Hot or Not

I would LOVE to interview you sometime, are you free for a coffee?
k a s t e r//outof10
can someone related to a candidate really be the best choice to report on such things unbiased?
pretty // out of ten

I never though pink hair was that pretty but you pull it off.
Keep going,
You can do it!
I'm so humble/OutOfTen
Lol, saying it means you're not!
Pinterest mom // out of ten

Does that mean you are crafty? Or do you just pin a lot of things and pretend you're crafty?
Tree-Climbing Champion / Out Of Ten
Can you teach me?
holland // OutOfTen
are you taking over the school?
Well that explains a lot :glare:
Don't hold yourself back. it is better to be wild and free.
"wild and free"/OUTOFTEN
Not good advice for a werewolf to be giving, don't you think?
You remind me of when I was back in school and i don't just mean because if the werewolf thing. You don't have to suffer alone if you don't want to. If your friends are anything like mine they will always surprise you in the best way possible.
Yass queen!
fighter? OutOfTen
is she though....
Clueless / Out Of Ten
Sounds like something to work on.
Dragons?! OutOfTen
The magical world is insane
First year/10
What is it like being at Hogwarts?
little kid/10
don't grow up too fast, childhood is way more fun than your teens...
Angsty Teen / Out Of Ten
It can't be that bad, right?​
ice cream/ out of ten

I hope your favorite isn't vanilla. That's so boring.
Violence Prone/10
ever thought of directing that energy somewhere more productive? sports are good for you!
hey there/ out of ten
let me take you out. ;)
Does that line ever actually work?

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