Old School Week Pet Picnic!

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
It was a nice, warm day. Lysander had decided to make the most of it, and brought a large blanket and a picnic basket to the lake to enjoy the sun. He put up posters around the school to let people know he was putting together a picnic for people and their pets if they wanted to join. He brought his own owl, his frog, his rat, and his porcelain tortoise. He began to place out sandwiches from the kitchens for the people, and some assorted animal food from the menagerie for the pets.
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Linden made his way to the lawn. he had ild his animated dragon in his bag, mus his bat in his breast pocket and Jære the magpie who had adopted him on his shoulder. "Hey sander. what a great idea" he said sitting down.
Lysander smiled when he saw his friend. "I know!" He said. He offered a paper plate of food. "What's the magpies name?" He asked.

OOCOut of Character:
It wouldn't be OSW without OOC comments :r
linden smiled at Lysanders acknowledgement of his own idea. it was such a sander remark. "she is called Jære, it is short for skjære" he said.
Lysander hadn't heard the name before, but it sounded nice! "Hi Jære! And is that Mus in there?" He said, and pointed at his friend's pocket where he thought he could see the top of a bat peering out.
linden nodded. "Yes. mus in his favorite spot" he said "It is nice to see your whole menagerie out for a trip hellow fuzzfeathers, Rembrat, and hopsprocket" he said giving each of them a pat as he greeted them
Lysander chuckled. His rat was the same with small pockets. "It's nice to get them all out together. Don't forget Torcelain!" He said, lifting the animated teapot-tortoise hybrid who had slowly crawled away. He set her down on the blanket. "She doesn't get out much. She mostly sits on my bedside table." He said.
Emma had been taking care of Fleur's cat for a few years now, as Jack was very used to living at Hogwarts and it had been easier while Fleur got settled into her new job. In a few months, he'd probably go back to Fleur. But for now, Emma dragged him along to the pet picnic. She grinned and plopped down next to Lysander, Jack in a carrier. "Hey!" She said, greeting both boys there.
Rosie had been walking to the gardens, when she spotted a group of older kids and some animals. She stood close by wanting to see what was happening.
Kiara wanted to spend some time out after spending so much time studying. She took her cat and just took also Kaia's three frogs, and Anna's fairy. They all were used to sharing with animals. She was just about to approach Lysander and his company when she noticed probably a first-year with them. "Hey, wanna join? I'm Kiara," she sweetly offered to the girl while holding all her zoo with her.
((Sorry the account switched on me))
of course I can’t forget torcalin. Hey Emma he said as the gryffindor joined them. He waved at Kara when she joined and beckoned to a younger student who was watching. hey, come join us we won’t bite, we’ll old light but he is small he said holding up his miniature dragon. and we have sandwiches he added.
Lysander was thrilled to see Emma come along. "Hey! Welcome to the picnic!" He said while he prepped some more plates, and Fuzzfeathers gave the carrier an indignant look. Lysander waved at Kiara when he saw her and her own horde of pets, hanging nearby with a young girl. "Yeah! Come sit in you guys!"
Rosie nervously nodded at the older girl, and then the older boy who had a little dragon in his hands and whom she knew was the gryffindor team captain. She realised people have brought their own animals. She sat down amongst the older kids. "I don't have a pet yet," she blurted out a little nervously. She did want to pet the animals that were there, the porcelain tortoise was pretty incredible.
Hester heard about a pet picnic and she thought it sounded fun so she brought Big Douglas out to the picnic and smiled when she saw so many people with their pets. "HI!" She said, sitting down and putting Big Douglas on her lap.
Emma decided to keep Jack in the carrier for now, as he was eyeing a younger girl's toad curiously. She put a treat in through the bars. "Jack, no eating the toads. Or owls." She told him sternly, though she had never gotten the feeling the cat listened to her. Or anyone.
Kiara giggled at the first year's answer. "Don't worry about it! You can have any of mine?" She offered her the three frogs in a little terrarium, a cat and a fairy. She also gave Lysander immediately a smile, knowing that he will be into first year's hanging out with them, he seemed to be the sort of person to like everyone, if there wasn't reason to dislike them.
Lysander grinned when Hester joined them. "Hi Hester! Hi Big D." He said. He moved his frog so that it could see the toad and hop over. When the young girl sat down with them, Lysander nodded in agreement with Kiara's generosity. "Yeah! Or we could conjure you something." He offered.
"Really? You can do that?" she wouldn't mind sharing a pet with the other people, but having one conjured would be so cool.
Hester grinned when Lysander greeted them, waving cheerfully to the older boy. She watched Big Douglas greet Lysander's frog with a grumbling croak, pleased that her boy had been able to make another little friend.
Kiara excitedly smiled at the girl, she had forgotten how often the young students didn't know a lot. "Of course, he can!" she smiled at them both and then gestured to the first year to come with her. "Let's go and we will come up with what you want,"
While Ryan didn't consider himself an 'animal person' like Lysander or Linden did, he definitely still found them interesting, and a picnic to see everyone's pets was definitely an interesting idea. It was also a great chance to show off his streeler, of which he was very proud of, at least until Ryan sat down and set Balfour on the blanket, frowning as it began dissolving. "Ah. Maybe I should have brought his tank."
Blue wanted to meet every pet in the entire school so Gregory the frog could have all the friends. She flopped down on the picnic blanket and smiled at all the cool animals. "Hello, this is Gregory!" she said, holding the frog out for everyone to meet.
Lysander did not want to miss an opportunity to show off. He pulled out his wand and cleared his throat dramatically. "Avis!" He said, and conjured a small fantail on the girl's shoulder. They were joined by more people and Lysander introduced the new frog to his, before noticing Ryan's streeler. "Oh man, uh." He said, scrabbling to stick a paper plate in front of it, but it just dissolved. He kept shoveling plates there to protect the blanket.

(( omgggg how is blue a fifth year i swear she was just a second year ))

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