IC Birthday Calendar

Lysander Summers

Expelled • Legilimens • The One To Blame
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 ½ Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Ashwinder Dust Core
June 20 2038 (24)
Hello! So I had the idea to make a little calendar for people to put down their character's birthdays on. I thought it would be fun to see what people were born on the same days, if any months or dates in particular are popular, etc. Particularly for students, I thought it would be fun to see how far apart people are in age, if any students/friends celebrate on the same day and so on.

It's just a basic table in Google docs that's free for anyone to edit, or you can post and have someone add for you if you like! (Though I suggest keeping it to characters that exist, and not extended family that don't have profiles)

Here's the calendar!
Something about Tristan and Kahurangi having the same birthday absolutely delights me and I have no idea why =))

This is such a cool idea Jesse, thanks for setting it up!
I have added all mine on there (and a couple of the kids). It is funny seeing who has the same birthday. it seems like wizarding midwives are very busy on Halloween with three sets of twins on there.
It is funny seeing which characters I share a birthday with.
Now I'm just trying to guess who gave which of their characters their own birthdays. :r

(I gave Violet mine because I am unoriginal).

This is awesome Jesse, thanks for setting it up! And for reminding me to actually finish giving my characters birthdays. :lol:
No characters have my birthday so far ;_;
I started coming up with birthdays off the top of my head some of them were tied to particular times.
at about Rhiannon I started to give people the day that I created the account. unless there was a particular IC reason for the birthday.
I did give ivy my birthday because it was about right with the timing. and am waiting until august to make the account.
at about Rhiannon I started to give people the day that I created the account. unless there was a particular IC reason for the birthday.
This is such an interesting and cool way to space birthdays out! I never thought of it but I may steal it in future :p

I always base mine off the zodiac sign I want because I'm That Guy :p
I half go zodiac sign (Aine had to be just barely a Virgo too, tbh I should've given her my birthday so I can go full Blatant Self Insert except Violet already had it), and then for half of them I just go with gut feeling, which I can't really describe apart from some bs "yes, I feel it, that must be their birthday" which is what I just spent the last 15 minutes doing to finish giving my characters actual birthdays. :r (Which was also partially zodiac sign and partially me staring at months and going "yeah, that feels about right")
Only one character shares the same birthday as me, and that's my own lol! Most of the time I just do a random day and see where that leads me ahaha - Occasionally, I do what Mia does and base their birthday on the day the account was made lol!

It seems that Halloween is a common birthdate tho hehehe
Shoutouts to having the 1 character name that's flagging as spelled incorrectly in the entire doc. :r

Edit: wow, my birthday is popular. :lol:
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I’m a zodiac birthday picker. I figure out their sign and pick at random from there. But the idea of making the day their account was made is very cute to me!! I know at least Rowan’s Zoe shares my birthday which does delight me.
Me making Lysander a gemini just because he's a twin :r
you missed the memo. Twins are to be born on Halloween.

i did make Selene new years eve and her twins new years day. twins born in different years.
Yess, thanks for putting this together Jesse I love finding little bits of data like this, plus it helps me keep track of what adult chars were in school together too 👀
I also tend to pick char's birthdates based on a zodiac sign just to help me narrow it down, though Sydney was the except, her birthday was the day I came up with her character. (I also avoid using my own birthday, even getting the same week at it makes me sweat for some reason..)
Oh this is so fun!!!! I added mine (or the ones who actually have birthdays written down in their bios xD )

A few April Fools babies!!

Really interesting seeing the distribution across the months so far haha
I started to give people the day that I created the account. unless there was a particular IC reason for the birthday.
Same, though sometimes I do it based on the like when I first come up with the character and not when the account is created Or the IC month.

I do not care for zodiac signs so I've never picked a birthday based on that.

Will add some birthdays to the docs soon enough
Oh my gosh Landon and Katherine share a birthday :teehee:

I mostly figure out character's birthdays based on their zodiac sign, but if I was inspired by someone to make that character I pick it around their actual birth date. I have no idea why.
This is such an interesting and cool way to space birthdays out! I never thought of it but I may steal it in future :p

I always base mine off the zodiac sign I want because I'm That Guy :p
I do the same but I just ask you because I know nothing about zodiac signs

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