Professor Plotses

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Monty Pendleton

Inventor | Tutor | Grandfather
OOC First Name
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Straight 9 1/2 Inch Rigid Walnut Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
1/1999 (63)
Hulloo! I would just post in other people's developments (and I will be for my student characters) but I thought I'd make a topic for Monty because... well, because I can't offer him to be anyone's friend =))

Anyway, I am looking for plots and RPs with him! They could be around the castle, with students, with other professors, or even outside school. I love involving him in things so if you have a RP in mind maybe coming up that needs a professor, this is me offering Monty!! :D He's mostly kind/sympathetic with the students rather than strict but he will be strict if someone is putting themselves in danger or if they're upsetting somebody else. He tries to be understanding always though and will offer advice and moral support if he can.

As for plots with adults, I'm open to new friendships, maybe even someone to be a jerk to him for whatever reason (there are a few to pick from - blood status, the way he dresses, anxiety) because I'm mean like that. I'm not sure how he'd react, but he's quite passive so probably wouldn't fight back much. Romance isn't likely but with that said I am also open to a romantic encounter (either gender, it wouldn't be hard to mistake Monty as batting that way) that is destined to fail because Monty is basically aromantic asexual with rare exceptions to the aromantic part. Amusing RPs/awkward misunderstandings could ensue, though? :r :shifty: Also open to more RPs with existing friends!!!

I look forward to hearing from someone... hopefully... :wub: (dooo it)

Just as a warning, though, sometimes I find it hard to get replies done because my mood is up and down and all over the place and it's hard for me to write when I'm down!! I promise to try my best though and apologise in advance if it takes me a while to reply to any of our rps!
Claaaaire! Kahurangi and Monty should have a thread together! I really want her to have more Professor friends and be more active, and I think they'd be interestingly matched as friends. She's very easy-going socially and a bit of a workaholic, since getting to Hogwarts she hasn't socialised much because she's been so buried in her work. I think they would have something of a quiet friendship, maybe meeting up to do marking together or getting a quiet drink sometimes, or something? (Also, down the line it could be quite fun if she invited him to one of her rugby games :lol: not his scene at all, I'd imagine.)

I've also got Maria Madison, who's a counsellor at Hogwarts. She could be a good friend for Monty, she'd be very aware of how to be respectful of his anxiety, and she's a good listener if he ever needs someone to vent to. She's also an adoptive parent as well, so they've got that in common.

As far as students go, she doesn't have Potions this semester, but I've got October Alcott, who this year is beginning her slide into a pretty bad stress-related meltdown that's gonna culminate in a pretty big explosion at her dad around 5th year. She's already working herself ragged with classes and extracurriculars, and could use a sympathetic teacher who isn't trying to be her stepdad.
Sloane and Monty need to meet up so she can tell him she's preggers:r
At this point I'd say that Eduardo/Monty are friendly acquaintances/work colleagues but little else. Perhaps we could thread them and see how it goes? Maybe doing patrol on the grounds or something?

Also!!!! My baby Wyatt has been diagnosed with clinical depression and so far he's just adjusting to the antidepressants and will start to feel the change in around October but he's surviving by going to the hospital wing to get the potions but maybe later in the year he could ask Monty to teach him how to brew the potion in private because he knows that he's been helpful with Marisol and because over the holidays he won't have an easy time about getting it so he'll have to know how to make it himself. Maybe out of concern (considering how many deaths HNZ has had...) he asks Wyatt about it and as Monty has a mental illness as well he could talk to him about his own experiences, show him that it's something that he can cope with because he sort of is having a hard time seeing the forest through the trees. I don't know.. Thoughts?
Aaah replies!! :wub: Thanks guys!

Kahurangi x Monty - I can totally see a quiet friendship working between them!! Monty knows what being a workaholic is like so he'd totally be down to get a drink occasionally (or do some marking with her). And he would definitely accept that offer out of politeness =)) so that would be funny. Maybe they could have a RP in the three broomsticks, or somewhere like that? :D

Maria x Monty - hmmh, Monty is extremely guarded and sort of avoids counsellors/therapists at all costs xD so I'm not compleetely sure a friendship would work out between them, sorry! :( If you wanted to RP them anyway we could but I think he'd be really uncomfortable.

October x Monty - awww. Monty would definitely be willing to lend an ear. If you possibly want to build it up in with a RP of some kind between them before the explosion part, that'd be cool as well, but totally up to you!

