Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y47 | S1

Professor Matt Alcott-Ward

Somehow in charge | Laid back | Friendly
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Kyle)
3/2007 (55)
With the busy start of the year, Matt had waited with the meeting until the semester had started properly. He'd wanted to give everyone time to settle in and get their things in order before asking them all to give up some of their time. Matt hadn't decorated the Professor's common room, mostly because he wasn't sure if the staff would really like it, but he had put on some music and gotten a bunch of snacks and drinks. A new school year was always a fresh start, and Matt wanted everyone to have a moment to relax and have fun. He would have to make some announcements in a bit, but he was mainly hoping this meeting could be a bit of a welcome back party for everyone where they could socialize. He made the final adjustments to the snack table, then turned and smiled as the first members of staff walked in. He'd give everyone time to arrive first. He poured himself a drink and waited with a smile on his face. He was sure this year was going to be wonderful.
Josephine hadn't realized she was a little early until she stepped into the Professor's Common room and saw there wasn't anyone there yet. She hoped Angel would show up soon, though she knew she should probably socialize with people other than her partner. She grabbed herself a drink and stationed herself near the door so she could keep an eye on who entered.
Grace headed to the professor's common room for the meeting after spending some time on the pitch, flying around. She missed playing Quidditch something fierce lately, though she knew her professional days were long behind her. It wasn't that she regretted the choice to switch over to teaching, but she occasionally wondered if she should look for something else. Something that would let her be home with her daughter more often. She wasn't quite ready to change anything yet, though. Besides, she enjoyed teaching the first years, even when a lot of them were impatient. Grace headed into the common room and moved over to the snacks, trying to figure out what she would like.
Ari had never really been to a start of year meeting before, but then why would she have, since she'd never worked at a school before. Once she arrived at the common room, her eyes brightened as she took in the welcoming set up. She'd decided to arrive a little early, to help get her bearings, but also so she could try and get a read on everyone else as they entered. The only person she really knew here yet was the headmaster, but that's because he was the one who'd had a hand in getting her hired. Which she was greatful for, of course. She had heard she had rather large shoes to fill with her predecessor. She headed over to the snack table, deciding she wasn't yet in right bracket of nerves to risk talking to anyone. It was hard being the newcomer, but she'd managed so far. Still, the courage to speak up still eluded her, and so she decided to wait and see who else arrived.
Lawrence felt a little awkward at the staff meeting, since he was only there as a temp. He had been half tempted to skip it entirely, but even if he was only there for a little while longer it was worth popping in to say hello. Maybe even make a solid enough impression that if any other short or even long term employment opportunities came up, he'd be in good stead. "Hello, hello," he greeted, giving a friendly smile towards the small group that had gathered, particularly noting the headmaster. Not seeing Cairo there yet, he moved closer to one of the new professors, hoping he appeared vaguely put together. "All a bit full on, eh? Welcome."

@Professor Marigold Cooper
The chaotic nonbeing loved a party, but it wasn't ready to blow the big surprise yet. He floated in through the upper part of the ceiling, keeping himself invisible in case of prying eyes as he sets up his slime display above their heads. He will let them have their meeting, but he's bored, and he shan't allow such a heinous emotion to tickle him. When the time is right, then he shall spread his cheerful slimes, but not until everyone was in the room of course.​
Landon was looking forward to another year at Hogwarts, and already it felt as though so much had happened. There were a couple of students he needed to keep eyes on, and he would do so, whilst also respecting boundaries. He knew he had a few things to work on himself however and thought that was what a whole new year was about. As the headmaster waited for everyone to gather for the meeting, Landon decided to make himself a cup of tea.
Gabrielle had grand intentions of spending time engaging in the fabled traditions of self care (which in this case mostly meant chocolate cake, baths and books) more this year, in order to keep her blood pressure down and not snap at first years. And she had, over the break, sourced a beautiful copy of the Lemegeton that she intended to carefully look over. Not only was it a wonderful historical tome, but it also cultivated an image of being a rather classic demon summoning witch. That was the other part of self care, Gabrielle reasoned. Deep diving into demonology.

