plot development

  1. Samantha Jacobs

    Maria's Y40 + Future Plots?

    Hi all! It is that time of year again! New year, New Plots! I was gonna wait til next week to post this, but I think now is the best time for me lol! I'll be placing a few characters here that I would like to do some plots with! If there are any characters you would like to plot with that are...
  2. Amber Chou Wilson

    Student Plots!

    So it's a new year, and it's been a while since I did a big PD for all my students. I'm excited about plotssss. Feel free to give me any ideas, even if they're not what I have written down. I'm going to collect all of the plot ideas into a seperate document and try to spread them over the year a...
  3. Amber Chou Wilson

    Valentine's Dance Dates

    Hi! Just like a few other people, I'm looking for potential dates for the Valentine's Dance for a few of my chars. These are the chars I could use a date for: Lars van Houten - 6th year (boys) Emma van Houten - 4th year (boys) Lucas Fletcher - 3rd year (he's gay but would go with a girl) I'm...
  4. Rhiannon Archer

    Adult plots

    Okay. so my last assignment is due at the end of next week which means i am gooing to have time to plot. I am hoping to get some more fun with my adults for a while they have been seriously neglected and it really want to give them the plots they deserve. Professor Elvera Le Fey (43)...
  5. Natalia Novak

    Plot Things

    Hi guys! As you may have noticed, I've been a bit busy lately but I still want to plot. This year I only sorted Natalia, and I would like to focus on her a bit with plotting. This PD is mainly for her, but I'll list a few other characters I am happy to do things with underneath. Natalia...