
Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Going to keep this veeeery simple but keen on some new plots!


Chase Campbell
Hufflepuff 6th
Quidditch: Beater + Captain
Chase spend most of his 5th year dealing with his problems on his own. From finding out he has a half-brother to having a falling out with his best friend to his team coming in dead last during his first year as captain. Not his greatest year. Hopefully this year he'll be able to switch things around a bit. He's not the easiest to befriend but him making one or two extra friends might be nice. Any quidditch related plots would be good too. Romance is completely open.

Eloise Aster
Ravenclaw 5th
Eloise is back at Hogwarts after an unexpected year in Scotland due to her parents' dissatisfaction with how she was handling things. She knows she doesn't have much to come back to since she was never too outgoing or made a lot of friends but is happy to be back nonethless. After being send to Scotland Eloise has given up trying to live up to her parents' expectations and is slowly figuring out who she is and what she likes. I'm up for anything with her!

Summer Irvine
Slytherin 3rd
Quidditch: alternate chaser | Heta Omega
Summer is my baby and I love her! She feels right at home at Hogwarts and whilst she doesn't hate the fact that her brother will be joining her at school this year she's a little salty about not having more time on her own. She's keen on making more friends and building her popularity (not opposed to faking being friendly). I'm up for anything fun with her: new friends, a little drama, etc. Romantically she does have a small crush right now but her future is up for discussion!

Ambrose Webb
Ravenclaw 2nd
Quidditch: chaser | Brotherhood | CAC
Ambrose is pretty much a friendly, very down to earth kind of guy. He doesn't get bothered easily and mostly just goes with the flow. No use in stressing about things, right? His energy is highly dependant on the people he's around: when they're loud he'll stay quiet but when they're shy and quiet he'll become chatty himself. I'd love for him to hang out with people he's already befriended or make some more. A crush could be fun as well.

Harrison Irvine
Gryffindor 1st
Harrison here is one of Summer's younger siblings and the first to follow her to Hogwarts. He's still very much in development so I'd be happy to just throw him into some plots. The main idea is that he can be impulsive, feisty and perhaps a little reckless. Always up for seeing how far the rules can be bend. Other than that he doesn't care much for school, nor does he plan on putting much effort into making friends. People like him? Great. Fun. They don't? Not really his problem.


Chloë Thompson
24 | Macaws Chaser
Chloë's been having a bit of whirlwind career in quidditch after graduation and has been fairly busy the past few years. I'd love for her to have either some quidditch related plots, make some new friends or catch up with old ones.

Archer Thompson
29 | Model
Archer has been working as a model ever since graduating Beauxbatons. Would love to do some more with him (could be anything from industry related plots to others). Romance is completely open (men only).

Isaiah Thompson
22 | Unemployed
Isaiah is currently still travelling with his girlfriend's circus but has plans on finding a job that's connected to quidditch in the near future (he'll probably want to become a commentator). I'd love for him to have some plots connected to that or just hang with some friends.

Ivelisse Burleigh
20 | MoM
Ivelisse wanted nothing more than a career in quidditch after graduation but failed spectacularly at that. Instead, she got a job at the accidental magic reversal squad which she's not sure how she feels about. Cleaning up other people's messes is not what she wanted for herself. Some work plots or her finally making a real friend or two might be nice. Romance (men) would also be good, I feel like she deserves for something positive to happen to her.

Gabrielle Perrault
24 | MUA, Quidditch Store Manager
Gaby has been travelling a lot since graduation, dividing her time between being a bit of an amateur MUA and managing (and eventually becoming co-owner) of her mother's quidditch shops. They're planning on opening one in NZL as well. Any plots are welcome. Romance is open, girls only.

Noah Webb
21 | Pride of Portree Chaser
Noah wanted nothing more than to leave the USA immediately after graduating, keen on being away from his mom and back to what actually felt like home: Scotland. He's a professional quidditch player. He's also Ambrose's cousin, although they're a bit estranged. Up for anything.

Ava Hastings
21 | Junior Quidditch Reporter
Ava has been working as a junior quidditch reporter since graduation, writing for multiple papers. She can be quite flirtatious and loves to have fun, which is an easy thing to do when you travel around and meet professional quidditch players for work.
Hey Marijke!

Maybe there could be a bit of tension between Summer and Hazel this year? Since Hazel's still relentlessy herself (not really but she's trying very hard to be the weird quirky girl) and Summer wants to build her popularity and maybe it makes things harder between them?
Hey Marijke!

