Madeline Kaimarama

Madeline Kaimarama

🏞️ Adventurous 🌳 Leader 🌳 Dragon enthusiast 🐉
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Madeline Tawhai Kaimarama


The Basics

Character's Name: Madeline Tawhai Kaimarama
Name meaning:
Madeline: English form of Magdalene, a title meaning “of Magdala”, which is a village in Israel. The name Magdala means “tower” in Hebrew.
Tawhai: A New Zealand native tree also known as silver beech, known for growing straight and tall. It has pale-coloured bark and small leaves with rounded teeth.
Nicknames: Madeline is called Maddy by everyone who knows her. While she has nothing against her full name, she prefers the informal sound of the nickname, and Madeline is used infrequently enough that she associates it with formal events and getting into trouble.

Character's Birthdate: 24 July 2036
Zodiac: Leo
Strengths: Confident – Ambitious – Generous – Loyal – Encouraging
Weaknesses: Domineering – Melodramatic – Stubborn – Vain
Leo is very independent but they need something to control and someone to admire them and appreciate them. They are fully capable of being greatly successful on their own but they are much happier if they have an audience and a following of people who look up to them. They would prefer not be alone. People are attracted to their zest for life and their warm spirit. They have the ability to lift up one's spirits and provide encouragement when times are rough. Their enthusiasm attracts people, they are social butterflies, not because they want to be but because people always naturally gravitate and surround them. Leo loves the new and extraordinary, they despise dull, regular routines and if this is what they are faced with, they will simply create their own drama and excitement. Having an amazing ability to bounce back from any feelings of despair or unfortunate events, they do not like to be unhappy, it hurts their pride so they will take matters into their own hands and make things right again. Leos could come into conflict with other powerhouse type of people who will not take orders, not give an inch, will not budge their opinion, they will understand and accept opinions of others but they do not take well to people to try to impose their beliefs on them.

Hometown: Te Anau, Fiordland, New Zealand
Blood Status: Mixed Blood

Education: Hogwarts New Zealand
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragon Scale
Birch is a powerful wood, and combined with dragon scale it forms a brilliant master piece of a wand. It is designer for duelling and attacking, not for the faint hearted it is capable of performing the most power spells out there.



Hair: Brown and curly, usually worn loose and collar- to shoulder-length.
Eyes: Brown.
Height: Average.
Build: Maddy is an average height and weight for her age, and her love of tramping has made her quite fit.
Complexion: Warm brown, with a slight tendency towards acne.
Style: Casual and practical, Maddy favours bright colours, especially reds and greens.
Playby: Keisha Castle-Hughes


A Little Deeper

Personality: Maddy is very outgoing, and loves adventures of all kinds. She is self-confident, often acting as the leader at least among her family. She is caring and protective towards her brothers and her friends, always taking care to make sure that no one is left out. Maddy is open and friendly; she will not hesitate to talk to people, although her confidence may come off as brash. She is very enthusiastic about her interests, and throws herself fully into whatever she puts her mind to. However, the activities she chooses to put her mind to may not be the ones her parents and teachers would prefer: Maddy is quick to identify and reject things that bore her, and often sees rule-breaking as an entertaining opportunity for adventure. She doesn’t set out to rebel, but when the rules (or even societal expectations) get in the way of what she wants to do she will not hesitate to break them. Or even think about the fact that she has.
  • Maddy is outgoing and confident, a natural leader.
  • Maddy cares deeply about the people close to her, and will not hesitate to stick up for them in any situation.
  • Maddy is single-minded about her goals and ambitions, and once she has put her mind to something she will pursue it with a boundless energy and not stop until she has succeeded.
  • Maddy is very reckless, prone to leaping into situations without thinking things through.
  • While Maddy’s stubbornness can serve her well in some contexts, in others it makes her difficult to deal with. Once she has an idea in her head she will not back down even if she’s wrong, and if she wants to do something she will doggedly continue trying even if it’s not actually possible.
  • Maddy is hot-headed; it doesn’t take much for her to lose her temper, and she can be prone to holding grudges.
Interests: Dragons! Plants! Animals! Adventure! Maddy is fascinated with anything to do with dragons, and aspires to work with them when she grows up. Her upbringing and her parents’ work also give her a more general interest in plants and animals of all kinds. Maddy’s family has always spent a lot of time in the bush, hiking and camping, and Maddy is an experienced outdoorswoman, though not as skilled as her older brother William. She enjoys reading fantasy adventure stories, playing Dungeons and Dragons with her brothers and friends, and going on trips and “adventures” with her family.
Goals: Work with dragons.
Fears: Anything bad happening to her family.
Likes: red, green, sausages, imaginary games, fantasy
Dislikes: pastels, boredom, enclosed spaces, being told what to do
Boggart: Her brothers in trouble, with Maddy unable to help.
Patronus: Kea

