I Miss Plotting 👀

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
/crawls out from under a rock

I realize it's been a hot minute since I posted a PD which might be why I feel so out of the loop on plotting with people oops... Though I'm definitely still kinda slow in replying to things I miss plotting with everyone so if you don't mind me limiting how many things I take on/taking a lil bit to reply, pls throw characters/ideas at me 🥺


Ryan Fisk
7th Year Ravenclaw
Obtuse but rarely intentionally cruel, Ryan is currently struggling with his best friend spending more time with his girlfriend over him and is on the lookout for more accessible accomplices to his experiments and ideas while he sorts that out. He's going to be very invested in what happened in the forest last year so anyone game for forest plots or threads getting into questionably unsafe magic might vibe with Ryan, assuming they don't mind his less than friendly personality at times.
Needs: Accomplices! Maybe an enemy or competitor?​

Sawyer Carnahan
6th Year Ravenclaw
Sawyer was just made Ravenclaw Quidditch captain and he's not freaking out At All. His love life is also a bit of a mess and frankly he could really use a few more friends to lean on since he mostly imploded his own friendgroup after lying about kissing Ivy Ashworth in their 4th year.

Needs: More friends! Maybe some Quidditch related plots with fellow players/captains/Quidditch fans​

Brooke Townsend
6th Year Slytherin
Ah.. Poor Brooke. She had a bit of a meltdown last year over her OWLs and after being passed over prefect twice now she's really lost her confidence. Previously her aloof nature tended to keep most of her classmates at arm's length but she's feeling a lot more vulnerable now and it could be interesting to see if this allows her to make better connections despite her miserable attitude this year.

Needs: Friends, perhaps some romantic flings (any gender), maybe someone who would enjoy giving her some grief for failing so hard​

Salem Lee
5th Year Gryffindor
Salem is in desperate need of some fun plots. She's going to mellow out a lot this year after breaking up with her girlfriend but she's still always game for a little adventure or hanging out with new people. She has a particular fondness to picking up new skills, trying new food, or watching Quidditch matches.

Needs: Friends, flings (girls only), literally any sort of conflict, someone to willingly (or unwillingly) teach her something new​

René Tofilau
4th Year Hufflepuff
René is a follower, not a leader, and is in need of some leaders to attach himself to. He'll go along with pretty much anything if he thinks it'll make people think he's cool so I'd love a few threads with terrible ideas, dares, or games with his fellow 4th years where they can make fools of themselves (or maybe just René). He also has a big crush on Gwen Goodwin but it doesn't seem to be working out so he might need to move on or at least try to..
Needs: Friends, people to take advantage of him, a fling or two (any gender)
, Quidditch plots​

Cameron Roswell
2nd Year Slytherin
There's no getting around it, Cameron is a brat. He's got a chip on his shoulder about magic after losing his magical parent very young and being raised by a muggle parent. I'd love for him to interact more with some of his housemates or find some classmates to pick a fight with. It's not hard to get on his bad side, he'll take most things said to him the wrong way on purpose.
Needs: Enemies/conflict, maybe someone he hates to have a crush on :r

Marnie Frogg
1st year Hufflepuff
Marnie! If you haven't seen her around, Marnie is my new resident chatterbox, she will not stop talking once she gets going. She has a very curious nature and also loves getting crafty. I'd love her to make some friends who are more artistically inclined or find a few people she can annoy with her constant talking and questions.

Needs: Friends! Enemies! Maybe an older student or two to crush on?​


Professor Angel Castillo
The new-ish Slytherin Head of House and your upper year Herbology professor. I'm always happy to have plots with Angel if you want a professor involved whether it be for class related struggles or needing someone to bust a character. Angel's also here for any and all Slytherin related plots!​

The Blue Lady
A portrait on the 5th floor, Blue is always happy to chat with a lonely student or two. She has a particular fondness for Ravenclaws and will sometimes pop by for a visit in their common room though her shy natures keeps her from traveling much further.​

Maris Wormwood
HNZ Caretaker, Maris is number one at ending student fun if it causes a mess. If you want someone to bust your char or get them in trouble, look no further. I'd also love some romance or friendships with her fellow staff, it's lonely telling kids off all day..​

I've only listed my "In School" chars as they're my main focus atm but I'm happy to talk about plots with my non-student, graduate, or other school chars if you have any ideas 👀
You summoned me.










