Plots, Plots, Plottttssss

Professor Samantha Jacobs

arithmancy 5-7 🧩 | ‘55 grad 🎓
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
bi) (ren
Fir Wand 14 1/8" Essence Of Sphinx Remains
26 (06/2037)
HI HI! I decided to post it now rather than later...

It's that time of year again for new students and unsorted plots hehehe! I have returned for a new year of student fun, drama or whatever you please! I am happy to create new or continue other plots that you have in mind! You can always reach me on discord or skype, if you much prefer to discuss things more privately or want to further discuss things! Please don't be afraid to reach me if you ever suddenly have ideas in the future for plots between our characters! I'm always happy to discuss and talk!!


Alexander Rogers
7th Year | Ravenclaw | Unknown
Bio | Aesthetic

Valencia Addington
5th Year | Ravenclaw | Muggleborn
Bio | Aesthetic

Xiuying Huang
4th Year | Ravenclaw | Mixed-Blood
Bio | Aesthetic
Alexander, I haven't done much with Alex either. He is now in his last year of Hogwarts and I've neglected the poor boy. The boy is slowly becoming interested in trying to find who his father is but has no clue where to start. His unknown twin sisters are starting this year and has no clue that it's happening and who they are. The boy still has a stutter, it's getting slowly better. I would love for this boy to have more friends, maybe even a bit of romance. He has a preference for males. So whether it be a fling or a final, I'm happy with anything!Valencia is a muggleborn who still has no interest in magic. The Ravenclaw is a huge bookroom and loves anything related to Astronomy. She likes to learn about space and planets. She doesn't like the idea of magic, completely done with the whole idea of it. Valencia hates coming back to Hogwarts. She also has a strong opinion on things, which can sometimes lead to arguments. I haven't really done much lately with Valencia. So I'd love for her to have some more friends since she barely has any. I'm up for anything for her! Some drama might be interesting!Xiuying! She's the older sister of Jingyi and Xinyi. She can be quite protective over them. She loves sports and broadway musicals. Xiuying has recently gotten into the idea of liking and having an interest in boys. I am up for anything for this girl! whether its threads with a friend or even some sort of drama. I am happy with anything! I would also like her to have something in the romance department! Crushes, flings, short-term relationships, I'm up for anything! She is also on the Quidditch team as a chaser, so I'm also keen for any Quidditch related threads.
- Friends!!! (This poor boy has been neglected so much, he hardly has any friends)
- Art-related threads
- Romance, flings or final would be great!
- Anything related to him trying to find who his father is
- ANYTHING!! it's his last year
- Friends?
- Drama
- Someone to convince her to like magic, but she will most likely not change her mind about it.
- Muggle-related threads
- Friends, she needs more friendsss
- Drama
- Quidditch related threads
- Romance threads - romance, flings, or short term relationships - A bit early for final but am open for suggestions! (Preference: Male and Female)