Maybe there could be a bit of tension between Summer and Hazel this year? Since Hazel's still relentlessy herself (not really but she's trying very hard to be the weird quirky girl) and Summer wants to build her popularity and maybe it makes things harder between them?

I would definitely be up for putting a little strain like that on their relationshi in one way or another. Could perhaps also be related to what Morrie said during rose giving if Hazel wants to believe that? Either way totally up for things not being quite right between them!
Hey Marijke!

I have Vanessa Denton-Raven who's also a quidditch player for the canons! She's a seeker so they might have come into contact a couple of times that we could work around. She's generally a nice person, but she'd aggressive on the pitch!
Hi Marijke :hug:

Eloise x June: So I am very happy that Eloise is back. I guess Eloise was one of the few June doesn't hate yet. I'm curious to see how this will turn out. And if this is gonna be the only 'real' ''friendship'' June could have. Next to the train topic we have going on. I would love to throw them together in something.

Summer x June: I guess June and Summer are both well in fake friendly, although lately June is more into your face and don't hide her true nature sometimes out of professors sight. They both seem to dislike Morrie, so they can perhaps find connection in that?

x Camille: I would love for Camille to have some more contacts. But she is very shy and quiet, so if he reacts to that being that too it could be an sit together without talking too much conversation. They met in the train before I believe so that could help perhaps.

I would definitely be up for putting a little strain like that on their relationshi in one way or another. Could perhaps also be related to what Morrie said during rose giving if Hazel wants to believe that? Either way totally up for things not being quite right between them!
OH yeah I had kind of forgotten about that! Maybe that's what starts things a bit? Hazel could ask her about it?
Hey Marijke!

I have Vanessa Denton-Raven who's also a quidditch player for the canons! She's a seeker so they might have come into contact a couple of times that we could work around. She's generally a nice person, but she'd aggressive on the pitch!

Hiiii. I might be a little lost one which one of my quididitch-related chars you'd want to rp Vanessa with but definitely up for a plot!

Hi Marijke :hug:

Eloise x June: So I am very happy that Eloise is back. I guess Eloise was one of the few June doesn't hate yet. I'm curious to see how this will turn out. And if this is gonna be the only 'real' ''friendship'' June could have. Next to the train topic we have going on. I would love to throw them together in something.

Summer x June: I guess June and Summer are both well in fake friendly, although lately June is more into your face and don't hide her true nature sometimes out of professors sight. They both seem to dislike Morrie, so they can perhaps find connection in that?

Ambrose x Camille: I would love for Camille to have some more contacts. But she is very shy and quiet, so if he reacts to that being that too it could be an sit together without talking too much conversation. They met in the train before I believe so that could help perhaps.

Eloise x June: would love to see how their relationship evolves so more than happy to get something going for them back at school after the train

Summer x June: Interestinggggggg. Definitely up for throwing them together to see what happens (Morrie would likely be a good conversation starter yes)

Ambrose x Camille: I reckon he would just keep chatting if Camille keeps quiet so they'd be fine! Can for sure see him trying to connect with her either way

OH yeah I had kind of forgotten about that! Maybe that's what starts things a bit? Hazel could ask her about it?

Yesss, sounds like a good place to start!
My list is growing rapidly so maybe you can start it if you don't mind? 😅

How about some more Ambrose and Magne - they're in the same house and both relatively chill guys. I could see them bonding more.

Chase and Savannah - Both quidditch people, she probably is a little jealous he's a captain and she's not tbh, could maybe look at Romance, but Savannah is pretty firmly ace, so her romance is a little trickier.

Let me know, happy to plot or leave it, if none of these take your fancy.
Hiiii. I might be a little lost one which one of my quididitch-related chars you'd want to rp Vanessa with but definitely up for a plot!


Eloise x June: would love to see how their relationship evolves so more than happy to get something going for them back at school after the train

Summer x June: Interestinggggggg. Definitely up for throwing them together to see what happens (Morrie would likely be a good conversation starter yes)

Ambrose x Camille: I reckon he would just keep chatting if Camille keeps quiet so they'd be fine! Can for sure see him trying to connect with her either way

Yesss, sounds like a good place to start!