Message me for discussion
Message me for discussion
Do you mind picking a few ideas and posting them here? I will 100% lose stuff in Discord so I'd like to try and keep even just the general idea here so I can keep track and we can do finer details elsewhere if you'd like 🙏
right right lol fair enough.

Sawyer/Hamish. They're both on the Quidditch team, I can't recall if these were the two that had bonded in his first year but I can see some team bonding with them.

Brooke/Aubrey. I think Aubrey is finally a good level of confident if you want to try for a new friend for Brooke, Aubrey could make a good non-judgmental support friend.

Salem/Aubrey? Not sure if its too soon but Aubrey would love to stay friends and still just hang out.

Salem/Jordie. Jordie needs his knight you know, Salem and him need to have more adventures/catch up.

Rene/Jordie. Jordie is just basically adopting all the younger quidditch kids so really he and Rene are a given here.

Rene/Charlie. They need more friendship things. Charlie might be up for some adventures.

Cameron/Soren. I have no idea how it will go but it could be fun to try.

Cameron/Akihiro. Akihiro is an older Slytherin with a very carefully crafted image. Also not sure how it could go but willing to discuss.

Marnie/Cas. I have no idea if a seventh year could count as a hopeless crush but he does lead the arts club and it could be fun to have him talk with her/do some crafts with her.
hi this is me throwing in some v limited ideas 👀

Sawyer x Ana Sofia: they could freak out together? Sawyer about being captain and Ana about being a prefect? She also obviously considers him a friend so there you go

Salem x Isaiah: I feel like these two should’ve been actual friends a while ago

Marnie x Senna: could be (extemely talkative) friends!! Senna has zero creative bones in her body whatsoever so she'd be easily impressed by any crafting Marnie has done (also if you want her to crush on an older student at some point I could offer Isaiah or Ana Sofia?)
I will totally start a thread for Michael and Sawyer to talk Quidditch on the weekend when I am not doing an assignment/waiting for some apps to go through so my muse can stop being held hostage :r

I also think Aine and Cameron should talk more and completely rub each other the wrong way as I could see them just not getting each other and being annoyed with each other despite probably actually having a few things in common :lol:
Sawyer/Hamish. They're both on the Quidditch team, I can't recall if these were the two that had bonded in his first year but I can see some team bonding with them.

Brooke/Aubrey. I think Aubrey is finally a good level of confident if you want to try for a new friend for Brooke, Aubrey could make a good non-judgmental support friend.

Salem/Aubrey? Not sure if its too soon but Aubrey would love to stay friends and still just hang out.

Salem/Jordie. Jordie needs his knight you know, Salem and him need to have more adventures/catch up.

Rene/Jordie. Jordie is just basically adopting all the younger quidditch kids so really he and Rene are a given here.

Rene/Charlie. They need more friendship things. Charlie might be up for some adventures.

Cameron/Soren. I have no idea how it will go but it could be fun to try.

Cameron/Akihiro. Akihiro is an older Slytherin with a very carefully crafted image. Also not sure how it could go but willing to discuss.

Marnie/Cas. I have no idea if a seventh year could count as a hopeless crush but he does lead the arts club and it could be fun to have him talk with her/do some crafts with her.
I'm gonna grab some of my favourites for now and we can loop around to the others a lil later

Sawyer x Hamish - Yes, totally keen for them to build up more a relationship. If I remember correctly Sawyer even suggested Hamish try out during his first year so I'd to strengthen their relationship more on or off the pitch

René x Charlie - Roommates Roommates 👏 René's always felt a little bit left out with the musically inclined kids in their dorm, maybe he can come to Charlie to help him learn to play something?

