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I'm sorry that we're going to have to start calling you Amanda #2 :lol:
Hellooooo Amanda and Camilla!! :hug:
Hehe, I've only ever met one Amanda irl!

I feel so rubbish this evening D: send help, and hugs
I was at school with 2 other Camillas but never met any more. :lol:

Feel better soon, Claire :hug:
My mom is also an Amanda and goes by Mandy with her family lol

I’ve run into plenty of Katie’s but never another Kadi so I think I’m safe.
Soon!! It usually starts soon after the End of Year Feast which is, according to the week!! Oh god, that's so soon lol
Excellent news.
IC year goes by so quick- omg! So excited to see the new firsties hehe!
Omg I can't believe how close it is!!!

I'm more concerned with the fact it means I'm going to have a 6th year. When did that happen???
They grow up so fast.

My first student is now nearly 50 IC. I'm ooooooooold. =))
50 isn’t that old. Just think of your character as being 25 with 25 years of experience and wisdom.
They grow up so fast.

My first student is now nearly 50 IC. I'm ooooooooold. =))
Oof mine's like 44 or 45 I think xD

What scares me is that I'm older than Monty.... he was born in 1999

I don't like thinking about it =))

50 isn’t that old. Just think of your character as being 25 with 25 years of experience and wisdom.

That makes me 25 with -1 years of wisdom :cool:
I'm also older than Monty. :lol: i guess I am 25 with 5 years of alleged experience and wisdom. :r
I love my Patronus on Wizarding World. :wub:
What scares me is that I'm older than Monty.... he was born in 1999
When I made my scit I thought it would be fun to give him my birth year but then every time I update his age in his sidebar I have to Think About That....... he's 63 now x_x
Mmm…warm, fresh brownies…
I want brownies, I've got a really good recipe for them (i swear if you buy them theyre either too thick, too cakelike, or in the worst instance, still raw) but my oven burns everything - especially baking paper.

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