Most likely to...

Jackson Cade

Most likely to be an accomplished auror.
Geo Volt :woot:

Most likely to fall up the stairs, instead of down :p

Most likely to get dumped at the yule ball
Anabelle Williams :cry: (hecken rory)

Most likely to hide food in their pockets
Aurora Night!

Most likely to show up to class in their pajamas.
Sapphire Michaels

Most likely to get back with their ex.
Faxen Lowart.

Most likely to have a crush on a professor?
Geo Volt

Most likely to play professional Quidditch after graduation
Lyra Potter

Most likely to be a crazy cat lady*

*(someone who is not me :r)
Olive Layton? :r

Most likely to forget they left the oven on
Eleanor Hope

Most likely to punch someone :o
Aminia Macksimov xD

Most likely to get a snack in the kitchens at 3am
Aurora Night

Most likely to cry in class
Maggie Rosendale :r

Most likely to keep a secret pet hedgehog in the school
Leda Layton ;)

Most likely to have a jinx backfire on themselves
Syrus Stilinski

Most likely to feint in the halls :r
I wonder :r Monty Pendleton xD

Most likely to attempt to use electricity at Hogwarts
Hayley Elridge

Most likely to fall down the stairs
Pippa Majors?

Most likely to give up magic for muggle love
Libby!!! Or Arvel Ayers

Most likely to become a famous artist
Hayley Elridge

Current student most likely to run for minister in the next election
Tristan Collins, but I would love for his reputation to catch up with him and for him to lose :devious:

Most likely to start their own business!
Mervyn and Leda :lol:

Most likely to spend all their money shopping?
Marcella easily =))

Most likely to become a master manipulator
Lyra Potter

Most likely to trash a common room.

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