Cameron x Akihiro - I was talking to Sofija in her PD about Cameron potentially befriending Aika, maybe we could drum up some conflict between them over that? I figure Akihiro's pretty protective of her and in his defense, Cameron sucks

Marnie x Casper - I'd have to see how they interact to confirm if he's crushing potential, but I 100% plan for her to join CAC so them hanging out would come pretty naturally

Sawyer x Ana Sofia: they could freak out together? Sawyer about being captain and Ana about being a prefect? She also obviously considers him a friend so there you go

Salem x Isaiah: I feel like these two should’ve been actual friends a while ago

Marnie x Senna: could be (extemely talkative) friends!! Senna has zero creative bones in her body whatsoever so she'd be easily impressed by any crafting Marnie has done (also if you want her to crush on an older student at some point I could offer Isaiah or Ana Sofia?)

Sawyer x Ana Sofia - Yess, I do enjoy their friendship so far I'd love some more when them. Do you feel up to starting something for them soon?

Marnie x Senna - Ohoho the absolute chaos of them sounds great, I don't mind starting something so they can meet and then never stop talking again (Maybe an open thread for peak chaos)

(Also I can 100% see Marnie being head over heels for Ana Sofia, esp since she's also in CAC and in Marnie's house)

Salem x Isaiah x Jordie - I feel like this is a recipe for something very stupid to happen and I'm totally down with that... Maybe something Quidditch related? Helping Salem with some broom tricks or something irresponsible involving a bludger?

I will totally start a thread for Michael and Sawyer to talk Quidditch on the weekend when I am not doing an assignment/waiting for some apps to go through so my muse can stop being held hostage :r

I also think Aine and Cameron should talk more and completely rub each other the wrong way as I could see them just not getting each other and being annoyed with each other despite probably actually having a few things in common :lol:
Sawyer x Michael - I was planning on PMing you about Quidditch stuff as soon as the semester officially started too I'm psyched this plot 👀

Aine x Cameron - ngl, I had Aine in mind for Cameron to potentially have an awful crush on since I'm sure she'd get on his nerves and vice versa he'd be so mad about it.. I totally promised you a thread for them last year as well that I never started (sorry :x) so I could start something for them to butt heads over?
ngl I thought about Aine getting an awful and ultimately ill fated crush on Cameron at some point so that works well lmao

lol no worries, things get busy! Yeah if you wanted to start something that'd be great, and I'll start the Quidditch one either when I get home from work tonight or tomorrow :D
Krisssss Hiiiiiiiiii

I've been wanting to plot with you for a bit, but I get shy to message you 👉🏻👈🏻

Anywayssss I have a few characters to offer to you! Feel free to pick and choose which ones you're feeling more towards.

René + Nolan - They're roommates, and I don't think we've done much with them or have them interact that much, though I think they've maybe hung out a couple of times behind the scenes.

Cameron + Abby - We've had them interact a couple of times, I do like they're dynamic and would like to see where it goes.

Marnie + Josh/Lizzie/Abby - I'd like to offer any of my first years to you for Marnie. Josh and Marnie have met already, I think they'd get along. Josh isn't the smartest cookie, but he is really social and energetic. Lizzie is the complete opposite to that, she is very shy and isn't that social but im hoping for her to make at least one or two friends. Even though Abby is a year above Marnie, I think they'd be able to get along and they both are into art - but totally cool if you aren't into that, just thought to throw that out there hehe

Blue + Josh - They had a wee small interaction in the message bit which i found adorable. Josh is really into magic, though he is also completely confused with it all. So I think this maybe interesting to try hehe

That's all I have at the moment! Totally cool if there are some that you're not into! I know you didn't add this to your PD but also always keen for Sydney and Sam thread whenever hehehe
René + Nolan - They're roommates, and I don't think we've done much with them or have them interact that much, though I think they've maybe hung out a couple of times behind the scenes.

Cameron + Abby - We've had them interact a couple of times, I do like they're dynamic and would like to see where it goes.

