Open Pick Flowers and Put them Together - WPC Event

Norton Gillespie

astronomer | astronomy y5-7 (temp)
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (pansexual)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13" Rigid Redwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
2/2032 (25)
Norton loved the spring month, the way all of the flowers in the wild patch sprung into life. It was that which had inspired his first idea as solo King of Flowers. Flowers were so beautiful and with the upcoming yuleball, he wanted nothing more than to just help spread all of the other flowers. So he’d decided that people could come help pick the flowers, encouraging further growth but also they could take the flowers away with them. He’d set up a little stall where people could put their bouquets together, a few where they’d be able to get them to stay fresh for longer. The roses were on this occasion off limits. It was too close to the rose giving for him to want to do anything with the roses, they had to keep growing. He glanced around it was nice, it was quite obvious what they were to do, with the pruning shears and other garden utensils to help gather the flowers. He had sent a note around the different members of the wild patch informing them of this event, and thankfully too the weather was holding nicely. It was a beautiful spring day, a little warmer than the seasonal average. But he had a sunhat on and a wild smile. He was so ready for this.
OOCOut of Character:

Real simple event here, just pick some flowers helping maintain the garden, and make some bouquets of flowers, give them to that special someone. It's a lovely spring day IC, if characters want to plant different things have them ask Norton! Any one and everyone is welcome - even those not in the club
Mazikeen had been bored by the manner in which she was doing things, there was nothing interesting about just sitting around studying all of the time, even though she was sure she needed to do that a lot for her OWLs. She was therefore pleased when any occasion came up that would allow her to do a little something else. She arrived at the gardens, easily spotting that she was one of the first to arrive and felt an embarrassed blush upon her cheeks though it came and went quickly. It was this or she do more revision and being early to this was really preferable. She asked the leader a few questions just to be sure she knew what they were doing before she began pruning some of the flowers. It was sort of like herbology but none of the plants were that dangerous and she was able to just enjoy herself as she did it. It was less pressure than any class and she quickly found a rhythm to it. Something easy for her to just forget about the problems with her OWLs and just enjoy herself.
Scott loved The Wild Patch club because the gardens reminded him of home and didn't make him feel like he was a wizard or not one. He liked losing himself in the plants and not paying much attention to others. The leader instructed what they were doing and he was a little bummed the roses were off-limits but decided he would find some other flowers. He wanted to make a bouquet for his mom and grandma but wasn't sure if he would be able to mail it. Instead, he began collecting flowers for somebody else he knew, he was hoping it would show his appreciation.