Charlie Jacobs
4th Year | Gryffindor | Mixed Blood
Bio | Aesthetic

Nolan Burke
4th Year | Huffllepuff | Mixed Blood
Bio | Aesthetic

Molly Burke
3rd Year | Hufflepuff | Mixed Blood
Bio | Aesthetic
Charlie is the younger cousin of Sam and Issac. He is a huge geek and loves to do pranks! I would love him to be in some sort of friend group of troublemakers, I dunno. He is a superhero enthusiast. He loves comic books, superheroes. Basically, anything that is related to superheroes. But I would also love to do some pranks threads! I just need to do anything with this boy haha! He doesn't have many friends so anything would be great! Would slowly like to have him have some sort of romance. I've neglected the poor man so anything is great for me!I haven't really done much with Nolan. Though I do have a few things planned for him in the future. I've only really done musically related threads with him and would love to do some different threads with him as well. He's quite musical and is in a band with his roommates. I am happy to do some musical threads too! He is slowly starting to explore his sexuality and would love to have some threads be related to that too! I would like some flings for him, for now. Not looking for a final right now, but could be a possibility! There are a few romance stuff I have for him already but am up for some more ideas if you have any!Molly is very imaginative and bubbly. The Hufflepuff is a follower and can somewhat be easily manipulated to do things that she sometimes doesn't realise is a bad thing. I would love for her to be put into situations where she is influenced to do things that she wouldn't normally do. Molly also has a geeky side to her that she doesn't really want anyone to know about. She would hide away to read her comic books. I would also love for her to have some more friends too! The girl is pretty social and would love to have many, many friends! She also loves her cat DEARLY! She will most likely be seen with her cat, Gumdrop, Though she has a bad habit of losing her cat sometimes, which annoys Nolan a lot.
- Friends
- Pranks, troublesome threads!
- Friend/prank group
- Possible romance? happy to discuss anything! (preference male & female)
- More friends hehe
- Both musical and non-musical related threads
- Romance: Possible short-term relationships or flings (a bit early for final, but happy and open to discuss things!)

Nolan is also still slowly figuring out his sexuality, so anything related to that as well would be great too
- Friends or people who she assumes are her friends.
- Threads with friends
- Molly being a follower and manipulated
- Drama: Molly is a sensitive soul
- People she can bother
- Romance? I see her having crushes on boys at this stage, not up for relationships yet though
- Maybe a mentor of sorts?

Abigail Payne
2nd Year | Gryffindor | Unknown
Bio | Aesthetic

Joshua Lynch
1st Year | Gryffindor | Muggleborn
Bio | Aesthetic

Elizabeth Rogers
1st Year | Hufflepuff | Mixed Blood
Bio | Aesthetic
Abigail is my shy and quiet little artist! She practically is always doing some form of art in her spare time. I haven't really developed her much. So I would love for her to have some friends since she barely has any. Maybe even some enemies, I'm happy with anything! She likes to do art, especially when it comes to chalk art. You will most likely see her drawing, doing any sort of art or even hanging around the rosebush talking to the small bugs that crawl around. Abby is also definitely up for some adventure as well, so she doesn't mind getting up to trouble and whatnot! Abigail is also still new to the whole concept of magic, so anything that's related to magic as well would be great hehe!Joshua, who prefers to be called Josh, loves the beach as well, especially the idea of surfing. Joshua is a muggle-born and has no idea what the wizarding world is like. He barely has any information about the wizarding world. He likes the idea of it, but everything is a bit confusing to him at the moment. Joshua is also quite energetic and is soft-headed. So he isn't the smartest in the bunch and doesn't really have that much common sense with things. So you're gonna have to bare with him as some things you say may go in one ear and out the other. But I promise he is great company and is loads of fun!Elizabeth is the unknown sister of Alexander. And also has a twin sister named Mila (Sophia). She prefers to be called Lizzie, as she thinks that the name Elizabeth is too formal for her. She may quietly glare at you if you ever call her Elizabeth. She hopes no one finds out about the name as she always introduces herself as Lizzie. She loves the outdoors. Riding her bike and also goes horseback riding. She has a HUGE obsession with horses I haven't done much development with Lizzie. Some friends for her would be great! She's carefree. But when you first meet her, she quite keeps to herself. She mumbles shyly a lot to you. But when you spend a lot more time with her and get to know her a little bit better, she'll open up to you more and will be a lot louder towards you.
- Friends! I would absolutely love for her to have some friends. She's a little sad that she doesn't have many!
- Art-related threads!
- Adventure threads!
- Someone who can mentor her about the magical world
- Friends!
- Fun and Adventure threads!
- Sports-related threads!
- Someone who can explain or help him figure out the magical world with him
- Somone annoyed with his soft-headed common sense.
- Someone he may be able to annoy
- Friends!!!! - someone who could slowly push her out of her shy shell.
- Drama?
- Enemies?
- Maybe some sort of bad influence on her...
- Outdoor related threads