Sloane x Monty - YES :D :D where would she tell him? :p

Kalif x Monty - you have no idea for how long I've been wanting those two to RP xD all of the yes. Do you think it would be pleasant or unpleasant? Monty does respect and like Kalif quite a bit, but I'm not sure how Kalif feels about him =))

Eduardo x Monty - I would definitely be up for exploring these guys further!! I think the reason they haven't become closer yet though is because they don't have a whole ton in common. I'd be slightly worried that if they were just patrolling together, Monty's social anxiety would kick in and he would just clam up. Maybe we could stick them in some situation where they have to actually work together to get something done? I don't know, brainstorming :D

Wyatt x Monty - I like this! I'm not sure how much Monty would open up to a student, but then again he would both sympathise and empathise with Wyatt, so who knows? He would certainly at least imply vaguely that he'd been through something similar. And at the very least he'd offer a sympathetic ear ^_^
Hey :hug:

So I'm always keen to rp Monty and Jon! Jon is again being over dramatic and sad about his life which means he and Monty could totally build another plane model together, or leggo, or something, to distract themselves! Figured it could be a chilled out OSW type of rp that we just have fun with and don't have to worry about :D

Also since you mentioned people being mean to Monty, it made me remember that thing we talked about where Sam says a couple of mean things to him. Let me know if you wanted something like that to happen, 'cause I'm always keen to rp Sam as his properly mean self since he doesn't get much of a chance to act that way anymore :devious:

Let me know what you think!
Hey, could my professor and Monty meet? Landon needs more friends :(
SloanexMonty: Yaaaas. Okay so I think she's doing a tour. So she went a saw Wren already so I think she'd go and see Monty in his room as well. She doesn't want to make a big thing about it yet. :r
Kahurangi x Monty: That sounds great! I think I've only RPed her out of the castle once since she got the job :lol: whoops

Maria X Monty: Aaaah, no worries! I thought it could be a fun idea, but I definitely definitely get him having that aversion, makes sense :)

October X Monty: Yaay!! It'd be nice to do a buildup RP for sure, October is currently stressing a lot about both the school situation and changes in her family, so she'd really, really benefit from a supportive ear :)
Jon x Monty - yaaas! Wasn't Monty going to stay over for some reason or another? I've forgotten why exactly :erm: and then Sam was going to say something he overheard. And they've GOTTA build lego together, I can't believe we didn't do that yet =)) should we combine the two or do separate RPs? Or is he even going to stay over any more? I can't remember why he was in the first place...

Landon x Monty - of course! Monty would have to visit him for potion ingredients often I would imagine, so I could have him do that? And then they could chat for a bit (maybe Landon isn't done harvesting some plants or something so Monty helps him?)

Sloane x Monty - Perfect! :party: Would you like to start or should I?

Kahurangi x Monty - hahaha xD aww. Shall I start something for them in the Three Broomsticks? ^_^

October x Monty - cool! Whenever she wants to talk to him you are welcome to start something at his office, or I could start something around the grounds in a private area (like the gardens) and she could stumble across him accidentally? Either is fine with me, just let me know! :D
Claire!! I would love to let Elizabeth and Monty plot again. She loves potions the most and will still want to experiment something. She will become a bit rebels more. We can discuss this further if you'd like?
Hi Jamie!! My memory might need to be refreshed on this :r but whatever it is, I'm sure I'll be up for it! :lol: ^_^
Kahurangi X Monty: Sure! That sounds perfect!

October X Monty: And that sounds good too! I might hold off a bit until a thread Daph and I are doing with October and her stepsister is a bit further progressed, and then jump into Monty's office, if that'd be okay?
Kahurangi - I'm on it! :D

October - yeah of course, that'd be great ^_^ just give me a poke whenever you're ready!
Could you start it please?
I can do ^_^ is it all right to godmod a knock at the door? Otherwise my first post may be redundant =))
You can godmod her walking in and sitting down if you want xD

Professor Monty Pendleton said:
Landon x Monty - of course! Monty would have to visit him for potion ingredients often I would imagine, so I could have him do that? And then they could chat for a bit (maybe Landon isn't done harvesting some plants or something so Monty helps him?)
Okay, that's good! Did you want me to start it?
Charlotte Owens said:
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
Landon x Monty - of course! Monty would have to visit him for potion ingredients often I would imagine, so I could have him do that? And then they could chat for a bit (maybe Landon isn't done harvesting some plants or something so Monty helps him?)
Okay, that's good! Did you want me to start it?
That'd be great, yes please!! :D
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
Kalif x Monty - you have no idea for how long I've been wanting those two to RP xD all of the yes. Do you think it would be pleasant or unpleasant? Monty does respect and like Kalif quite a bit, but I'm not sure how Kalif feels about him =))
Should I start this, or you?
Professor Kalif Styx said:
Professor Monty Pendleton said:
Kalif x Monty - you have no idea for how long I've been wanting those two to RP xD all of the yes. Do you think it would be pleasant or unpleasant? Monty does respect and like Kalif quite a bit, but I'm not sure how Kalif feels about him =))
Should I start this, or you?
Your lack of an answer concerns me :glare: :teehee: if you have an idea for it, I'd be very grateful if you could start it, because I don't have anything right now xD otherwise I can probably do it but I'd need to brainstorm with ya :D
Monty needs to come across Leda :r
He doesss but if we do it all at once he might have a meltdown :r

... I mean he's already going to be pretty distraught, who should start the RP? :r
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