Yeahh to all. So I'm now an bit active and when lessons start less I believe haha. But we can do Eloise and June perhaps later on again in this year. Summer and June perhaps at an event like the halloween or something? And Ambrose an Camille a topic now? Which one do you like to start than we can already put them on our list?
Hello!!! I'm keen for more Morrie/Summer drama, especially if she picks up what Morrie's been saying about her from Hazel! Obviously Hazel is lying.

Also Ambrose and Sofi were getting on well last year. I am desperately neglecting my girl so it would be good to get something fun down with these two!
My list is growing rapidly so maybe you can start it if you don't mind? 😅
No worries!!


How about some more Ambrose and Magne - they're in the same house and both relatively chill guys. I could see them bonding more.

Chase and Savannah - Both quidditch people, she probably is a little jealous he's a captain and she's not tbh, could maybe look at Romance, but Savannah is pretty firmly ace, so her romance is a little trickier.

Let me know, happy to plot or leave it, if none of these take your fancy.


I love Ambrose and Magne so yes, definitely!

Would also be happy to put Chase and Savannah together, quite curious to what their dynamic would be like

Yeahh to all. So I'm now an bit active and when lessons start less I believe haha. But we can do Eloise and June perhaps later on again in this year. Summer and June perhaps at an event like the halloween or something? And Ambrose an Camille a topic now? Which one do you like to start than we can already put them on our list?
Sounds good! I could do Ambrose x Camille and put Summer x June on the list for around Halloween?

Hello!!! I'm keen for more Morrie/Summer drama, especially if she picks up what Morrie's been saying about her from Hazel! Obviously Hazel is lying.

Also Ambrose and Sofi were getting on well last year. I am desperately neglecting my girl so it would be good to get something fun down with these two!

Drama? What drama? 👀
Kidding yes, I reckon there will for sure be more going on between those two - did you want to start something or wait a minute to see what happens between Hazel/Summer and how that could affect Morrie/Summer?

I think Ambrose would be very easy in considering Sofi a friend so that would be fun too.

I love Ambrose and Magne so yes, definitely!

Would also be happy to put Chase and Savannah together, quite curious to what their dynamic would be like
Yes! I can start one if you start the other?

savannah's running the SDA, so if you'd like/would work, like helping with spell work?
Sounds good! I could do Ambrose x Camille and put Summer x June on the list for around Halloween?
Sure I put June and Eloise on my than for later on!

lots of thoughts for you

chase/zerrin: zerrin is the mom friend and is still determined to be besties
eloise/airen: airen is loads of fun and super sweet, she'd love to make more friends
summer/caius: he is rich, and very friendly, if she wanted to befriend him for reasons
ambrose/sunday: sunday would love to keep ambrose as a sort of friend/minion
tanith/ambrose: idk, i just think they would be fun, could see how they get along?
Harrison/teo: The'yre roomies, could be a lot of fun to see how they get on? teo also has little regard for rules
onyx/chloe: would befriending a quidditch husband be fun too?
isaiah/jordie: they def need to hang out again
Hiiii. I might be a little lost one which one of my quididitch-related chars you'd want to rp Vanessa with but definitely up for a plot!
Hey Marijke,

Sorry I meant either of them to be honest, she's been playing for the canons for over a year now so if they've come up against each other they would know each other probably.

lots of thoughts for you

chase/zerrin: zerrin is the mom friend and is still determined to be besties
eloise/airen: airen is loads of fun and super sweet, she'd love to make more friends
summer/caius: he is rich, and very friendly, if she wanted to befriend him for reasons
ambrose/sunday: sunday would love to keep ambrose as a sort of friend/minion
tanith/ambrose: idk, i just think they would be fun, could see how they get along?
Harrison/teo: The'yre roomies, could be a lot of fun to see how they get on? teo also has little regard for rules
onyx/chloe: would befriending a quidditch husband be fun too?
isaiah/jordie: they def need to hang out again

hellloooo! These all sound good lol, maybe we pick a few to start with? I'm cool with all of them!

Hey Marijke,

Sorry I meant either of them to be honest, she's been playing for the canons for over a year now so if they've come up against each other they would know each other probably.

Nooo worries. Maybe we could we put her and Chloë together then? Would love for her to make some friends on other teams!
Sounds great! Did we want it to be after a game maybe?
hellloooo! These all sound good lol, maybe we pick a few to start with? I'm cool with all of them!
Not sure how many you meant by a few lol buuuut



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