Conan Burke
10 (Y42) | Mixed Blood
Bio | Aesthetic

Marley Pattinson
8 (Y44) | Unknown
Bio | Aesthetic

Fiona Burke
7 (Y45) | Mixed Blood
Bio | Aesthetic
Conan is the younger brother of Nolan and Molly. He's a bit of an oddball, and he loves to explore and learn things. The boy loves to collect things. He mainly focuses on collecting shells. Conan has many, many stacks of shoeboxes that contain his collections with shells. He at least carries a shoebox with him filled with shells everywhere he goes, in case he comes across a shell. He likes to keep his part of his collection close by to him. Happy to show off his collection or just in case he finds any sort of shell laying around. Conan also loves the outdoors. Happy to get dirty with soil or anything outside. Conan is also in the scouts.Marley has recently been adopted by her adoptive father, Killian Taylor (Jess). She has found New Zealand amazing so far and loves the house that she lives in. In all honesty, Marley is having a blast so far! She is quite creative and always hyper! She likes to paint and create things whenever it comes to mind. Marley loves jewellery making and will slowly have an interest in Greek mythology and crystals when she is older. Marley also is energetic and adventurous and just loves to have fun! For now, I would love for her to make some friends! She just wants to have fun and have a good time! Like any other eight year old! She is also in the scouts.Fiona is the youngest out of the Burke clan. She is the opposite of her sister, she is more of a tomboy who loves to get mud and dirt all over her. She loves to climb trees and build sandcastles and whatnot. Fiona doesn't really like bossy people, as she prefers to do things herself and doesn't really like being told what to do. She's in the scouts and I know it will be a wee while until she heads into Hogwarts herself, but it would be nice for her to have a few friends before she heads into Hogwarts. Since she is quite young, I have plenty of time to develop her personality before she heads into Hogwarts! I am absolutely happy to do anything with Fiona!
- Friends before Hogwarts (Some he could go to Hogwarts with would be awesome too!)
- Enemies?
- Bullies?
- Scout Friends
- Friends! (Some she could go to Hogwarts with would be awesome too!)
- Chaotic fun!
- Adventures!
- Some childish drama hehe!
- Scout Friends
- Friends
- Childish Drama?
- Anything related to the scouts
- Young child fun!

My adult, newly graduated and other student characters are also available and are in need of some rping too! so if you'd like to rp with any of them, feel free to let me know! Will most likely post up a PD for them sometime after the semester starts.


These are all the characters I'd like to offer!! If there are any characters that are not displayed here but would like to RP with, I would be happy to discuss ideas about them too! Please don't be afraid to reach me at all if you have any ideas whatsoever!​
Hey Maria.
okay i have a couple of suggestions.

for alexander rogers I can offer Linden Cullen. he can be a friend or a fling (he may need a couple of rebounds after an upcoming heartbreak).

I can always offer sky as friends for Molly and Nolan. or anyone else tbh
Hey Maria.
okay i have a couple of suggestions.

for alexander rogers I can offer Linden Cullen. he can be a friend or a fling (he may need a couple of rebounds after an upcoming heartbreak).

I can always offer sky as friends for Molly and Nolan. or anyone else tbh
Hey Mia!

Linden + Alex - Oooo! This could be interesting! I guess we can put them into a thread together and see where we go from there?

Sky + Nolan/Molly - Yes!!! I like the friendship bond between Sky + Nolan and Sky + Molly - I'm keen on either or both! Do you have any sort of suggestions for what we can do?
hello hello!

Always feel free to hit me up for Eugene/Nolan threads - happy for him to support Nolan in his journey. Same goes for Xiuying and Valeria.

For Molly, I wondered if you'd be interested in a crush thread with Eugene? Like mostly given how familiar Eugene is with Nolan, it could be little sister has crush on older brother's friend? We can do a couple of threads, but nothing serious.

Charlie and Charlie is a cute boy, and Valeria loves kissing cute boys. It would maybe be short term, some light flirting, maybe some kissing, maybe a dance depending on timing? Super chill if you aren't keen.