First stopping at the Peruvian Lilies, Scott began to shear away a few. Collecting them carefully into an open basket, he moved on to a patch of colorful sweet pea flowers. Bringing his nose to the flowers, Scott enjoyed the aroma that filled his nose. He was choosing flowers that were a symbol of friendship, hoping that he could find some yellow ribbon somewhere. Scott carefully chose some of the brightest flowers, smiling to himself at the beauty of the garden.
Kara made her way to the wild patch event, she wanted to put together some flowers to give to Daniel. She had appreciated his friendship since before they started Hogwarts and she was hoping to put together something with Ravenclaw colors. Looking through the gardens, she spotted some blue Iris' flowers and made her way towards them. Carefully plucking three of the flowers, she breathed in the fresh smells. It was nice to take a day out of the library and spend it outside. Healthier for her too.
The only reason Ilija had signed up to this club was so that he could spend more time with Alice, not that he even had the courage to talk to her much at the moment. Every time he did he felt like he was just embarrassing himself and she had so many more friends to hang out with, but he had to try, and if nothing else then maybe he would just get a chance to talk to Mhairi about her instead. He'd come out to the gardens, and after finding a few other students, turned to his sister nervously. He really didn't know anyone here so it was a bit awkward, and following her lead. he began to sort through some seeds in the hopes that Alice would come and talk to him instead. It was a hot and sunny day which meant it didn't take long either for the fourth year to feel somewhat encumbered, but he pressed on helping Mhairi sort them, glad that he wasn't completely alone.
Mhairi had been a little surprised when she'd heard Ilija had decided to join the Wild Patch Club. Asides from being outside near the lake for a few days every summer at their home, Mhairi hadn't seen him with an interest in plants ever before. After meeting up with her brother they'd headed outside, where she'd been insistently asking him about the girl he seemed fascinated about. According to him, he didn't know what she talking about, but it was obvious the way he kept dodging round the subject that there was definitely someone. It was probably the girl from the train but Mhairi had yet to confirm it. She'd been a member of the WPC for a few years now, so it was easy to show Ilija what exactly he needed to do so that they could plant more flowers in time for Valentines Day; a time of year the sixth year had always found beautiful.
Vader didn’t really have the time for a whole club event, but he liked the wild patch and by the description of the event from the leader’s note, he had to imagine that it would actually be pretty good photo opportunity. He had had a few cups of coffee and was ready for it, his hands were not at all shaking. The teen had his camera in his hands with his camera bag, since with flowers he knew that his usual lens was probably not going to be as good as a macro lens or a lens with a cleaner zoom. The teen arrived at the area, spotting the wide variety of different coloured flowers, he spotted a few people and even gave a little wave to the hufflepuff boy from his classes and Alice's study group. Should he have invited Isabelle to this with him? She seemed like the sort of person who would like flowers. Maybe if she wasn’t there he should grab her flowers. Vader pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind, he had work to do, other things to worry about right now, that didn’t need to involve Isabelle. Instead Vader made his way over to a bunch of yellow and orange flowers and began taking pictures. He started holding the camera freely, using his normal lens to achieve a wider shot and then began switching to a better lens for a close up on the flowers. He would help eventually, but he needed to get more pictures first and then he could.
Aonghas wasn’t sure why he was still a part of the wild patch, he had only joined to try and get a little closer to someone whom his brother had known. He remained as part of the club, almost as if he did actually enjoy it. He knew it would do nothing for his future, though he did think when he returned home it would be good to have a little wild patch for flowers. It might help make the place feel a little better over all, and mean they stop conjuring up flowers whenever they visited his sister’s grave. However, that wasn’t really the matter for that day, instead the boy was rather surprised that he had even come to the wild patch event. He had thought he would stop bothering with such things since they didn’t really matter, they wouldn’t matter in his future, none of it would. He had Katia as a back up and everything else was set. However he made his way to a little area of slightly over grown purple flowers and knowing what he was supposed to do began gathering. He could make up a bouquet and put it to some use somewhere. He would gather up some of the purple flowers and then move on until he had a few that he could make into some kind of bouquet.
Padme liked helping out in the different clubs, she knew it was a good use of her time. She could try and involve herself in every club that would let her, but she knew that it would end up being a worse use of her time, stretching her too thin and making some things just not done well. She needed to do things well. Padme was pleased for the wild patch event and had headed to it with plenty of time. She didn’t exactly want to be late, even if there wasn’t really a late to be. The hufflepuff spotted her brother easily amongst the small crowd of people and gave him an excited wave, she knew there was something going on with him, something more than just the tiredness he claimed it was, but she didn’t want to pry they’d grown apart in the years since he’d been at muggle school. She also spotted Ilija, and gave him a little wave too, but a little blush formed on her cheeks as she did so. Padme instead focused on the flowers, she was going around, picking some of them, placing them together and when she felt she had enough headed to the stand where she could make them into a bouquet. She could give it to Ilija….or was that too forward….maybe she could give them to Jace or Cyril. She focused on her task though, not wanting to get it wrong regardless of who it went to.
Wendall was very excited to be part of a real club. With no brothers or sisters, just being at the school gave him a new family but when he was part of a group, it was like there was a special little set of students too all working towards the same goal. He’d joined the others down in the gardens, looking round carefully to see if there was anyone he recognised. He spotted a girl waving at him, and he eagerly waved back at @Padme Hume before realising that no, he definitely didn’t know who she was. Nervously he peered over his shoulder and spotted an older boy waving back at her, and sheepishly Wendall lowered his hand and tried to make himself look busy. He didn’t really know what he was doing, but how hard could it be to look after a few leaves? After a few minutes it was apparent it was quite hard, and the first year was stood awkwardly holding a bulb that he’d managed to remove from the soil by accident. He groaned, hoping the girl he’d mistakenly waved at might be able to help him put it back in. “Hello?” He called out, hoping she didn’t just think he even more of an idiot. Oh well, his reputation was already ruined.
Ajaccio had found out about his first event for a club that he had signed up to. The boy was very excited, he’d discarded the jumper, but still wore his cap, it was warmer now, but he still needed to keep his curls somewhat under control so he tucked some strands under the hat. He had a wide smile on his features as he headed excitedly to the garden. He didn’t know what they would be doing but he was keen for any of it really. It would be fun no matter what they did. He approached the gardens and spotted a girl from his dorm and Star @Wendall Layton , waving at a girl and then making himself look busy, did he like her or something? Ajax ignored it and just headed over to his friend, a little surprised when he approached and said hello, ”Hello?” Ajax said in return a little chuckle on his tone, ”You got a sixth sense there Star, or did you see me approaching?” he added with a lightness and a friendly tone. He liked this boy enough, he was nice and friendly, seemed eager and Ajax was always happy to make friends. He looked at the work that he’d been doing and couldn’t help the slight frown, ”What are you doing anyway?” he couldn’t help but ask, since Ajax was sure this event was about picking flowers and not the bulbs, but he could be wrong about that.
Wendall practically jumped out his skin as he began to approach the girl, Ajax stepped between them and appeared in front of him out of thin air. It was a miracle he’d kept hold of his bulb really. “Haha, yeah. I just had a feeling,” he laughed it off nervously, turning away for a moment with wide eyes as he regained his composure. He liked the Ravenclaw and he always called him a cool name, and he decided he would introduce himself as Star more often. He turned back to his friend, this time with a more genuine and sincere smile on his face, “I’m planting this,” he held the bulb up triumphantly although truth be told if he'd admitted why he was even holding it in the first place, he wouldn’t have sounded so proud of himself. “Do you know as much about gardening as you do skateboarding?” He asked the boy, recalling their first encounter. Star still wanted to try that out on a hard surface instead of grass, but since Ajax was the only person he knew with a board he would have to ask him nicely again some time if he could teach him some more.
Lysander was thrilled to hear that the Wild Patch was getting together for some gardening. His interaction with plants had been somewhat limited without a Herbology class to attend during the semester, so he was pleased with the opportunity to make up for it. He was missing Dallas' greenhouse, and all of the interesting herbs and flowers that grew there. The castle's gardens weren't quite the same, but portions of it were enough to remind the boy of home. With his pants rolled up to the knee and his hands covered by his dragonhide gloves, Sander joined the other students in the patch. He gave a friendly wave to the leader, and was about to approach Wendall when he noticed the skateboarder boy he'd seen him around with had beaten him to it. Lysander frowned and turned away, deciding not to interrupt them. There were plenty of flowers to pick instead. He'd been eyeing up a cluster of daisies since he'd arrived, so crouched down near them to begin clipping away. Ly wondered if Alec would show up at all since they had signed up together, or if she would just completely ignore the event. She hadn't seemed too interested in actually gardening, and he was sure she'd make fun of him if he showed her the bouquet he planned to put together. It was probably for the best. With any luck, Ellie would stop by too and could help him out. A bouquet for Dallas sounded like a good idea to him, and there was no better opinion on what flowers to bundle for her than his sister's.
Alexis was glad for another WPC event. She always looked forward to them, especially the rose deliveries. Here she was now, tending to some flowers, adding soil and pouring water while on the lookout for flowers she could pick for a gift idea she had. As soon as she was done with the watering, she went ahead to start working on the flower table pieces, as what she would like to call them. She already had a list in her mind on who to give. As soon as the first one was done, she charmed it to float toward @Norton Gillespie. Nobody was a better recipient than the King of Flowers himself.
Ajaccio laughed lightly at his comment, before crouching slightly to be at the same level as Star. He nodded as the boy told him what he was doing before shaking his head with a little laugh, ”Nope! I’ve always liked gardens, but we tended to not live in places with gardens we could touch and then I’d just skateboard over all the plants” Ajax’s mother had a garden and one she tended to, but Ajaccio didn’t live there long enough to ever get to experience or do anything with the garden. But he was more than willing to learning, But he joked lightly as he spoke, he’d never destroy plants with his skate board. ”Do you know much about gardening?” Ajax asked motioning a little to the bulb, ”Though I was sure that we were supposed to be collecting the flowers to make little bouquets, rather than planting,” Ajax wouldn’t really mind what they did, He liked spending time with Star and would happily do what he wanted with it.
It was the first time Marco had ever dared to join any clubs, but the Wild Patch seemed like a lot of fun and with a lot of people so it would be a chance for him to make more friends too. Hopefully though, there was someone there that he knew from somewhere else already. He sent a small smile towards the club leader, recognising him from not only the club fair but also from the common room. He wasn’t one hundred per cent sure what they had to do, but it didn’t seem very hard, he pondered, watching a few people near him plant flowers and then making bouquets out of them. He shrugged, and did the same, taking him a bit longer than expected. When he was done with the first batch, he grinned at his success, and planted some more. When he stood back up, he dusted himself off and a familiar face caught his eye. With his bouquets sitting in his bag, Marco went over to Ilija, noticing as he got there that he was with a girl. They sort of looked alike and the boy wondered if she was his roommate’s family. "Hey," he greeted, flashing a smile towards the older girl. "So, how are you finding this...gardening experience?" he asked his friend.