Alas, she was able to do neither, as she was obligated to attend a staff meeting. Gabrielle felt quite comfortable in her role at this point. She had been at the school quite a while, not as long as others but long enough to be practically part of the furniture. Perhaps a chair that zapped you with static electricity when you tried to sit on it. Or carpet that would get bunched up and cause people to trip over. The point was, she was there and at this point hardly needed to pretend to be anything more than what she was. She'd just go to the meeting, listen to whatever was said, and go back to something she'd actually enjoy. Gabrielle mumbled a vague hello, beelining for the snacks table to get a drink, and found herself a comfortable spot in the corner to vaguely loom.
There were very few areas that Conan hadn't ventured as a student, the Professor Common Room being one of them. He hadn't even known where it was then. It was weird being in it now. Being back in Hogwarts sort of made him feel like he was a student again even if he was older than a number of the staff. That was weird. Well, being here in general was weird. And now he was apparently about to attend a meeting with the rest of the staff. Lovely. At least he was sure none of them were here when he was a student. Unless it was Professor Styx. He doubted that man would ever leave. He'd probably be teaching as a ghost. But there was also Professor Haden. Hopefully, fingers crossed, they don't remember him. There must have been thousands of students since anyway. In any case, he decided to just stand on the sidelines rather awkwardly.
Cairo arrived for the professor meeting perfectly on time, her eyes first drawn to the spread of snacks. She helped herself to a pastry before scanning the room. Spotting Lawrence chatting with a young woman, she felt a pang of jealousy. Her casual relationship with him was supposed to be just that, but seeing him speaking to someone else didn't sit well with her. She walked over to them with a bright smile. "Lawrence, there you are," she said, injecting a touch of warmth into her voice as she placed a gentle hand on his arm. "Mind if I join you two?"
@Professor Lawrence Hale @Professor Marigold Cooper
Ari turned to smile at one of her new coworkers as he greeted her. She quickly put the muffin she was about to bite into onto the table on the side on top of a plate and shook her hands, muttering a quick refreshing spell before holding her hand out to him to shake. "Thanks, bit much to take in, but reckon I can manage." She was about to ask his name when she turned her head to another co worker, a gorgeous woman this time. "Yuma*, yeah, go ahead. I'm Marigold Cooper, but ya can call me Ari. I'll be takin' over from your old colleague, Professor Kingsley." she said turning her hand now to the newcomer to their little group to shake.

* - a greeting in Warumungu
@Professor Lawrence Hale @Professor Cairo Keller
Eric felt like a kid sneaking into somewhere he wasn't supposed to be as he entered the Professor's common room, mostly because there were still a few of his old professors around and he had been in trouble with more than one. He noticed his cousin standing near the snack table and steered clear. He didn't know Grace all that well and wasn't in the mood to change that. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, waiting for this meeting to begin.
Aspen had never been invited to a meeting before. Well she supposed she had. When the people at the ministry wanted to meet with her before she or the job. But she had a feeling that this meeting would be a lot different than that. More like the herd counsels she sometimes spied on when she was a foal.
She entered the castle and made her way to the professors common room clad that is was on the ground floor and she didn't ave to deal with stairs which were always a struggle if there were any more than about four.
She entered the room ducking slightly so as not to bang her head on the way in. even though she had been at the school for a year, and was not really a surprise to the staff that she was there. it was still a weird feeling walking into a room of people. once she was inside she looked around at the people there. There were a few professors that she recognised mostly from them trying to give students detention i nthe forest over the years. she scanned the room and did see one more familiar face. She went over to one of the youngest people in the room the man who had been picking litter off the lawn a the other week. "Hello, Eric. Do you know what we do in these things?" she asked.

@Eric Holland
Yvonne had a good holiday but she was eager to get back to her students and the new school year. She still felt odd in the tower without Elvera but she made sure to wave at Lawrence before she got herself a cup of coffee. She took a sip and glanced around the room. There were a few new faces and at least none of them seemed to be any of her former students. She wasn't sure if she could handle many more of those. Eventually she found an empty chair next Gabrielle and sat down next to the other woman. "Cheers to a new year." she said with a playful grin as she held up her mug. @Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe
Shiori was at peace. He was thoroughly enjoying his new job - a welcome, if somewhat sad change from his previous career as a chef. The students were enthusiastic (or as enthusiastic as could be expected) and he'd made a friend. Although he did miss his time away from his wife and son, his son would be joining them at Hogwarts within a few years. That would make the strain, the loneliness, ease off.

He entered the room and took note of everyone already gathered. He still wasn't that familiar with everyone, and there were a few new faces, including a centaur, which Shiori found remarkable. Wouldn't have been done when he was at school, but that was a good few decades ago now. Progress was being done and he was glad. Shiori fixed himself a cup of tea, and mingled about the crowd, more listening in than really speaking.
Noel decided to wait up for Adorah, he didn't mind going himself but they spend some time together and why shouldn't they walk to the professors meeting together than. It wasn't that they were holding hands all of the time. They were both professional. As he entered the room he noticed it was already crowded. There were some new faces and Noel decided that it was good to chat with some. Noticing Eric standing against the wall, he didn't seemed to want to act social at all. '' I'll get us something to drink.'' Noel said with an friendly tone to Adorah and walked over to the food and drink table. Than noticed Landon making an tea for himself. '' Hi Landon. How's it going?'' He asked him with an friendly smile.As he poured in a tea for himself and Adorah. He knew the man was nice, he got Herbology from him when he was an student and he had taken his cousins into his house and adopted them. Which was an very kind thing to do he thought.