There's a slight age gap, but I have Pixie Longmire who could be a friend for Alexander. She's an exceedingly quiet girl, spends a lot of time alone and doesn't mind silence. So could be someone for Alexander to be around who doesn't need him to speak? If they mesh in the right way we could revisit for them maybe for dating? I dunno, feel free to say no.

And finally, both of your firsties have met my first year, so happy to do more with that at any point. More exploring with Josh (with immediate chickening out)
hello hello!

Always feel free to hit me up for Eugene/Nolan threads - happy for him to support Nolan in his journey. Same goes for Xiuying and Valeria.

For Molly, I wondered if you'd be interested in a crush thread with Eugene? Like mostly given how familiar Eugene is with Nolan, it could be little sister has crush on older brother's friend? We can do a couple of threads, but nothing serious.

Charlie and Charlie is a cute boy, and Valeria loves kissing cute boys. It would maybe be short term, some light flirting, maybe some kissing, maybe a dance depending on timing? Super chill if you aren't keen.

There's a slight age gap, but I have Pixie Longmire who could be a friend for Alexander. She's an exceedingly quiet girl, spends a lot of time alone and doesn't mind silence. So could be someone for Alexander to be around who doesn't need him to speak? If they mesh in the right way we could revisit for them maybe for dating? I dunno, feel free to say no.

And finally, both of your firsties have met my first year, so happy to do more with that at any point. More exploring with Josh (with immediate chickening out)
Hey Emzies!

Yessss for sure always keen for threads between these two pairings! If anything pops up in my minds I'll defs let you know hehe!

Eugene + Molly - Ooooh!! I love this idea for sure! She's aware of all of Nolan's friends and who he is close to, so she'll defs be familiar with Eugene! I think a couple of threads should be good, as it may be a bit til she develops a crush and all through those threads - But I'm defs keen on this!

Valeria + Charlie - Oh! Keen for this! I haven'r done much with Charlie so I'll take any opportunity if I can ehehe! Short term is all good with me! This all seems great to me. I'm happy to do this!

Pixie + Alex - Love this! I'd love to see where they go first and how they are together - But the romance side of things are defs on the cards. I think that may have some potential. Alex is a lonely boy, so any sort of company would be good for him hehe!

Emmanuel + Josh/Lizzie - Oh absolutely! Always keen for that hehe! I quite enjoyed their wee thread at the haunted house so I'm definitely keen on more exploring threads (There will defs be some chickening out ahaha) Josh may ask a lot of questions about the magical world lol and may have some not so smart questions :teehee:

I also liked the wee thread between Lizzie and Emmanuel - She's pretty quiet and shy but over time during a conversation she'll open up more and be a little more talkative.

I guess we can do these sometime during the semester? Unless you wanna start some of these another time? I don't mind! Just let me know what ones you'd like to start and I can start the rest hehe!
Hey Mia!

Linden + Alex - Oooo! This could be interesting! I guess we can put them into a thread together and see where we go from there?

Sky + Nolan/Molly - Yes!!! I like the friendship bond between Sky + Nolan and Sky + Molly - I'm keen on either or both! Do you have any sort of suggestions for what we can do?
Alex and Lin: sounds good. we can pu them in a thread and see how they react. but maybe wait until after school goes back.

Sky/Nolan/Molly: maybe the girls could be having a "sleepover" in the dorm. complete with fluffy slippers, giggling and talking about boys (and Molly can really tease her about going to the dance with her brother)
Hey Emzies!

Yessss for sure always keen for threads between these two pairings! If anything pops up in my minds I'll defs let you know hehe!

Eugene + Molly - Ooooh!! I love this idea for sure! She's aware of all of Nolan's friends and who he is close to, so she'll defs be familiar with Eugene! I think a couple of threads should be good, as it may be a bit til she develops a crush and all through those threads - But I'm defs keen on this!