Marnie + Josh/Lizzie/Abby - I'd like to offer any of my first years to you for Marnie. Josh and Marnie have met already, I think they'd get along. Josh isn't the smartest cookie, but he is really social and energetic. Lizzie is the complete opposite to that, she is very shy and isn't that social but im hoping for her to make at least one or two friends. Even though Abby is a year above Marnie, I think they'd be able to get along and they both are into art - but totally cool if you aren't into that, just thought to throw that out there hehe

Blue + Josh - They had a wee small interaction in the message bit which i found adorable. Josh is really into magic, though he is also completely confused with it all. So I think this maybe interesting to try hehe
Yaay Maria :hug:

René x Nolan - Yes, I imagine they're pals but not as close as some of their other roommates (I kinda think René's a bit jealous of the band bros in their dorm and wants to try and impress them if he can...). Maybe we could do some sort of late night dorm thread or something?

Cameron x Abby - I love these two, I think Cameron likes feeling like Abby needs him to stick up for her a bit perhaps. I'd be down with him trying to goad her into doing something "interesting" (I imagine Abby likes to chill and just draw a lot) or even just a lazy thread of them hanging out working on school work or something (Cameron's a bad student so he's easily distracted when trying to work)

Marnie x Josh/Lizzie - I'm totally game for some firstie threads! I'm gonna stop procrastinating and join the Puff girls thread so we can kick off how Marnie and Lizzie interact, and Josh and Marnie have already left so she'd be keen to talk his ear off of anything he's particularly excited about, or maybe convince him to let her charm his shoes neon yellow or something.

Marnie x Abby - This could be very cute, maybe they can meet in the Arts Room or after she's joined the arts club?

Blue x Josh - Yess, more threads with Blue! She's happy to answer questions, she just likes it when kids stop to talk to her 🥰

(Sam x Sydney - Also 100% here for this, if you don't mind that I'll be extra slow with non-students. Maybe they can catch each other up on their lives since they left school, Sydney has Many Opinions on what her classmates are doing :r )
René x Nolan - Yes, I imagine they're pals but not as close as some of their other roommates (I kinda think René's a bit jealous of the band bros in their dorm and wants to try and impress them if he can...). Maybe we could do some sort of late night dorm thread or something?

Cameron x Abby - I love these two, I think Cameron likes feeling like Abby needs him to stick up for her a bit perhaps. I'd be down with him trying to goad her into doing something "interesting" (I imagine Abby likes to chill and just draw a lot) or even just a lazy thread of them hanging out working on school work or something (Cameron's a bad student so he's easily distracted when trying to work)

Marnie x Josh/Lizzie - I'm totally game for some firstie threads! I'm gonna stop procrastinating and join the Puff girls thread so we can kick off how Marnie and Lizzie interact, and Josh and Marnie have already left so she'd be keen to talk his ear off of anything he's particularly excited about, or maybe convince him to let her charm his shoes neon yellow or something.

Marnie x Abby - This could be very cute, maybe they can meet in the Arts Room or after she's joined the arts club?

Blue x Josh - Yess, more threads with Blue! She's happy to answer questions, she just likes it when kids stop to talk to her 🥰

(Sam x Sydney - Also 100% here for this, if you don't mind that I'll be extra slow with non-students. Maybe they can catch each other up on their lives since they left school, Sydney has Many Opinions on what her classmates are doing :r )
René + Nolan - Oooo late night dorm thread sounds great!

Cameron + Abby - Yessss I love them too hehe! Ooo love that, that's cute hehe! Abby does consider him as a friend, even if she might not admit that. I'm happy with either or, whatever works hehe! I feel like Abby will at least try to have him do work, but I don't think it would turn out that way bahaha

Marnie + Josh/Lizzie - That's all good hehe! Josh would automatically say yes to charming his shoes or anything into a different colour. No need for convincing from him, he'll think its cool! bahahaha

Marnie + Abby - Yeah, that sounds all good to me!

