Question Dodging

Lisa McCellan

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 11 Inch Swishy Cherry Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
Okay! So it's time for a new Game! (i've seen this played on a couple of forums)

It's pretty simple. Person 1 will ask a question, and the others will also reply with a question, not an answer.

Person 1: Should I get some strawberries?
Person 2: Do you like strawberries?
Person :cry: I don't really like strawberries, but do you want them anyway?
Person 4: Who doesn't want Strawberries?


I'll start: Do you like ducks?
What does duck taste like?
Why would you eat a duck?
Why wouldn't you want to eat a duck?
Is it a crime to like eating ducks?
What about chickens?
What about a chicken-duck-woman thing?
Why are we so specific with numbers?
Why are we fighting with animals?
Why are you asking?
Why can't you answer the question?
Why, is there a question?
How can you not know?!
Why should they know!?
Who in fact even are "they"?
What in fact is "they"?
Is there even an us?
What would they be to us?
What does us even mean?
Does us still even exist?
Isn't though spelled D-O-U-G-H?

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