Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
...but I'd argue my adults are just as fun!

I'm trying to make my return to HNZ, so please toss all ideas my way! Or, if you have no ideas, just give me the names of your characters, and I'll come up with the ideas :p I'm really just looking for any and all sorts of interactions for my characters.

Harper Alston
22-year-old auror

easy-going, impulsive, confident, hubristic
biography | aesthetic

Harper's my friendly ex-Gryffindor who still lives up to all the stereotypes of her former house. She's a trainee auror, so I'd love any threads related to that. They don't have to be auror/Scit-related though I do have some ideas for longterm plots if anyone's interested. I'd also love some general Ministry workplace hijinks. Outside of work, Harper maintains strong ties to the muggle world and cares a lot about muggle/born rights. Other interests include transfiguration (she's a falcon animagus), dueling, and sports that do not involve bludgers or snitches.

Weston Stirling
21-year-old lost boy

earnest, careless, imaginative, naïve
biography | aesthetic

Weston's a recent HNZ alumnus who hasn't done much since graduating. He's working a dead end job at a muggle record store while occasionally giving private guitar lessons on the side. At Hogwarts, he was very concerned about making as many friends as possible. I feel like that inclination has only gotten worse after graduating and seeing all of his friends go off on separate paths. Weston can be a bit overbearing in his earnestness, but he's generally a nice person. Interests include music, myths, and observing interesting creatures from a safe distance.​

Celia Vu
20-year-old uni student

ambitious, judgmental, creative, sarcastic
biography | aesthetic

If you were around when Celia was a student, you might remember her as the perpetually angry Slytherin who hated pretty much everyone. Well, she's a lot happier now. She's got a new look and a new name (technically, not that new since this all happened in 2060 but shhh) and is currently living her best life as a university student in New York City. She's very into fashion, politics, art, and forgetting about her time at Hogwarts. I know her circumstances (living in the muggle world in NYC) make plotting difficult, but if you have any ideas, I'm definitely open to them!​
Hey Ana! I have Penny who came into a lot of money then blew it all and is now broke and working in Obsidian Harbour. She and Harper were friendly at school so a reunion is possible?:)

So, Eugene is in New York City also, maybe he and Celia run into each other? No real plan but could be fun.
They don't have to be auror/Scit-related though I do have some ideas for longterm plots if anyone's interested.
👀 I'm interested, In my mind she and Jasper get along in the auror's office

For Celia I would also love for her and Gwen to run into each other, Gwen is now a model so could easily be in NYC I feel (also I imagine Louis writes to her sometimes but doesn't send it because he knows she wants to be left alone but he misses her for sure)
Ana!! Well I have a few ideas or combinations at least.

Harper and Delilah are still technically roommates so plenty to work with there. Also Felix finished his animagus training and graduated is a little directionless (at least for now) so they'd probably have plenty to talk about. Then Nikko of course, plot is going to happen to him in about a year but no need to wait that long for them to hang out if you want haha

For Weston of course there's Indi. She's exactly the person to (lovingly) grill him about his plans for the future. But I also have Micha an Ilvermorny grad who's landed in New Zealand working in Brightstone and also incredibly aimless and hopelessly friendly.

As much as I'd love to pitch a Celia and Caleb reunion I don't think that's gonna happen quite yet lol. But I do have Simone who grew up half in New York and she's there every once in a while. I think the two of them ran into each other in Paris once. Simone is semi-recently retired from pro-quidditch and is now a sports photographer.

Let me know what you think! So happy to see you back :]

June misses Celia :teehee:

But I can offer Sofia Rosenberg for Celia, she is a bit older 31 years old. But perhaps they can meet eachother and work together for a outfit. Sofia is a professional dancer in New York. She is the older sister of Giselle Rosenberg who was once and still a troublemaker and a Slytherin so has a weak spot for some.
Ana :wub:

I don't have a lot to offer but Aine has just graduated and is doing some rapid catch-up/finalising year 12 muggle schoolwork in order to somehow get into university, but she's not completely cutting off the magical world. Still also very strong on muggle/muggleborn rights and I'm hoping to have her work at the ministry (sooner if I can RP that she's working part time as kind of an intern while she studies) so she and Harper could definitely cross paths again! Not quite sure for what but I feel like Aine would be happy to see Harper and catch up at least, lol.
i'm here!

Jordie and Weston. They need to meet up again

Celia and Charlie- he lives in New York too, hes in a big orchestra- could be fun

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