Blue + Josh - Awh yay! ehehe! He may have a habit of asking a lot of questions :teehee: x_x

(Sam x Sydney - Oh yeah, that's totally fine! Absolutely no rush with them ahaha)

Are there any of these you're keen to start? I can start off what's leftover, unless you wanna spread these out? I'm totally cool with anything, I just don't wanna overwhelm ya :)
Are there any of these you're keen to start? I can start off what's leftover, unless you wanna spread these out? I'm totally cool with anything, I just don't wanna overwhelm ya :)
I'd be down to start Marnie x Josh and maybe Cameron x Abby if you could grab René x Nolan and Josh x Blue and we can loop back to the others once things get rolling a bit?
Jenna and Nicole Fisk. After shcool end she wanna know how is going her life and hope wedding be soon with Ajaccio xD. She is mayby move Texas with Austin but right now i wanna plot with her.
Jenna and Nicole Fisk
Hey Maiya! I'm mostly focusing on school kids right now but if you don't mind me being slow we can still do something with Nicole and Jenna, it'll just be a little bit before I can get to it :p
Hello hello!

I would love for Emmanuel to meet the blue lady, I think he'd be intrigued by paintings and ghosts so he'd certainly chat with her if he could.

Also for others Marnie and Emmanuel could meet too Emmanuel is not an artsy type but he has the patience of a saint.

Also for Cameron could hang out with Aurora and Rosie? maybe get annoyed with them both or individually. Can also offer Eugene here from the Accio connection?

Can always also offer Liusaidh and Brooke to spend time together? She's probably not going to help her mood, but drama can still be fun.
I'm gonna grab some of my favourites for now and we can loop around to the others a lil later

Sawyer x Hamish - Yes, totally keen for them to build up more a relationship. If I remember correctly Sawyer even suggested Hamish try out during his first year so I'd to strengthen their relationship more on or off the pitch

René x Charlie - Roommates Roommates 👏 René's always felt a little bit left out with the musically inclined kids in their dorm, maybe he can come to Charlie to help him learn to play something?

Cameron x Akihiro - I was talking to Sofija in her PD about Cameron potentially befriending Aika, maybe we could drum up some conflict between them over that? I figure Akihiro's pretty protective of her and in his defense, Cameron sucks

Marnie x Casper - I'd have to see how they interact to confirm if he's crushing potential, but I 100% plan for her to join CAC so them hanging out would come pretty naturally

Salem x Isaiah x Jordie - I feel like this is a recipe for something very stupid to happen and I'm totally down with that... Maybe something Quidditch related? Helping Salem with some broom tricks or something irresponsible involving a bludger?
Would Sawyer approach Hamish?

I can start Charlie/Rene, can I say Rene is in his bed?

Akihiro is fairly protective of Aika, he could try to get a feel for Cameron, do you want to start?

I can start something for Marnie and Casper?

@Isaiah Thompson As a prefect Jordie won't use a bludger buuuut he might try to supervise broom tricks yes
I would love for Emmanuel to meet the blue lady, I think he'd be intrigued by paintings and ghosts so he'd certainly chat with her if he could.

Also for others Marnie and Emmanuel could meet too Emmanuel is not an artsy type but he has the patience of a saint.

Also for Cameron could hang out with Aurora and Rosie? maybe get annoyed with them both or individually. Can also offer Eugene here from the Accio connection?

Can always also offer Liusaidh and Brooke to spend time together? She's probably not going to help her mood, but drama can still be fun.
chanting: emzies emzies emzies

Emmanuel x The Blue Lady - Yess, like I mentioned she has a soft spot for Ravenclaws especially. Maybe I could start a thread in the common room where they could chat?

Marnie x Emanuel - god knows she needs some patient friends, I'd be down for throwing them together! Do you feel up for starting something and Marnie could come bug him about it? Maybe he's on a ghost hunt or something?

Cameron x Aurora/Rosie - Haha I'd be down, I think he's already annoyed with them on principle on account of there being two of them. Maybe he needs something for class from one of them and ends up talking to the wrong one or something?

(I'm also down for Eugene and Cameron I want more club stuff but maybe a lil later)

Liusaidh x Brooke - I'd be game for another dorm thread? I feel like Liusaidh's a prime candidate to either rub the prefect thing in her face or not give a sh*t about grades/school that Brooke might be able to take a few notes 🤔
Would Sawyer approach Hamish?

I can start Charlie/Rene, can I say Rene is in his bed?

