Mental Health

Ainsley Lynch

🌼head in the clouds🌼6'3"🌼 🪄ollivanders🪄
OOC First Name
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Amber ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Flexible Pine Wand with Fwooper Feather Core and 6'5" Sturdy Carved Walnut Staff With Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2030 (31)
Kia ora all, this isn't... exactly an absence, but I've been really behind for a while now and I don't know how long it's going to continue, so I wanted to offer a bit of an explanation.

The short version is that my mental health's been a bit of a mess, and it's been affecting my attention span & creativity in really bad ways. The longer version is that Covid has been bad in Aotearoa for the last few months (my dad did the maths and at its peak we were having the equivalent of the US having a million new cases a day) and I've got vulnerable people in my family, myself included, so everyone in my bubble has been back in pretty much full lockdown since February. We're not likely to all survive an outbreak within the family, so this is our only option for the foreseeable future, and with govt restrictions relaxing there's no way of knowing when it'll be safe to go back to living our lives. Between this and a few issues with my physical health (chronic pain stuff, medication changes, the hospital being two months behind schedule in getting me to a new specialist) it's been a rough time, and I'm taking care of myself and my whānau as best I can, but it's been taking its toll. My creativity's been really hit-or-miss for a while now, and I've got no way of predicting how it's gonna go in future.

ALL THAT IS TO SAY that I'm sorry for being behind on stuff. I'm gonna do my best to get caught up when patches of creativity hit me, but if I've got any time sensitive plots with anyone please let me know asap! I'll prioritise stuff where I can, and I'll make sure I'm keeping up with my site responsibilities (lessons etc.) so there's no slack to pick up. I'll be diving back into my usual activity level as soon as my brain will let me so this is by no means permanent, I just needed to give a public explanation of where things are at right now.

also if anyone has any very cute videos/pictures of goats they would be much appreciated
Rowannnn :hug:

(I don't have any goat pics on my phone I'm sorry but just imagine I've posted one here)

I'm so sorry that you're stuck in a situation that's not conducive to your mental health. I hope you and your family are able to stay safe as hard as that is with easing restrictions, and that you can get to a new specialist soon (healthcare can be so damn slow).

You've got nothing to apologize for, taking care of yourself is way more important so take all the time you need, silly wizards will still be here. :wub:
There's not much to say that can help, except for I'm here if you ever want to chat/vent, or want a distraction or really good dad jokes. All my love to youuuu :wub:

I hear ya. The pandemic has been tough. Take care of yourself, one moment at a time, one day at a time.
I’m so sorry Rowan, that sounds incredibly tough on you and your family. Take good care of yourself while you need it the most :hug:
Take care of yourself Rowan. Things are tough right now but I promise you that you will get through them. Sending lots of love to you :wub::wub::wub:
Rowan :hug:
Take all the time you need. You always come first :)
I also spent way too long looking for goat gifs that seemed happy and encouraging. I have about twenty saved to my phone now in case you ever need more, but here is my favourite :) You've got this :)

Thanks everyone for the love & support & beautiful goats <3 Just wanted to drop a small update on here.

Things continue to be Worse Than I Had Expected, and I've had the recent addition of an intensive assessment on my mental health care that I got very little warning for & involves a very in depth recounting of pretty much every traumatic experience in my life (^: So I'm really struggling to find creative/social energy at the moment. I'm planning to do as much catch up as I can over the next couple of days to hopefully get into a better place with HNZ stuff but I wanted to offer an explanation for why I pretty much disappeared off the face of the planet.

As ever, if anything is urgent or anyone needs to touch base about plot timing, please drop me a message and I'll see about prioritising stuff, and sorry again for being so patchy the last couple of months I've truly been Going Through It (^:
Tee hee hee hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~

This slowdown wound up much longer than I had intended, but I'm going to start trying to dig back in properly (rather than the 'just lessons and debates' approach I've been taking the last couple months)

The short version of why it wound up being so long is that I bought a house (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and on top of mental health stuff I've been dealing with utility companies and insurance and writing a will and moving house, all of which are absolutely not stressful things at all that are super helpful for mental health and don't take up any extra time or energy at all :)

Things are still pretty chaotic but I'm actually settling into my new home now and starting to find some free time and energy here and there, so I'll be easing back into my usual activity level. If people have urgent or important threads planned with me please reach out so we can get stuff going!

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