@Ilija Olaf
Alice loved the Wild Patch Club the best out of all the clubs she was a part of. So when the King of Flowers had announced a meeting she had been very happy. After putting some flowers in her hair, Alice made her way over to the Wild Patch Club and was happy to just participate in the event and help prune and pick the flowers. Alice wanted to approach Ilija at first, but noticed he was talking to Marcos and was also with an older girl. Alice waved at him instead, then started picking different flowers to make a bouquet. She was hoping to give it to one of her sister. Phoebe was graduating soon, and it made Alice sad. She gathered some blue flowers for Ravenclaw, and wondered if there was enough time to make another one for Diana.
As Ilija was coping his sister, picking some of the flowers and putting them into a bouquet, he knew exactly who he wanted to give them to. The flowers he was picking were yellow, and he was quite proud of how they were coming along when he spoke someone waving towards him. He reciprocated to Vader, glad that the boy seemed to have noticed him too. It was a nice change this year to be getting on with so many people and opening up. Then he saw Padme, who looked a bit nervous to see him but he waved at her too, knowing he would go and talk to her in a bit. It wasn’t long before Marco join him too, and he gave his friend and roommate a big grin, “Hi Marco. This is my sister, Mhairi,” he added, motioning over his shoulder before making a few signs with his hands to the girl. “I introduced you too, but she’s deaf,” As Mhairi smiled to his friend, he always wondered how his sister made friends when it was so hard to talk to people, but given he’d been quiet too, maybe it shouldn’t have been surprising. “Yeah it’s okay, I don’t really know what I’m doing, but they still look nice,” he peered at his bouquet, “Are you going to make one?” He asked, looking up again to see Alice waving at him over Marcos shoulder, his cheeks quickly turning pink as he hurried to wave to her back before she got to work herself. He glanced back at Marco, hoping it wasn’t ridiculously obvious that he liked her more than a friend.