Valeria + Charlie - Oh! Keen for this! I haven'r done much with Charlie so I'll take any opportunity if I can ehehe! Short term is all good with me! This all seems great to me. I'm happy to do this!

Pixie + Alex - Love this! I'd love to see where they go first and how they are together - But the romance side of things are defs on the cards. I think that may have some potential. Alex is a lonely boy, so any sort of company would be good for him hehe!

Emmanuel + Josh/Lizzie - Oh absolutely! Always keen for that hehe! I quite enjoyed their wee thread at the haunted house so I'm definitely keen on more exploring threads (There will defs be some chickening out ahaha) Josh may ask a lot of questions about the magical world lol and may have some not so smart questions :teehee:

I also liked the wee thread between Lizzie and Emmanuel - She's pretty quiet and shy but over time during a conversation she'll open up more and be a little more talkative.

I guess we can do these sometime during the semester? Unless you wanna start some of these another time? I don't mind! Just let me know what ones you'd like to start and I can start the rest hehe!
Yesss to all of this!

For Val and Charlie - we could do a first thread in the train - I have an open thread with Val which you could jump into. But if not there that's chill.

For emmanuel and the pair, I'd be content to start a new Josh one now, since we still have the Lizzie/Emmanuel thread going. Maybe Emmanuel and Josh can skirt the forest a little already :r

So, I'd be happy to start the Pixie&Alex, Emmanuel&Josh threads, and you could do the molly&eugene and Val&Charlie (the latter where you decide whether to join the open thread or just start a new one) If that works?
Yesss to all of this!

For Val and Charlie - we could do a first thread in the train - I have an open thread with Val which you could jump into. But if not there that's chill.

For emmanuel and the pair, I'd be content to start a new Josh one now, since we still have the Lizzie/Emmanuel thread going. Maybe Emmanuel and Josh can skirt the forest a little already :r

So, I'd be happy to start the Pixie&Alex, Emmanuel&Josh threads, and you could do the molly&eugene and Val&Charlie (the latter where you decide whether to join the open thread or just start a new one) If that works?
Valeria + Charlie - Oh yes! I'll have charlie join the train thread :D

Emmanuel + Josh - A forest thread sounds great mwahaha

That all sounds good to me! Thanks! :D
Alex and Lin: sounds good. we can pu them in a thread and see how they react. but maybe wait until after school goes back.

Sky/Nolan/Molly: maybe the girls could be having a "sleepover" in the dorm. complete with fluffy slippers, giggling and talking about boys (and Molly can really tease her about going to the dance with her brother)
Omg I thought I replied to this... oops! Sorry!

Alex + Lin - Sounds good to me!

Sky/Nolan/Molly - Omg yesss!! That would be absolutely cute! Molly would love that a lot. She'll defs tease Sky about it, so I'm defs all in for that hehe
Hi Maria!

We talked early on about Xiuying and Louis being friends, we could see how that goes? He's very flirty this year though so he might try to flirt with her as well. He's not very conscious of other people's feelings so it could end in some drama if she takes it more seriously than him maybe?

Am also eager to do more with Louis and Nolan (sorry you're getting all the Louis suggestions)

Molly and Gwen should do more, maybe Gwen feels comfortable enough to show her meaner side to her now and Molly goes along with it?

I'd love for Isadora and Abigail to interact more, I feel like she would try to draw Abigail out of her shell.

I also have a Hufflepuff girl in Penelope Marshall, she could be friends with Lizzie? I see there's a girl topic in the dormitory that I'll likely reply to, and they could meet there maybe, but we could do something separately with them too later if you want?
Hi Maria!

We talked early on about Xiuying and Louis being friends, we could see how that goes? He's very flirty this year though so he might try to flirt with her as well. He's not very conscious of other people's feelings so it could end in some drama if she takes it more seriously than him maybe?

Am also eager to do more with Louis and Nolan (sorry you're getting all the Louis suggestions)

Molly and Gwen should do more, maybe Gwen feels comfortable enough to show her meaner side to her now and Molly goes along with it?