Maddy is the middle child and only girl of the rowdy Kaimarama family. Her parents work for the Department of Conservation, where in addition to their normal work in the national parks they look after the magical creatures living in New Zealand’s forests that their muggle co-workers are not equipped to deal with. This conservation work and the location of their home near the edge of the forest of Fiordland National Park means that Maddy and her brothers have had a relatively wild upbringing. They were homeschooled together, and spent a lot of time in the bush, and on family camping and tramping trips. The family are closer to each other than to anyone else, but they have a few close family friends in the local area. Maddy is often the ringleader of the kids’ adventures, but she is also very caring and protective, taking it upon herself to ensure that her brothers have everything they need. The family likes to play Dungeons and Dragons around the campfire, and while at home they also had a regular game with a local muggle family. The latter gradually broke up once William left for Hogwarts.



Nikau Kaimarama
Date of Birth: 2006 (40)
Occupation: DOC Ranger and Magiconservationist
Blood status: Muggleborn​

Ariana Kaimarama
Date of Birth: 2004 (42)
Occupation: DOC Ranger and Magiconservationist
Blood status: Mixed blood​

William Kaimarama
Older brother
Date of Birth: 12 February 2035
Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand student
Blood status: Mixed blood​

Sebastian Kaimarama
Younger brother
Date of Birth: 8 March 2038
Occupation: Hogwarts New Zealand student
Blood status: Mixed blood​
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Important Roleplays

Adventures Old and Newwith William and Sebastian Kaimarama
Does It Fly?featuring Abian Hunter and William Kaimarama
The Ones Left Behindwith Sebastian Kaimarama and Sophie Elliston
Tall Taleswith William Kaimarama
First Year

Maddy's head was whirling with a heady mixture of conflicting emotions. She was so excited to finally be here, where she would learn magic, in a castle just like the ones in Sebastian's stories. This was going to be such an epic adventure, she was certain of it. She couldn't wait to explore, to get in trouble, to discover all the cool things Wills had told her about, and even more of her very own. And yet, in order to do so, she had to leave one of her brothers behind. It had been hard enough when William went off to Hogwarts without them, but Seb had been distraught at the time, and Seb would have no sibling left to look after him, to protect him. It wasn't fair. Maddy had always been the leader, the most independent of the three, it should have been her that went to Hogwarts first . . . but then she would have been leaving both of the others behind.

Maddy looked around impatiently as she waited in the Great Hall with the enormous crowd of other first years. She had never seen so many people in one place. It was exhilarating, and overwhelming. She searched for Wills over at the Slytherin table, spotted him, and waved enthusiastically. He waved back, and she grinned. Maddy didn't pay much attention to the speeches going on, more interested in taking in all she could see of this cool castle and it's crowd of wizards, but she heard the annoying bit William had told her about saying they weren't allowed to go into the forest. What a stupid rule. Forests weren't dangerous, not if you knew how to navigate them properly. Maddy supposed it might make sense to forbid them to kids who didn't know what they were doing, but she and her brothers had been exploring forests all their lives. There wasn't any danger in that environment they couldn't deal with, not even magical creatures like Mum and Dad worked with. Surely that rule didn't apply to them. Well, rules or no rules, it was awesome that there was a forest near the school, and Maddy was definitely going to explore it as soon as possible.

