Hogwarts Mystery

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
What is it? Do I want it? Will I lose hours of my life to this app? :p
Give me the deets people!!
Hahaha I love it! I've been playing it for about a month now, it's quite fun! I'm on to my Second Year already!
You want it.

You need it.

You can sleep while you wait for new missions to become available.
It's goooodd!! I am not generally a phone app/game person but the screenshots I was seeing got me interested. It's really fun. You can only do so many things per day, but the story so far is really awesome and you feel like you have some kind of say in how the characters develop :D (although I guess I can't know that for sure without playing twice? xD )

DOooooo itt!!
Omg I didn't knew about this yet! Thanks for letting me know xD
Over informative post incoming..

I went into it thinking that it was going to be like an RPG, where you could choose your character and explore the castle, take lessons. In reality it's more like a visual story, and while you can choose your character (And choose your house - No quiz, you can just pick) you're following a set story line and have to complete the various classes and "missions" in a linear order (I've only played about an hour or two myself but this is what it seems to be to me, although you may have the option of going off the linear path slightly, and do two at once etc).

I think one of the main concerns I've seen today is for the energy. Everything you do costs energy and you only have a total of 24. You tend to spend 1-5 doing tasks like talking to people and studying in classes, so this does get used up very quickly. I think 20 mins or so into the game you find the first full duel, but you'll not be able to get passed this as you run out of energy. To get more, you have to wait or pay for it (also expensive), and while you get 1 energy point every 3 minutes, I found I had to wait a while to complete the duel thingy and move on.

Overall I like how it looks (Although not everyone is a fan of the camera angle apparently), but it wasn't exactly what I thought it was going to be. It can easily be quite expensive if you don't like waiting, but it can pass a few minutes here and there like most other mobile games. Also, I've heard a rumour you can't get past Year 3 although I'm not that high yet so maybe someone can confirm? Various places of the castle are blocked off until later years so if this is case it would be annoying imo.

One other point, don't do what I did and make a character that you already know - Definitely preferable I think to make a rando unless you don't mind imagining an alternate universe. I made Olive below, and dammit she does not have a brother!


Of course, I went for Gryffindor..


However pre-set character means LIES!


There are some nice clothing options though :3 This one was just me testing out the outfits, I didn't buy it because I didn't feel like buying 200 gems thank you very much (About $10 for 275 gems)
I got the game yesterday but I haven't played past the avatar creating screen. I'm a little worried about how much I'll be into it xD
The game is fun, but it is a set path. There are definitely some issues with energy. I have failed some missions, because I couldn't get enough energy to pass the star mark. Outfits and customization are mainly for players who pay money for it.

Then again the story is fun and you actually feel hate towards your rival. Trying to pick the ''right'' option makes it endearing and you actually feel like you develop your character. You can't explore the castle freely so it is more of a 5 min look and then log off for some hours. Energy runs out quickly and there are quiet a lot of ''wait three hours'' things. During the wait there is nothing you can do. Which is a shame, a fun bonus game or something would be fun.

You can of course skip this time by paying money, so micro transactions are absolutely everywhere. I do like the game, but it isn't as great as I had hoped for.

7/10 :')
I told Snape that I don't answer to him which resulted in him deducting 40 house points from my house... There goes any chance to end in first place for the House Cup, I guess
I totally did the same but I managed to end first year in first place after like, two additional potions lessons before I did the end of year mission. Totally worth it for the free 100 gems.

I'm not a fan of Rowan(Game Rowan) being sorted into the same house as you are no matter what you pick. I don't see him/her (dependent on player gender) as conveniently fitting in with aaaaaalll of the houses. Though I am loving the story overall. I'm more invested in solving this mystery than helping out Discount-Neville or following The Rules, especially since you're treated like garbage from everyone so early on because of all the ~family drama~.

Again, the wizardy clothing options are one of my favourite parts, I'm in love with them. :wub:
The notification definitely helps me when my energy is restored and/or when my task is about to end. As of yesterday I've spent .99 xD that's it, no more. This game is trying my patience but I can do it.
I haven't gotten it yet, but my I have seen an extraordinary amount of ads for it xD clearly ads know i like harry potter.
I can't stop playing this game because I want to see how it ends xD But it's definitely not my favourite.

I was really disappointed when Rowan was sorted into the same house as me. I thought she'd be put in Ravenclaw so I purposely didn't pick that :r She wanted to give me a history of our house, including a comprehensive biography of our house founder! How is she not a Ravenclaw????

The idea of having an older brother in the game kind of makes me mad. I thought it was going to be quite a free game in that you could design your whole character's life, but instead I feel very restricted by the fact that it follows a path and you can't really change it much. My character often does stuff too that I don't like, or wouldn't do myself, which is also quite annoying.

The only subjects you can do in your first year are potions, flying and charms which is really weird too, especially when they're talking about Herbology and Defence Against The Dark Arts.

Overall, I think it's worth getting regardless. I like how you can pick your own house and that there are different chapters to go through. I just wish we had more of a choice in the actions.
I think because it's being advertised as a "create your own Hogwarts story!", a lot of people will be annoyed, because you are following a storyline, that will probably lead to the same outcome no matter what choice you make? I've just gotten to the point where I can't go any further, so hopefully that will update soon! Haha.
hello im frosty von icemeister and i am here to turn your cursed ice woes into cursed ice WOAHs
hashtag #cursedicecouture


i am the height of fashion in this game
I'm still at first year how can you all go so fast? I so don't have patience to wait all the time xD xD
I thought this title said “Hogwarts Monthly” and I started to read the replies and proceeded to get very confused until I re-read the title.
McGonagall started being weird and I've been laughing at this for so long so I thought I'd just show everyone.

=)) Thats amazing
Charlotte Owens said:
McGonagall started being weird and I've been laughing at this for so long so I thought I'd just show everyone.

That's so weird..the same thing happened to me around the same time last night xD
I’ve been playing. I named my character Kiera Kingsley so her brother ended up as Jacob Kingsley. Pretty funny to me. :p
Potential spoilers for the game/story ahead?
=)) =)) =)) =))


If you close the app after it gives you the option to choose a reward (knowledge/empathy/money/gems etc) it'll reroll them when you reopen it :r
So I'm super late to the party but I finally started playing this and I'm enjoying it xD though I'm glad I knew beforehand that it was a lot of waiting. :cyndi:
Professor Katherine Alicastell said:
If you close the app after it gives you the option to choose a reward (knowledge/empathy/money/gems etc) it'll reroll them when you reopen it :r
Also I think they've "fixed" this as it doesn't seem to work for me anymore :lol:

Yah Daph, it can get tedious haha!

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