I'd love for Isadora and Abigail to interact more, I feel like she would try to draw Abigail out of her shell.

I also have a Hufflepuff girl in Penelope Marshall, she could be friends with Lizzie? I see there's a girl topic in the dormitory that I'll likely reply to, and they could meet there maybe, but we could do something separately with them too later if you want?

Louis + Xiuying - Yesss! Keen for this! Happy for them as friends and all. And super keen to see where the romance and flirtation route goes! - Nolan and Louis sounds good to me too! Their small interaction between the two has made Nolan see something slightly different about himself, so super keen for those two as well!

Gwen + Molly - Yessss! I don't think we did much between the two last year, so super keen to do something with them! Molly will defs go along with the meaner side of Gwen, she will think that there's nothing wrong with it lol

Isadora + Abigail - OOoo!! Yesss! I feel like Isadora will slowly bring Abby out of her shell. I'm trying for Abby to be more social this year, so im keen for this too!

Penelope + Lizzie - Oh! Yes for sure! Yeah, they can defs meet there! I haven't had the chance to reply yet, but I'm defs keen for them to meet there. And yessss, would like to do something between the two separately later on, though no rush for that.
did you want me to start the one with sky and molly?
@Professor Elvera Le Fey - thank you for starting that! I'll start one of the other ones and send it to you when I can! :D

@Amber Chou Wilson - Oopsies, forgot to ask which ones you'd like to start? I can start whatever is left over. i know we have the train thread going on between Molly and Gwen, so we can always do something with Gwen and Molly a little later, if you'd like :)

Louis + Xiuying - Yesss! Keen for this! Happy for them as friends and all. And super keen to see where the romance and flirtation route goes! - Nolan and Louis sounds good to me too! Their small interaction between the two has made Nolan see something slightly different about himself, so super keen for those two as well!

Gwen + Molly - Yessss! I don't think we did much between the two last year, so super keen to do something with them! Molly will defs go along with the meaner side of Gwen, she will think that there's nothing wrong with it lol

Isadora + Abigail - OOoo!! Yesss! I feel like Isadora will slowly bring Abby out of her shell. I'm trying for Abby to be more social this year, so im keen for this too!

Penelope + Lizzie - Oh! Yes for sure! Yeah, they can defs meet there! I haven't had the chance to reply yet, but I'm defs keen for them to meet there. And yessss, would like to do something between the two separately later on, though no rush for that.
Should we do Louis with either Xiuying or Nolan first? I'm fine with either of them!

I jumped into your train thread with Gwen but holidays closed already, boo. Maybe something more with them a little later on?

Definitely down for Isadora and Abigail!

And we can see how Penelope and Lizzie get along in the thread for now?
Should we do Louis with either Xiuying or Nolan first? I'm fine with either of them!

I jumped into your train thread with Gwen but holidays closed already, boo. Maybe something more with them a little later on?

Definitely down for Isadora and Abigail!

And we can see how Penelope and Lizzie get along in the thread for now?
Louis + Nolan/Xiuying - Sure! I'm keen on either of them as well tbh hehe!

Gwen + Molly - Yeah, we can defs do something between Gwen and Molly a little later :D

Isadora + Abby - Yay! We could maybe do this one as well? But if you want to do this later on, that's totally cool too

Penelope + Lizzie - Yep! Sounds like a plan!
Louis + Nolan/Xiuying - Sure! I'm keen on either of them as well tbh hehe!

Gwen + Molly - Yeah, we can defs do something between Gwen and Molly a little later :D

Isadora + Abby - Yay! We could maybe do this one as well? But if you want to do this later on, that's totally cool too

Penelope + Lizzie - Yep! Sounds like a plan!
How about... Louis and Nolan now and him and Xiuying later, and also Isadora and Abby? We can both start one?

I'd be good to start Louis and Nolan?

For Louis and Nolan! I could also just make it closed if that's better!

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