can see how they get along :D

That sounds good to me!

Ooo I think that would be fun! Issac would absolutely be clueless with what is happening at first, but will go along with it anyways and then it will eventually hit him lol

The dorm thread would be great! I’ll be happy to add Charlie there :) The weird buddies concept is intriguing me! I think that would be awesome!

That’s sounds good to me! Which ones would you like to start? I’ll start with whatever is left :)
Yess, okay. Maybe I can start Emma and Issac and the dorm thread?

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