Most likely to...

Wyatt Finch

Most likely to have a spell backfire on them.
Syrus Stilinski

Most likely to take over the world :devious:
Hmmm... Talitha Courage? Marisol Woods?

Most likely to be a teacher in Hogwarts.
Leah Mustard

Most likely to get detention?
Zennon Barros

Most likely to get pregnant.
Anyone with a uterus?

Most likely to become a ghost after death?

Nice response! :p

Prof. Styx?

Most likely to get their tongue stuck to something frozen.
Jacob Kingsley.

Most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse?
Norton Gillespie xD

Most likely to become accidentally famous.
Sophie Wilson :r

Most likely to lock themselves in a cupboard
Rory Night

Mosty likely to become Minister of Magic

Noah Kingsley.

Most likely to make a ghost mad.
April Ward

Most likely to one day be a Professor

Most likely to melt in the rain
Anastasie Vernier

Most likely to fall asleep during class
Amber (Bc she's working so hard!!)

I promise I'm not picking all yours intentionally =))

Most Likely to get expelled
Rory Fergusson

Most likely to wear mismatched socks
Geovanna Volt

Most likely to lose their voice from talking so much
Jocelynn Moors xD

Most likely to get married and divorced within 5 years after Hogwarts
Rory Fergusson :glare:

Most likely to get sick from eating too much candy
Jacob Kingsley :r

Most likely to try and rescue all the frogs from a Transfiguration classroom
Jacob Finlet

Most likely to marry their first love.
Desislav Zhefarovich :r

Most likely to not realize they've injured themselves.
Levi Forrest Jr.

Most likely to get competetive in school.
October Alcott

Most likely to cheat in their relationship

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