@Marco Mariani
Lars loved the Wild Patch Club events, and liked the idea of this one. He kind of wanted to make a bouquet of flowers for Elliot, but he also wanted to spend time with Elliot at the event. It was a tricky situation, and Lars wasn't sure what to do. He decided to try to hurry with the flowers a bit. If he could give Elliot his bouquet early on, then he could spend the rest of the event with him. He picked different flowers, most of them with warm hues as he associated those with Elliot. Lars especially picked a lot of yellow ones, for Hufflepuff. He was trying to arrange them nicely together, but kept dropping a few of them and having to pick them up. His bouquet wasn't as pretty as he wanted it to be, and Lars hopefully looked around for more flowers he could use. He wanted to hurry and give it to Elliot, but he wanted it to be perfect first.
When Poppy arrived to the Wild Patch Club event, she was surprised to see so many people all about the garden picking flowers and making bouquets. She wasn’t really sure where to begin when she spotted Lars, with his familiar red hair, and waved at him. She walked over and he hardly seemed to notice. He was awfully preoccupied with the flowers he was picking out and arranging. “Hello!” she said cheerfully. “That’s a lot of yellow flowers, is that your favorite color?” she asked as she bent down and picked a few stems of lavender. She pinched off a couple of buds and held them up to nose. She loved that smell and it reminded her of home. It was her mother’s favorite flower and her father always made sure to keep some in his garden for her at all times. She handed some to Lars. “Purple goes good with yellow. It's complimentary.” she said. “Oh, but you must know that of course, being a painter.” She explained with an awkward laugh. (@Lars van Houten )
Elliot had been running a little late for the wild patch event, getting caught up in the library. He was looking forward to it, already feeling more relaxed out in the gardens with the flowers than he had in the castle with the threat of exams looming. It seemed like the event was already in full swing when Elliot arrived, and he stopped to wave hello to Alice before trying to spot Lars or Kace. Lars was nearby with a younger Ravenclaw looking a bit haphazard with a sprawl of flowers at his feet and Elliot smiled fondly as he went over. "Hey, you've made good progress," He said, brushing some leaves that were stuck to Lars' sleeve gently. It seemed Lars was already a good way into making a bouquet, though Elliot kind of wanted to see if they could make some flower crowns instead. There were enough flowers after all the rain this Spring they could probably easily do both. "Oh, hi, sorry, I'm Elliot," Elliot said, turning from Lars to the girl he was with and smiling apologetically for interrupting. "Is that lavender? My dad's house has this massive bush by the driveway. It's pretty." He said, nodding at the flowers in her hand. He didn't mention that he usually gave the bush a wide birth due to it usually being filled with bees, hoping that being able to identify it was enough of an ice breaker.

@Lars van Houten @Poppy Perkins
Lars looked up distractedly as he heard someone greet him. He smiled quickly when he saw it was poppy. "I do like it a lot, but I don't know if it's my favorite." He said after a moment. "I always have a hard time picking a favorite color." He admitted. "I'm making this for someone, and I always think of yellow when I think of him." He added, not even sure why he was telling her this. He smiled as she handed him a few lavender stems, and added them to his bouquet. "You're right, that looks lovely." He said with a nod. "I hadn't thought of that yet." Lars jumped as Elliot suddenly appeared out of nowhere, he hadn't seen him approach. He quickly glanced at his bouquet and decided it had to do. "Oh, yes it is." He said with a nod as Elliot asked for the lavender. "Actually... this is for you." He added, handing him the bouquet quickly.

@Elliot Briar @Poppy Perkins

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