Open New Adventures, New Friends

Louis Alcott

⚽ QQS assistant | Confident | Funny | French😎
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
8/2042 (18)
Open after Sophia posts with Parker

Louis had known that Hogwarts would be amazing to explore, but he hadn't really known it. Even with all the stories from his cousins and his uncle Kyle, he hadn't been fully prepared for what it would be like. He had spent the first few days running around the castle, and today was no exception. The boy was determined to memorize where everything was and then find the castle's awesome secrets. But on the fifth floor he only found a classroom and the club room for the newspaper, which was pretty boring. He'd also peeked into another room, which had turned out to be an old and out of use bathroom. It looked pretty gross, so he left it alone for now. The boy looked around for anything else interesting, deciding to take a peek behind every suit of armor or tapestry he passed.
Parker still wasn't really into all this Hogwarts idea, what was wrong with normal muggle school? There he already knew how to deal with all weird things since they all were already known. But if he had to live there for nine months every year, than he wanted to at least know what to expect. He hated to don't know place where he was going to be all the time and he surely disliked that school was this big, but he had to get used to that. "Did you lose something?" he asked boy. Parker was sure that he already saw him in sorting were that mean hat admitted that he is not a muggle. Even hat was against him.
Louis looked up when a boy spoke to him, realizing only after a moment that he was in fact addressing him. Louis gave him a grin and then shook his head, dropping the tapestry he had been peeking behind "Nah, just looking for secret passages." He admitted. "Or cool hidden rooms, or treasures. You just know the castle has to be full of them." He said confidently.
Parker followed his actions with eyes and then fastly looked at his face, opened mouth in shock and then closed it. "Do you actually think that this castle is old enough to have all that stuff? I heard that something like that is only in castles that were built at least two hundred years ago, but maybe in magic world they still do that." He shrugged shoulders and moved closer to boy. He wasn't really into thought about secret passages and rooms, but it was better to know it, right? "Have you already found anything? Need some help?" then he lightly shook his head. "I'm Parker by the way." He didn't put his hand out, boy seemed too interested in his stuff to be bothered by Parker's hands.
Louis shrugged. "I mean, probably? It'd be a pretty lame castle if it didn't." He said, frowning a bit at the idea. Who would make a castle without secret passages or anything like that? Louis figured there had to be something. "It's fun to look." He said with a smile. "Even if we don't find anything." Though Louis did really expect to find something at some point. "I haven't found anything yet, but I could definitely use help." He said with a smile. "I'm Louis." He said, moving on to the next part of the corridor wall and inspecting it closely. He curiously started pressing on different bricks.
Parker pressed lips together and nodded. "Fair enough," not exactly logical and loveable, but fair. Castles always had weird secrets and it was just better to unsolve them faster. "Yeah, bricks are fun," he said that kinda sarcastically, but at the same time softly smiled. He didn't want to scare him off, he surely needed someone to hang out with. "Alright, how much have you already checked?" Parker got closer to wall, not next to Louis so they wouldn't check where other already checked. "Nice to meet you," he waved with head without looking at him. "Gryffindor, right? I am Slytherin," he decided to at least get to know Louis, if they were going to hang out for at least this time.
Blue had long given up keeping track of all the new faces around the school every year. It was hard enough for her to keep track of what year it was, with only the changing of the seasons out the window and long fingers of shadow stretching along the corridor to let her know what month or even what time it was. But she could always pick out when a new year had started, the castle suddenly bursting back to life with a gaggle of tiny, new students picking their way around the castle.

She'd been half-asleep, watching a particularly determined boy pick his way down the corridor looking for something when someone else struck up a conversation. Blue didn't like to think she was an eavesdropper, but it was hard not to overhear things in the echoey hallways. And she had such little else to occupy her with. "You know, I've heard if you're particularly polite to that hippogriff statue over there, you might find something interesting," she called out lightly to the boys, nodding to the statue not far from her portrait.
Louis snorted as the boy sarcastically commented that bricks were fun, and quickly stopped prodding at them. "Okay, so maybe the bricks were a long shot." He admitted. "But the tapestries have to hide something, right?" He just couldn't imagine there was nothing. "I've checked mostly the seventh floor, around the Gryffindor common room." He admitted. "You guys are in the dungeons right? I bet those have loads of secrets." Louis said, considering it for a moment. He then looked up when a painting commented, clearly having listened in. He smiled at her. "What, really?" He asked her, craning his neck to look at the painting better. "Do you know more cool secrets?" He added, even as he started heading towards the statue.

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