@Professor Adorah Zumwalt @Professor Landon Carter
Landon was using a teaspoon to stir his tea when a friendly face approached him. He was proud to see Noel in professor's robes, after having taught the boy himself not too long ago. "Hi Noel, it's going great!" he exclaimed, placing the teaspoon down on the table. "My break was quite good. How was yours?" Landon noticed Noel pouring two cups of tea, and wondered who the second one was for.

@Professor Noel Waldgrave
Every year Maria made up her mind to do a better job of getting to know her colleagues, and every year she failed. It was a bit silly, really. She had worked with some of these people for nearly twenty years now, and she had no reason to be shy around them. That was also part of the problem though, she supposed. While some faces were familiar, some subjects seemed to change hands so often it was difficult to really get to know anyone. As always there were plenty of new faces in the room and Maria kept to herself, busying herself making a cup of tea before the meeting got started.
Kahurangi wasn't entirely sure she would ever really get used to Matt being her boss. He had taken to the job brilliantly and she was happy for him, of course, but... it was Matt. Her childhood best friend. And because he was her childhood best friend, she knew just how awkward he must feel having to run events like this. She grinned as she approached, giving Matt a light nudge with her elbow. "Good holiday?" She asked cheerfully.
@Professor Matt Alcott-Ward
Matt watched happily as professors and staff alike headed into the common room and started mingling and chatting. It was nice to see them getting along and spending time together. He hoped that would continue today, as he had planned a fairly informal meeting where they'd just get to know each other a little more. He smiled at Kahurangi. "Extremely. I'll tell you more about it soon." He told her brightly. He then cleared his throat and raised his voice, addressing the room. "Hello everyone and welcome to this meeting. I won't talk for very long today. First, I want to introduce the new professors to the team. We have Professor Lyra Potter filling in for lower year charms, Professor Marigold Cooper taking over ancient runes for the lower years and Professor Conan Edogawa to take over muggle studies upper years.I hope you all make them feel welcome." He said with a smile, gesturing to each person in turn. "I also want to congratulate Professor James Cade on his new position as the Gryffindor Head of House. I'll let you get back to chatting and enjoying yourself. Please don't be shy about eating the snacks, there are plenty for everyone. I do hope you will try to mix and mingle a little, talk to someone you don't talk to often. We have a big team of staff and it's easy to stick to the people you know." He smiled. "Or don't, if you'd rather not. Enjoy the meeting!"
Eric wasn't sure how he was surprised by the centaur speaking to him, but she had to be quieter than he gave her credit for. He looked up at her and blinked, wondering if she considered him a friend now after their interaction on the lawn. He supposed she was his closest coworker, their duties not all that different. "Listen and pretend not to be bored out of our minds? That's what I did when I was in school, can't be that different." He shrugged.
Adorah walked with Noel into the common room and nodded as he offered to get them something to drink. She waited a ways away, taking in who was in the room. She kept being surprised by familiar faces from her years at Hogwarts, and she wasn't referencing her own professors. Adorah was still comprehending how 4 people from her graduating class were all working at the castle at once and also how not to feel awkward about it. She already felt awkward with her boyfriend being a professor, and now her old roommate was here. Adorah decided to move closer to Noel and he spoke with Landon, taking the second cup of tea for herself, before listening to the Headmaster introduce the new and substitute professors. @Professor Landon Carter @Professor Noel Waldgrave
Ignacio had been a groundskeeper for many years, but this still didn't keep him from feeling a bit out of place in the Hogwarts Staff meetings. He knew he should have been used to them by now and in many ways he did consider them a normal part of his job - and he of course also understood the necessity of seeing all the staff and professors in one place and ensuring everyone was on the same page. This just didn't change that he always felt like a bit of an impostor, without much to contribute to the meetings or workplace other than his attendance and well, completing the work on the Hogwarts grounds that needed to be done. Nevertheless he did his best to try to show up to the meeting on time, even if he did show up when the headmaster was introducing the new professors. Ignacio tried his best not to interrupt and quietly found a spot in the back of the room so he could listen, only moving from his spot to pour himself a cup of coffee when the room was allowed to mingle.​

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