Minister for Magic: Elections

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
The political side of HNZ is about to heat up! :o

Having been in charge for nearly a decade, Claudia Holland's time as Minister for Magic is nearing its end. With that in mind, it's time to see who will step up, ready, willing, and capable of leading NZ's wizarding community for another (IC) decade.

What will this plot include?
Finding candidates! :frantics:
Debates! Campaigns! Scandals? Oh my. :frantics:
Daily Prophet Coverage! :frantics:
An election leading to...a new Minister! :frantics: :frantics:

There are many ways for your characters to be involved- reading the paper and commenting on the ongoing events, attending a campaign event to back or jeer a candidate, running as a candidate, debates with neighbors, and so much more! I can't wait to see all of the roleplays. ^_^

More information and plots will be unveiled in the main line of this plot (and added to the calendar and in here) as time passes. We've got some great fun in store for the debates and how they'll be run, and how you can be involved even if your character isn't running based on how things went last time. :r

With it already being IC January, we'd like to get this rolling. Please read the following carefully if you are interested in roleplaying a candidate as the application is now open!

Please click here to begin the application!

Some things to keep in mind when filling out the application are that:
- Candidates must be at least over the age of majority (17 years of age) to run. However, older is recommended. Students cannot be candidates.

- Candidates must be law-abiding citizens in New Zealand's wizarding society. (You can apply if not, and may even be accepted, but you will eventually be discovered by aurors.)

- Several candidates will be approved. If you apply, you should be devoted to having your character be an active participant through the entire process.

- Having a political background of some kind is encouraged for any characters who apply.

- Any users interested in having their character run are welcome and encouraged to apply. :)

We don't have a particular number of candidates in mind, though it's likely to be a similar amount to the last campaign.

It's not the admin selecting who ends up being minister in the end. It's characters controlled by members who will be doing the voting. The site wide plot will be what the site makes of it; it should be great fun if people participate in all aspects of the plot.

We look forward to reviewing your applications! Any questions/concerns can be posted here or PMed to both Emzies and me.

(on behalf of the site staff)
I have a question! (Wanted to ask here in case others are wondering the same)

Are we allowed to app with multiple candidates if we have multiple ideas? I wouldn't expect (or want) them all to be chosen of course, but are we allowed to put forth multiple candidate ideas for admin to choose from, or is it one app per RPer?
I have a question! (Wanted to ask here in case others are wondering the same)

Are we allowed to app with multiple candidates if we have multiple ideas? I wouldn't expect (or want) them all to be chosen of course, but are we allowed to put forth multiple candidate ideas for admin to choose from, or is it one app per RPer?
You can submit multiple applications, but it is highly highly unlikely that we would approve more than 1 candidate per RPer who has applied.
That's perfect! I wouldn't expect more than one to be chosen, I just have so many ideas...............
Until which the application can be filled out?
Okey. I'm still wondering if to apply, because there will be a lot of candidates. 50% to 50% chance.
Go for it! The worst that can happen is you don't get in. I had a lot of fun both times I did it!
I have already applied and will see if it will succeed.
Another quick question - is there any set time for when apps are going to close?
DOH good reading me :p Thank you!
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Apps will close in a little over one week. We will back with another reminder a few days before, but if you're interested in roleplaying a candidate, we encourage you to submit your app now! ^_^
Only a few more days to submit your app - Feb 12th is the deadline! See the BWU for additional details.
Candidate apps will be closing tomorrow!! If you're half way through an app or thinking about doing one, get it in as soon as possible ^_^ and don't forget we will be here to help if you have any questions or worries!!
The Minister app is now closed! Thank you to everyone who has applied. We can't wait to see the campaign season play out. ^_^
Aaayee I'm so excited!!!!! :party:
Debate #2 will be taking place soon, and we are looking for a host! :cool:

The second MoM debate will focus on education and is set to begin on April 18th or soon after. If you believe you have a character who would be a good fit for leading a debate on this topic reach out! Here's how:

You should send a PM to me and Emzies from the character you'd like to put forward as well as a small paragraph explaining why the character is suited to leading a debate on education.

We're accepting PMs beginning right now and through April 13th 5pm GMT.

For this debate, we are also taking questions! ^_^

Questions for the candidates related to education should be PMed to me and Emzies, and those questions may be included in the upcoming debate. You can send all of your questions in 1 PM but please specify which character of yours is asking the question or if your character would prefer to be anonymous. We'll accept questions beginning today and through April 15th 5pm GMT.

Thank you to all who applied to lead the debate. We'll be in touch. We are still accepting questions for a few more days!
Last call to submit questions! Thank you to everyone who has already submitted questions. ^_^
The polls are now closed! It was very exciting to see how many votes came in. ^_^
We look forward to announcing the winner(s) in the near future!

Thank you to everyone who participated as a candidate or voter!
What a campaign season it was.

We've received and counted all of the votes and the winner(s) are...

Stepping into the position as the new New Zealand Minister of Magic...
Victoire Fontaine

And the new Deputy Minister for New Zealand is...
Rupert Cresswell

Congratulations to you both! ^_^

PMs to you and group changes will occur very soon.

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