Akihiro is fairly protective of Aika, he could try to get a feel for Cameron, do you want to start?

I can start something for Marnie and Casper?
I was thinking if René want's Charlie's advice maybe I could start that one? And then you could start Hamish and Sawyer, even if it's just like Hamish out on the pitch or in the locker room and they get talking?

For Akihiro and Cameron, maybe we can see how Cameron gets along with Aika first and circle back?

And yes, feel free to start something arty for Marnie and Casper :wub:
chanting: emzies emzies emzies

Emmanuel x The Blue Lady - Yess, like I mentioned she has a soft spot for Ravenclaws especially. Maybe I could start a thread in the common room where they could chat?

Marnie x Emanuel - god knows she needs some patient friends, I'd be down for throwing them together! Do you feel up for starting something and Marnie could come bug him about it? Maybe he's on a ghost hunt or something?

Cameron x Aurora/Rosie - Haha I'd be down, I think he's already annoyed with them on principle on account of there being two of them. Maybe he needs something for class from one of them and ends up talking to the wrong one or something?

(I'm also down for Eugene and Cameron I want more club stuff but maybe a lil later)

Liusaidh x Brooke - I'd be game for another dorm thread? I feel like Liusaidh's a prime candidate to either rub the prefect thing in her face or not give a sh*t about grades/school that Brooke might be able to take a few notes 🤔
:emzies: :emzies:
Yes to all of this! Happy to start something for marnie and Emmanuel, he certainly would go looking for ghosts, because he absolutely wants to know their history. Espeically if you'll start The Blue Lady thread.

Yes to Cameron and the twins, happy to start this, I'll wait till the semester starts and then have it be after a class gryffindors and Slytherin's share. Also good for Eugene and Cameron!

Also yes to Liusaidh and brooke, would you want to start it or shall I?
Yes to all of this! Happy to start something for marnie and Emmanuel, he certainly would go looking for ghosts, because he absolutely wants to know their history. Espeically if you'll start The Blue Lady thread.

Yes to Cameron and the twins, happy to start this, I'll wait till the semester starts and then have it be after a class gryffindors and Slytherin's share. Also good for Eugene and Cameron!

Also yes to Liusaidh and brooke, would you want to start it or shall I?
Sweeet, sounds good! I can start something for Blue and Liusaidh and Brooke since you've got the others 👏
I know you've gotten a lot of replies, so when you're ready and have some time, I'd love our firsties to meet (Marnie and Kate). They're in the same house, so share a dorm haha! Kate's artistically inclined towards knitting/quilting/croteching. She's probably never touched paint in her life though! Kate is really shy, so having a talkative friend, I imagine, could be good for her. I think they could be fun friends ^_^
I know you've gotten a lot of replies, so when you're ready and have some time, I'd love our firsties to meet (Marnie and Kate). They're in the same house, so share a dorm haha! Kate's artistically inclined towards knitting/quilting/croteching. She's probably never touched paint in her life though! Kate is really shy, so having a talkative friend, I imagine, could be good for her. I think they could be fun friends ^_^
Not saying that you should join the dorm thread but you should join the dorm thread :r
Who's got two thumbs and is procrastinating on both RP and assignment work? this guy!
Sawyer x Ana Sofia - Yess, I do enjoy their friendship so far I'd love some more when them. Do you feel up to starting something for them soon?

Marnie x Senna - Ohoho the absolute chaos of them sounds great, I don't mind starting something so they can meet and then never stop talking again (Maybe an open thread for peak chaos)

(Also I can 100% see Marnie being head over heels for Ana Sofia, esp since she's also in CAC and in Marnie's house)

Salem x Isaiah x Jordie - I feel like this is a recipe for something very stupid to happen and I'm totally down with that... Maybe something Quidditch related? Helping Salem with some broom tricks or something irresponsible involving a bludger?

Sawyer x Ana Sofia: for sure, I'll add it to my list!

Marnie x Senna: yessssss!

Salem x Isaiah x Jordie: Isaiah would honestly be up for anything stupid so I'm game (@Jordan Harris)

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