She passed the interminable wait while other first years were sorted daydreaming about the adventures she'd have once she finally got let loose on the castle. And then, more suddenly than it had any right to, her name was called. All at once, Maddy felt the cold chill of panic that had been masked by her excitement until now. She'd been trying not to think about this moment. She drew up all the confidence she could muster and strode up to the hat on the stool. She couldn't let William see how scared she was now. Only a few hours ago they'd been joking about it, how weird it was that a hat could determine your future. She knew her brother hand found it unsettling, though of course he wouldn't say so explicitly, but she'd brushed it off then. She sat on the stool, and the hat slid down over her eyes, mercifully blocking out the expectant gazes of that staggering quantity of people. Maddy was very aware that it could see her thoughts. How worried she was about her brothers, how she wanted to be in the same house as Wills so she could stay close to him, but doubted she would fit there. Her dreams of adventure, and forests, and dragons. She took a deep breath and tried not to admit she was scared while the hat made its decision.

"There's no doubt. You're a... Gryffindor!"
Sticks n Stoneswith Ainsley Lynch
An Obsession with Dragonswith Elizabeth Chatwin
The Greatest Adventure Yetwith Jasper Night
Newly Unsupervised Bed Jumperswith Cyzarine Haden, Sierra Woodlock, Everly Harrington, and Deepa Pillai
Call of the Woodswith Jasper Night
Far from Homewith Sebastian Kaimarama
Blind Leading the Blindwith Elliot Briar
Flying - Lesson Twowith various
How to Train Your Dragonwith Fleur van Houten
Flowers and Trees, A Special Rose, Dragons and Roses, A Chivalric Rose, Rose in the Dungeons, Madeline's Rose, Sunshine Yellow, Mellow Yellow, Roses Among Friends, Mystery Rose, Fifth, A Little Nap!, Rose for Another Flower, Withering Petals, Rose for a RavenDelivering and receiving Valentines Roses
Dance to End a Wonderful Day!with Cyzarine Haden, Alice Holland, and Everly Harrington
With Difficult Words and Tricky Accentswith Aonghas Fergusson and Everly Harrington
Amongst the Treeswith Aspen
Repeated Mistakeswith Lars van Houten, Elliot Briar, Blake Irons and Tyler Lee
Adventure Time!with Sierra Woodlock, Jasper Night, Elliot Briar, Clifton Ward, and Lauren Davenport
Distanced from the Worldwith Theodore Westwick

Second Year
Year Two: Less Jumpingwith Cyzarine Haden
Concentrationwith Kendrick Warlock
Through a Different Lenswith Vader Hume
Dragons and Dungeonswith Abian Hunter
Charms!with Cyzarine Haden and Violet Fields
Ups and Downswith Lars van Houten and Elliot Briar
Wanderingwith Jasper Michaels
Like Old Timeswith William Kaimarama
Roses and More Roses, Firey Red, Rose for Another Flower, Rose Up High, Roses in Wonderland, Rose for a Best Gryffindor, Draconic Distraction, Yellow Hits the Ground, A Hoard of Roses, Deliveries for Deliverers, Roses and Exploration, Less than Mellow YellowDelivering and receiving Valentines roses
Put To The Testwith Blake Irons, Tyler Lee, and Lars van Houten
Third Year

Long Awaitedwith William and Sebastian Kaimarama
Defence Against the Dark Arts: Third Years, Lesson Sixwith various
Rose of the Morning, Lion's Rose, A Mystery Rose, Searching for a Snake, Roses Among Siblings, Yellow Rose, A Successful Experiment, Finally, Yellow for Yellow, Rose to End the DayDelivering and receiving Valentines roses
Mates and Meetingswith Sebastian Kaimarama, Elliot Briar, and Lars van Houten
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